HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 7ARNOLD'S GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow, Phone 529-7248 rntrimics SPECIAL PINE RIVER CHEESE _ •93c lb. SWIFT.STEWS 24 oz. 2 far $1.00 * Neil McLennan is:presently hav ing a one storey addition built onto his home in. 'the west end of ' Ripley. Mrs. McLennan is report• ed improving 'in health. Norma has been a 4atient in' Kincardine and. District Hospital for the past several, weeks and area friends wish her continued iinprovement. • • • • • D.C. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE IN AUBURIL_ MONDAY AND FRIDAYS 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 526.7235 of Detroit spent the week end wit' his sister Mrs. Lewis of Winghath. Percy McClenaghan is now employed at Listowel and will be moving there shortly. On Wed- nesday afternoon he visited with his grandmother', Mrs. Lillian McClenaghan: Mr. and. Mrs. Russel Gaunt were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jini Currie of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snell of , Tillsonburg were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Dave Gibb and family. , • On Sunday June 25 there will be no church nor Sunday School' service at Chalmer's Presbyterian • Church, it being anniversary at - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1972 THE .1,17C1(N0* SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE SEVEN Reception Held For Newlyweds WHITECHURCH NEWS On Friday evening a reception was held in Whitechurch Commun ity Memorial Hall for Mr. and. Mrs. Terry Rutledge, newly weds nee Brenda Webster. Music for dancing was supplied by the Alley Cats with Brian Rintonl doing the calling off. At •lunch time Mr. . and Mrs. Rutledge were called to the' platform. Wayne Martin gave the address and Douglas Gaunt presented a gift of money on behalf of. the crowd. Both During the, past week the long dry spell of weather ended' with rains coming just as some farmers started their hayingoperations Saturday evening; June 10 saw heavy frost through all 'South West• ern Ontario and some fields of corn were badly frozen in'this area. Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge-replied 'thanking those who had sponsor- ed the occasion for them, to those who attended and for their gift, All sang For they are jolly good fellows and dancing resum- ed to the closing hour. ' Weare 'pleased to report that Douglas Ross was permitted to return home on. Friday last , after Th • being is Week In Ripley Hospital in wWiitnhghpanemu ma nodriiDaistrict Mr; and 'Mrs. GershornJ 4 ohn- BY AB WYLDS An article appeared on the ston of Wingham visited on Sun- . sports page of the Windsor Star day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Miss Rhoda Elizabeth Howard, Daily newspaper on Monday , May Woods and family of Egmondville. formerly of Ripley, has received 29 describing a track and field - Chalmer's Presbyterian W.M.S. her M.A. in sociology from Mc- meet which has held on the will hold their meeting Wednes- Gill University , Montreal. She Saturday prior'at the Athletic . day , June 21st at the home of has_beenalwardFd_a_canada_Coinr:__FteidE -of- Erni.,th e remity of Windsor.-w-s-;---Russ*-1-7Ross-.— cil Doctorial Fellowship , finan- aIng her further studies towards. her Ph.D. and including a trip to Africa in September, 1973;: for a year's study of African sociol- Mrs. Ross Cumming of Luck- now and Mr. and Mrs.. Leslie Warden of Huron attended_the 0 i nt ar o Fiddlers and Step Dancing competition 'in He.nsall last Fri- day evening. The finals for the nine different classes were held on §a,turcla)L_evenint,----Mrs . DorA , othy Wardell played in the comp-' dation. Notice is heiehy given to all persons in possession of land, . in accordance with -the Weed Control Act, 1970, Sec. 4, 14, and 20, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the • Village of Lticknow are destroyed by date of July 15 1972 and thiatighiiiif the eeasiiii, the-MuniCipalitymay enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in, taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. WEED INSPECTOR, CLIFFORD 'CRAWFORD- VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS D ESTROY W EEDS O • a Here visiting, in Ripley with Mrs. Ralph Elliott. is Mrs. G. W. Moffat of Grosse Point , Michig- an. Mrs. Elliott recent spent. some time visiting in Grosse a • * * • • * $ In this' article it described the feats of an athlete, which would interest local people. The artic- le states "one of the record breaking athletes was ll-year-old • ogY• David Blue, a remarkable little iello,w,frorn_Glenwoocl Public School who captured the individual atom charriPionship for -thy seem-id consecutive year'. He set records in the 200 and 4.00, metres race's as well as winnine the 100 'metres and running on Glenwood's victorious'400 Metre relay team. For hit performance David. Blue was named the meet's outstanding male athlete." He •is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blue of Windsor and the'grand- son of Mr. and Mrs ; Donald Blue of Ripley : Last year David com- peted in fifteen meets winning the ,championships for 12 of these meets. Mr.. and Mrs.. Garry Duncan of Port Credit are this week holiday- ing with her parents Mr'. and Mrs.. Mi.11an Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Moore and family were Sunday 'visitors POint_and_De.tria-w-ith- friends '• * * a Mrs. Charles Wyld, who was recently visiting in Meaford go is spending this week at her Mal- colm Street home in Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Niels Frederiksen • were, in Meaford last Sunday to bring her home. * * Mr. and 'Mrs. Redvers Johnston of. Ripley spent a day last week visiting with their daughter Mrs. Guest Mitchell in LOndon.. Along with Mr.. and Mrs. Johnston was 4.,,- 0 ti-- Oy MacLean of Ripley. * * a a. This season's first swarm of been landed on Saturday afternoon in some bushes .near the home of •Mr. and Mrs. 'Graham Cook on outhATL.Ri. a Home for the fil4t time in the last year is Roddy MacDonald , visiting with his mother Mrs. Dorm Nicholson and Reeye- ton Nicholson and family relativ- es and friends in the area. Rod was posted to Lahr, Germany with the 'medical branch of the Canad- ian Armed Forces a year ago, * • * * with his mother Mrs. Dorothy Moore of Wroxeter. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire were her parents Mr, and Mrs.' Clen- eden Bramhill of Palmerston and Mr. and Mrs.' Ira Zurbrigg of Listowel. • Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wyb- enga attended the Ordination and Induetion service at. Westmin• •ster Presbyterian Church, Paisley- on Sunday evening at 8 p.m.7 The sermon was given by Rev. lerin Noble 'Lucknow and the • charges by Rev. Tom McKinney, feeswater. The Rev. Peter D; Mellegers studied for 2 years at Bible. College and 4 years at Calvin College , Grand Rapids. It was during this time he• and Vic torWybenda were class mates and later at Knox College. Rev. P. -Mellegers-and-fa-mily haii-7frour Duntroon near Collingwood. MrS. Neil Rintoul and baby, SteWir Andrew an Tired home on Saturday from St. Joseph's Hospit- al,, London. Her aunt Mrs. Bill SprOule of T orontO ir visiting her this' week. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross were visitOrs at Kitchener on Sunday • with Mr; and Mrs. Jim Ross and Mark of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Alton of Ashfield were Sunday evening visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Victor Emerson. Huron Perth Presbytery on Sun- day evening , June 18 held a party in Sea forth Church in honour of Rev. Ure Stewart to celebrate the 65th ordination of his ministry Rev. U. Stewart was pastor at Langside and Whitechurch Presby- terian Churches and many will 'remember the family Muriel (Mrs. Lloyd Christener) of Kitch- ener, Marjorie (Mrs: AlVin Ham- mond) of Moorefield and son Dr. Kenneth Stewart of Kitchener. All were present for the celebra- ---;Mrs, Olive-BOss ham and Rev. Graydon arid Mrs. Cox of London 'attended. Repres- entatives were present from all the charges where Rev. Stewart had been pastor. The offering of the_e_nitig-was given-to Rev. Stewart. Lunch including a birthday cake was served in the basement. Mrs. Ruby Cranston of doder- ich visited with Mrs. Lillian Mc- Clenaghan and attended United Church anniversary services, Mr. and Mrs.'.. Bill Parker, Bev- erley and her friend of Lucan, 'visited on Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and Mt. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan. Mr and Mrs. Melvin McClenaghan, of Kitchener also visited with them. Wm. Henderson services 11 a.m. • and' 8 p.m. Last Tuesday evening those attending the Bruce South DiStrict celebration of the 75th anniver- sary of women's Institutes from Whitechurch W.I. were. Mrs. Frank•Ross, Mrs. Dave dibb, Mrs. Johnston. Conn, Mrs. Wallace Conn ,.Mrs. Russel McGuire, Mrs.. Fred Tiffin, Mrs, Gershom. John- ston, Mrs. Jim. Currie, Mrs. ' Vic Emerson, Mrs; George Fisher,' who was in charge of the celebra- tioriarranged by a' committee from Lucknow , .Belmore and Whitechurch... The bird-play fruit cake was made by Mrs. George Fisher and the decOrated cake was done by Mrs. Gertie Tiffin and 'Wks. Dan Tiffin. •Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrier and 'Kimberley of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie, of Sarnia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Garnet Farrier and attended anniversary services at'the United Church. Visiting in Schomberg, just north, of. Toronto, with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Hulse, is Mrs. Ernie Pollock of Ripley. Recently Mr. and Mrs. • Hulse visited in Ripley and also with Mrs. Alice Copley of Tiver- ton. The Ripley Agricultural Soc- iety held its June meeting in the Ripley District High School on 'Monday evening of last week. In attendance were president Lester Ferguson, vice presidents, Hugh Mason and Morley Scott, along with Mrs. •Wm. J. Arnold,'Mrs. Howard Thompson, Stuart Aitken, Hamilton MacKinnon, John C. MacDonald ,, Jini Need- ham and the secretary. a * 1.0 _o o • I I, father passed away two weeks ago. Mrs. Walter James of Wood- stock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cas'lick and attended the United 'Church anniversary servic - Mr'. and. Mrs. Scott .Patterson DUNGANNON . 1. Sympathy of friends in this community is extended- to rela - tives of Mrs. Harry Middleton (nee Iona Swan), who passed away at Oshawa op Thursday. Iona was the oldest daughter of Mr. John Swan, Wiarton, and the late Mrs. Swan, all formerly of Crewe. Sympathy also is expressed to Mrs. Bert Badman (nee Belle Errington) of Goderich and to other relatives in the death of . Bert Badman following a brief Hitless. • and_Mrs„--J„ A. Iteldhui§. of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins on Sunday, and made other calls in the area. , Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Mc- Clenaghan and Beatrice attended the church Service in Seaforth Sunday evening at which Rev. J. Ure Stewart wa§"especially hOn- opredr on his 90th birthday and .65 years in the ministry. Eric,Wiggins left on Tuesday of last week by air for Vancouver to the home of his sister Marion and husbapd Ed Warrington', with a whom he will be erripiloyed : ,