HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 11THE .k,locKHow SENTINEL, .1.14C.KNOW ONTARIO .• PAO" IMPV1.11:.
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the home of Rev. and Mrs. B. F.
ed with the word "Trust" by r. and Mrs. CheSter Emmer-
twenty-one ladies. Mrs. Frank ton of Kitchener visited here on
United church__Womgu WAS, bgl,d .4t.
Green.. The roll call was answer-
mcQiiillin gave the call to wor7 the week end and, attended the
ship and a prayer.
ture lesson, Psalm 27 was read by Sunday.
ing of the Inner• Life. The scrip- Anglicah Church at Lurgan on
Mrs. John Cameron with the med- St., Lukes, is a beautiful little
itatibn and prayer by Isobel Mil- church both inside and out with
ler. an immense Church yard and
article on "Spiritual Interior the years. It is recalled that
given by Mrs. Jim Aitchison, Mrs,mostly pine from the thick-
Decoration". Readings were the church was built of timber ,
Mintz and Mrs. Hummel.woods in the area, which wad .
SI, Helens UCW
The June Meeting of St. Helens
The-theme .1-as the Strengthen , versary service of St. Luke's
Mrs: Frank McQuillin read an attracts many visitors through
- ,
Church Observed
one hundred and fifteenth anni-
115th Anniversary
Mrs. Gordon MacPherson took given by Robert . Greenham. The
the-topiC_The _Chutch_Involve_- arm rests_ of the,pews_weie_car-v ed-
ment in Africa" and she alsO read from a-great block of ash.
tribute to Dr. Sid .Gilchrist; a Although the present congrega-
former African missionary. She tion is now smaller in numbers, it
was assisted' by Mrs. Charles Mc- still carries on the faithful work '
Donald and Mrs. Tom Todd. of this little church.
Mrs. MacPherson had charge of
the business period. It was agreed
'--to-send-baking-to the Bake Sale er by Mrs: Mintz. Lunch was , at the Craft Days on August 4th
served by. Mrs. Simon de Boer and ' and 5th.
Mrs,--Charles McDonald The meeting closed-with-prsy-=
Rev. George Watt
Was Guest SpegkO'r
Anniversary services were held
at the United Church , enhanced
with bouquets of flowers, 'Sunday,
June 18 with morning worship at
11 a.m. with Mr. K. J., de Koeij-
er minister and Rev. George
D. Watt'guest minister. Organ-
ist was Mrs. Garnet Farrier and
pianist, John Gibb with Garnet
Farrier accompanying the hymn
singing on the saxaphone..
The_choir sa ng-Jo-y-fav--Joyfu-1-;
We Adore Thee and Shepherd of
Love. The offering was receiv-
ed by Earl Thompson, • Gary Chap-
man, Carman Whytock and Clif-
ford Laidlaw.
'The children's interesting story'
was about a traveller's experience
going through the jungle in Africa,
The sermon was The Amazing
Privilege given to Os is that God
in. His love gives us the privilege
to be his temple , founded only ,
on Jesus Christ. People• who • wor-
ship together are a temple of God
offering our minds. to His service.
God calls .us His friends. What a
privilege to have such a Heritage
so we' can worship in church
Sunday. after Sunday. We do not
have to be perfect •to enter Gods
church, where God will help us.
Every boy and girl has a differ-
ent talent and what an amazing
privilege to know God will use our
talents. In times of sorrow and ,
-doubt., what--an amazing privil-
ege to have God's assistance. We
'are God's temple and God needs
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vice to the best of our ability.
At the evening service, at
8 p.m. the Y.P.S. choir sang
Just 'For To Day and Put Your -
Hand in the. Hand. The sermon
was, DeliVerance from the Lions.
Daniel had faith that-God-woul
save him from' the lions: TOday
there are real lions like - The
Church haS had it and God is
dead. God is not dead , He is
' when it is not doing God's work.
On an anniversary God calls
us to be' His witness. We are apt
to talk more about our problems
than of the power, of the Living.
God to solve them. What a priv-
ilege to know the. living God has
called us and will stand by us.
The God. who delivered llama-
from the' lions will deliver you
from the Lions of Life.,
pollution ont
WEDNESDAY, Juse.71414.1.972-
Hen..Jarries A C Auld. Minister
Everett Bijgs, Deputy Minister
'±Ashfif_ld VV.M
Miss Sadie Johnston opened and
closed the June meeting of the
Ashfield Women's Missionary Soc-
iety with prayer. It was held in,
the church school room with 16
members present. •
Mrs. G. Robb read the scripture
and. Mrs. E. Howes the medita-
tion and prayer. Mrs, Henry Mac ,
Kenzie led in prayer.
`Miss Johnstongave a reading on
the relationship of Christians with
Jews. -Ro1-1-ea-11--was--a-nswered-by
\a miracle, performed by Jesus.,
folldwed by prayer by Mrs.
Warren Wylds.
Mrs. Bruce MacDonald read a
poern on The Jew. Mrs. EI Mac-
Lean conducted the business part
and the committee Served lunch.
Wm. 1:Kinethari
R.R. 2 Lecknoef •
Phone %gingham 357-1807