HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 21Culbert's Snack Bar • AMBERLEY W OPEN HOT DOGS, HAMBURGS• FISH AND CHIPS„ ETC. TAKE 017 ORDERS PHONE RIPLEY 395-5298 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*•••*••••••• LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH .MARGARET THOMPSON . •••4•••••••••••••••••••••••4•••4•#••••••••••• 10 YEARS AGO 30 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1962 FEBRUARY 1942 972 .WEDN,ESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1972. . • I THE .I.,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • .PAGE TWEN.TY.ONE Lucknow Couple Married 50 Yeari Friends. .(ag At Open House Monday Lucknow Resident Died In .88.01. 'Year MRS. WESLEY MILLS The death of Mrs. Wesley Mills of LUPknow occurred on Sunday, `. June 4 at Pinecrest Nursing Home; Lucknow in • her 88th year. - Mrs. Mills, the former Janet McGUire, was a daughter of Sam- . uel McGuire and Janet .McDon- aid. She 'was born in Huron Town ship oh -October 26th, 1884. She married Wesley .M111s on June 26 1918 at Lucknow. n- nd r ern- nel. tion e the le om- le • .d on ion !nts in ants;. nts ch ndus. ov- gree ink. I the 1 to ill inloss Township Kinloss Council met on June 5th, the reeve and all council present. After adopting the minutes of meetings on May 1st and May 29th the following business was dealt with. • Archie McCullough was appoint- Jed weed inspector for the Town- /ship of Kitiloss for the year 1972. By-law 6, 1972 was passed im- proving special drainage rates on Lot 1„Concession 12_for_$18Wj. and Lot 5, Concession 3 for • $2000. The Membership fee to. the Ont- ario Municipal Recreation Assoc- iat* $10. The taxes will be collected accurding to By-law 12, 1970 ex- twice yearly in the year 1972; tending the date of lst payment from June 80th to July 15th. Quotations are to be called on the price of re-surfacing the pav- ed portion of road at Wit:tee UrC ieliiffoWing accounts were ordered paid; Drainage , $3 ,940; General, $3,320.16; Highways, The meeting adjourned to Meet again on July 3rd or at the call of --the-reeve:.. Fraser Mic Kinnon Clerk. Michigan, They had a son, J. Jack Bell, who jollied the Navy Air Corp and served as Lieutenant J. J. Bell on board the Carrier Yorktown and was lost on his 48th mission in the Pacific Ocean his death in 1945. Ida Hillock. The family moved to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario in 1898. Clarence joined the Army on August 6 , 1914, serving in Cary- ada, England , France with the 51st and 19th Battalions. He was wounded August 27 , 1918 near Arras, France and returned to Canada July 31, 1919. ' M. Pearl Bell was born at • Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to'the late•Theodore Nelson and Sophia MacLean, Clarence and Pearl got their schooling in the Soo; Ontario. ried a second time to Charles Lorenz and,liVed in Amberley for 25 years before ''moving, to Lucknow where she resided for 15 years before her death. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are well known to many cottage. folk at. Point Clark where the o•eratect the beach store in. 1946 and 1947. Following their marriage they lived on the South Line, R. R. 4 Kincardine. Mr. Mills passed away in the early 1930's. Mills' remained on the farm for several years and later bought a home in LuCknow on the corner of Campbell and Outram Streets. Mrs. Mills is survived by one sister Mrs. George (Roberta) 1.;ock• hart of Kinloss Township. Besides her huSband she was' predeceased 'by one sister Mrs. W. A. (Nlargaret)'Soloman of Lucknow and one, brother Wm. McGuire of Ripley The funeral service was held ---on-Iltt-e-sda-y-,--Inne-bK--/-41----- zie Memorial Chapel, Lucknow. Rev . Robert Nicholls of- Luc know United Church, or'which the deceased was a member, was minister. • Pallbearers were Eugene Bridge , Jack ,Roulston , Roy Hay - ens -,---RaymonerfaTifilton ., ter RoulStOn, Andy Hamilton. Intermeht was in G:eenhill Cemetery. Area Creamery Attracts 4000 To Open House About 4000 people visited the Teeswater Creamery on Friday and Saturday on the occasion of the 50th anniversary--as' a family buSiness in the Thompson name. • • It was estimated that about 1200 toured.the premise's on Friday _and-bet-ween-2,ZOtLand-28•00 ors Saturday, Upon arriving at the plant, visitors signed the gueSt book, were given a book on the history of the plant , an itinerary of the tour, balloons ,a'nd a pretty guide; dressed in_ the golden anniversary colours to show groups through the The girls .acting as .guides were Laurie and Lynne Hill ; Janet and Ruth Whitehead , Dorrie Johnston, Connie MAcDonalci and Diane . omps9n • Upbn completion ofthe tour, a.. delitious buffet luncheon, arrang- ed by Mr. and 'Mrs. Jim• MeBurn- ey , was enjoyed, by everyone. The Thom-pson family were greet- ing and chatting with the visitors and making everyone feel weir come. Mr. and. Mrs. William Thomp- son have three, sons Clayton of Kincardine, Robert and Don .of Teeswater, N.Irs Jean Clayton of Atlanta, Georgia, who was un- • -a •,.) e- to au-en '•-and-4 ren. People jOurneyed from all parts of Ontario to be at the 50th anni- versary, corning from far away points such as' London, Toronto, . Hamilton and Montreal with some flying in for the occasion. • Imblthovrlaigrria-Prigh School- Board, received, approval fromthe Department of Education for a three-room addition to the school, which had for some time been badly overcrowded. The addition provided for two classrooms and a cafeteria , which if necessary could be converted to a third classroom .. Cecil G arnisS 'of Port Credit and formerly of Lucknow, was credited with saving the :life of a 93 yearroldman near London'. Mr. Garniss, a truck driver, was passing the elderly man's home when he noticed fire. He went to investigate and led the deaf and nearly-blinded man and his dog from the. burning home. ' He was •assisted by another truck driver Lyle Phillips of con AMBERLEY 'area Mrs . AMbrose Gamble held a Music Recital for her pupils on Friday evening in Ripley. Shan- non. Courtney took part in the program also Shaiyll and Shelly Mason froth this district. Mrs.. Ellwood Irwin of Sarnia Visited here on Friday,and'with Mr. and' Mrs. Bob Courtney at- tended the .50th 'wedding anniver-.. sary of Mr, and Mrs. Allister Hughes of Kinloss.. e .. • Fir aged by' Bob and Don Thompson, sons of Mr. and Mrs, William Thompson. On the occasion of the, 56th anniversary, William' Thompson was honoured by Tees- water Village Council , a report of which appears elsewhere in this issue. 'F he; 0=mtra-- 1-=Mestat=0* re-opened in Ripley. The prop- rietor was George Gibbons of Lucknow. Fairview Dairy was facing a :serious milk bottle •shortage, to a degree that. made daily deliver' ies very difficult.- The ebnclition 50 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 1922 Allan'-Turner took over J. Ack--.4' • ert's interest in -the Lucknow Shoe BusinesS of Ackert and Rathwell. • On February 1st , 1922, the new Shoe firm was known as Rathwell• and Turner. ," • Albert:MCOuillip of the Boundary , east .of Lucknow , sold his farm to:John MacMillan and. 4 NINE'NEW MEMBERS FblloWing the service, the lad- ies of the U.C.W. served a lunch- • eon to the candidates, their par- ents and the Board' of Session. reas- I„ De— :e- cards ilit- ay [al ost so Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell; • well known Lucknow residents where they have resided for the past seven years obserVed their 50th wedding anniversary on Mon- day of this week, June 12th'. Open House was held for their ing at the Lucknow United Chinch. ffiend1S-bOtli-a-ft..etifb-br -aTITeven' Clarence and Pearl were mar- ried June 12, 1922 in Detroit,, Clarence retired In 1960 from the New Yoik Air Brake Co?, and as planned, later moved to Lucknow to be near Pearl's mother the late Mrs. Chas. Lorenz. Clarence A.• Bell,was'born November 14 , 1896 in. West Wawa • nosh Township near the Nile. notes- to the late David A. Bell and F. • GET RESULTS HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill. gm. .ors. With Two Big Coolers,-We-Are-Able----Hang---..Your-Be Fi I To 3 Weeki"-- Whatever Your Requirements Are For Home Freezers We Sell. Choice Home Killed Beef, Pork and Lamb In Any Quantity At Lowest Marketing -Prices ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR. RIPLEY ABATTOIR Custom Butchering — Curing and Smoking Cutting and Wrapping — Sausage Making Fast Freezing PROTECTION , CHAS. HOOISVIA, PROP. • ATTOIR 395-2905 STORE 395-2961 A nomination meeting_was_ called in 'Kinloss Township to name a candidate , tO fill the office of reeve of the township, left vacant by the death of Harold Percy. An election followed with P: A. Murray the successful candi- date. • was aggravated by the delay in receiving new bottles. An , order placed_thr — ee-tnorith-s-prev ious'had not been filled., , Ewart Taylor was proprietor: Mr. and Mrs. George. Messenger and girls. attended a family pic- We are glad to report that-Mrs. nic at' Eloraon Sunday. Duncan Thorburn of Amberley is home from hospital and coming along nicely. few days this week with Mr. and ation Sunday at Pine RiVer United Mrs, Bob Courtney, and also visit- Church with a class of seven ed with other relatives and friends young people being confirmed in this during the. Service. These young people were Mary Evelyn Bradley , avid John-Camybell-r-Roy Ale-x- ander'Ferguson., Susan Elizabeth Hooey., Dale Russell Liddle , Linda. Lee Messewer , and June Elizabeth, Elliott (Bethel). A welcome was also made to Mrs. Wayne. Lowry and Mrs. Ronald . Funston two new members by transfer. Leonard Courtney and . Lester Ferguson, membets of Session, presented new Bibles and certificates to the class. A cele- .bration of the ',Ord's Supper was observed. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtney sang the duet "Where He e—accorapanted- by -An rre' Ferguson and. Mrs. Wayne Lowry on the organ and piano.