HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 19vigONESDAY, .11,11.1f Sth. 1111 th, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnstone, senior girls; Ricky , Conley , .12, son of Mr. and Mrs! Eugene Conley ,•intermediate boys. Absent when the photo wa taken were Jamie' Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham, senior boys and Joey Jansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jansen, junior boys.. Ric k -Cord eyza-d d ed -another • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .pAos NINITE EN Track ,and Field Winners. At. LL"cknow Central' ssern. S pres. Mr, lgs on that he people, Includes double dresser with mirror, chest on chest, night-table-and-panel- bed- - od Save !veuing, grad-. 'u blic 1 , John 3yce ?atsy rley Rob- I Hams Mac. Jim hen • Oger -leather Janet ion, kett, Ick- es, ut Mac- a, Jan• iiie, Run.- Jun rim ac 12 frost, and the road would become somewhat distorted. In my time 1 can recall seeing the endS of some of these timbers on which theroad was built, as they would,. still make an effort to exert them 1-v-erfirifie spring of the year. Naturally in the early days much of the traffic was on foot and many of the pioneers afforded the opportunity for, food and shel- ter for those' who were not so robust 'as their fellow travellers. Many lasting friendships developed which lasted for many years. " , This practiee was superceeded by the construction 'of hotels enroute , Lucknow , 'Belfast, Dungannon, Nile, Carlow', Allins Corners, etc, In addito tb_the-lioste-ls-em, route, incustry and commerce began to develop. At the Twel- fth concession, Ashfield was the HoWeri Saw Mill, ' At tenth, in addition, there was a Blacksmith Shop and Belfast School. The ninth concess.on- did- not have-any-public buildings but WAS named Sabastipool called after a battle BY ALF ANDREW • To-those who have arrived on in which old Great Briton was in- the scene since this road was pav- volved, however the name did not ed, the name does not hold the inspire the ,de,velOpment of a trad- same significance as it does to • ing post or any of the other imped' those-who-t-ravelled-i-ts• le-ngth i=menta of a dev-elopi-rig-country-. from LucknoW to Goderich. At its The next concession south inception it/i,!as.a boon to the brought one up in the world'; travelling public.. The trail of the pioneers he- "ewe a corduroy road which was constructed by using timbers across the road with gravel dump- ed on top. This construction was used in the. low lying areas. The - pedestrial walking at the side of: the road developed a pace •which was referred' to as a bog trot. Many of the ScottiSh people hoof- ed it, from, Kinloss through to • Goderich carrying a sack of wheat On their back and returning with the ground product with which they cooked' their bread. The story is told of one of these hardy folk, who was, also a God faring Site_wa..s_dis- turbed by the fact that she had to travel against a head wind, so she prayed that the wind might change. Sure enough it did and she had a head wind on the way home as well. A disturbing 'phenomenon was the fact that each spring these timber wail THE GRAVEL, ROAD Track and field day winners. at. Lucknow and. Kinloss Public Schools Were presented with their awards at the grade-8' graduation. Pictured , left to right , .are Norma Maclntyre , 10 , daughter ' of fir. 'and Mrs. Donald Niacin- tyre , junior girls award; Marilyn Rhody, 12, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Gerald Rhody , intermediate girls;--Brenda--Johnstone ; -13 „. 'traveller who had never been ' feather to his cap when he won the intermediate boys championship at the regional field meet at Kin- carditH.. Schools participating. were .I4ncardine, TeesWatet Ripley , Kincardine-Tiverton, Lucknow. He received the 'maxi- mum number of points, winning • thtee firsts in the three events he 'entered in, also winning a first An_thezelay_race there before counted thirteen drug stores on the main street be- fore he got accustomed to the place and discovered the Cart- wheel layout. Of course Goder- ich, in addition to being a port town, was also serviced at anearly date with rail service. The fact that it was a county town gave it a position with•some authority as registrations of aquired proper- ty had to be registered here' and the adMinistration of justioe made Goderic-h a hub-for-a-great: dea l Of the pioneer development stages Speaking' of the communica- tions, following 'the days of the early pioneers, there was a. stage operatethbetKeen—Godericlran Lucknow. The last driver of this vehicle which carried passengers and her majesty's mail was a well known Scottish character From Carlow one travelled west known as Jock Adams. I can re- to Anthony torners, then south'AO Goderich. Later this call on more than one occasion of meeting the stage with a let- place 'was called Dunlop. Salt- ter which was quite a responsibil ford brought one to the' mouth of try iintil i . 84 '4 • • Rhier-eros&i,nef Adams. He and Janie Hunter were real characers around Luck- What's your interest? DISPLAYS P-Otli4G FLOWER ARRANGING -1-0GP•413141 SKIRTS EQUIPMENT STAMP 'COLLECTIONS POTTERY ME OS ite.A3% ° now for many years. row. Just op-posi I can also recall when relatives 'what is now Gordon Kirkland's frdm out of the area came to farm, the ruts in the road were visit.. There was usually one day deep as everyone tried to stay set aside 'to borrow uncle John midway from apparent McDonagh's two seated• carryall destruction on either side. How- so that the guests could ^be taken ever, the rOadster apparently was- to Goderich for the day that n't , for staying.in the rut and really an event to remember. Of headed for the fence. Bill Reid course it took most 'of the fore- 'from Lanesville was coming along noon to, arrive at Harbour Park but after the good doctor had landed what a pleasant afternoon it was tc down' by the fence. He being rook out across Old Lake Huron' younger and of a mechanical turn, and see the vessels. coming and volunteered'to get the car out of going to the elevators.—the hothe the-ditch. This he did and once trip did not mean much to me as again headed for Lucknow. • How- 1 usually-slumbered on past all the ever the doctor was last seen rid- land marks listed above. ing on the spring seat headed for So lohg as the traffic was horse town content to look at the renal). drawn, naturally the maintenance le transportation front of — of the good old gravel road was- him while his benefactor drove n't such a big problem. However the car to town. with the advent of the ' The motor car of Course took motor car problems began to d'ev: over and many were the improve- elop, especially in the early ments made in the gravel road, spring and .fall. One instance however, 'both ruts and dust were which I recall was to involve our problems and soon the gravel gave dear old family doctor pr. .way to the hard surface which roadster and • ' BANGS CHOIRS 0 Iros , • scto pst ORGAN 5°' 6 1# HIGHLAND DANCING OCI Glenn's Hill, as it was called,. provided a vast aeriel view south- west to Goderich and Lake Huron and ,north to Kinloss. They too were content to .let Dungannon carry the ball and here we had the most progressive metropolis be- tween Lucknow and Goderich. It was located one more concession south. Churches, stores, grist mill, sawmill, etc. soon Made: Dungannon a thriving village. Two more concessions brought you. to Carlow, another point of great elevation which corpniand- ed an excellent view for many miles around. 'Almost missed out on naming the Nile which is at tht—Ittnetion-erf--s-everal7town ships, lAshfield, Wawa nosh GOd-- each and one other which evades me noW. • ,which you 'Were at Journey's End. Goderich, the town in which the .1" I. 4 Was headed 'for Lucknow and at that time the road was pretty riar- • CONTINUED. ON PAGE 3 LUCKNOW RECREATION PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PRESENTS A. RECREATION SHOWCASE:- iriday, July 7th Saturday, July 8th 12:00 NOON - 11:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 11:00 P.M. You'll find it here TALENT GYMNASTICS TALENT CONTEST 'BEGIN8 7:00 SATURDAY EVENING Ydu'll• enjoy all , the local talent, Everything from rock to instrumental- solos, Don't miss it (,ADMISSION 25c , e e • '*"