HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 17appinessI 72.110 • W oo AUTOMATIC COOKING --'N'---//with a Range Held Anniversary Services Sunday AsHEELp NEWS AnniVersary services in .Ashfield Presbyterian Church were well attended on Jiune 18. The guest preacher, Professor Charles Hay of Knox College Toronto, spoke on "Remember the Future"' and "The Cross as PoWer"' • Special music was provided by a quartette Larry Irwin, Gary, Blain and Boyd Carruthers, and by the Beigrave Men's Choir, with Mrs. Duncan Simpson as organist.. - • Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean were guests at a wedding in „ • Sarnia onSaturday. • Week end guests •with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howes were Mrs. Marie Allen-and children Jeff and .„ Michelle of Chicago, and Jim Allen of Michigan City. Mrs:John-West-of-Toibnto is visiting relatives here and in lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead 'of Teeswater visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDoug- all and children of Kinloss were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. WeSt. Miss Marilyn MacIntyre of • Guelph was home for the week end. ' r The girls discussed a progra for achievement day and finally decided to do a skit On preparing Ve etables from the...garden The roll call "One vegetable in my garden that needs thinning" was answered by all eleven mem bers. Kathy Farrell took over secretarial duties for this meeting The Purple Grove Community Centre, wdsschosen as, the next Meeting place , if it was available , if not the, girls would be alerted l_py phone. During the discussionSession Mrs. Sutton went over the use of pesticides to control insects and the destruction of certain weeds' that will re-root themselv- es. Mrs. Elliott advised on the landscaping, of walks, service walks and driveways. Mrs. Sutton gave a demonstra- tion H of transplanting and the meeting came to a close after a light lunch was served. 4-H Gar The third meeti in the Gard- en Club series of the Purple Grove Golden. Gals was held at the Mackay girls' home on May 31st. at 7.00 p.m. Tlie.dovers for the books was once again discussed and Anne Rock reported enough green ones could not be bought in. Kincardine. Dianne Mackay offered to try the stores in Lucknow and Mrs. Sutton would try in Owen Sound. 2 WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21st, 1972. THE LUCKN.01111' SENTINE1,,UCKHOW, ONTARIO, 4••••••••••••n ....... ' PAGE SIIVENTEEN FEATURING QUARTETTES SKITS AlCiNIOWS-OWIUSILV AND MUCH MUCH MORE AMIN u m IN I MI 1 sip • in a KINCARDINE On Friday , June 9 , an accident on #86 hwy. just east of the Rip- ley road was investigated by Con- stable Burgess. A truck operated by Charles Sage Listowel, was westbound on #86 hwy. when part of the load fell off. A second vehicle opeirated by Mary,H,ender- .son, Lucknow, had been east- bound and in effort to avoid the parcel on the road collided' with the rear wheels of the truck. There were no injuries. On June 9, Constable Bt?gess investigated a collision between a Bruce Cty. Hwy. grader operat- ed by Charles Smith ; R. R. •# 3, Ripley arid a car operated by Murray Johnstone , R. R. # 5 , Lucknow. The grader had been southbound on Cry., Rd. # 1 and was turning left.onto Ludgard St. in Lucknow when the John- stone vehicle , also southbound , struck the front of the grader. There were no injuries. On June 10 , Constable Wiwcz- aryk investigated a three car collision on Conc. 12, Bruce Twp, near the Jct. of Sideroad #25. A vehicle operated by Thomas Ribey, R. R. # 4, Paisley,' had been westbound' on Conc 12 and came. into collision with two eastbound vehicles. The first was, operated .by Allen McCarrel, R. FC # and the seE"ond operatedl)y Mark Oliphant, 1745 5th Ave. , East, Owen Sound. Minor injuries were sustained by several persons in the vehidles. Constable McPhail investigated a single car accident on Sideroad #60; Kincardine Twp. 2 miles south of Jct. Hwy. #9. 1This • .accident.which,\Occurred on June/ 12, involved a vehicleoperated' by Robert Taylor, R. R. # 2., Kincardine. There were no in- — ..— • . ..„„ juries in this accident. The vehicle had been northbound and -entered-the-ditch at -an-intersec- tlon. On June '13 , Constable White•- law investigated a 2 car collision on #21 hwy. 1 mile south of Tiverton. A vehicle operated by Clifford McKay, R. R. # 2 Tiverton had been northbound on #21 hwy. and 'attempted to turn . left into the lane of the Samuel Hayes farm. 'A second vehicle operated. by Robert Sles- ser , R. #' L, Tiverton also northbound came' into collision with the McKay vehicle. There were no injuries. On. June 13, Constable McPhail investigated' a single car accid- ent on Conc.. Al Huron Twp. .3 miles south of Jct. Corm'. 6 , Huron• Twp'. A vehicle operated by Douglas.MacDOnald had been northbound on Conc. 'A when it left the roadway and went Over the west embankment.'The driv- er suffered minor injuries and was taken to Kincardine Hospital by • ambulande.• . Constable Burgen— investigated a two car collision in Lucknow at the 'Jct. of Camp- • bell St.., and Inglis St. A vehic- leoperated by Susan Walden, R. k. #'l, Kincardine had been westbou-nd-on-C-a-Frpbell-St:a was turning south onto Inglis St. when it came into collision with an eastbound vehicle operated by Keith Reid, R. R. # 3, Lucknow. There were no'injuries in this accident. , Constable Burgess 'investigated• a single car accident on June 16 on Conc. 4,. Kinloss Twp. 2 1/2 miles north of Whitechurch. A vehicle operated by Allan Mac;• Kenzie, R. R. # 2, Teeswater, 'left the roadway and overturned in the 'north ditch. The vehicle had beep northbound prior to the accident. • There 'were no injur- ies. On Saturday, June' 17, Constab- le Burgess investigated a. single car accident on the Boiler Beach Road just south of Kincardine Town Limits. A vehicle operat- ed by Terry Elliott , R. R. # 1, Kincardine had been southbound when-it-le-ft-the-roadway and— struck a telephone pole. There /were no injuries. Damage to the vehicle was $300.00. On Sunday, June 18 , Constable Wiwczaryk investigated a single car accident on. Conc. 6 , Huron Twp, 0.1 miles east of Sideroad #30. ,.A vehicle operated by Douglas Dunlop, 319 Mechanics Ave. , Kincardine had been west- bound on Conc. 6, Huron Twp. . when the driver 1pst control 'and entered, the north ditch and over- 'turned. -The vehicle was estim- ated as a total loss as a result of the collision. ;HOLIDAY NOTE If you are staying in this area other emergency problems. Our office is open daily 9.00 a.m.,to 5.00•p.M. , Monday to, Friday, and in •all cases where a request has been made to this detachment to locate someone in a case of serious illness or any other compassionate reason much time and effort could be spent in locating the persons for , whom such a ,request was made. COTTAGERS The O.P.P. boat is used in KinCardine Detachment area wher ever necessary and,if anyone is' having any particular problems such as persons operating a boat . in a manner dangerous to other . persons, please do not hesitate to advise us as the boat will then be utilized- in-the-area- where-if woul be more useful and if 'anyone knows of, such a problem we wouk appreciate knowing about it so that enforcement can be made in this problem area . A. 'R. BURGESS, Provincial Constable. 1 RIPLEY This is a must to see, A real Lions effort taking in all the Clubs 'in Zone 3 ADMISSION ADULTS $1.00 PUBLIC SCHOOL CHILDREN. 50c PROCEEDS FOR 1".A. SYSTEM IN LUCKNOW ARENA ENTERTAINMENT GALORE MONDAY, JUNE 26th - 8:30 SHARP IN THE LUCKNOW /ARENA COME AND SEE ALL THE LIONS ROAR CLUBS -PARTICIPATING BAYFIELD BRUSSELS SEAFORTH O HICK' viINGHAM ucolOW • TEESWATER CLINTON" Greer T.V. and Electric . Lucknow Phone 528-3112 1:1P: is Combined push button timed appliance outlet. Infinite heat switches — just dial the desired temperature. Tilt-up — tilt down oven elements for easy cleaning. Plug out elements and one piece removable drip bowl and ring. Timed appliance outlet — con- venient for breakfast coffee. Extra large storage drawer. Re- movable door -- conveniently pulled out of the way for oven cleaning. Recessed cooking platform spillguard edges prevent spilling liquid onto floor. ********************** O during the summer months: and are expecting to be contacted from horne through our office, please adVise us where you are Staying. - Countless hours are involved each summer in efforts to locate persons staying at catnips and cottages to advise' them of a us.:_illness in-the -family_.4ar _ THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 25 • CHICKEN DINNER $1.50 49)(~14,01440442%9K0040044,1 0K4P160,0 'Log Cabill..:Restaurant G 0$0" evil" •