HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-02, Page 5CARD OF THANKS We would sincerely, like to thank neighbours, friends, the Legion. and Tiffin 's Orchestra for the Benefit Dance and everyone who helped during the barn fire. Special thanks to everyone who came to help put up the new barn, all was much ap- preciated. • The Howald Family The brothers and sisters of the late Paul Caesar wish to express sincere thanks fo ath r theThes mae nwerepressions of sympy, deeply appreciated'. We wish to express thanks for cards, flowers, and help at home while we were in hospital.' Thanks also to,Doctors Corrin and McKim and nursing staff. Shirley Wraith and Scott I wish to express my thanks to all who sent me flowers, cards and gifts and visited me while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. • Mrs. Percy Graham R. D. Ross wishes to express thanks to all who remembered him in many ways while he was in hos- pital. Thanks also to. Doctors Ow- rm and McKim and nursing staff. Clara Richard's sisters and- brother wish to thank all their friends for expressions of sym- pathy. - - Marian4Huston Catherine Andrew Finlay MacDonald TV AND ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE REMEMBER HELP YOUR RED CROSS CHISHOLM FUELS MIUMNO OILS • SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW PhOhe 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Home an Industry 0 ••••••1141414140111011114011111410011104 FOR " SALE. 3 BEDROOM front • row cottage, Kintail beach, completely furnish- ed, situated on a well treed .lot with a sun deck overlooking ' Lake- Huron. All you need to do is move in. 3 piece bath, hot and cold water,, kitchen, living room, built in cup- boards, fully insulated, aluminum doors and screens, listed at $13,000. Owner will hold a first mortgage. H. D. PURDON Real Estate Limited M.L.S. REALTOR Attractive red brick home, 3 bed- rooms, 4 pc. bath up, large kitchen, dining room and living room with fireplace, situated on 100 acres, with apprOximately 90 acres work= able, drilled well, bank barn, trout creek. On county road, schoolbus- es at gate. Ideal lots approximately 66' x 165' for sale in quiet residential area, near public school, close to high school buses. Price $1,000 to $1,450. The perfect retreat to build your -home, approximately 6 acresi-lood drainage with gravel bottom, com- pletely surrounded by bush except for driveway. On highway 86 in Whitechurch. ANT b ate 5213. ci 1 H, ! L (to home to 111 dace 70863 .will free R. 3 LE s pos istry berm ervic ce sc Insur de 13 top t and g writing ALD, ds Ont. BOAR 1972 OLS F .Y,) Win !.e ltea *Goderi . Grab ace; io .the Bet dions rience IV be Appli ario tea ice will i ace ble Bel !cal Eda elected 1,ed by DES LY) h001, ria God uron P ior Ontario ble Bel apptita telep essed to will be pplicanta, Cha , E Phone Wingham 3573692 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR SALE Try us for any special needs We are well stocked with properties in a wide, price range ALLEN McARTHUR AT FISHERMAN'S' COVE CLAM LAKE PHONE 395-2757 AGENT FOR' Wilfred Mdntee & Co:, Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey arid Bruce Multiple Listings Service List M.L.S. - Over 60 Salesmen Working For Your Telephone: Lucknow 528-3116 R.. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST -.GODERICH The Square (Phone S24-7661) ATIVtArIARPER- CHARTER ED ACCOUNTANT 55- 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone 524-7562 see this home to appreciate it. Your offer will be considered, call to- day for an appointment. 100 ACRE farm in Kinloss town- ship, 85 workable acres, 3 bedroom double brick home, 3 piece .bath, barn 50 x 50, new silo 14 x 40, over- flowing spring,, trout ponds can be easily developed, cedar and, maple bush. Asking $21,900. F.C.C. mort- gage' available, immediate pos- session. MODERN 2 bedroom brick home, 3 piece ' bath; tile, and broadloom floors, electric heat, full basement; plus approximately 40 acres of land and , a barn. Well located in the Dungannon area. This is an''ideal retirement or hobby farm. A num- ber-of-registered-building-kit an extra bonus on this property. Posiession scan be arranged. COTTAGE located at Point Clark,' one yeai• old, 3 bedroom, insulated, lot 85 x 150, located only one block from the water and completely furnished. This is priced right at. $12,300; possession can be arrang- ed. 50 ACRES of retreat acreage, spring fed stream, hardwood and cedar bush, located in West • Waw- ano:ili Township. Listed at $5,800, less than the price of a lot at the lake, N • 0 3 BEDROOM brick home, barn and tool shed located on 3 acres of land 'D close to H.W. 21, drilled well and hydro, located on county highway and priced right. * If you are thinking of buying or have property for sale give us a call. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred McIntee Ca4-Limited WALKERTON Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple 'Listings Service List M.L.S. - Over 60 Salesmeil Working For' You 411041101N1111.00440011101110041.11106 , WSDNESDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1972 THE ..LUCK.N0161' SENTINEL; -LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - PAGE pm. DON THOMPSON UTOMOBILE -INVESTMENTS` To. Protect Your Jack,. Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW i -=-Barrister and-Solititor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in 'the Joynt'131ock We thank the Doctors and nurses of 'Wingham and London' Hospital for the kindness shown to Clara during her illness. Our thanks also to the ones who sent flowers, don- ations and letters at the time of the funeral. The kindnesses shown by neighbours and friends was deeply appreciated and will be long re- membered. ., . Orland Richards and family Mr. and Mrs. Herman Van Wynsberghe and family, wish to ex- press Their grateful appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Scott and family; neighbours and friends, for a sur- prise--party and gift given to them before their • departure from the Auburn district to Belgium. Jim Webster, R.R. 3 Lucknow, Wishes to thank everyone for cards and visits while a patient in the Wingharn and General Hospital. The family of the late Donald Cardis wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for much sympathy shown them during ,his illness, and their recent bereavement, their heartfelt thanks for the beautiful floral tributes, cards and contribption to' Canadian Cancer Society, Doctors and staff of Victoria Hospital, London and Wingham District Hospital. A special thanks to Rev. NiCholls,. the pallbearers, MacKeniie Funeral Home, and U.C.W., and to all who helped in any way. All these'kiad- nesses were much appreciated. INVESTMENT. THE STERLING' TRUST CORP. Prevailing Interest Rates. Retirement Savings Plan Your Representative ALEX MacNAY LUCKNOW TED COLLYER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR . Specializing In ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC WIRING AND REPAIRS . jlydm Financin Available Lucknow - Phone 528-5802 R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 197 JOSEPFEITIE-STRSETT, WINGHAM, PHONE 357-1224 wirkm MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES 'CEMETERY LETTERING. -REASONABLE pRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus, Ph. 357-1910' Res. Ph. 357-1015 MacKENZIE MEMORIAL ,CHAPEL. FUNERAL SERVICE AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE -OF Antiques and other articles will be held for • ALBERT VERHEYE Ripley ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th at 1 p.m. Owner and auctioneers not responsible for any accidents connected with sale Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, • Ripley and Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater AUCTION SALE Representing the contentsof ..an.. Auburn Estate, a Toronto kstate along with additions from Kincar- dine and Wingham. A variety of furnishings which does include many desirable antiquities. Being sold through the facilities of: ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES AUCTION CENTRE Wingham, Ontario MONDAY, AUGUST 7th at 10:30 a.m. Auctioneer: Jack Alexander Plan to attend previews . Friday noon till 9:00 p.m. Saturday till. 6:00, Sunday 2:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. for more information 357-1011 J. A. Currie, Mgr. Estate Marketing Services • • • VALUE , EXCEPTIONAL . • n n n n n REASONABLY 'S Registered building lots in a • small Village, ' good a location."' . :Call for more particulars. a • _ aa a a at • GERRIE and BERNICER • . ,,, • : GLENN • • n DUNGANNON • :Office Phone Goderich 524-9664 114 Residence, Dungannon 529-79240 n CARD OF THAN Services conducted'according to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Mem- orial Chapel at no additional charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 Day or Night a-Call- us to-day -on this two bed-•' - • room, electrically heated new: • mhorne. This home is situated on• :a_large treed lot-and-read- • your inspection. • n PRICED • • and • • ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES es • • 'built in 'cupboards, oil furnace.: • • • • :BARRY.. McDONAGHE • • REP. • • LUCKNOW OFFICE. • • 528-2031 RES. 528.3821 n 111 WANTING LISTINGS at • • • n n n n n ,11 ROSS and 1+YLL1 'HOGGART. ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM HOME, well located on Highway 21 at Kin- tail within driving distance of God- erich and Douglas Point. Recently renovated, this home has modern cupboards and 4 piece bath, forced .air oil furnace, panelled walls and broadloom on floors. Taxes are - only $/18. There is 1 2 acre of land. Im ediate sses 'o You avast CHANCE OF 'A LIFETIME 40 Income property and country' liv- ing, a country store with 6 room living, qriarters and shed. on 1% acres with 2 storey cement Walled barn and car garage 39' x 22'.' 500 gallon underground gas tank for gas pump, Approximately 7 miles • 111 .111 .1111 .011111 .11 .11111110111111 .11111.1 northeast of Lucknow. $6,400. • • n , FOR SALE • Situated on a 'good Street in : ucknow, requirin no 11 , • measuring 82.5' x 132', priced i • • um i 4( 60', also bank barn 55' x 70', • to sell. • • n large 2 storey red brick home fully :GET INTO BUSINESS:,smodernized that you have to see to believe. Located 11 miles 'west of . :By purchasing this garage or: :Listowel just off Highway Prie- m workshop with oil furnace plush ed at 49,000, half down. :living quarters; 3 bedrooms, 3:j apiece bath, large: kitchen and• • acre farm 'situated on HighWay 9, III-Situated-Lon --1‘--acre-of land a I just- 12 miles from Kincardine, :drilled well immediate possess'-•i large modernized home that any • ion as owner has been tranSfer-10 • so am! woman would be proud to live in, ni red. Priced for quick sale. . barn and land in excellent con- s • •n • RETREAT • • dition. Priced at $35,000. Try your a terms. • 50 acres of hills'with a strong n n s p r U. through the 'cedar : trees. Ask- ing $10,000 with terms: • BUILDING LOT " • • RIVER'FARM - 200 'acres with (river running 1,45_acreS 1-11-11773ccellent farm land, balanCe I bush and :pasture; new barn; 52' . Alexander and-i- n . . Chapman •1.1 Realty Limited n GODERICH; ONTARIO 'n • • aisimismiegiiimill1111111111111111111111 I... TV R.R. 3 °R1PLEY TELEPHONE 395-2393 . / K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist ISTOWEL PHONE 291.1511 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY Want a house, a farm or store Call on us we have More