HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 8.WEDNESDAY,..)UNE 710, 1,472- PAGE mawr ' 31 • STARTS WITH A STO p HERE • BE SURE YOUR CAR IS SAFE. TO. 'PRIVE. !COMPLETE' •••••••:,•:•‘::.,•••3::::3::•:::::::::••••• • • REPAIRS CLOSED AT 7 P.M. EVERY EVENING I/ E Stiosephs School Presents Operetta KINGSBRIDG NEWS On Thursday evening, June 8th the senior students of St. Joseph's school presented the Operetta, Tom Sawyer. In charge of the music was the mus- ic teacher , Mrs.' Duncan Simp- son and director, Mrs. John Sheardown, teacher at the school. Cast of main characters were: Reader of Poem , Mary Ann Gerd- , es; Aunt Polly, Marianne Fra.yne; Tom Sawyer , Shawn Dalton; Joe Harper , Mark Frayne; Amy Law- rence , Donna Frayne; Becky Thatcher:, Lucille--Frayne;Huck Finn; Peter Vogt; Injun Joe, Eddie Sinnett; Widow Dbuglas, Anita--Dolienyrplu-s- n any inure players. The Operetta.was well enjoy- ed by the, audience and congratu- lations go to the students for the hard work and effort put into presenting such a play. THIS SUMMER BE WATER WISE1 A RED CRO55 WATER SAFETY PROGRAM WILL BE HELD AT KINGS KAMP ON SILVER LAKE FROM JULY 3 -TO JULY - Under the sponsorship of the Kinloss Township Recreation Committee QUALIFIED RED CROSS INSTRUCTORS AND GUARDS WILL CONDUCT CLASSES EVERY MORNING MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 9 TO 12 FOR BEGINNERS, JUNIORS, INTER- MEDIATES AND SENIORS AS REQUIRED. Adult class restricted to first 20 adults Boys and Girls from Kinloss Township and the immediate sur- rounding rural areas of Huron, Greenock, Culross and Kincar- dine Townships are invited to register; , Everyone, is responsible for their own transportation. All water safety equipment will be available, but for this year there will be' no facilities for changing clothes. Fees must be paid at registration, and will' be $5 per child or $12 per family.. REGISTRATION Thursday, June .22 FROM 7:00 TO 9:30 P.M. AT THE SCOUT HALL IN HOLYROOD --Childrerr-MU5-7 be-registered before--- • starting of classes , e•4••<-0-40 For Information Phone BRUCE COLWELL 520.5402 BARRY JOHNSTON, 395.5231 with about 40 attendants. We were happy to' see so many new faces. Mrs. MOntgomery led the • Of. Horse's. .Hoof choir for many well known songsL Donna Taylor taught several new songs which everyone enjoyed. We would like' to seer more teens and adults out. Our choir can- no "-t-ure don "t aY all participate. Don't feel reg- ular attendance is necessary; • came when you can. Talks On Care The regular meeting. of The Riders Roost Saddle Club was held at the home of Ken and Carolyn Sheila -Gunby gave the report of the last meeting. They now have a memberShip•of 37, WIN $31500 KINCARDINE DISTRICT GENERAL HOSPITAL BUILDING FUND SWEEPSTAKE # 1 THE LUCKN. SENTINEL„ L.VCKHO W, ONTARIO RECREATION BEAT There are several upcoming events in Lucknow which the Recreation Planning and. Develop- ment Committee has planned. THE RECREATION SHOW-CASE ' is coming up July 7th and 8th. Doors open at 10.00 a.m. 'and close at 11.00 , Displays such as crafts ,'weav,ing , painting, knitting, rug hooking, sports equipment and'clothingpAu various other booths, will be set up.. We have quite a few entry forms filled out for both theping pong tournament and the talent contest , but there is still time for you to be one of our appli- cants. You will be entertained by, choirs, bands, vocal solos and • instrumental solos during your visit with us. Please contact the Lucknow Recreation Planning and Development Committee , 528- 3428. PLAYGROUND PROGRAM. Our playground p/rogram is being planned for the summer and is to begin the second week in July. and our next step will be registra- tion which will be held the first week of July. In our program we hope to have crafts, drama , story- telling and active sports. We . hope to have a travelling play- ground which will allow us to hold-Our program at Broode, , North Ashfield and Holyrood Schools, 1 dAy each, and at Luck- now two days. We are hoping' to have a good .response for this program. BOXING The Boxing Club Tnet for' their second time on Monday , June 12th with a turnout of 25 people.. Exams may have prevented some from attending. Let's see yOu all out this week. COMMUNITY CHOIR The choir got together Thurs - day night at theUnited Church • ROLLER SKATING , . -June '16th was the grand open- Carolyn Taylor then brought ing for roller skating in Lucknow„ in her Mare ,Stardust and :intro- Up until this summer roller skat- duced Ron Alton of Lucknow who ing had been debated on, h:ut no / pve a talk on the different parts tt4rapt-ht:-d=-bre-to-set . -of-thehtio-f-arid the--trifflining up this activity. of each. Ron was assisted by Awaiting for the arrival of the Brenda Taylor and as he talked 150 pair of skates from Skateland he trimmed and filed the hoofs in 'London, the Recreation Plan- and explained each step to the ning and Development Cornmit- members. Carolyn than gave a hort-talk-on-grooin_g_a_ased tec•bUsily cleanetLthe_dien m floor , preparing for the opening, , both young and old enjoy:- two more' horses as models, Nitro And what a success it has proven and Little Bit. to be..Approximately 170 mem- bers 10. 00 Sunday night. intTohfeoumr members wiethrea leader for ed their 1 1/2 hour skate last Friday night and 111 from 8.60 - So bring your 'family and . each group and all had,a chance to work On The models With Ken, and Carolyn Taylor, Brenda and friends to the LucknoW Arena to see how much fun it really can sTrulpcht. !De: Aalders to oversee and iv- HOUSELEAGUE SOFTBALL On Saturday morning our Little House League team went into play once again. The nine &Clock game saw the, Mess (coach Marg C hester) go down to defeat the' Expos (coach Don- na Greer) 10-1. The 10.80 game was an exciting game between the Pirates (coach Brenda Bushell) and the Giants (coach Peter Smith. 777 ••;-•-•-•-• r7 • PROCEEDS' TO BE USED FOR EXPANSION AND EQUIPPINGAT HOSPITAL PRIZES 1. JACKPOT DRAW SEPT. 16,1972 1st Prize - '2.000" 7-nil Prize - ss000tr EARLY BIRD DRAW • 1 . •-JULY 1, 1972-$206,00 2.-JULY 15, 1972L$200.00 3 - JULY 29. ;1972.7_3200 00_ AUGUSt 12, 197,2-,$200 00 5 -- AUGUST .26,. 1971-$20n 00 FOR TICKETS WRITE: BOX 2,000. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Plans were Made for the next riding meet to be heldnin June with, a professional instructor in -ttendance. Mrs. Gr.acc_Itopf____ won the door prize. Next, meet - ing will be at Sheith Gunby's.. The final score was 9.7 in favour of the Pirates. This week,. June 2 mthe,IPs o.o Pirates Expos 0.00, Giants vs