HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 12PAGE TWELVE • VN WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. WHO'S WHO IN WINGHAM KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE THE FINEST SERVICE IN THE AREA • 15 Diagonal Rd. 357-1230 This firm represents 'one of the foremost Aligninent Services in .. the area. Under the capable guidance of the owner 'KEN ZINN it has become one of the most successful firms of its kind playing an import- ant part in 'the safety and driving pleasure of your car. This firm has all the latest equipment and-skilled mechanicsto make theliecessary correction to provide safer more' pleasant driving for you. Their prices are reasonable, so call this firm and get an estimate on your jo13:You-will-like-the-courteous-and-prompt--attention-you-will--- receive from KEN who established this business having 30' years ex- perience. /You may rely on what KEN tells you about your car or truck, for they are recognized experts in this line, and with the many hund- reds of satisfied customers • already served. We cannot fail in this re- view to tell our friends, readers or anyone who is in need of services, to visit this firm, and assure yourself of the utmost 'in Alignment Ser- vice also the famous Kelly Springfield tire offered to you at 'sensible prices. HAFERMEHL'S JEWELLERY IS UNEQUALLED IN THE AREA. FOR THEIR WIDE SELECTION 201 Josephine 357-2670 HAFERMEHL'S, a most respected name was established about 1958 and very successfully operated by ALLAN HAFERMEHL, who is well known throughout the area. When lookingl for that something Special in the Jewellery or Gift Line, whether for Christmas, Anniversary, Birthday, Wedding or any special occasion it is a certainty that the--products displayed at...- IIAFERMEHL'S,will more than sat .sfy the most particular person. HAFERMEHL'S JEWELLERY is widely recognized as a ,head- quarters for gifts for all occasions. Their immense stock includes one of the largest and finest selections of imported jewellery both antique and modern. Also' featured are fine designs of trays, candelabras, tea sets, etc. In fact you will find here every thing that pertains to a • complete stock in the jewellery line. In this review of the outstanding businesses of Wingham, we wish to cow pliment HAFERMEHL'S for the high quality jewellery and gifts which .he has chosen in good taste and made , available to the people of Wingham and surrounding districts, also the special manner in which business is conducted. You may choose With confidence at HAFERMEHL'S JEWELLERY, as their excellent reputation 'warrants your patronage and where you will feel service is a specialty and not a side line. Jewellery and Gifts; that you Give with Pride, let HAFER- MEHL'S' JEWELLERY be your guide. • STAINTON HARDWARE PROVIDE-S SHOPPING-FACILITIES-TO THE PEOPLE FROM ALL PARTS OF THIS DISTRICT • PATTISON RADIO and. ELECTRIC ONE OF WINGHAM'S PROGRESSIVE FIRMS 188 Josephine 357-2262 This business has been serving the area for over 37 years. They are widely recognized as THE HOME OF QUALITY AND SERVICE and are considered to be' in a class by itself. There is no comparison in , the district. They feature the greatest brand names on the market today. Most outlets carry a few leaders names of merchandise, but this firm has selected the choicest variety in television, AM-FM radio and stereo, HI-FI Transistors, stereo components from leading Manu- facturers and• are well-known as Leading-Dealers in the- district At PATIISON'S yob will find quality in home entertainment very well displayed and where one is sure of finding _something that is suitable. They are .authorized General Electric small appliance ser-vice depot. They service what they, sell as well as service to all makes. . All kinds of quality home entertainment can be purchased here at very reasonable prices, and one is assured of complete satisfaction as this firm is reliable and trustworthy so it is on these points we recommend PATTISON RADIO and ELECTRIC'which is capably owned and operated by JOHN PATTISON. 184 Josephine 357-2910 Many Department Stores and Discount Houses carry some Gen- eral Hardware, lines but your Independent Hardware Store, such as STAINTON HARDWARE, features a most Complete Variety where you can select a Top Quality Line of Merchandise at Popular Prices. Plus the fact that the STAINTON FAMILY and staff have years of experience in, the Hardware Business. Through careful purchasing and by selecting only the finest stock of General Hardware, Sports Goods, Garden Supply, House . ware, and many other tools, paints and thousands of articles too numerous to mention has enabled this Hardware organization to enjoy the ex- cellent reputation they have built. This business' established slice Feb. 1940 by Percy Stainton, -luir-Mauric-E-H-SMiriton-and-he—side.1— Hardware, has a complete sports equipment- and fine gifts of the area • The friendly atmosphere that predomMates at all times, places this store in, a class of its own. In making this review of the pro- gressive businesses in Wingham- we wish to refer STAINTON HARD- , WARE to you, as' one of the distinctive factors of the commercial ef- ency of-thh-area. HOWSON and HOWSON FEED STORE VALUABLE ASSET TO THE ECONOMY OF THIS FARMING AREA 185 Josephine 357-2700 HOWSON and BOWSON is a business dedicated to the farmers of the area and provides besides general Farm products and services, additional consulting and informative services to assist the farm pro- ducers to greater prOfits. ' ' They carry a complete variety of Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizer, Pur- ina Chows, Health. Aids, Garden Supplies plus many other articles too numerous to mention. This provides for the farmers of the area a stopping place to buy quality products at low prices. It is quite understandable why this firm has progressed so rap- idly over the past years as their reliable service plus top quality pro- ducts, have been made available' to the farm producers of the district. 'Their first concern is your complete satisfaction. HOWSON' and HOWSON provides the people of this district a Service and Top Quality Products unequalled in its field . . . . We do not hesitate to recommend this highly 'regarded organization to all of our readers. MILLER'S LADIES WEAR THE WOMAN'S PLACE TO SHOP 252 Josephine 357-1724 - It is very difficult to • place the many distinguished highlights of this shop into words. It is_definitely a ladies_shop in a class by itself which introduces the ultimate' in fashions for the smartly dressed ladies of the area. This shop, established in 1962 is successfully owned and operated by BERTHA and DEE MILLER and features youthful fashions in dresses, suits, coats, sweaters, skirts and slacks. The- personalized service extended at MILLER'S. LADIES WEAR has created a friendly atmosphere well noted by customers. Ladies_ of the district have_ found this shop the ideal place to select their wardrobe. • At this shop your complete satisfaction is their first consider- ation.4!lasr-together-with-the-choice-selectionris --responsible--for--the- . great success they enjoy throughout , a wide area surrounding Wingham. To make your shopping pleasant and much more complete, may we • suggest MILLER'S LADIES WEAR which has much more to offer you than just selling merchandise. This is the shop where cust- omers come again and again and are pleased to refer their friends. We take pleasure in congratulating BERTHA and DEE for bring- ing to Wingham and District a shopping atmosphere, where customers feel comfortably at ease and wanted. We feel, needs and desires for Fashions, Quality and Value will be best served by a visit to this shop. / BROOKHAVEN NURSING HOME . , A_VALUABLE_PROFESSIONAL_SERVICE _ SERVIN G,..... WINGHAM AND DISTRICT ' R.R. 1 Winghani . 357-3430 • This professiOnal service is capably directed by Mr: and Mrs. Redekopp who are dedicated to this profession. They.extend a 24 hour •nursing-service-for-convalescetts -and-those -who -require private-nur- sing care. With the recognition of the fact that people who are ill Or aged need Specialized Care, the Public• and Private Hospitals and Convalescent Homes are becoming more and more congested. It is, an established fact that the country is still, in need of thousands • of beds for patients. Bat this condition is being alleviated to a great extent by, such establishments as BROOKFIAVEN. Also as of April 72 the Canada Government shares half cost per bed for qualified persons here and pay entirely for medication, etc. Here, one can place a member of his family in their care with the assurance and knowledge'thatlbov are receiving the hest of care and attention. The management has surrounded themselves with a - -staff Including Nurses' Assistants who all provide ample care ' and consideration for their patient& It has been their objective to admin- ister to the elderly people and patients the care, diet and hospitaliz- ation that they could not get at home, and thereby assure both the individual as well as the faTraly of the knowledge that eVerything pos- sible is being done for the comfort of the patient. This pleasant Nurs- reco =4 te -a or f err 74-77; care, excele /t Tooand court- eous attention. We are pleased to refer this reputable establishment to all .our .readers, WINGHAM BODY SHOP A WELL RESPECTED COLLISION CENTRE 357-1102 ' SID "ADAMS established his :.popular collision business in 1956. "SID" is a butiness7nPT:t that can' take honest pride in the many jobs they have completed_ With a background-'of years of experience, in the business, assisted by highly experienced body and fender mech- anics plus a choice location with a completely equipped shop, .it is hot surpri,sing, at the success enjoyed' by tit2_ -firm as specialists in a complete collision service. 'innhirlinE tarps. ert paining all offered to the motoring public at a most mast:ma:I:tie price. "STD " and the 'entire staff are known: for the coUrteous -sand prompt attention extended to all customers .This shop prides them- selves in produding the fin est workmanship aided by quality Materials,' which are the only kind• used. All the unique fealiares offered at rea- 1.6onable prices is responsible for their excellent reputation and the 'fact tha SH t ynt OP. will find equal p BODY al in doing business with AINGElAM GREEN'S MEAT A BUSINESS /RECOGNIZ 320 Josephine This business has been ket since 1902 and is sue GREEN who is capably ass' experience. "JOHN" operates Individually operated butcher who. _supply choiee—quality the fact that meats are their the consumer of quality meat& important freshest meats po er Service also custom butch The large patronage en their meats are always chaia need in the community and of the area, this business is work ham and surrounding district, BEAVER THE GREATEST NAM MAINE 405 Josephine This firin enjoys the years of honest business de adian Company with over 3 Quebec: There are '83 branch4 eat Building Supply COmpaq, Their excellent branch by Bill Kartye. They feature! of all types. They are compl MENT STORES, displaying heating equipment' and supp hardware, wallboard and p to_mention. TheirAualifieh quirements Without obligation. for remodelling or building •erhow they can as,,:4 you in Stop- in at BEAVER L Budget Buying for all your Quality Building Produtts at MacIN BAKERS OF D 0,WHICH ARE FA 263 Josephine • The tasty. products of people of this area. Fully r. MacINTYRE BAKERY. est by, GRANT - and MARIE Ma business for 16 years. "GRANT", backed by his ing ever improved bakery p Variety of the Freshest and !Yearn—and Clutaclian-Pastrie In all products of Mg such as eggs, milk, best • ingredients.. which. are careful baked under approved andta •Any of Our readers who to have tried these excellent GRANT and MARIE. at the s ' est recommendation.. • STEDMAN ,A VALUABLE AS 206 Josephine reputation f fr.: of their large and varied sel family have made their store The STEDMAN'S " themselves. Ping. a adt uFraeSi TIT Ea n . MeIxA el1' Se DE PT. nt se; f through od chosen ha voePf cerragechaPi customers. Thev salese ll. The} staff e and 'this. combined with the the owner bring you the best sonnel are responiible for the competent service extended to They featurequality rn etioisseiem home and It is aSTEsliDoppLikng SMias a rt value It of Wingham and sum s' ndMe di:setb:tt excellent constant Qua l ity s.ra P0 Lleinst a etpi7onh d St edm an's Department Store Much More pleasant and Pro V. tat : so • T. 14 North E. • " • nd SIST an. es and Deye by th at In esp not and a co att lug ce age ILDI A ' on, ublic vet of s ROV pme car 1 al you- o ah his RI ROD HIS eatly IS e ave met s is Prod Y, al , ye mix ditio) so y wi cts TO] M I hay hTd- Item or re e lar dam Riot thoi om•ti a of spec here rs. • ally unto to S an ities. rs res resse Pleas You