HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 4FOR SALE CAPONS FOR/SALE Oven-ready capons, 65c lb. G. Palmer, 11.11.-:3 Lucknow, phone - quantity of =axed CUSTOM SWATEING and corn- gr74.17,„ am..es si.ah emu, hal- billing. Contact Bill Scott &1':)-5M Eri.De:r Bust„., R.R 1..16&r.t.icja, FOR S..17 .7 WANTED All types of fat and replacement cattle.. PHONE IN THE EVENING 832-5865 or phone 88170863 • SALVAGE WANTED -- will buy scrap metal, high prices, free pick- up.. M. and A. Salvage, R.R. 3 God- ,erich. BUS TRIP Kairshea, Sy.I. is ' sponsoring a bus tour to Owen Sound, July 20th; parksfimuseum, art, gallery, dinner at 5 p.m., shopping; bus fare $2 in advance July •15th: Contact Mrs. Harold Campbell. HILRAY FARMS' LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, pry Fed, MIT 'Free Beef. Try .our Fresh Home Made--Sausage -Custom 'kil- ling by appointment. Phone 528-2132 • • THE LUCKNOW SENTilN.011, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO IVEDNPSPAY'f. JULY 5810912 PWtiiE FOIt/R. \\: COST \s\ PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed• and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. - - WOOD l'OR SALE - hardwood or softwood slabs, in ten cord loads, we deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, phone Teeswater 392-6895. FOR SALE - 6 can spray milk cooler. Milvert,Fteid, R.R. 3 Luck- now, phone 529-7388. SILO AND ROOF: EXTENSIONS Anyone wishing to have exten- shunt' on* theirsilos or roofs, please call or write. This can be • done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. GIBSON UPHOLSTERING Furniture - Cars - Trucks Car 'seats rebuilt - recovered. Phone -Witigharn -357-1217 evenings: REGISTERED_QUARTER HORSE. STALLION.' for-serviee. Pho TABLE PAPER , Table Piper is now availtble in checked patterns of yellow, green or red 36" wide by 100' length, prihed $3.50 a roll. Also avail-able as before in white at $2.25 a roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE - TACK TACK Come and get it! Saddles, west- ern or English, new and used; pads, bits, a good stock of every- thing for your horse. (Would like some good used saddles.) Six reg- istered half Arabians, priced to sell. Phone and we will be home. CUNNINGHAMS TACK HOUSE Walkerton, 881-1153 ' FOR SALE- used No. 60 Allis Chalmers combine belts. Clayton Alton, phone 529-7295. - • _ - FOR SALE -.white annex stove, burns wood or coal; dresser; ches- terfield and• chair;. T.V. aerial; kitchen table and _three chairs. Mrs. Harold Stanley, Lucknow. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. ROY'S ALUMINUM • SALES AND SERVICE, win- _dows,d6ors_For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer -SIL-VERLAICR: GENERAL STORE FOR SALE FOR SALE 2 used Patz stable cleaners, 7 years old about 250' chain, very reasonable; 2'used Patz stable cleaners, 2 years -old; about 250' chain, like new. LOWRY BARN SUPPLY Amberley, Ont. R.R. Kincardine Phone 395-5286 . FOR SALE - Recorded Limousin and Simmental bulls. Serviceable age. Ideal for commercial herds. Reasonable. Also a few purebred Charolais. Harold Fisher, R.R.. 2,, Harriston, Ontario, phone 338-3634. PATZ• Farm Automation, Stable Cleaners , Silo' Unloaders, Cattle Feeders Andrew Berg Highway •8 1 MILE EAST OFt• CLINTON, PHONE 482-7282 FOR RENT FOR RENT - bed sitting room in Lucknow, furnished, cooking facil- ities, linen supplied. Glenn's Apart- ments phone 528-3723. WANTED COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion ' Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.m.. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular-games, $19-each,.2._Share the_ Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Game for $100.00 on 56 calls ,or conso?ation prize. DANCE SATURDAY The Lucknow Legion are spon- soring a dance in the Hall on Sat- urday, July 8th. Music by "The' Twylites". Admission $1.00 per /person. Persons 18 and over wet- come. OPEN OPEN RECEPTION An Open Reception will be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on. Saturday, July 15th following 'the marriage of 'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray (nee Agnes Conley). Music by Tiffin's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Lunch served. SHOWE R A shower will be held for Mr: and Mrs. Brian Sanderson (Donna Button) in Wroxeter Community Hall on Friday, July 7th. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. DANCE - A da-l-ict--fo-f-Mr-:---and---MrK-Rits= sel Gaunt will be held at the White- church Community Hall on Satur- ) • FOR SALE 'AUCTION SALE DON'T MISS THIS, OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE of _ ANTIQUE S Including' Many. Collector's Items Will be held for •GEORGE McDONALD In the High School Auditorium, Ripley • SATURDAY, JULY 8th at 10 am. Lunch Booth on Grounds Auctioneer's Comments All articles are in good condition and have to be seen to be ap. predated. Articles can be reviewed Friday evening, 7 to 9 o'clock, Saturday, from 9 a.m. until sale time. TERMS .,CASH Owner or auctioneers not respon• sible for any aepidents or injuries on property day' of sale. -Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Phone 392-6170 AUCTION SALE Contents from a . Palmerston household and a Lucknow estate, furniture; bedding, kitchen utensils, some appliances, china and glass. ware, many Pieces of which 'are of interest_to__ the__a ntique-collector, being sold through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES 4 Lloyd Husk, R.R. 4 Kincardine, 395-2306..° AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 ANTI-MAST 17 ••••7 Fast acting con- trol of mastitis . . . fights infection and reduces inflamation. Choice of liquid or infusion. Free infusion needle. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharmacy, Lucknow. , :ieS• please bring ltmch. Everyone welcome. xe r1 • wishes baby 'sitting. Call 528-2539. THE TEESWATER NEWS - is • . AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY available at The Lucknow Sentinel, FOR SALE - Massey'No. 10 baler-; - ED TO BUY - good baled , MEETING automatic stocker; some WANT Lucknow Agricultural Society 10c per copy. If you .are interested Allied hay. Harold HoWald, R.R. 5 Luck Lucknow work available. Phone 528- will hold their nex my t meeting on in the news of Teeswater and Dis- -copy. - . • _ - now ' -13--ho----5-2- 8 -- -3-948. For a' , goodselection po ye ylene and vinyl webb lawn chairs. , vinyl webb chaise lounges and i colorful chair pads. Lucknow and District Co-op - - - FOR SALE •---- standing hay: Elmer'', Vance, R.R. 1 Holyrood, phone 395- Huron and Kinloss Municipal Telephone System Ripley, Ontario • • phone.'38:41.L- . FOR SALE - narzwrgrd sains 1:rered. f SZeNi 77: prime- 4-.2f--'2.21 A Dringannon phone 529-7459. HELP WANTED . • Wingham, Ontario SATURDAY, JULY 8th ' at 11:00 a.m. The 367 lots includes several wash sets, wash stands, art glass, oil lamps, dressers, iron and brass beds; vintage .secretary, good. qual• ity new kitchen set, rocking chairs, good T.V.• set, trunks,.-plus a nll• titude of other items which can be seen during preview,, rior to sale time. Friday 1.0:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, • 9:00 a: in. to. 11:00 am. Jack Alexander, Auctioneer --For-further-infer atio phone 357-1011 Estate Marketing Services J. A,. Currie, Manager CARD-OF-MANK- Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton wishes to thank her many friends, neighbours and relatives who Visitedher, sent flowers, cards', letters , and gifts, while she was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Allan Mac•Intyre Helen Fermi and: baby son, Ger- ald Francis wish to' thank all those who so. kindly remembered 'them with cards., letters. gifts, flowers . and visits, when: inWiThigh-ation pital arid also When in' St. Josephs .. 'Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. M. H. Corrin. Dr. J. C. McKim Dr. Clark. Dr. D. 0. Mariners, Dr, G. E. .Meads ' and the nurses at both hospitals. • I wish to express rny sincere thanks to friends for cards and Visits, while I was a ,patient in Wingham General Hospital. -Frank Scott -SAND Ei-LAST-1 up_ DEMOLITION WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD • STOTHERS PHONE, 5294403- WANTED - a 8',.9' or 10' pull type swather. Phone 529-7320., 1/2 gallon 'ice cream - With $5.00 purchase.- 75c RESTAURANT NOW OPEN New Life Feed Dealer Open Daily 8:30 a.m. • 10:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday Evening. • ROOFING EXETER ROOFING AND SHEET METAL CO. LTD. Free Estimates ' And we guarantee our work Phone 235-1557 24_hr-artswering_ssrvice WORK WA-NTED---teen.age girl- BENEFIT DANCE. A Benefit Dance will be held for Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Howald on Friday,: July 14 in the Lucknow Legion Hall. Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. HACKETT. PICNIC , The Hackett Picnic will be held at the Ashfield picnic grounds on Sunday, July 9th at 1 p.m. for dinner. _ BARN EQUIPMENT - complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; Weststeel-Rosco. Granaries Chore .- Boy .Iifilking Parlottris, Lowry Barn Supply. Amberley_ THE LUCKNOW SE'N'hICEL - is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sit-», Umbach's Pharmacy; II and B Discount and Jotu:L.tton's Supertest in Lucknow. tri.r.uv e", FC01 SALE - tut Wingham, phone 357.1323 allpardl;Adex.-adll-r-iarzr'disl;d"1= cart =Du itla: 111:5 BIC tft :4'24; tdr) custom back hoe work . and horses: Call collect 881-3459 :531'11;1: r-;th.rilL 7-1 Walkerton. Graf stock Retnova D=ipTinoz. Nr-=,,e.eJ Contact Donald Curran, . THIRD PRINT1*G PONY SADDIF, for sale. S21. 140W AV A, I LA.S.1. Phone 528-2708_ „al 5er, - Treasurer Pine River • FUELS :5frx ;1E4 PRICE 5744 Si fix are: We have ' availab:e the seqtlelo thiA he..A-ik. The Ill_gory of The County of Bruce .1907 - 1568 written by Nomtan . McLeod -- same price THEN LUCKNOW SENTINEL H U RON- 7-BRUCE-MASONRY- -- Fireplaces a speciah'ty. brick block, stone. masonry repairs Phone 395-2483. PLAYING CARDS :Plastic coated single decks frum $1.19 up as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards only), "Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel: " • _ ' SHOP. CO-OP FOR SALE =• 7' International 3' WANTED - used garden '.roto - point hitch Mower: N2 Allis Chal- tiller. Contact C. .1 . Martin, R.R.. 1 Mess diesel tractor: 450 George Kincardine. phone 395-5419. White Wagon_ *alter. R.R. 1 Holyrood phone n5-5340. HELP WANTED FOR SALE .--, .15 acres of- standing hay Jack McGuire. 5 . _ • EXCAVAIrTNG AND TRUCKING and Phone Symes LUCCA:WV i53- 314-7: or 528-26%. nOlir• expected. Applications to be in, by Applications will be received by the undersigned for part' time book Fle x Sanding and!iSpray Paint- keeper. Send applications in writ- ing.. Fred Emberim' . Phone Luck- 'ing. stating experience and wages PAPERING -- PAINTING ..Cnese.._arld Butter Co-oper-ative P. k. 4 Ripley. Oat, Part time pos- ..„:"..on. Typing necessary. Duties to c7...immence July 31, 1972. Written applications to be received by i Gl r K incardine,, Ont by July 19. 147.2. • WAN'it,D - late model used car With automatic trangnissioin. Mrs. i Clark Needham 395-2348. • . • HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE I neecl-a-Itill or part time-person to help , meet the 'demand for much 'needed service for InotOrists. Pleasant. dignified, good paying 'work_ No experience • necessary but a tar is. 'For full information contact • • Charlie Lee 22 Alfred St., Lucknow Town Hall. CHiSHOLM HCATINO___011.43_ ,_„, SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products rOr Farm, Home and Industry ' BIrKaREIHRE. / 001T griritif I' wish to thank all who remem• tiered me while in Victoria' and turning home. .r