HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 1015,000 FREE STAPLES VALUE $3 • ,% 5.==.4.=:)4 • $5.98 VALUE STAPLER mamma • ammaa • amonma. * ammonia. • ammana ammanan • ammonamm. *mamas p • Ra )‘, 4 . • , Trinity Sunday School 'Hold Anniversary, Present 22 Perfect Attendance, Awards PAGE TEN THE LUCKNOIAI SENTINEL OCKROW, ONTARIO Trinity Congregational Picnic Heid At Brookside School, Large Attendance WEDNODAY," JULY 5th, 1971 I '4 Trinity United Church Sunday School held their third anniversary in the form of a Church Service, June 25th with all classes partic- ipating. The-service-opened-with-the hymn "For the beauty of the earth" followed by the Junior School giving the call to worship, "This is God's house, and. He is here to-day; He hears each song Of praise, and listens when we • Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister / JULY 9tfi 11 a.m. Morning Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact. Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 Summer Services South rinloss Church July 23, 30, August 6, 13 Lucknow United Church August 20, 27, Sept. 3 Lucknow Presbyterian. Church pray." .The Prayer 'of Approach was given by the Junior Sunday School .with the Lord's Prayer re-' peated in unison. The Kindergarten and Primary Claises presented a choral numb,- er singing " I love to come to my church", "When Jesus was a little boy", and "Simon, .Simon, a fisherman was he". • Sharon Alton and Lori Hackett took the leaders part, in the Responsive Psalm, The Junior Department present- ed their choral selections "This is the day the Lord has made" , "A little boy in Galilee" ,• and "When Jesus. saw the fishermen in boats upon the sea". The Scripture lesson was given ,by the Junior Class, 'all taking part "The Parable of the Sower". f011owed by the chorus "Come and praise the Lord our King, -Hallelujah": The Intermediate Class present- ed their devotions. Larry Wilkins introduced 'the class and read the scripture, Michael gave the corn-. mentary with Susan Irvin dosing with prayer./ _The offering was taken with. the Junior Department singing. the dedication hymn, "Your work. . help you everyWhere." At this time Keirin Alton and Elizabeth Wilkins presented to John. Andrew , the church • treasurer, the Birthday money collected through the year in the Junior Sunday School Department Leone Cranston, Darlene Hack- ett arid Torn Barger, representing the JUnior High Class,, read the scriptures John 4; 19-21; Matthew 5:11-16 closing with prayer: -The Senior High Class was in charge of the sermon for the day. They took as their topic "Mind your own Business'. Greg Blake, Rcsalea Hackett,, Diane Zinn, Barbara Wilkins, jack Carneron, William Irvin and Ivan Cranston presented a short skit and after- , wards sat on.the panelliolding an brackets indicates year of award. A star *indicates perfect attend- ance, ginners Class: Suzanne Alton (4) Steven Alton (3), 'Paul Hackett (2) Kenny Wilkins (4), Diane ;Maynard (2), Dean Living- ston (1), Kevin Living!ton (1),. Donna Scott (1), Jarnie"AltOn (1). Primary Class: !Elizabeth `Wilkins (6), 'Brenda Hackett (4), Patricia. Barger (6), 'Kevin Alton (5), Billy Livingston (1), George Alton (4). Primary-Junior Class; Janice Hackett (6), *Shirley Scott (5)„ Johnny Barger (7), 'Bobby Alton _4), Sharon Alton .(1)„*Janet Wilkins (2), Gail Hackett (6), *Ian Hackett (7), Bobby Living- ston (1), 'Brian Hackett (6), Billy Scott (5), Jeff'Hunter (8), Lori Hackett (9): Junior Class: Kathy' Alton (7), Doug Blake (8), *Jamie -Hackett (8), Karen Reurink (3), *Jack Wilkins (11), Paul•Zinn (10), *Gordon Alton (8),-'Greg Hackett (8); Raymond. Hunter (9); *Alek Irvin (9), Kenny Ritchie (8), Martin Scott (5)', Beverley Wilk- ins (3), Jim Wilkins (5). Intermediate Class: 'Susan IrVin (11), Joan Hackett (11), Michael Hackett. (10), Larry Wilk- ins (12), "Donna Ha'ckett (10), Mary Anne Alton (11), *Cheryl Hackett (8), Paul Brake (10), Bryce Ritchie (11). Junior High Class; Reinie Reur- ink (3), *Bill Alton (lb); *Debbie Wilkins (6), Melvin Ritchie (14), Bill Wilkins (14), *Darlene sia- ett (11), Leone Cranston (12), Mur- ra-y-Irvin-(11); !TOryi-Barger-(4-1), *Larry .Hackett (10). Senior Class; Jim Alton (10), van ra 'on , Rosalea Hack- ett (15), Stephen Hackett (12), Greg Blake (14); William (14),' Bryan Ritchie (16), Elva Ritchie (18), parbara Wilkins (17), Stuart Alton (12), B67 Blake (13), Wilma Hackett (13), Dale Irvin (13), Terry Zinn (13), Brian Alton (10). Trinity United Church held • their congregational picnic on Sunday, June 25 at-trookside School. A large crowd gathered and enjoyed the afternoon of sports followed with a picnic supper in the school. The races were as follows, Pre- school boyS and girls, 1st Kenny Wilkins, 2nd Paul Hackett; Girls 6 & 7, Elizabeth 4441kins, Patty Barger; I3oys.6 & 7, )Steven Alton, Kevin' Livingstone.; Girls 9 *1:0-, Sharon Alton.„_GaiLklackett;. Boys S & 9, Ian Hackett , Brian Hackett; Girls 11 & over, Kathy Taylor , Karen Reurink; Boys 10 .& 11, Jamie Hackett, Jeff Hunter; Boys 12 &•13 , Raymond Hunter, Alex Irvin; Boys and girls wheel- barrow race, Jeff Hunter & Steven Livingstone, Jamie Hackett and Raymond HUnter; Boys 3 leg-race, Jamie and Greg Hackett , Marty Scott and John Barger; Girls 3 leg-race, Janet and Beverly Wilkins ; Elizabeth Wilkins and Linda TaylOr; Boys kick the slir per , Doug,Blake, Alex,Irvin; Girls kick the slipper, Cathy Alton, Sharon Alton; Boys shoe scramble, Alex Irvin, Jack Wilk-. ins; Girli shoe scramble,. Janice Hackett, Shirley Scott. The children 7 and under enjoy- ed a peanur scramble and drop the hanky while 8 and over enjoyed a relay race. The Seniors were aLsoacrive with their winners as follows: : SENIOR WING OF SUNDAY-- SCHOOL Intern-red-tate ,-Ruhrung race , girls, Cheryl.Hackett , Joan Hack- ett, Maryanne Alton;• Running race, boys, Michael Hackett, Paul Blake, Larry Wilkins; ScaV- enger Hunt, Group of Donna Hack- ett, loan Hackett, Maryanne Alton; Intermediate Rooster 'fight- ing, Girls, Susan Irvin, Cheryl Hackett; lioys. Michael Hackett, Paul Blake; Junior high and Sen- ior girls running race, Donna Ritchie, Wilma Hackett and Legne Cranston (tie), Darlene Hackett; JuitiPt high, boy's run- ning race, Larry Hackett, Bill Alton, Murray Irvin; Senior boy's running race, Steven Hackett, Bryan Ritchie, Jim Alton; Adult Balloon Busting (3 groups), Don- aid an0 Shirley Hackett; Diane. Zinn and Ronald Fergnson, Ken and Rath Alton; Ladies: What's , wrong With the kitchen? Joan Hackett-and Donna Hackett (tie), Honi SCott; Ladies hammering the nail with opposite hand, Renie Reurink and Darlene Hackett (tie), Shirley Hunter; Men's Egg Tramp, Alvin Alton, Warren Zinn; Men'S Backwards under-throw, Jerry Cranston, Donald Hackett , How- ard ,Blake.. Baseball game , Team 2, Cap- tain Jerry Cranston. Annual W.I. Picnic The LucknoW Women's Institute he:RP-their annual'picrtic -at Ash-z -- field 'Park on. Tuesday., June 27.. They enjoyed. a lovely hot dinner... at 1 o'cloC"k. . • . Aftef.dinner the-ladies hc Id their 'meeting 'and discussed son•le simmer. business „a c()::•.:!:.ititee... was...appoint.ed_to.„,amet...L,wit.Ltii_e__' • . Craft .Executive to• tik: • • arra-nge-rnents- fpr the at-the' Cra. Festp.al; was,appointed to :hake 'loans fOr a bus trip to the Toronto Ex. , '• When. the .business 'wa's pleted Mrs. Grace. Ca:-.1rnal and . Miss ,Elizabeth RobinSon had: • charge of the afternoon entertain7 .mentand games -" / • LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH . J. W. Van SteMpV0Ort Pastor 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME _ AWGLICAN. CHURCH • LIJCSNOW AREA PARISH. JULY gth Trimly 41 • • Vopen discussion with the congrega- , Lion. A lively airing of views was 'heard from three' generations. , The hymn 'In hrist their is no or West".. brought ?tic part The presentation of awards 'followed. 'The Catechism Awards • ind the linterrnediate were pc-esented Ntrt. Donald Hackett Receivinz Award fcx- F..rsi Half, co:ry of the Fr:evised Standard LE Remember e Dozens Of Times You Needed A Stapler And Never Had One? Anglican Ctereb Dungam 001•00,4*"!/%0011.0.40.0."""*.I.W.*** Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Wu:dant Phone 523-2740 JULY fth 10 a.M. &today School 11 a.m. Morning Worship At SoUth Xinloas Church 7t-=.."07.. Of thele, Mary Anne -lac ketz , Susan 0-crvi-K Aiwa:Lt. f hAlf, Praying ;.-..ad,ce and Rraye:: for Hacker., !?.'ichatl Hackett. The. P..-irnar:k Catechis.-r. Certif- ic.tes Were presented .by Chester Hackett and -Wilrna Hack- I ett to the .Thnior Class‘- .Kathy Alton, Douglas Blake, Jamie ' Hackett ,Karen Reurink, Paul , Zinn, Greg Hackett and Jack The. Attendance awards were presented by. Frank Alton and Bev Blake, Sunday School was 'held on 32 Sundays.. There were 22 who had perfect attendance, The largest attendanci was 102, with an over all average of 94: Number in o'sv Is The Tirne To Buy YOU illiY IfOU GET FREE WINO • •