HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 10er a 11 game everyone 'n-
joyed a smorgasbord lunch.
A lovely pot luck supper was
enjoyed by all.. -
.. 4...•••=,•••••••iiii•.•••=m1.
Rev. W. A..Henderson, B, A, of WOoditock
GUEST SOLOIST at Morning Service,
Miss Annette Ougtbbn of Wingham
4 LucknowW
The afternoon Auxiliary of the
W. M.S. of the Lucknow Presby-
terian. Church Met in the Sunday
Schaal _worn_ for_their lune meet-
Mrs. Noble Johnston presided •
and opened the meeting with a
call to worship, and a poem,
"My Song", After singing a
hymn, Miss N. Malcolm give the
Bible Study, "Think and be
Thankful" , taking the Scripture
from Exodus, 15th chapter. Mrs.
-Porteous led in prayer.
Mrs. Noble gave the Mission
Study , sliowing slides of the
wEptigsoAy,1414.14E 14th,. 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL .1,1).CKNOW; ONTARIO.' PAGE, TEN,
Mrs. Roy Schrieller gave the
arigin_cif the hymn "Sweet hour
of prayer" end all joined in the
singing of this hymn. Miss Edna
Boyle conducted, a Bible picture
contest'. Cards were signed for
sick and bereaved members.
Mrs. Midford Wall''gave, a reading
on "Trtie Friendship". Mrs. Dav-
id Haldenby read a poem "Think
it over".
Mrs. Walsh read an article on
"HoW to get along with people"
and closed the meeting with pray-
er and the litany.froin the Living
Mrs. Howard Thompson
thanked Mrs. 'Walsh and Miss May
Boyle , who were co-hostesses for
Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D.
Phone 528-2740
JUNE 18th
J. W,.Van--Stempvoort
10:00 a.m. Service
2:30 p.m, Service
Helens Church
Held Picnic
At Brookside_
The St. Helen's Church Con-
gregational Picnic was held at
Brookside School Sunday, June 11.
The following were winners_in.the,
Beginners Class, Rosalea,
Cameron,. Colleen Durnin; Boys 8
and under ,•Larry MacPherson,
Steve. Errington; Girls 8 and under
Elizabeth Black; Boys 9 and 10,
Stephen MacPherson, Allan
Nicholson, Colin Cameron;,
Girls 11 and 12, Margaret Mac-
Pherson, Mary Nicholson, Barb-
ara Aitchison; Girls 13 and over ,
- Donna Errington, Bonnie Humph-
rey , Valerie Errington; Boys 13
and over, Bradley Aitchison;
Boys sack race, 10 and, under,
Steve Errington, Larry MacPher-
son; Girls sack race, 11 and over,
Valerie Errington, Barbara ,Aitchi-
son, Margaret MacPherson; Boys
sack-race , Irand over ICevin . -
Black, Brad Aitchison; Wheel .
Barrow Race,. Boys, Bradley
Humphrey and Stephen MacPher-
son, Steve Errington and Larry
MacPherson; Girls, Margaret Mac
.MacPherson and Valerie Errington;
MacDonald; Frisbe Throw , 8end
under, Larry MacPherson, Steve
Eiringron; 9 anc1-10T'Brat
Lucknow Unit 4
The Unit 4 of United Church ,
Women met for their June meet-
ing at Mrs. Jack McDonagh's
home with 18 answering the roll
call, •
Mrs. Clarence Bell opened
with "MakeThis your Daily
Prayer"'. The scripture was read-
iitimphrey and. she_ _
read a Poem "The Seatch".
Mrs. Jack Treleaven gave a .
reading "How to be Cheerful".
Mrs. Clarence Bell read an artic-
le on. Father's Day. A reading
"A Friend or Two*" was read by '
Mrs. Don Dennis.
Mrs. Jack McKim gave an '
interesting talk on Africa.
Mrs. Ernest Ackert Jr. opened
the business with a reading. The
roll call was answered by an
item from the observer. Lunch
was served with a social hour,.
Unit 2 Met At
Wh =oit
Mrs. Wm. Wharry.was the host-
ess for Unit' 2 of Lucknow United
Church Women at her cottage at
Point Clark' on Tuesday, June 6th,
Mrs: Eldon. Henderson welcomed
17 members and 1 visitor.
The meeting -opened with, two,
readings "The Little Blessings"
and "Theleart--af-a-Frie-nd".
"What a Friend We Have in Jeius"
,was sung. Seventeen members
answered the,roll call with their
vacation plans. Mrs. Alex Mac-
Nay gave the visitor's report,
Miss Lorna Campbell and Miss
The program' began with the
singing of a'hymn and Mrs.
Wraith 'read the,scripttire. A'
panel discussion on the Covenant
was given by' Misslielen-TIrornp----7.
son, Mrs. Alex MicNay
Peter Cook, and Mrs. Eldon Rit-
chie., Mrs. Henderson followed
with prayer and Mts. MacMurchy
e wers xpress
Love". .• Miss Anne Ferguson of
Pine River favoured with a num-
ber of selections on her accordian,
The study on Africa was giVen
by Miss Ada Webster. She read .a
letter from a missionary in Ghana
describing their hot-he and the
country. Miss. Lorna Campbell
Party", and all repeated the •
Mizpah Benediction,
Miss Lorna Cam'bell and Mrs.
Garfield MacDonald presented
Mrs. Wharry with 'a cup and sauc-
er from theladies of Unit 2,
116th Anniversary
Of South Kinloss
The 116th ,.Anniversary 'of 'South
Kinloss Presbyterian Church was
observed with morning and even-
ing services on June 11: The Rev..
G. L. Royal of Goderich was
ivenary_speaker and brought
stirring messages. The thurch
was brightened with beautiful
-spr-i-n,g flowers grown aild-a-tra-nged
by Mrs. Alex MacLeod.
The Senior Chair included some
members from Lucknaw PreSbyter-
ian and United Churches and was
directed by Mrs. Lorne Sparks. s '
The Junior Choir, all from South
Kinloss Sunday School, directed
by Mrs. Spark's* and Mrs. Bell,
added much to the song service.
Some oftheir anthems were '
composed by Mrs. Sparks., PianiSt
was Miss Linda Sparks.
At the e evening service a duet
ci was sung by Mrs. Don Milan
Mrs. Jack Forster and solo part s
in anthems were taken by Mrs. I
Sparks and Frank MacKerizie. The
half-hour Singsperation.precedin
t e evening service included ,•
numbers 'from both Senior and
Junior Choirs.
workers in different' mission fields,
accompanied by, a tape recording
Of interviews which Miss Whale
had with mitssionaries in various
fields , ,which were interesting
and informative.
Following hyriin "Pass me not,
O gentle Saviour" , Mrs. NI,
Hendersoifgake 4 reading '!The •
Time for Trayer 7 . Mrs. N. John-
ston gave the offeratory prayer,
Twenty two ladies answered
roll call, a verse from the book
of Proverb's. A motion to send
$5.00 for the upkeep of Kintail
Camp was carried, An announce-
ment of the Ladies Camp at Kin-
tail, to be held June 10, 17,, 18,
was read , also thank you.' notes.
ackhowledging sympathy and get
well cards. Mrs. Jas. Smith gave
a short report of the Presb)terial
held in Bluevale. The next reg-
ular meeting is the Home Help-
er picnic meeting.
Mother .& Daughter:
Banquet Held By
uccl now CGIT
Kiniotigh A.C.W.
The Anglican Church Women
met on Thursday afternoon at the
home of the president Mrs. Gert-
rude Walsh, who presided and
welcomed everyone.
The scripture lesson, psalm 92
was read by Mrs. Delbert Hedley.
The members prayer, prayer •
partner's prayer, and the Lord's
prayer were repeated in unison.
Mrs. Midford Wall read the corre-
spondence and all answered the
-roll- call with the -word- "ttLISt-%--As-
letter from St. Monica House,
Waterloo was read acknowledging
a gift of money which was sent to
Miss Edna Boyle give the report
from the South Saugeen Deanery
meeting which four of the ladies
were privilegedlo attend. Plans
were made for a luncheon and
fellowship hour following the
church service on June '25th at
11 a.m. , when members from the
parish'will be visiting with us.
Mrs. Art Haldenby kindly offered
her home for the making of the
sandwiches and the ladies will
oring cookies, tarts or squares
for dessert.
Roy-05-111nrgave a were
meditation on"Trust".
Contributing to the program
was "The Divine Potter" by Mrs.
Howard Thompson, "The faithful
bell ringer" by Miss May Boyle ,
"The Bible Alphabet" by Mrs. Art
TWO SERVICES 1.1 A.M. AND 8 p.":
• GUEST SPEAKER Rev.- J, Charles Hay, Ph.D.
of Knox College, Toronto. •
is mee ing. tre 'emu's re res
tnents were served and a social
time was spent..
Presbyterian Church
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
course using bean bags, Bill Mac-
Pherson, Barbara Aitchison, Gard-
on MacPherson; Dropping Clothes-
pins in milk bottle, Ladies, Mrs..
- Green; Me Sheldon Martin;'
Open Wheelbarrow Race; Bradley
Humphrey and Stephen MacPher-
son, 'Bradley Aitchison and
Wayne Martin; 3-legged Race,
anet erson ;ev
MacPherson, Margaret MacPher ,
son and Valerie, Errington; Boys,
Bradley Humphrey and Stephen
MacPherson, yen MacDonald
and Gord Miller; Rooster. Fight ,
Boys, 10 and. under , Stephen Mac-
Pherson, Allan Nicholson; Girls.,
.11 and over, Valerie Eri•ingtOn,
Ma rgx•et_lAa caerson;_Bays4-11.
and over-i'Bradley Aitcbison;
Shoe scramble 'Race, Margaret
MacPherson and Wayne Martin,
Gard Miller and. Vera MatDon-
ald , Valerie Errington and Brad'
ley Aitchison.
Humphrey , Stephen MacPherson;
12 and over , Wayne Martin, Kevin
Black, Brad Aitchison and Valerie.
Errington, tie;. Ladies, Helo,n
MacDonald , Elaine Errihgton,
Isobel Miller; Men, Gord Miller,
Bill MacPherson, Ross Errington; Helen ThompSon will visit the
Fishing with rubber ring and shtitins in July. Mrs. Wraith
milk bottle, Mrs. Green; Golf reported for social functions.
JUNE 18th
10 a.m. Sunday School
Those wishing transportation 'to
church contact
Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741
The Rev. R. Odendahl
- . Rector:
One service at 11 a.m.
/ St. Paul's Church
JUNE 18th
Trinity 3
Lucknow C.G.I. T. closed a
full and year's acri‘nies with
a .Mother and. Daughter Banquet. •
The .evening began -with a Wel'
come to the guests by President„
Nancy Ritchie followed h\ grace
said by Rev. Glenn-Nohle.
After dinner, the toast to the
Queen was given by Ca th ni ie
son. Brenda MacDonald cave a
toast to the mothers and her moth.
er, Mrs,- Audrey -Ma e Do.nald , re-
plied to•the toast and toasted the •
girls .and leaders.' Nancy. Ritchie
toasted the church and..Rev'. bob
Nicholls replied. .
Annual report. .The biggest
projects were the oh Easter
eggs, the film "The Incredible
Journey" ,'UNICEF collection,
the .Christmas Vesper Sec ice .and
the support of a foster child in
Peru.. 'For Bible study, the theme
was Christian' love A frica ,was
-4- e-a-rea-of study for titsQion ,. and
the third study of the gill's choice
was physical' education. • Other
projects Were: a cook-out , a bus-'
trip/ to Maple Leaf Gardens to • '
attend the ice-capades, felt .
craftS,''toboganning,and • •
pyjama party, an Irtsh-s-uppei
with Wingham C.G.I.T; and:a
trip to Visit a synagogue in Lond-
on and several :churches. The
financial report' showed a total
budget of $-8•55:54.-
Attend Litia anceprrizes mere present ,
ed by Mrs. Cayley
LCe Jo -
Elizabeth Ritchie ', 1st prize
Ritchie, 2nd prize Nancy
Ritchie , and 3rd 'prize Cathy
The C. G . LT. purpose, verse
and hymn were led by. Nancy
Ritchie , and a sing song was led
by Mrs. Nichollt-. --EltzaThet-11-
Ritchie was in charge of six skits
presented by the girls. A .film -
strip, "The I. and Thoucf it" was
shown followed by a worship
I lender -.
led' by Coralyn
Taps closed the evening which
was thoroughly ,enjoyed by ali
fter singing a hymn,. Mrs. E.
MacDonald closed the.meeting
with prayer.