HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-08-02, Page 11972
Hours Friday are from 12 noon
to 10 p.m. and on Saturday from
10 a`. m. to 8 p.m. Admission
to the arena will be 25,0, a bar-
gain in any language.
Besides the displays of crafts ,
a selection of home baking,
garden produce , preserves: and
homemade, candy will be sold.
The official opening of the
Urban Rural
Program Continues
Refractures Leg
After 7 Months
Of Convalesence
•Emerson Howald , injured in an
automobile accident near LOch-
aLsh last Christime time, is back
in Victoria Hospital 'in London
with another brelt in the injured
Emerson suffered a badly injur-
ed left leg in the accident seven
months ago and after a long per-
iod of convalescence was getting •
about' with the aid of crutches.
On Wednesday of last week,
while out for a walk, he fell and
cracked his cast and a second
fall at home the following morn-
ing re-fractured the injured leg,
midway between the knee and the.
hip. -
He was taken. to Wingham Hos-
pital and later/to London's Vic-
-,toria Hospital. -Surgery-was peru--=,
formed on Monday of this week
when a bone graft was done and 'a
plate inserted in the injured leg.
Dies In Vancouver
Ted Avis, husband of the form-
er Joan Crawford of Lucknow;..'
died in Vancouver-0 nes ay
July 19th.: He was in his early
30's. •
The funeral was in Vancouver
on Friday. ,
Mi. and Mrs. Cliff Crawford of
Lucknow flew to Vancouver to be
with their daughter Joan and her
two children, Michelle 7 and
Lori Lee 3, Cliff returned last
Wednesday arid Mrs. Crawford
remained. She will, return home
this week.
To Represent Lticknow Fair
Miss Linda • Stanley, Lucknow ,
;daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. George
Stanley , who was chosen :"Miss
Lucknow Fair" last September ,
will compete with 55 other rural
fair' queens from across Ontario.'
The contest 'will be held on
opening day of the Canadian
National Exhibition and is the
first time in, 94 years history of
the Exhibition that a "Miss CNE --
Sweetheart of the Fair" has been
chosen, -
Miss CNE Will y non:-stop
DC-8 to the Calgary Stampede as
guest of Air Canada. She will
also receive $1000 from the
Sweetheatt Soap. Division Of. the
Ptirex CorpOration, co-sponsor
of the contest , and Tany other
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$6.00 A•Taar In Advaric, — $2,00 Extra. To U.S.A..
112 Exhibitors Book All Space
Second-, 1.4,clinow. -.Summer
etaft festival Is
Slated This Weekend
Lucknow's first Summer Craft
Festival, a fledgling at this time
last year, proved to be one of the
finest attractions ever staged in
The Sepoy Town.
If last year's success indicates
anything, it is certainly the fact
that people will be back to Luck-,
now by the thousands this Friday
and Saturday, August 4 and 5 ,
to once again view the many
displays by Ontario crafters 'at
the second annual. Craft Festival.
Last year it was estimated, that
about 8000 people jammed the
village and the arena where the
crafts were displayed.
Well over 100 displays, up con-
siderably/ from last year, will fill
every corner of the 'arena on
Friday and Saturday for this year's
Hands In Lucknow
Real Estate transactions have
taken place in the past week in
the village..
• Elmo Pritchard of Lucknow sold
his home on the corner of Outram,
and Rose Street to Mrs. Grace
Campbell of Lucknow. It the •
former Plowr.ight home. In the
transaction, Mr. Pritchard acquit -
ed Mrs. Cantpbell's home o
corner of Havelock and Gough..
• Possession will be obtained lat-
er in the Fall.. •
Barger of Ine ---Patil-Gaesar- of R. R.-1-Dungan
Wawanosh to Roland Lamaire of
Elmo also sold his farm in' West July 24th in 'his 46th year.
non passed away in Wingham and
District Hospital on Monday ,
The funeral service was held on
Toronto. The '70 acres is south Thursday , July 27th from St.
of his former hoMe on the 12th, Paul's Anglican Church, Dungan-
next tothe farm of Lloyd Humph- non with interment in Dungannon
rey. It has.no buildings. Cemetery.
v vvvvv-vv Nyny if-vvf-v Nytm v v
Lucknow District Lions Club has eritly 'at whiCh time it was indic-
named a fund raising committee ated that area municipalities of
to raise capital costs of the instal- Lucknow , West Wawanosh,
lation of a new swimming pool in Ashfield and Kinloss would prov-
Lucknow. Members-of the com I ,ide funds for the maintenance of
nittee are Al Hamilton, Bob Fin-
the pool, after it has been instal- lay,. 13 0b McIntosh,, Donald Mac- led , through their Recreation
Kinnon, Harvey Houston, Jerry Committees. Municipal officials
Priestap, Allan Johnson. were polled individually on ,the
Finlay has been named Com- question of the pool and future
mittee chairmap; Al Hamilton Maintenance.
secretary and Allan Johnson treas- The meeting gave the approval
urer, to the Lucknow Lions to spearhead
Total cost of the poolis estima the drive to raise funds through
ted At $35 000. A contract was public subscription to cover the ,
igned with Imperial Pools two
weeks ago.
capital cost of the installation.
canvassers' are, being
"A joint meeting of LUckno
Lions Club
:contacted by the Lions Club and Li
tilts and recreational committees would be appreciated by the Lions
, area municipal coin- any offers of assistance to canvas
d Lucknow Legipn was held ree campaign committee. ,
Streets / •
he, in turn; sold the Canipbell Died In 46th Year home to Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Several farm homes:in the area
have been opened to city'young
people as part of the Urban-Rural ,
Exchange ; a project of the Ontario
Ministry of Agriculture and Food:
acting asi_hosts_for the
week from July 18 a 25 were Jack
Verhulst , R. '3 Goderich; Glen /
Walden, R. 2 Lucknowand
les Wilkins, R. 3 Lucknow.
The .period August 1 to 8 will see
young .people at the farm homes
of Donald Simpson , R. 3 Goderich
and Jack Verhulst , R. 3 Goderich..
The Sentinel has been kept ad-
vised of area' placements by
Dianne Fines , co-ordinator for the
Counties of Huton, Middlesex and
Name Swimming Pool Fund Raising
Committee, Bob Finlay Is Chairman
Ing v "Iry yvv \y/ TAyAr y \yry y \y/ v
guest at the motel, was standing
'on the poC1 deck, .throwing inner
-t-u-bes-to-her-clau-ghter-s,LConnie ,
. Fire continues to plague the
purgSma family ofAshfiel
On Good Friday, a large broil-
er barn was destroyed by fire at
the Burgsma farm, on the 2nd of
Ashfiekl , just west of the Dungan-
non-Nile County Road'.
,A new barn has replaced this
and the first flgock of brOilershas
juit been 'marketed'.
and Cathy , 6 , who were swim-
Harry Burgs= Loses Second Broiler
Barn By Fire, Original Barn
Has Been Rebuilt And Is In Use
.Then on. Thursday, July 13, At
the start of The_SentineLhol ida ys ,
fire again took its toll at the
Burgsma fame An older barn,:
lemodelled about 8 years ago.and
converted to a 4-floor broiler far ,
ility was destroyed by fire.
•Lucknow Fire Department res-
ponded to this call about 10 a.m.
The following"article appeared
recently in the Owen Sound Sun-
Bob• Hall, 'a grade 13 student
at the' OS,CVI, has beeh accepted
in the Ontario Youth Choir. The
choir will practise at lakefield
from August 26 - September 2
and then tour Ontario froth-Sept-
ember 25 until October 2. In
addition to his acCeptance, a
choir scholarship was given the
youthful musician.
Bob, son s. Elwin
Hail of Owen Sound, is at home
with music as most fellows are
Bob H To Tour
Ontario With
Youth Choir
Single Copy 1k 24 Pages.
Screams Of Children
Attract Passing Motorist
Kinlough Woman Rescued
Fro Motel Swimming Pool
A 27-year-old. KinloUgh area
woman was pulled filial the bot-
tom o Lond 011—M ot a-pool:Fri -
da y by a passing repairman who
heard her two children screaming.
The woman, Mrs. Leonard
.(Shirley) Stanley of R. R. 1,
Holyrood was admitted to Victoria
Hospital. 'She returned home on
She was rued by William
Grace„ 35 , 8 Westbury Ave. ,
London, a cable repairman for
Bell Canada , who heard,' Mrs.
Stanley's two'daughters scream=
ing as he drove past the Margaret
Motel, 427 Wharncliffe Rd. S. ,
Mr, brace, who.had to dive to
a depth of' nine feet to get the
woman, applied mouth-to-mouth
Polidi'said Mrs: Stanley was
uncOnscious when brought to the
surface but did hot know how long
she had been on the bottom. ,
Police said Mrs. Stanley, a