HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 6 , PAGE. Six • THE LOCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY', JUNE 14th, 1972 • Alexander & Chapman Realty Limited is pleased to announce 'the appointment of .Mrs. Bernice Glenn to their staff. Mrs. Glenn has successfully completed the Real Estate examinations and looks forward to assisting you in your Real Estate needs. Phone Mrs. Glenn at Bus; 524-9662, or Res: 529-7924. _ . Mrs. Bernice Glenn ALEXANDER Ift CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE- GODERICH PHONE 24-9662 The Dutch Elm disease is now found from Nova Scotia to Ontario. ••••rnammunsommur - • • • • . : FOR SALE • At_ COUNTRY STORE : :Buy this well established bus-: iness with a large turnover, plus. ;living quarters which have just: la been recently redecorated. 'Miss • mproperty is priced for the per-: • • son who wishs to own their myna DEALER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY FOR IMPERIAL SWIMMING POOLS On_top or in_ground Protected areas with very little investMent, It would pay you to enquire about this lucrative business. If interested call DOUG McPHERSON 392-6941 Teeswater mir-asvti. 7-n-apr FUN • :That's what you'll-have-with-this-Vat :100 acres of Property, just per1,11 n feet for summer and winter; • sports land. This property has! o rolling-hills, bush, dug ,pond and; o a good spring. also situated ono • , . • this piece of property is a barn.. :Call us right away on this buy • • is because it is priced for quick :sale. • • :GERRIE and BERNICE: : GLENN • • n • SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS LUCKNOW " Phone 529-7524 or 524-7681 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products For Farm, Horne and Industry - FUELS HEATINO OILS • • ▪ Lucknow, requiring no fill, • ▪ measuring 82.5' x 132'; priced : • ▪ to sell. n • n Office- Phone Goderich- 524-9662: o Residence, Dungannon 529.7924N n • • - • n . n n 0 : BUILDING LOT : • DUNGANNON . s iences and_situatecLamong_maLE _ ure- maple trees. The land can n 1:00 P. • • be rented or the house, barn & 5 • "acres of land can be separated. : • Lot 3, • through the cedar trees. Ask- 1: • mg $1n,000 with terms. LUCKNOW OFFICE 528-2031 RES. 528.3821 WANTING LISTINGS • • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Inthe-Estate-of-- FLORA 'ELIZABETH ANDREW deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Flora Elizabeth An- drew, late of the Village of Luck- now, in the County of Bruce, Re- tired School Teacher, deceased, who 'died on or about the 5th day to send 'full particulars of their : of-March9721-are-hereby-notified= business:— - - a : HIGHWAY FARM : distributed amongst those entitled g 100 acres of good farm land, • thereto having regard only to the is Salesman, deceased who died on PARkY McDONAGH • extracted from tamarack bark by • . GOOERICH, oNTARIO Canadian,pioneers. iiiii••••••••••••iiimonamilia Aiexander _and Chapman I Realty Limited CARD OF THANKS A sincere thank you to my many friends, who 'were so kind to me while I was in Wingham Hospital and since returning home. Calls, cards, flowers and gifts were all deeply appreciated. Esther Gibson I would like, to express my sin- ceer thanks to all who visited me, sent cards and'-to those who help- ed in various ways at home, while I was a patient in Wingham. Dis- trict hospital. Special thanks to. Drs. Collin and McKim, nurses and staff on 1st floor. Cliff Kilpatrick . . The Staff of the Lucknow Central Public SchOol would like to thank the Grade Five 'mothers for help- ing 'make Miss Webb's Retirement Tea a success. Special thanks to Jane, Gloria, Laura Lee" 'and Isabel. We wish to thank our family, neighbours, relatives and friends for all their acts of kindness, cards - and gifts which made our 25th wed- ding anniversary a very memor- able occasioin. Stuart and Lois Chamney I wish to thank all those who re- membered me with cards, gifts and - -visits- -while -I -- was-a-patient-in Wingham and District Hospital. Sadie MacMillan We would like to thank the Itair7 shea W.,I., friends, neighbours and relatives for making our Rith Wed- ding Anniversary such a memor- .:, able occasion. Many thanks for flowers, gifts, cards and good wish- Jean and Allister Hughes To Mr. and Mrs. Glen Walden and family, our sincere thanks and appreciation for their help in pre- paring the paper's and pedigree at our recent Herd dispersal, It will always be remembered. Casper end Marie Manshanden and family We wish to express our sincere thanks for the manY kind express- , ions of sympathy shown at the time Notice To Creditors. NOTICE' TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS In the Estate Of WILLIAM. ALLISON STEWART' deceased ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of William Al- lison Stewart, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or abbut the 17th day of February, A.D. 1972, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitors fGr the Administrator on or before, the Twenty-third day of June A.D. 1972, full particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit. IMMEDIATELY after, the Twen- ty-third 'day of June, A.D. 1972, the assets of the estate will be distrib- uted amongst the parties entitled thereto having, regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have received notice. DATED tat Kincardine, Ontario, this Twenty-fifth day , of May, A.D. 1972. DOLLAR & SHEPHERD Kincardine, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator claims to the undersigned Solicitor day e-Estater-on-or-before-the-15th of June 1972, after which date the Estate will be distribnted a- mongst those entitled thereto hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this' 25th day of May 1972. R.. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM JOHN IRWIN Degeased All persons having claims against the Estate of William John Irwin, late of the Township of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, Retired Farm- er, deceased, who died on or about hereby notified to send full particul- ars of their claims to the under- signed Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the '15th day of June 1972, after which date the Estate will be ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS lh ,the Estate 'of • JAMES HOWARD O'DONNELL Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of James Howard O'Donnell, late of the Village of ,Lueknow, in the County of Bruce, 11 PURDON ,.Rea-I Estate Limited REALT ideal lots approximately 66' x 165' for sale in quiet residential area, near public school, close to bigh school buses. Price $1,000 to $1,450. Incpme property with living guar-, teis in resort town. One building includes living quarters and two cottagettes-,- 2 bedrooms-,-enh,-8 contained, renting af $65 per week. New 2 bedroom cottage, self- con-tained on own lot, rents at $75 per week, one block from beach. Priced at. $26,000. Good building 18' 6" x 31', asphalt shingled roof, wired* for hydro, water piped in, extra large septic tank, situated on lot approximately 60 x 132', good location. Price $2200. Choice lot for your dream home. 80.5' x 100' in quiet residential area, close to business section. List with Purdon Real Estate -Start-paddrig We'll keep our date ROSS and PHYLLIS HOGGART Phone Wingham 357.3692 HELEN rdon Han an • Mr. and Mrs. Tioni Todd and Miss Isobel Miller' spent a few days in Northern Ontario. The family 'of the late Carl •Jos- eph Riegling •Jr. wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for mass- es ,beautiful floral tributes, dona- tions to the Ontario Heart Found- ation, cards and letters of sym- pathy and the many acts of kind- ness shown them in their recent sad loss of a loving son, husband, father and brother. Special thanks to Rev. Father H. Cassano, pall- bearers, C.W.L. ladies and neigh- bours who served dinner in the the_fune.raLand_the_ Robert MacKenzie Funeral Home in Luclatow. - Mrs. Judy Rieg,lin' Cand family, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riegling Sr. and family e wish to express our sincere -for the many cards, gifts and good wishes extended to us on the occasion of our 50th Wedding Anniversary, making it a very happy and memorable occasion. Pearl and Clarence Bell I° wish to thank Mr. Collyer and all the members of the staff for honouring me with theLetii retirement Tea and Dinner and for sparing no efforts in making it an enjoy- able and memorable occpsielli for_th wises to express my appreciation everyone who helped with the:tea, to those who so attractively decor- ated the library, to everyone • who came, and for all the gifts received. Ruby M. • Webb claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this --25tirday-of-May-1972. R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors :of-our--recent----berea-vernent-1-in-the- - • lass 'of a dear sister"- and aunt. Special . thanks to the Nursing H01116 staff and doctOrs. Those who nt in food or helped at- her horde any way. tannin for tanning leather was ROberta and George LoCkhart The McGuire family The Solomon family or about 'the 3rd day of April 1972, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claim's to the undersigned Solicitor for the Es- tate, on or before the 15th day' of June 1972, after which date the rstate ,be distributed amongst .• those entitled thereto having regard; only to the claims of which the Ad- mirustratrix shall then have 'notice Dated at Listowel, Ontario this A25tir-day 'of 1Vray,---1972. • R. W. ANDREW, listowel, Ontario Solicitor for the Administratix • • fainily of Kitchener. Were week end visitors with her parents Mr, • and Mrs. Allan Cranston,., Visiting with' their pa,rents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mewhinney on the week end were Marie Nfewhirmey of St. Catharines; Murray„Mewhirr ney of Peterborough; Douglas • Mewhinney of Milton and Linda Mewhinney of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mac/II-11in were.Sunday visitors with Mr. and_Mrs. Ivan NlcOuillin and family in Kitchener. . Mis. Bob Aitchison viited on Thursday with her mother, Irs. ' Dowling in Victoria Hospital, CONSIGNMENT The 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, • AUCTION. SALE . having a good barn with water.: having all the modern conven-: Satisrelay,,June_l_711i..•._ K4.(SHARP) . TERMS CASH Farm of Gordon ,Brindley • Con. 9 east div. twp. of Colborne, 1' -.4 rniles'north and 1 2- RETREAT • • mile east of Carlow or 4 miles south and 2 _m il e eas t of 50, acres of hilts with a strong I: .Durgannon. s ring creekAtandering:1-• TRACTOR-S David Brown 780 (new); M. F.-165 with loader; Case 410 with loader ; Case Vac-1-4; A..C.-WD45; FOr.c1-8N; M. H. 81; 465 Nuffield with loader (less than 1000 hours).* - • SNOWMOBILES M.F. 400 SST; Sno Hawk; Sn't!)w Prince; mini Boa Ski; Skirouie . 40440;'Skiroule RTX 300; Ski-dOci traiter; mini Jeep tar, ' MACHINERY 2-rowS-P corn picker; J.D, 4 row .corn planter; M.F. No -lb hay baler; Case 210forage harveSter; Papce harvester (both haVe.corn and hay heads); 3 forage wagons;'A,C: blower with pipes; 2 rowCage corn head for 700 and 960 combing; 2 row ID. corn head for 45 and 55 combine; 2 p.t..0. corn shel lers; 2 manure spreaders; New Idea 7' mower; versatile hay donclitiorter (new); 52 plate wheel disc; 12' bat reel; 1 1 1 1 J D. c,41-1 v-a-torklautometi,6-b-al-e-elook-er;-s-i-de-r-akestC a se_a_run seed drill; 2^hay and corn elevators; get of 18.4-34 Dual rims (new); Ford 3 P.H. 2 section roto hoe; 3 section rota hoe; several 2,3 and 4 furrow plows; 2 air compressors, Tandi;rri 'float trailer; 100 cedar posts, plus rany, ma,ny more items. di A t S .ce Brim ey ut ion ervi PHONE GODERICH 524-6451 Not ResPonsIble for Accidentt Day Of Salo