HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-12, Page 2THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TWO Students and staff at 'Brookside Public School paid tribute at a . recent assembly to' Angus MacLen- nan, principal of the school since it was. Opened. Angus has been-appointed tO a. new. position as principal of Hullett Central School. A framed portrait of, Mr. MacLennan has been hung in the Brookside School as a tribute to his years Of service there. He is pictured with Janet Whytock, 13 ,, daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock, on the gulling_ of the grade. 8 graduation. Janet . was the class valedictorian. AND CARPETS . The. LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town" — On the Huron-Brum Boundary Second Class. Mail Registration Number 0847 Estplished 1873 — Published. Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A.. Subscription Rate, $6.00 a year, in advance — to the U,S,A., $8.00 Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WECINEWAY, JULY 12th, 1972 ditO cr. A NEW SWIMMING POOL SOON A REALITY It's finally off the ground.' A new swimming pool to servirLucknow and surrounding rural area will soon be a Thanks to the leadership of. the Lucknow and District Lions Club, who have pledged their support in/ spear- • heading the raising of funds by public donation, the swim- -- mingpool pito-feet is finally moving. . On a number of occasions in' past years the pool project reached the talking stages, but always got bogged down for a variety of reasons. This time it's for real! The decision to proceed with the project was reached at a meeting in the town hall last Thursdirand-the LucknOw and= District -Lions Club- is to be congratulated for taking the leadership in this import- ant community project. We know that the funds to finance this project will be reached easily. In past years, when an important commun- ity project was commenced; . people of the area, as well as former_ residents and friends living at distance, were quick to respond with financial help and good wishes. We are sure they will do this again. • ' While many people have been involved in the pro- motion of a swimming pool to serve the area, one L' name should" not' go unmentioned in this article. Bill Ilunter, chairman of the Lucknow Recreation Committee, worked very hard in securing information on a pool. Bill's hard work proved fruitful last week when the decision was made to go ahead. Your financial help will be needed and we know that all community minded ci ens will do their part. reality. Died In Hamilton Peter Edwin Carripbell of Ham, ilton passed:away in St: Joseph'S Hospital on Wednesday, June • 21st in his 60th year. He is survived by Ls wife, the former Kathleen Clench, one daughter Mrs. William (Rosemary). Lya4, his mother Mrs. Isabelle Campbell and two grandchildren, all of Hamilton. • Mr. Campbell was an elder of Central Presbyterian 'Church , Hamilton, a member of the Lodge of Ancient.Land Marks, No. 654 A.F. and A.'M. and the Hamilton Chapter Rose Croix. The funeral service was held in Central Presbyterian Church with interment in Woodland Cemetery. Attending the funeral from this area 'were Misses Sally, Louise and Ma-ble-MacDoriald , Finlay MacDonald , ,David MacDonald , Mrs. Jean West; Bob Campbell, Reg Campbell, ,Mrs. S. B.. Stru- thers, Mrs'. Sarah Blue , Mrs. Noble Johnston._ • 'Mr. Campbell was well known. in the .Lochalsh and Arnberley area , where„he.spent many Of his boyhood summers at the . .• MacDonald farms. WATCH .FOR • 4, • WEDNESDAY. JULY 1.2th,1971 Poitrait Honours Angus MacLennan ENGAGEMENT ,--WINTER,,-BONNETT •The engagement is announced WAR ZrAWRY ME of-Jea-n-llener-d-aughtet-ef- 'Archie Bonnett and the late Mrs. Bonnett of Holyrood to Riehard Eric Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Winter of Stratford. The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, August 5 at 4 p.m. at the Kin- lough Presbyterian Church. /. SMITH - ADAMS Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Adams of R. R. 5 Lucknow ate happy to announce the forthcoming mar- nage of their second .daughter Carolyn,Jean, to Mr. James M. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Smith of Goderich.' The wed- ding will take place -on Saturday, July 29th at 4 o'cloCk in the Whitechurdi United Church.. MILLAR - MacDONALD Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacDon- ald of St. Helens are pleased to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Vera Elizabeth to Mr.. Gordon Millar , son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mil- lar of Kitchener. The wedding will take place on Friday, Aug-.•KRAUS ust 18 aril p.m. in-ST. 'Helens United, Church. Two Fire Calls In Past Week LliCktIOW Fire Department re- sponded to two calls within the pa'st week. On Thursday night of 'last week, about 8 p. m. they made a run to the farm of Lorne MacDonald in Ashfiekl, the former Frank Himilton place. A fire had brok. en out on the roof of the barn, It MacDonald pulled off several' boar, and firemen used water OR the r001. The barn was saved, On Monday , at won hour, a car:. fire did damage to the front seat and door of the•car of Bill Howald at the residence of his iarents, Mr. and Mrs:. Worden HOwald of Lucknow. Firemen extinguished the blaze, Most Improved Student Award Peggy McQuillin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Carmen McQuillin, Salem, received the. Elora Legion. award for the most improvedstud• ent at recent graduation exercises at.the Elora Senior Public, School, "Peggy was among thelk'stud. ents who received their Grade graduation diplomas. She re-/ ceived an additional gift from the Student Council President,• The gift was a pin inscribed with the school' name and date enhanced -by the,-school-colors-of purple and, Silver.. HARDING , 411.111. .11.11W AMP* .114.1. 411.11.111111pr %IOW ;imp 4.10r. dais. Dominion and Armstrong Cushionflor aid Inlaid Vinyli ANEW 41=10 1..10 4,1=1, 4111•1.• CARPETS the -Sa an Cr 0 Mi Sul Ha HALDENBY - HUMPHREY, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Humphrey 'of Lucicnow are happy to an- . nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter ; Sanaa' Louise to.Mr. Barry Frederick I-Jaldenby, son of Mrs. Norman Haidenby and the late Mr. Norman Halden by of R. R. 1 Holyfood. The„ wedding will take place on Sat- urday, August 19th in' the Luck- now United Church at four o'clock. 4 " "tv • 'b.' *4 "Ne :1111. , r - CUSHION FLOR AND LINOLEUM roPERIF.5 YOUR colorant Won olionAnvo crentz FINLAY LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'WALLPAPER AND CU. PAINTS 444111Imp 4411111.0. 40111m. 4iimpr 401110. 411111P CARPETING eni Ha 'PHONE WM ‘0001.16 SEPOY DAYS SIDWALK'S•AtE • . AND • LKKNOW.,SUMMER CRAFT FESTIVAL ST .4, ,and