HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-21, Page 1e
A special meeting of Kinloss
Township Council recently was
called to set the 1972 mill rate.
The general rate, the only •
one governed by the policies of
the local township council, is
-reducedirom 28.53 mills for
residential last year to 25..17 in-
tr. Commercial rate is also
reduced froni 31.91 to 28.55.
The county rate this year is
up Om 14.17 to 15.09.
The school rates, with their
adjustments and re-adjustments
in recent years , take a sizeable
jump this year in some cases ,
some held steady and one took a
If you area public school
Hand Injury,
Lions Club Install New Slate of Officers
$6.00 A Year In. Advance --$2.00 Extra To U.S.A. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, 1972 Single Copy 15c 20 Pages
Chairman Charlie Websiter of
the Lions Variety Night next
Monday , June 26th at the
Lucknow arena , reports that a fun
filled evening can be expected for
all members of the family.
Lions Clubs froirn Lucknow ,
Ripley , Goderich, Blyth, Bayfield.
Howick, Teeswater, Clinton,
Brussels, Wingham and Seaforth
will all contribute in some way to
present a number at the show.
Proceeds of the evening 'will
go for the usual -Lions community
work and to help put a public
Town and Country Club, the
local senior citizens group, at-
ten-ded sernce ar-Lucknow es
byterian Church on Sunday.
TwO .mernbers of the group
participated in the service. Wal-
ter Dexter sang, "How Great
Thou Art" , and P. A. Murray
read the New 'Testament lesson.
A men's choir from the church,
keeping,in line with Father's
Day , provided special music
Ron Machan and Cyril Brown
were ordained as elders of the'
Following the-Service, the--con-
gregation and members of the sen-
ior citizens group' enjoyed a social
time and lunch.
• " '•
ffie-ers for---t-he-immediate , also Lion Tamer,. A-171-bialtonrDirec--
is leaving the village to accept a
new pb sition at 'Lindsay.
The complete slate of officers
is; past president , Bill Nelson;'
president., Gerry Priestap; 1st vice ,
Gordon Brooks;'2nd vice , parry
Mc-Do-14i; 3rcL.„vice, Art, Helm;,_
secretary , Bob Collins; treasurer,
pro tern, Allan Johnson; tail twis-
s , Joe Agnew , Harvey „Houston;
-trit-Of the Teeswater Chib; Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Whicher; Mr. and
Mrs. Norm Coghlin of Atwood,
district governor; Mr. and Mrs.
Reuben Burnett; Mr. arid Ivirs.
Charlie Shaw, Blyth, deptity
governor elect; Mr. and Mrs.,
The head table included Mr.
sand Mrs. Murray Gaunt; Mr:
and Mrs. Clayton Nicholson; Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Bissonnette; Mr.
and Mrs. Orval McNabb, presid-
Kinloss To Aga
by Leonard times and formerly
owned by the late Sam Nesbitt.
The brick house was.situated
ponsor Swi ming at the "top of the hill" on the
Second Concession of :Huron ,
Friday' night was Charter Night
for the new Ripley and District
Lions Club.
Work to organize a new
clubjorAiple y a nd_Distr:ct
been going On for some time and
Friday was a successful climax
when 36 members were installed,.
Teeswater Lions Club 'is the spon
soring club.
Clayton Nicholson is the' first
president of the Ripley and !Dist-
rict Lions Club, Dr. Peter, Bisson-
36 Charter Members In New Ripley
Arthur Clark, age 8, R. R. 5,, ,
Lucknow, son of Mr. and Mrs.
1-Irtry-ela:tit-,--fell-whtle using-a--
lawn mower June 16 and his hand
went under the machine causing
multi-lacerations and fractures
'to his right hand ;' He was treated
and later released. ,
Lou Ann Brooks., age 16, R. R.,
3, Teeswater, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Brooks, was
admitted to Wingham hospital
June 16 with a fracture to her
pelvis. She was working in the
barn and was kicked by a horse.
Her condition is. satisfactory
Ivan. Metcalfe; age 18, Wing-'
ham, lacerated his -right wrist
after diving off the bridge at the
Howsbn Darn at Wingham.
Brian. Lennox , age 17, Gorrie,
was a passenger in,a car which
went out of control•and struck a.
bridge on County Road 30 in.
Fordwich. He had injuries to•the
left cheek and abrasions to the
face. He was treated and releas-
ed. The mishap was investigated
by Wingham Foulon.
Again this yeat, Kinloss Recrea-
tion Committee will sponsor a Red
Cross.Swimming Course. This is.
the third year of operation at
Silver Lake at facilities donated
by Ernie King. The boat house is
used for life saying lessons on Wet
Last year 140 students and 20
adults took part in the course.
Registration is to be held on
Thursday, June 22 from 7 to 9.30
P.m. at the Scout HalLin_liol rood-. Classes .are to. be held from July 3 to July 21.
Instructors for this year are
Bruce and Betty Colwell, Ann
Ackert, Gail McPherson and Bern.
adette Kieffer.
See the advertisement in this issue.
• - •
the, Lucknow arid District Lions
Club was installed at the regular
meeting, on Monday of last week
at the Mayfair Restaurant., •
Some of the 'new and outgoing
officers are pictured from the
eftrSTirling ThZek"-Zeran, treas-
urer, who has given up this post
because of his transfer to Eastern
Ontario with the' Bank of Montreal;
Gerald Priestap, the new presid-
ent; Charlie Shaw, district gover-
nor , Blyth , the installing officer;
Bill Nelsoh, president of the club
for the past year; Bob Collins,
secretary of the Lucknow Lions.
Bob will have' to be replaced in
Two Car Collison
On Main Street
• A two car collision at the corn-
er of Campbell and-Inglis Streets
in Lucknow, the post office Corn-
er On Thursda at noon resulted
in property damage 'to both vehic-
les , but only minor injuries.
Keith Reid, 20, of Lucknow,
driving a vehicle owned by Ardon-
na MacIntyre of Kinloss, was
in collision with a car driven by
Susan Walden, 16, R. 1 Kincar-
dine and containing several girl
friends from F. E. Madill Second
difig Lome
with her.
Damage' was estimated at $290
to the MacIntyre car's left front
fender and grill and the Walden
car received 'damages to about
Police investigated.
nette is secretary, Reuben Burnett
is. treasurer, Alan McLean is 1st
vice president.
The evening commenced with
a social hour at the' Huron•Town-
trip Halt at 6.30 p.m. oh owe
by dinner at the Ripley District
High School at 7.30. About 225
Dr. Peter Bissonnette, a Lion
for many years. and the charter
secretary of the club, was chair.
man for the evening.
tors:, Don Me/Kenzie , Stu Reavie,
Bob: MacKenzie, Bob McIntosh..
. The annual ladies' night was
held at the Lucknow Legion Hall
on Saturday,
"Bill Nelson, the outgoing pres-
ident acted as chairman for the
early part of the evening and then
RAGE 2 •
was responsible for the, burning
ibf his barn.. He said that he hadq„
some insurance on the property,,
but not endugh to replace'the.
barn and that 7sotrieone was •
going to have to come gOod".
Mr. Flowald presented, council
with a' sheet of paper with a'
heading "petition to close town
6 ii p" which_wassigjnedb
group of residents in the general
area of the dump property. He
stated that the area around the
dump is not a fit place to live
Frank Schumacher road super-
intendent of the Township of
Kinloss attended a course sponsor-
ed 'by the Ontario Good Roads
Association and held at'pe Uni-
"ty_of_Guelph. Va rinug cours -
es are given each year and are
designed to assist municipal road
liemployees in their every day
Elwood Tucker, Kitchener, gov-t
ernor elect; Mr. and'Mrs. Frank
Field, Teeswater , zone chairman
elect; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Oake,
Seaford', deputy governor; Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Mcl,ean,
Both Murray Gaunt and Ross
Whicher extended greetings to the
new club and those in attendance.
A toast to the ,ladies by Reuben.
3420 "sr
in the
supporterin the Huron Bruce Dist-
rict High School area your tax
Lions Variety_
Nite Next Week
Vacant House
Destroyed By Fire
Fire of unknown origin this •
past week, completely destroyed
Senior Citizens At
Sunday Service
Harold. Howald , who restdes on
the Lucknow to ,South Kinloss
road at the, northern outskirts of
the village , appeared before
Lucknow Village Council on'Tues-
daY of last week at their regular
Mr. Howald had lost his barn
by fire a'couple of days before.
He resides on the former "Emer-
son Irwin place" as it is known to
many older and former residents.
He told council that the vil-
lage dump, located to the west
of his property, had been on fire
Sunday afternoon and that he had
advised the Lucknow Fire Depart-
ment of this. He said that fire
chief George Whitby had made an
inspection of the dump and had
stated that the wind was blowing
away from the barn and did not
present a hazard 'to any.area
properties. "He was wrong",
commented Mr. Howald, "We
live on a hill and the wind can
change in a few minutes".
Mr. Howald indicated that .he
felt the fire in the 'village dump
Miss Elizabeth Jordon, Luck-
now, was admitted to hospital
with a fractured pelvis June ,16
after a fall at her home. Her .
condition is satisfactory.
a 0 S. "
,overlooking-Point-Clark;-and-has--$325-to-the left front fender
been vacant now for several years. hood and grill.
The last occupants would be Constable Andy Burgess of the
Mr. and Mrs. Bern Fler&rson and Kincardine Ontario Provincial
Claims Dump Fire
Caused: SOrti, To Burn
Lions Clu
Road Course