HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 20T W ELUCKNOW, °NUMt • •P ENTY
Tickets available from 'Lions Club Members
A ' sincere thank ru feir your patronage and
good wishes to mark the opening of our new store
at Lanes.
We appreciate this kindness etended to us.
Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes of
Kinloss visited Mr: and Mrs. Wes
Young on Sunday.
Greg Gardner Of Lucknow is visit.
ing Mr. and Mrs. Wes Young.
Cheryl Lovett of London is holi-
daying with Mr. and Mrs. George
,young and family_,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and
Kevin of Toronto were week end
visitors with. Mr. and .Mrs. Clif-
ford Young and family.
. Hilda de' Boer•of Langside and
Sandra Gardner of Lucknow are at
Camp-la-mall this week.
William Eadie entitled "Ideals
to live up to" which contained
many worthwhile thoughts. Mary
Eadie and Jill Murray each played
a piano number.
Mrs.' P. A. Murray conducted
a contest "What it takes to make
an Institute". Mrs. 'Ernest Ack-
ert (Sr.) and Mrs. McCullock
were judges for bazaar articles
with prizes going to-Miss Edna-
Boyle and Mrs. P. A. ,Murray.
The August meeting will be a
tour of the Teeswater creamery-,
followed by a dinner party. Mrs.
Lorne Eadie gave the courtesy •re-
marks and all enjoyed another
cup of coffee and lunch,
appliances 96. that they can operate
at peak efficiency. In safety, by
eliminating the hazards of an over.
•burdened Wiring system. Good Teasons
for giving top priority to your home ,
wiring when you consider making
To find out what rewiring can do •
for your home, call a qualified
Electrical Modernization contractor.
soon. Or ask your Hydro.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1,72
• 5-5- 41-
Also noted here on Saturday
were Eugene Martyrs of Kincar-
dine, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McDon-
ald of-GWerich. Mariorie
McDonald)9f Cath,arines , Mrs.
Katherine Alton of Walkerton,
Miss Amelia Ma.rtyn and Miss,'
Katherine Murray of Toronto , Mr..
and Mrs. Lloyd Huston of Toronto.
• * • *
Donald MacLennan, concession
8 east is a patient in.Kincardinc
and •District Hospital.
• • • •
A week ago, Lloyd Wylds of
Ripley and Don Paquette left on a
motor trip to Alberta' and from
thereplan to travel to the Yukon
and Alaska 'it is reported.
• • • • *- •
The ladies of the Ripley •
Women's Institute were in charge
of the lunch booth at the Huron
Township hall last Saturday after-
a. 6 a a •
The Ripley. and District Horti-
cultural• Society are sponsoring
• their annual bus trip July 15.
Some of the places to be visited
includethe Pottery Works at
Southampton, Cape Croker Indian
Reservation, TobermorY , Flower
" Pot Island , and the Owen Sound
shopping mall. A picnic lunch
Tom Alton Is -
Feted'By County
Bruce County Council and
Southampton town council honor-
ed county treasurer Tom Alton at
a special dinner and dance rec-
ently at Southampton.
Mr. 'Alton, who has been coun-
ty treasurer for the past '25 years,
retired. June 30th .
A Second World War veteran
and former teacher , Mr. Alton
recalled that when hebecame
treasurer the county budget was
$400,600`, now it is $2.5 million.
Mr. Alton said he received the
greatest satisfaction from watch-
ing the county progress in the °
past 25 years.
• He mentioned specifically ex-
panded services such as the coun-
ty homes for the aged in Wiarton
and Walkerton.
Mr.- Alton, appointed in July ,
1947, at. Tobermory, said he has
served 26 wardens "all worthy of
the office" during his tenure as
treasurer. He noted that council
now his 42 members and there
have been &sons who followed in
their fathers' footsteps in munici-.
pal office., . .
Among the close to 150 • ests
were Supreme Court, county, and
Provincial judges, Ross Whicher
M.P. for Bruce, Eddie Sargent ,
M.P.P. for Grey-Bruce, Murray
Gaunt , M.P.P. for Huron-Bruce
and county clerk W. S.
Walden Harvey Davis of Elder-
slie Township was master of cere-
-monies and—Ma-yor Dr. D. D.
Mercer• of Southampton• welcomed
guests. The county preented Mr.
Alton,with a teleVision set.
Will be—he-Id-on-thelaoa-t to Flower
Pot Island.
• •
The July meeting of the Holy-
'rood Women's Institute took the
form of a Pot Luck supper on
Thursday evening at the hall with
Mrs. P. A. Murray hostess.
Following a bountifUl meal Mrs.
Lyman Sutton Vice-President took
charge of the meeting, which op-
ened with the Ode and the Mary
Stewart Collect, Mrs. Lorne
Eadie gave .the treasurer's report.
Correspondence included the
announcement of the New Home
.Econornist for Bruce County, Miss
Barbara De ,Visscher and the next
4-H course "dressing up
vegetables"; also the Urbanand
Rural Exchange program, Ripley
Fall Fair prize list and the Kair-
shea bus trip to Owen Sound.
Mary, Eadie was chosen to write
to the Korean girl. Further plans
were dismissed for the Craft Fest-
ival. The roll call was "A blues
chaser". Miss May' Boyle gave a
review of the Countrywoman and
led' in a sing song. Mrs. Gerald
Rhody reported on the 4-1-I Gard-
en Club.
Mrs. Lorne Eadie, program
convener, presided and Mrs.
Frank Maulden read a poem '
7Berry Picking" by the late Dean
McLeod. Mrs. Lorne Eadie gave
a well prepared paper by Mrs.
Murray. McDonald for the week
end. •
. •
Saturday was a re-union• time
for this reporter and his former
students at Ripley. On this occa-
sion, perhaps for the sake of the
news, the girls will pardon the
use of their maiden names. Noted,
here were Margaret MacDonald
of Arthur , Jean McLennan of Tor- _
onto, Iva Smeltzer, , Joan Farrell,
Doug and Charline Farrell of
Tillsonburg • (die former (hartine
Lohnes)„ Ken MacLennan of
Toronto, Farquhar and Mae Mac-
Donald (the former Mae Suther-
land) and son Drew of Brampton,
.Dr. Donald Finlayson of Toronto,
Major Bob MacDonald of Ottawa,
Dr. Donald. MacDonald of Ed-.. .
mouton, Pat Brown of St. Jacobs,
Helen Collins (Mrs. Jerome
Schmidt) of Mildmay, Eileen
Huston, Susan Farrell , Nancy
MacKay of Guelph.
• ir •
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles
as representatives on the Ontario
Craft Foundation, Ontario Depart-
ment of Education, youth and
recreation branch in arts and
crafts, recently attended a dinner
meeting at Chatham. They are
now •in the position of promoting
Crafts in all organizations.
* * •
Ripley beekeeper and his wife
Mr. and Mrs. Morrison MacKen-.
zie of Inverhuron, are this week
visiting with their son and his
wife Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacKen-'
zie in Calgary and attending the
Stampede. They flew from Tor-
onto list Thursday.
7;4. Er '••••:•"•• HMr
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Delivering a constant flow of power,
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Hydro's round-the-clock responsibility.
And because electricity providet' so -
many services so dependably, most .
homeowners can take it for granted.
And yet, in many hOmes,over' ten
years old, the quality of Service is
severely restricted—Simply becauSe
the wiring is outdated and inadequate.
Rewiring can make a world of .
difference: In convenience, by '
providingample.outlets and—switches
where you want them. In performance,
by bringing full power. to your