HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-07-05, Page 2" THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
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PAGE. .T111 0 WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 1972
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An Awards Assembly w
on Friday morning.
Opening remarks were by prin-
cipal Floyd Stanley.
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"The Sepoy Town; — On the Huron-Bruce Boundary
Second Clasi Mail Registration Number 0847
Established 1873 — Published Each Wednesday Afternoon.
Member of the C.W.N.A. and 0.W.N.A.
SubsCription Rate, $6.00 a year in advance — to the U.S.A., $8,00
Donald C, Thompson, Publisher
Ripley-Huron. Present. Award Winners
WEDNESDAY, JULY 5th, 1972 .
--••• •••--
11010-iiitoit .Gradua0on.
On June 29, Ripley-Huron
Central SChool held its annual
Graduation Exercises.
The Graduating Class commen-
ced the ceremonies by entering
the auditorium singing the Grad-
uatiOn song. They were accom-
panied by Mrs.. Isabel Martyn
at the piano.
After addresses by Principal,
Floyd Stanley and Trustee Leon-
ard Courtney, Grade 8 Graduation
Certificates were presented.
The 'Grade '8 Graduates are:
'Clark Aitken, Diane Beard,
Larryr Carrer Kevin,Cook,- Na-n
cy Cornish, Cameron Courtney ,
Linda Culbert, Wayne Dewar,
George Dickieson, Vicki Dore ,
John Elliott, Helen Emmerton,
Steve Ernmerton, Terri Fair,
Bill Farrell, Ina Farrell.
Mary Lynne Ferguson, Jamie
Forster, Joan Henderson, Danny
Hickey, Irene linarowski, Karen
Janine , Sandy Liddle , Beth Lud-
wig. Ken Mackay, Ann Magold,
Debra Magold , John Meppelder
Middelkamp, Jean Miklos,
Maurice •Mitchell, • Lois Needham.
Cathy Rock, Dave Smith, Sheldon
Solomon, Ken Stewart , Randy
Strauss, Murray Tout, Darlene
Trepanier,' Michael Weber,
Adrianna Zekveld, Priscilla Zip
Tranter of the Ripley Town Coun-
cil presented the Boys' Academic
Award to. Ken MacKay.
To conclude the Graduation
Exercises, Kevin Cook delivered
the Valedictory Address.
At the conclusion of the cere-
monies, pupils and, parents enjoy- •
ed refreshments and dance.
The presentation of Proficiency
Awards $5.00 , were by, Mrs.
Ina Isabel Martyn to a Farrell and,
Ken MacKay; Citizenship Award •
of $5.00 by G. Armstrong to
IAnda Culbert; Most,Progress•
Award , $5.00., by G. Armstrong
Cathy Rock.
Grade VII and VIII. Academic
ing) were presented by T. Kum-
mer to:
Grade VIII, Ken MacKay, Ina
Farrell Mary Lynne Ferguson,
Dave Smith, CathyRock, Anne
Zekveld, Debra Magold , Johnny
Elliott; Lois Needham:
Grade VU, Julie *Johnston,
Terry. Zekveld, Mark Stanley,
Don Bissonnette , Danny Boyd,
Heather Boyle Laurie Calling,
Wendy Hamilton, Connie Irwin,
Chris McGirvey , Sharon Orr ,
Bi11 Rutledge. ,
Track and Field 'Awards were
presented by , Floyd Stanley: Jr.
Boys Champ, Jeff Andrew; Jr.
Girls Champ, Shelley. Hackett;
Int. Boys Champ, Danny Boyd;
Int. Girls Champ, Janice Farrell;;
Sr. Boys Champ, Randy Strauss;
Sr. Girls Champ, Karen Janisse.
Presentation of Play Day Tabs
were made by Floyd Stanley.
HELM - to Evani and. Barbara
Helm of Lucknow on Tuesday,
:June-20-v-•in 'St. Michaers._Hoqpit.
aI, Toronto, a son, Paul Anthony.
MackINNON -'in Kitchener Wat-
erloo Hospital on 'Thursday , June
29, 1972 to Doug and Colleen
MacKinnon of Kitchener, a
daughter, Deborah Ann.
thanks to the mothers of the
Grade 7 pupils who prepared the
lunch which was served following
e nrecenratinns.
"The grade 8 graduating class at
Lucknow' are:
Janet Adams, John Day, Gloria
Golian, Lloyd Hanna , Anthony
Howald, David Huber, Fred Lani-
ing:, Beverley Maize, Roger Pellet
ier,'Jeanne Reid, Derick Vander-
laippe , Randy Ackert , Randy Al-
ton, Dianne BannerMan, Susan
Barr, Sandy Cleland, Fred' de
30c:, Wilma Duiker, Catherine
There were four special awards
presented at-the Graduation Exer-
• cises. The Progress Award and
the Citizenship Award were pres-
ented by Mrs.. Howard Orr of the
Lisburn Women's Institute. These
awards wencto—Cathrilock-a
Linda Culbert respectively. Elmer •
Smeltzer presented the Girls'
Academic Award to Ina Farrell.
Mr. Smeltzer represented the
Huron Township Council. Bill
of th-e-s-O-01-±eoler -
one. Mrs. Jack Fither•and .
Mrs. K., H. Wheeler, teachers,
introduced the Grade S pupils.
Recorder numbers', condUcted
by teacher Mrs. Jeff MacMuirav,
was,pre.sented-t,y nanc.: pres:cen:,
John Henderson 3-11:1'r-. Hence:-
son, 12 N. ea: c•ld, o Is`z.
Henze:so:. , -
now ,
to ear
. I 4
.. :7.:
L •L.:
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Ripley-HUron Central SChool
presented award winners at the
graduation exercises last week.
Pictured, left to right , are
Linda Culbert :14 daughter._0 f
Mc_QUILLIN. -John .and Alice (pee
Andrews) dare pleased to' announce
the birth of their daughter, Heath-
• , 01
June 11, 1972, at 'Brantford Gener-
al Hospital. First grandchild for
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Andrews of
St. George and Mr. and Mrs. S.
A. McQuillin of Galt, first great-
grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. H.
McQuillin of Lucknow.
Graduation at Lucknow Central j Joe• Jansen, son of Mr., and 'tits. Janet :\larriott expressed het
Public School was held Wednesday Hugh( Jansen of Kinloss. The
evening, lime 28th. After 0 ! intermediate awards were present-
Canada, Stuart Collyer, principal ed to 'Marilyn Rhody, 12, daugh
l-Rhod-v-----7t-and-Mrs-.7-Ger-a-k ;
of Kinloss and Ricky,• Conley ,
12, on of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Conley of Lucknow by teacher
Mrs. Jeff ivlacMurray. L„arrY Dav•
is, teacher., presented the senior
were introduCed by Kathy Treleav awards to Brenda johnstone, 13;
en. Catherine Dunsrnuir intro; daughter of Mr. and Mrs...J. C.
Alced a play by Some of the Johthtone of Luclmow and Jarnie
Grade 8 students. Gloria Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs,
and Jeanne Reid sane a duet. Graharn, of Kinloss.
Band numbers were iritroduced
Diane Bannerman and conducted The Valedictorian adcii•ess was
by Cordon Cayley, band leader. i:":‘er- by Stan:ter i-oree v. -no v.on Duzisnluir , Sandra :Finlay , Marc-
The Sant PrOfIc;enc\ Award :he Boys' .i'refiC:enCi Av. 'are'x F,orsyth, Gale 'Froo , Suzy
'`:,a miss , Steven
:,iacDonald and bresente.: :7:aharn, Rath Henderson, Betty
5..:•ande-, is zfne ':.':-renter, Brenda Johnstone,
so-2, cf anc Eleanor Johnstone, :Cathy Lantine
• sands :eat.Lertnips, Joanne Lenni,ps,
• 'Eta.t::: 1x'tee, Kenneth Nf.c.ENkan.,
Ross:, r K n
. , Rc4 r.ie
' • .re.ra'‘Ar:
and Mrs. Mervyn Culbert,
winner of the citizenship award;
Ken MacKay, 14, son of M. and
Mrs..John D. MacKay, boys gen-
eral proficiency; Ina Farrell, 14,
Wauteri, her husband and, their
family, Anita, Robert and Paul-
the reside.
In September of 1969, shOrtly:
after they came to Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs.. Odendahl were sadly •
-bereaved in the death of their
only' son at the age of 40. They
have another daughter living in
Galt. ,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert
E. Farrell,.:girls general profic-
iency; Cathy Rock, 13', daughter .
of Mr. and Mrs. DOn Rock, pro-
gress award:.
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