HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 7WEDNESDAY;, JULY 5th, 19n: I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE' . MIEN r(Alwa ys Gives Straight Answers" Lucknow Reeve Urges Appointment With McNaughton Ib e e g d a Bruce County Council strongly rejected overtures from neighbor- ing Grey County that the two k municipalities, with Owen Sound, jointly study the possibility of ., uniting as a region. Bruce coun- cil hopes to streamline its own operations and retain its present identity. Some councillors thought a mo- tion which would send a commit- ---we to rneet-Charle•sNaughton. chairman of the Management board for transportation and corn-. munication, on county planning and reorganization would be con- 'sidered a. snub to Provincial Treasurer Darcy MCKeough, but the motion passed nearly unan- imously. Lucknow Reeve George Joynt who made the motion, said, "We went to McKeough and found nothing out. McNaughton always gives straight answers." Harold McArthur, Arran Town- ship reeve said that Bruce offic- ials went to Toronto with Grey and Owen Sound officials to see Mr. McNaughton and were' passed off to a civil servant. "If I make the appointment with MCNaughton I'll guarantee we'll get in to see him," Mr440ynt said . "There's no use if we go to Toronto wasting time on the Joe Boys," Mr. Joynt added. He said talking with. Mr. McNaughton is like "having the ear of the premier." Southampton ReeVe Lloyd John- Ston , who seconded the motion, said , "Until now we have just quilts rLde by the different groups of the Institute were on dis play. In all twenty-five quilts had been quilted during the prev- ious month\by this organization. A groUp .of young ladies in the village organized an S.O.S. (Send Over Smokes) Club, Gas rationing was of little -Concern as the public were defin-. itely awakened to the acuteness of the rubber shortage. A statement , 'given by Munitions Minister .Howe in a radio address, read" When the tires 'you have now are, worn out, your motoring is over, until some considerable time after the war, ends". To conserve rubber and gaso- . line the speed limit was. reduced 50 YEARS AGO . MARCH 1922 been given the run-around. A whole lot- of nothing.." Vernon Emke, Chesley reeve , said that after attending the Ottawa meeting of municipalities he concluded Mr. McKeough will not listen to municipalities. After 'Mr. McKeough complet- ed a 1 1/2 hour speech at Ottawa A Southampton clergyman who attended said_, "I could, have — condensed that into a three:Sea - ond sermon, 'We have the author- " Mr. Emke told council. "Organize," was the advice of Wilfred Adis, deputy reeve of Albemarle Township and warden- in 1950. "The proyince has underthined local government. The province has weakened us to gain its own ends.. The only function left to local government is the collection of taxes and garb.age," Mr. Adis said. Apathy of the people is respon- sible for present conditions, said John MacKenzie, reeve •of Bruce Township. He reminded council that Ontario gave the government a strong 'mandate in the past election and the government will do as it wants: , Mr. MacKenzie said BruCe and Giey do not make a large enough area to. satisfy Mr. McKeough. Huron Township reeve Russell Stanley said the inclusion of Hur- on County should also be, consider- ed. • Mr. Stanley added , "As long as we are doing our jobs at the local level to the best of our abilities we can argue in Queen's Park." • Warden Harvey Davis said .that if -Bruce-would-maim irrits-iderr--- tity it must do constructive work toward that end. "We are notorious for giving lip service to putting our house in order. Then we come back again and go through this exercise in futility. . "We have 42 representatives (in county council) for 42,000 people. If we don't streamline our government the-province will do it for us. 'We owe this to the people we represent , to get to- gether and see just what we•can do." • "That makes 10 girls for our party. Now let's start a list of - 20 -boys-to- invite," -- 10 YEARS' AGQ MARCH 1962 The dedication service of the Lucknow-Christian Reformed:- - Church was held March 9th in charge of the minister Rev. ,S. Members-of-the-congregation, under the direction of Harry Burgsma,.had transformed the former Johnstone Funeral,Home on Ross Street into their new church building. After the Johnstone Funeral 'Home was relocated in the John- stone Block on Main Street , the, Christian Reformed Church con7 gregation had bought the foriner .premises and proceeded to trans- • form it. 30 YEARS AGO MARCH 1942 The Kintail Women's Institute., a very active group of ladies, held_their. Mir-c ting=at=t home of. Mrs. Russell Bissett. The Fire COmpletely destroyed the CKNX -TV and. Radio station at Wingham. The fire., originating from an explosion in the engin- eerin _labquickLy-spread-out-_of ,control. The building was,the former Wingham High. School. •i•••••#410•• • • • • *JO* •••• • • *INN*** 4. • • • **N.** LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON •••••••-•-••-••-•--“Wm•-•-•-mw•-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-•-•••••••••• • --A-sehool,repottof---S. S--.-7-No7-8— Kinloss named the following stud- ents „Jean Moffat, Wm. Scott, Thos. Moffat, Ethel Richardson, Wesley Young, Jas. Scott , Allen De Maichin, Bert Moffat , Jack Fletcher, Farish Moffat, Jas. • Conley, WM: Moffat .; Elva. Wall, Jean Orr, Jas. Orr , Robert Orr, Teacher ,, Irene Morgan. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR FATHER SAYS. irs NOT Like HAVING THE LIONTS OUT! ou Missed -1114fOre... "You Really. 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