HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 7COME ON OUT AND JOIN IN THE FUN AT ROCK'S LOCATED ON AINTREE ROAD JUST 2 MILES SOUTODP KINCARDINE WATCH FOR THE SIGNS MUSIC BY JIM PATTERSON .AND THE NORTHERN GENTLEMEN wEDNgspAT, An,y •12.th '1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARK). • PAGE SEVEN Paul's Church, Dungannon To Close, Hold Farewell Service CRAWFORD MOTORS CHRYSLER - DODGE - PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1971 1VIERCURY Comet 2 door, 6 cylinder, 4400 miles 1970 DODGE Coronet stationwagon, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes' and radio :1969 DODGE Coronet 4• door, 6 automatic with radio. 1969 FORD, Custom 2 door, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1969 PLYMOUTH Satelite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1968 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan, 6 automatic, 27,000 miles 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1965 FORD Fairlane, 2 door hardtop, 8 Standard with radio TRUCK 1972 DODGE demonstrator % ton, 8 automatic, power steering THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU DUNGANNON NEWS • St. Paul's Anglican.Church, Dungannon observed a closiN ser- vice on Sunday, July 9 at Ilia. In. The Rev. R. T. Odendahl, rector of the Lucknow Anglican Area Parish, was, in narge of the holy Contmunion Service at whicl. - partieIpated. The Rev. R. T. Odendahl based his message to the congregation on Isaiah, Chapter Verses 1 to 8. • The anthem "From all that dwell' below the skies", was rendered by'the choir , composed of members from Dungannon, Port Albert, and Lucknow with Mrs. Thos. Pritchard of St. Peter's Church, Lucknow , as organist. During service a letter was read from the Rev. R. C. Mc- Clenaghan, on behalf of the Ses- sion'and congregation of the Dungannon United Church exprei- sing regret at the-closing of the church and extending an'invitation to any of the members to worship with them. St. Paul's Anglican Church was opened and dedicated,on June 5 , 1864. The Right Rev; Benjamin Cronyn, Bishop of Huron, consecrated the church on July" 3 Oth, 1869. There will be one more service -for-Sr: P'sul's Church when a Bish- op of the Diocese will be preSent to deconsecrate the church prop .- erty and memorials. Wayne Doer, age 15, R. R./2, Accidents Wingham, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Doer, received a deep laceration to his left knee when a skill saw slipped while working at home. w774,•;* .0:4. • • •• Amberley Air Strip Is Popular AMBERLEY NEWS Flies can bug your stock and reduce your profits. background is Steve Hamilton, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. :Al Ham- ilton. of Lucknow while Mrs. Reiss Shields of Lucknow assists them . in their endeavours. WATCH FOR SEPOY DA SIDEWALK SALE AND LUCKNOW SUMMER CRAFT FESTIVAL AUGUST 4 and 5 .rnewriummilmummummaw Imiorimmisimiumw Farewell Party For Russell-6*cl= s WHITECHURCH. NEWS .. On SatUrday 'evening 'A Fare e1 Pal ,.sponsbred . by Mr, and'. Mrs. John de Boer and and . Mrs, Carl McClenaghan, .was held 'for Mr. and Mrs:_ Russel . GiuntWho recently. sold their . farm to Mr. and Mrs. William . Harman and family of Windsor. 'Music for the. party was furnished icy Tiffins. orchestra.. Calling off was done ,by Brian Rintoul ',and Clark Johnston.. At lunch time Russel and: Ethel were called to the front. John . de 'Boer spoke words of apprecia- tion to thorn as retiring, neigh-, 'hours...froM the. -community.- Carl_ .McClenaghan On behalf of the gathering presented them with a gift of 'money.. Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt thanked all for their kindness in remem- bering them in this way with, a get,togethet of old friends and neighbours and for theit' gift, 'Lunch was served. CO'-OPt Livestock Spray RC-V Provides very effective protection! Ready-to-use for spraying dairy and 'beef cattle., Gives quick knockdown and re ,. CO-OP Barn Spray (with Ronnel) — Ready to use for spraying in and around livestock 'buildings. Four, to six week fly and insect control with each spraying. CO-OP Fly Bait •Granules Scatter bait for, barns, sheds, pens, poultry .cages, garbage control "resistant" flies. CO-OP Ve-Por Fly :Strip Gets flying insects in the air, without contact. Controls flies resistant to many otherchernicals. Ideal for animal buildings, Storage —and milk roomsi-, CO-OP Cygon 4E r— Controls flies in ,and around livestock buildings for 6 to 8 weeks. Dilute to i% before spraying (contains Diinethoate 45%). Also controls insects in. fruit and vegetable crops. CO-OP Livestock Spray (with , Ronnel and Pyrethrins) — Ready to use. Protects your dairy, and beef cattle, hogs and horses from horn flies, stable flies and mosqUitoes. , and house flies, and lice on dairy 'and beef cattle. COntains Ciodrin and Vapona. No dilution required. CO-OP Barn Spray and Back rubber Concentrate — Dual purpose economy. Contains ROn- nel. Readily diluted with water, deodorized keroSene or fuel oil. CO-OP Stock Fly Powder (with Ciodrin) -- Long lasting residual control of horn, stable and house flies, and _Mosquitoes. Shaker:-top for direct application to livestock. CO-OP. Warble Killer (with war before damage starts. Pour or spray along animal's back after diluting. Apply after heel, fly ac- tivity ceases, from September 1 to November 30th. 'Trademark Registe.red Trying out charcoal sketching at the Recreation Showcase at the arena last week end are Danny Pritchard , 8, in the, foreground , son of Ivir. and Mrs. John. Pritch- ard of West Wawanosh. In the The air strip located on the farm of Art.Srneltzeris a busy and handy spot on several occa- ,sions. 'Dr. Ken. MacNay of Wiar- ton landed hisplane thereon~rcOthr°1' viJ • . ,SUnday ,arid 'was soon at .Amberley .to call on his 'brother Bob and other relatives ,in the area.: CO-OP Backrubber Solution (C -V) — Controls stable, horn lucknow Districi Co-op .Phone 528,2125 ctiemicals„ - ,._for...opml-plete insect control programs.