HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 8CLOSED AT 7 P.M.EVERY EVENING PAGE SIGHT WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 172 THE LAICKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO- Put A Stop To Brake Problems, Call Us! Whether your brakes need to be adjusted, relined or com- pletely replaced, our expert mechanics can handle the job, swiftly, professionally. Good brakes insure safety. Faulty brakes are dangerous. Let us check yours regularly, just to be safe and sure. No Charge for Courtesy . R EASONARIE Al/10 II EPANS The regular meeting of The Riders Roost Saddle Club was held at the home of-Carl,and_Sheila Gunby on June 27 with an attend- ance of 34. Goldie Martin Is Guest Speaker The. Ashfield..8 Weit. .Wowanosh RECREATION COMMITTEE SWIMMING • LESSONS IN GODERICH STARTING JULY 31 AND CONTINUING FOR' 4 WEEKS . BUSES WILL BE AT PICK-UP STATIONS AT 8 A.M. LESSONS WILL' BE FROM 8:30 TO 10:00 A.M. On June, 26 , the track, team from Ripley-Huron Central SChool left Kincardine, Fair Grounds-chant ing ",We're Number One, We're Number One ," 'as !hey had 'just won, the trophy and. pennant which W. E. Thompson won from us-last year. There were .5 schools represent7_ ed at the TraciTMeet and the following is a. list of the schools with total points earned that day. .Ripley, 126 points; W. E. Thompson, 88 points; LUCknoW , ' 60 points; Teeswater, 39' points; Kincardine-Tiverton', 32 points. Ripley took three of the indiv- idual ChampionshiPs as well. Shelley-H-ackett Gk-ls Championship and finished with four red ribbons (15 points).' Jeff Andrew w0.12 the •Jr. Boys Charnp- ionship with 13 points and Janice Farrell" won the Intermediate Girls Championship with 11 points. Congratulations to the individual champions, and the whole Ripley Track team for the competition and sportsmanship they displayed in winning the 3rd Annual South 3ruce Track and Field Champion- ship. The following records were broken by students from Ripley- Huron Central School: Jr. Girls 50 yard dash , Shelley Hackett , 7.5 sec.; Sr. Girls•10G.yards , inu Ann Duhamel, 13 sec. (tie); r. Boys Running Long Jump , jeff Andrew , 13o -1/2 -; Jr. Boys Triple 'limp, Jeff Andrew , 2898"; Sr. Boys Triple Jump, Randy Strauss, 36'7 1/2"; Jr. Girls High jump',, ;helley Hackett , 3.10"; int. . Girls High Jump , Janice Farrell, 4'8"; Sr. Girls High Jump, Karen 'anise , 4'7"; Int. Girls Ball Throw , Chris Bell i 133*. MacDONALD __WCK NOW L WIN THREE INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS Ripley - Huron Central School Wins South Bruce Regional Championship RIPLEY HURON WINS BRUCE COUNTY GIRLS SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT By Karen. JanisSe. On Saturday , June 24, the Ripley-.Huron .Central School went over to Bruce central Pub- lic School for the first Annual -13ruce-eounty-S-ofrball-Tourna--- ment.' Ripley played against Port Elgin in the first game with a winning score of 20-15. Our pitcher for that game was Jane Ann Coiling, and Lanrie Coiling .our highest batter scored 5 reins: For. our second game, Ripley' met Southampton winning O hand it to .our best pitcher, Jane Ann Coiling for pitcliing the • second game also. Janice was a 'very good catcher. She was back catcher for both .. games. Mary Arm Duhaniel ed the most runs in this gain For the ChampiOnshipgame Ripley .versed Bruce Central.. It was a'close game most of the way but then Ripley came up'and won the championship. I would like tc hand it to Jane Ant Collinz 'for Luci.zi.o.v. Pee Wee ball tea::: 4,efeated 1.11.ild'ina)- on Sunday, July 2,, by a score of 16 to 7. On. Monday , July 3, Lucknow won over Formosa by a score of 30 to 4. Win Two Special guest for the evening was Goldie. Martin of Paramount who gave a talk on showing the, horse on the line. Mr. Martin had Lise Gunb.y, and her horse Pal to demonstrate the different stands required for showing, also h brought to t interesting points. One of the most important is to know and understand your horse and his cap abilities. Mr. Martin also gave -a "short talk on ponies. His. definition of an.English-pony-is a miniature draft horse, and the American More graceful breed, a miniature standard bred: 'A requirement for -all ponies is a long tail and mane' and long' forlock. Carolynl'aylor c,cindUcted a short quiz on grooming. This was a. written quiz to be judged.as to points for the member. Caro- _Lyn then gaie_a_dernonstration-onu mounting and dismounting ,with Lise Gunby showing' the way with a saddle, also Mary Emberlin. Ralph Aalders demonstrated' mounting bare, back. Next/riding meet is.in early July; Everyone is' to bring their horse if possible. The next meet-1 ing_is-the-sec.cnd week-inL- the home of Ken and Carolyn Taylor., Mr. Martin made the draw which was Won by Danny 'Londry who received a tin of saddle soap. Midgets Win And Lose In Week Lucknow Midgets played two games in the past week, winning the first one and losing the second. On Wednesday night of last week, Lucknow played host to Southampton and won that game by a score of 13-7. Ian MOnt- gomery and*Mark Chisholm shar- ed the pitching duties. Monday night Lucknow lost on their home diamond to,Teeswat - er by a 9-4 score. Lucknow man- aged to make a good. number pf errors; and costly ones, which threw the game to the opposition. In the fourth inning, Lucknow was behind by only one run but couldn't go ahead, and then it was more errors. Hopefully the next game will give the spectat- ors more action that the boys are capable of when they settle down to playing ball. 'Ian Mont- gomery pitched the complete game •with most of the runs coming in an molt. The next home game "Will be Sunday, at 2,00 o'clock, against Teeswater. Ten Scouts Camp On Teeswater River By. Mike McDonagh On June 30th , :some of the Ludic- now =Boy-Scouts-wer=e. untrappy,:-- But July 1st was a different story, July Ist4a-9.00 there was a mumble jumble •of who was going in what ,and Who Was going in the- van to keep the supplies from sliding, all over the place. At 9.30 -We• left the town hall and at 10 we arrived at our camp t- .1.1 Dr Leah ''s f r 5 mileS,from Teeswater.on the Teeswater River. At 11 the tents were up and most of.the boys were in the wat- er. At 12 we ate dinner. It was sloppy joes. Then it Was back into the Water , this time with the ' air mattress. We found that Dr: Lea hv's children were up at the house so we asked them if we could use their boat.' ' That night. w_e o had_b.l.tmimirgers for supper. At ll. we had a game 'where you had to go up and turn out oa patio light. At Midnight lights wet 011t, At 3' a.m .. many were up for breakfast and by 7.00 everyone Was up. Breakfast consisted of .porridge or baCon and eggs. DOwn Went the:tents by 11.00 a. m. and everyone was ready to go home fOr dinner. ' We had wieners and beans. At 1.00 some of us went Mildmay which of courseLuck - , now won 1.6-7. Well that just a bout conclddes our trip. Attending from Luc know, were Scouts Mike McDona0, ,Anthony F.lowald Fred Howald , Carry McInnes,, Brian Cranston, Jay Passmbre , Craig Treleaven, Steve Button, Danny Londi: , Darfl Wisser; Scout leader hill Searle; Keith Cranston, Jim Cranston and Jerry Searle. • in playing ariesotne in the gym., for those who would pre let to- de-sprn-et-kin-g_clse Ideas such as 'Art , olleyball, Crab Soccer.. table tennis and several other interests v, el-6 shown. It is the hope that. a lot of girls will come out to this fun.inght . and talte'part. The mating was . closed with lots of discussion: Make Plans for Activity Night A meeting was held in Brook- side School on June '28 to discuss the Activity night which is to be held for the girls of the area , for the summer months. It was decided to hold it every Wednes -Clay night from 7:30-to '9.30 at the .sdhool. 'Mrs. *Barry Hackett is in charge arid so far has been, offered the help of Lynn Marie Evans as assistant. It was decided to have a ball game for the first night, July 5 for those who ,are. interested RECREATION BEAT pitchl.ing the ri-ee -a -net .for• us and to Janice ,Farrel] our captain ginning at 7.00 p.m.. e'e loo.kin forward to seeing . for cats `Tyre alalso dive a lot of. • - • W • r tc cheer.leades and i you on July 7th and .8th. for • ImOre information watch the Fri- , .alsc score:- • • da afternoon program "Pe " on er , Mrs. H. He y. nt CYNX-TV and see the ad else- 'where ih this week's Sentinel. The Lucknow -Boxing ChM is • • now in hill "swing" an d..anyone interested in joining, or just watching , is invited to drop by the arena any Monday or Thurs- day night. ,les are all strictly enforced. It's good clean fun for anyone wishing to lose those extra few pounds. This Friday and Saturday will be the finale of a great deal .of hard work by*many people in the' Lucknow area". The Recreation Showcase has involved much plan• ning and co-operation among numerous interested citizens in the community. The Lucknciw Recreation Planning and Develop- ment Committee invites you to come out and see what your area has to offer in, the way ofrecrea- tion. The diSplays on show will range from live craft demonstra- tions to flower'arranging and -hoVercrafts. Several towns in the district will be exhibiting dis- plays of how. their Recreation Departments' function to meet,the needs of their particular commun- In conjunction with all this, many local talents will be feattu- ed during the general entertain- ment on Friday evening' and dur- ing the. Talent Contest on. Satur- day evening. If table tennis is your game, you're in luck, day beginning at 4:00 and continuing-Saturday a ternouu, a table tennis tournament, will be in progress. Come and see •some fast and furious -action_as_the local pros battle for the championship. All told , July 7th and 8th will be' two great days of entertainment and activity. It all starts at 4.00 p.m.. on Friday afternoon when the arena doors open and the dis- plays are at your. disposal. On Saturday the activities get under- way at 12.00 noon and will clim- ax with the gala Talent. Contest