The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 4Mon' Pau" . . ......... • N•%•••••.',.• FOR SALE - 9 ton wagon with 200 bushell V box. Vincent Austin„ R. R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7240. FOR SALE - white annex stove, burns wood or coal; dresser; ches- terfield and chair; T.V. aerial; --kitchen--table and-three- chairs.- Mrs. Harold Stanley, Lucknow. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT, Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. • ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call' Roy Emberlin, your local 'dealer. FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 used Patz stable' cleaners, 7 years old about 250' chain, very reas I nable• .2 used Patz- stable cleaners;- 2 . years old, about 250' chain, like new. LOWRY BARN SUPPLY • Amberley, Ont. R.R. 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 PATZ Farm Automation, Stable Cleaners Silo .Unloaders, Cattle Feeders Andrew Berg Highway 8 1 MILE EAST OF 'CLINTON, PHONE 482-7282 . FOR SALE Model D14 Allis Chalmers trac- tor; model 540 Cockshutt tractor;. model 60 John Deere power steer- ing; model G. John Deere; model -950 Case-swather, with-water-cooled engine and crimper nearly new; model 818 New Holland harvester, 2 row corn head and pick up'; Rex forage box on new 10 ton wagon. APPLY STAN HORSBURGH • At Maitland Farm Equipment Wingham 357-2744 COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hallo, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m, Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games,11freach. 2 Share-t Wealth games. A. $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for $105.00 on 57 calls or $25. consolation prize. WALL PICNIC The Wall Picnic will be held Sunday, July 16th at Dungannon Agricultural Grounds at 12 noon. Art and Lynn Wall, sponsors. I THE 11011C,KNOIN SENTINEL, .LI/CKN.P‘16, ONTARIO . WEDNESDAY, ,11.11-Y 12th, 1972 S vts Wi wa cal Iv pit hol .th! ho: net we in ity th( int tlu Ge - 1 sit an via WI urn - fin ml a 'SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing4o-=have-exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or write. This can .he done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. GIBSON.UPHOLSTERING Furniture - Cars - Trucks Car seats rebuilt -- recovered • Phone Wingham 357-1217 evenings. " FOR SALE ,alfalfa hay, baled and stooked, will load if required. Edbert Bushell, R.R, 2 Holyrood. phone 395-5212. SHOP 'CO-OP For a ,good selection of polyeth- -yle.ne and vinyl webb lawn chairs, vinyl webb chaise lounges and colorful chair pads. Lucknow and'District Co-op HURON - BRUCE, MASONRY' Fireplaces a speciality, brick, block, stone, masonry repairs. Phone 395-2483. • _ 'BARN EQUIPME complete line of Acorn E u • t and Clay me AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of., all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 ,'FOR SALE' -TT 15 sows and 1 hog. Phone 392-6953. THE TEESWATER NEWS is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, 10c--per-copy. If ou-are-interest - inn the news of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. .. acres of standing hay. Phone 395- 2245. , position with Civil Servic e. _ Durham Kinsmen Monster• Bingo ing; Weststeel-ROsco Granaries mixed hay. Jack McGuire, R.R. 5 Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; Luc.know. phone 3951-2827. Salary on Civil Service, scale. in the Durham arena on Friday. Lowry Barn Supply. Amberley, phone 395-5286. CUSTOM swATLUNG. and corn- bining,-Contad--Bill--.Scott-7-395-5038, THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL - Is weeks old. A.4.26 strain. phone Roe 1 BOILS A. MacDONALD .! OPEN RECEPTIOhl for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco. Farms Ltd.. Atwood. 356-2211. : i • * Umbach's Pharmacy,. H. and B, - Discount and ;Johnston's Supertest in Lacltnow. 11P S 4T - hardwood slabs de-," HIGHEST PREY G PRICES , • THE CH I L DR .E N'S AID ward Brown "(nee Nancy MacKay ).: Mos er: paid for dead and disabled cows liver0: 6 cords s24-00. Craig's Saw- SOC I ETY OF ' Music by Norm Durismoor and The and horses. Call collect '881-3459 mill. Auburn. phone 526-7220. HURON COUNTY' Rhythm Pals.. Everyone welcome. served. Service Officer. Nlr May Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. • FOR SALE - Rotary hog feeder. SOCIAL WORKER . in goad condition Wilfred Hackett, FOR SALE --L. over 200 ft of, , Norman Robertson 's History tif,_.2 miramunT1 Contract. I of' the St. AndreWs United Church 'Wagon and raC.k.: AlTis tihal- 'Bruce Cinnity, first pithlisited ,-requirement: ;ian Women.Proceeds to s help our two mers baler; M.F. swather No 36. 1906. second printing irt 1960. LeinSeriicietresaiDriiinpra or related atad- " overseas adopted children. Allis Chalmers spreader. all like PRICE VII PLAYING CARDS 'We also have available the. B. R. 14e4th ' I held on Ju ' 16. 'nine 2 p.m. at Plastic coated ,single decks from sequel of this hook. The History ; Di $1.1.0 up as well as double deckg` of The County of Bruce 1907 - 1968 CHILDR.EN'S AID ' SOCIETY • PLansdleaseown actPaila rmke,mbeKinrscaardyinoure. and euchre decks Jeuchre cards written •I33' Norman McLeod -, , aurora County !particular family. Myrtle Percy, onty1. Drop in .at The Lucknow same price 1 ' 1).0.. Box 218 . Goderich. ant President; Arthur. McCormick, Sentinel_ . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ., i • • quipment or p utton arm- - 15 acres o stern • ng . DURHAM BINGO - , FOR SAT .F. leghorn pullets. 20 Apply in your own handwritin'' to -- ------- !hand*7iting-essential. • . ' the Final Evening; admission $1.00. . - g - • . I • -SILVER • KINLOSS, ONTARIO TABLE PAPER " Table Paper is now available in checked patterns of yellow, green _or _red 36",......wide by 100' length, priced' $3.50 a roll. Also available as before in white at $2.25 a roll.. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE TACK'TACK Come and get it! Saddles, west- ern or English,'new and used; pads, bits, a good stock of every- thing for your horse. (Would like some good used saddles.) Six reg- istered half Arabians, priced to sell. Phone and we will be home. CUNNINGHAMS. TACK HOUSE. Walkerton, 881-1153 , _• . _ Pension,- - Health . and. Insurance :•July 14 and July 28-' at 8:30 p.m.: -EXCAVATLNG. AND TRUCKING benefits. Education . Gtade 13 or I $3,200 cash prizes'; 'a draw each sand -and gravel. Phone Symes ' better. but would consider top-notch night for 19 in. color T.V. and a Bros.. Lucknow 528-3047 or 528-2608. Grade 12. Typing an asset and. good 1972 American MotOrs Gremlin on - i • FOR SALE - a Sunbeam eleCtric lawn mower. Ambrose Redmond, Lucknow;-`phone--528=25-22 - +- - FOR SALE - used 4 cycle lawn- , mowers.' various makes and con-. WANTED -. used.-garden rot° - ; ditiOns. • 5 • 'dollars and, up. Loree tiller. Contact C. J. Martin..R.R. 1 Brothers. -pl-'3615. .• Kincardine. phone.-.395-5419.• • 4 Registrar of Deeds An 'Open Reception will be held FOR SALE - used rabbit cages Box 160, Walkerton, Ont. !in the Ripley High School Audit- and feeders Ron Baird. Bluth. „ orium Saturday,' July 15, folloWing R.R. 7 Locknow. phone 529-7*. To assume corathunity develop-1 , VARIETY CONCERT - merit, research and selected case ; In the Ripley Town'Hall, WedneS- THIRO duties in a Family Services Pro- day, evening, July 26th at 8:30 NOW AVAILABLE gramme, Beginning mid-August On p.m., sponsored by the 'Olivet Unit ROOFING EXETER ROOFING AND SHEET METAL CO. LTD. • Free Estimates And we guarantee our work Phone_2354357 24 hr. answering service . /Exeter, Ont. s neie. Frank Alton phone 52.47218 .. dd i d , . PERCY PICNIC ' Applicants are invited to submit 51 or shipping- sti handling resume with three references'to: .1 The Ananal c critic will be •• , Secretary Treasurer. ..... • FOR SALE • - - - HELP. WANTED the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.' an intemiew with the Provo] MALE OR FEMALE aint- HEW' WANTED Luck-. Young person for clerks position th B one week old. Phone 392-6693, Lloyd MacDONALD REUNION Kean, R.R. 2 Holyrood. The 43rd MacDonald Reunion will be held at the Cedar Grove on the ate entrance, pri‘ ate-bath. broad- loom •throughout• immediate posy WANTED - a wooden flat topped farm of David and Finlay Mac- 6n.p.n. Elmo Pr4thard. 528-2747 hiankpthoxMr_sl ,eonan:L-Chish,-Donal&4shfield-T-ownship-ugust---, - - parks, museum, art gallery; dinner at 5 pm., shopping; bus fare $2 Harold Campbell. . • . in e ruce County Registry. and - SALVAGE WANTED - will buy scrap metal, high prices, free pick- up. M. and A. Salvage, R'. R. 3 God- erich. phone 529-7159, • olin, Dungannon 529-7912. • HAY WANTED -- about 600 bales mixed' hay. Bob Campbell, Luck- now, phone 529-7417. WANTED All types of fat and replacement cattle. PHONE IN THE EVENING 832.5865 or phone. 881-0863 WANTED Lunch requires' OPEN RECEPTION An Open Reception will be held in. the Lucknow Legion Hall on Saturday,,July 15th following the marriage of Mr. and Mrs.-Jim Murray (nee Agnes COnley). Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Lunch served. ENTERTAINMENT - FORMOSA July 30 -Palace-Gardens.--Enter- tainment by Richard Huber, Allan Miller and special talent from Langside. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Don't forget the Blood Donor Clinic at CKNX, Wingham this afternoon.. atict, _evening,_„ (to-day, ednesdaY) from , 3 - 5 and 7 '- 9 A Reception will be teld for. Mr. and Mrs.-Donald Geddes (Marilyn Pollock) in Kinloss. Coinmunity Centre, Friday, July 14th. Music by The String Dusters. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. ' 5 , 1972. Gaines at 3. Supper at 5. in advance July 15th. Contact Mrs.. BUS TRIP l'(airshea W:I. ,is sponsoring a bus.tour to Owen Sound, July 20th; .m'. 'RECEPTION . • ..HILRAY FARMS ..LTD. ABATTOIR, .HOLYROOD The.best in' Home Grown. Dry Fed, Drug. Free Beef . "Tr' our Fresh. Home Made Sausage Custom hil ling by appointment: Phone '528-2.: • Anyone wishing to' bowl on, he Ladies. 9'• p.m Bbu ling League; please contact. Mrs • Wm. Bolt, ' phone, 52S-3619-by August •iS NOTICE • RE SERVICE OFFICER . Anyone wishing information, a • 1 vice or assistance. 'regarding War disability pensions, treatment, al• , loWances.• etc . is .requested to con. tact Irvine .Eedy; Dungannon not later than July 24th. to art:cial COMING EVENTS WINGHAM BINGO Winghain Legion Bingo at Legion Hall, Wingham, Wednes. day, July 19th at 8:30 _pm- 15, egutar . games, $10 mu each game; 2 share-the-wealth ,games; $50 special must go; Jackpt game $580 on 6 call s' with $35 cow, ation. Admission $1.00. Extra and special cards 3 'for 50c or 7 for $1.00. HORTICULTURAL PICNIC At Ashfield Park on Monday,. July 17. Anyone planning to attend please phone Mrs. Ross Cumming or Ada Webster by Friday, July 14th so that a bus may be hired &is will pfck up members at the parking lot at 2:30 p.m. Bring own dishes and' cutlery and non mem• bers are welcome. . 50th ANNIVERSARY Mr. and. Mrs: Wm. John Ensign, WOlfe Street,- Goderich-will-be: at home to their relatives, friends and neighbours, 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to 9:00, 'Saturday, July 29th, on the occasion of their '50th Wedding Anniversary. No gifts please. OPEN RECEPTION An' Open Reception will be held on Saturday,: JUly 22nd at. Radii CornerS Hall following the mar- riage of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper (Judy Thorburn). Music 'by Boyd's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Lunch will be served, ANDREW • LANE ,PICNIC The ,Andrew Lane picnic will be held aril Ashfield Picnic Ground on Sunday, August 13th. Everyone welcome. APARTMENT. FOR RENT .- grolind floor, electric heating, priv• • LOST - mouthpiece for fife in the irichiity of the liucknow Leg1011 Hall. ContaCt Charlie, Mcquillin, phone 52-5551 DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHERS PHONE 524,7401 FOR ESTIMATO• NOTIC SANDBLASTING 10ST LI' AL 4 PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham, James Snyder, proprietor, phone 3574851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed and manure handling equip- ment; stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Flinn Ser- vice Centre, Clinton. 482-9561. WOOD 1:'OR SALE - hardwood or softwood slabs, in ten cord loads, we deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, phone Teeswater 392-6895. FOR SALE CAPONS FOR SALE Oven-ready capons, 65c lb. G. Palmer, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone FOR. SALE - one serviceable age Holstein bull. Joe Van Osch, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone 395-2865. - - ' PAPERING PAINTIN Floor Sanding and Spray ing., Fred Ernberlin, Phone now , • Y2 gallon ice cream'- 85c With $5.86 purchase'- 75c RESTAURANT Now OPEN New Life Feed Dealer . Open Daily 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday Evening BENEFIT DANCE ,A Benefit, Dance will' 'be held for Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold Howald on Friday, 'July 14 in the Luc_know Legion Hall. -Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. FOR RENT