HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 5WANTED WANTED — small range and re- frigerator in good working condit- ion, phone '52872072. HAYING HELP WANTED — high school boy or man, For particulars phone Lane Gardner, 529-7226. ROOM WANTED --light house- keeping room in Lucknow, June 15 - September 15. Phone 529-7348. Prevailing Interest Rates Retirement Savings Plan . Your Representative ALEX /MacNAY LUCKNOW .TED COLLYER • • n • • • n • • • • • • n NOTICE AUCTION IN MEMORIAM In sorrow , too great' to be told. But to -me who loved and lost You, Your memory will never grow old. Sadly missed by Russell. CARRUTHERS — in loving mem- ory of Margaret E. ' Carruthers, who passed away' on ,-7une 12th, 1971. • Years may._wip.e_out. many things..._- But this they wipe out never , The memory of those happy days •I When we were all together. Always remembered by her family. FOR SALE • 1.,•••••••••••••••••••••11 COTTAGE located at Point Clark, one year old, 3 bedroom, insulated, lot 85 x 150,' located, only one block from the water and completely furnished: This_is_p_AcesLright_at,— $12,300; possession can be arrang- ed. •••••••• 50 ACRES of retreat ,acreage, spring fed stream, hardwood and cedar, bush, located in West Waw- anosh Township. Listed at $6,500, less than the price of a Jot at the lake. 217 ACAESiocated_in_West—Waw- anosh Twp., 175 workable, large barn; dairy and hogs, silo 14 ic 50, additional hog barn, 'good 4 bed- room ,brick home, every conven- ience, Listed at $42,000, open to all • offers. $10,000" down will handle. --3--BEDHOWbiTerh .ThTi,barn and • tool shed located ons of land " close to H.W. , tf."V s well and h ydro, located on to unty highway and priced right. If you are thinking of buying or have property for sale give us a call. 912 ders luro 3 and xi at ounty npley ?st or xept. JSES if Ed !riders June school ;ender Board Ont, t nec, hieslop kffairs AND yalk. ichoat and 0,. C. mpton p.m arratt, Strat, irector of the Board rio s may of the Bruce on deg mount it will coal. ;peel qe AND I of Bruce rerton, 3601, 'ultra! ill be irsday, iiteCts, Ont. -Dire ary 0 county Ont s may .of the Bruce on de• unt,01 vill be coo specif• nee' RS WEDNESDAY, JUNE• 14th, 1972 -7CRIE6- SALVAGE WANTED — buy igh prices, free pia-scrap. metal, h up, M. and A. Salvage, 000,0, phone 524,6933.. _WANTED • . All types of fat and replacement cattle. . PHONE IN THE EVENING 83275865 or phone 881-0863 WORK WANTED — tile ceilings, paneling, 'remodeling, all° carpent, er work, pit' silos, concrete walls and floors, Reasonable rates, Roy Sehneller, 895221. Kinlough„ phone Ripley CU STOM WORK WANTED Lucknow,' phone 395-2886, WANTED-- room and board start- ing September 1st, 1972 in Luck- now or 'Dungannon area. 'R. A. 'Orr, 'Dungannon, phone . 529-7900 • between 8:30 a.m . - 5 p.M. • • • HELP . WANTED - . SECRETARY Duties related to, work of Acad- emic Superintendents and Super- visors will commence July 17th. Location —'Board's- Administration Building, Chesley. Present salary range $3,600 •.- $4,800'plus generous staff benefits. Apply in writing not later than June 19th giving details of qualif- ications and experience. ,.. The. BruCe County Board of. • Education Chesley—OnfaricT --7--- TV AND ANTENNA DON THOMPSON TV N. R.R. 3 RIP LEY' TELEPHONE 395•-2393 K. J. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist LISTOWEL, • PHONE 291.1511 INSURANCE " FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AMT4MOBILE—&—I*V-Eff-MEN To Protect Your Jack, Insure Willi Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH Lucknow, 'Phone • 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and ,%—1 ititor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and, Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Lucknow 518-3116 R W. BELL__ OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square (Phone 524-7661 j _LA:HARP ERtH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 , 57 South St reel, Goderich . Telephone 524 7562 THE 14)C,KNOW SENTINE.I„,LUCK.NOW, ONTARIO IPA.01: ply" -en 1972-73 lists. D. J. Cochrane, Director Written applications including qualifications, • social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed before June 19th to J. W. 'Coulter, Superintendent of Program and Planning; 97 Shipley Street, Clinton, Ontario • Applicants should indicate the grades and - or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they .would serve. From this information lists of available teachers will, be prepared for each Kinloss .Cemetery Corporation will school. Principals will then contact be held iii the basement of South applicants when their services are Kinloss Church on Wednesday, required. June 21 at 8 p.m. All lot owners Persons presently serving as Oc:- and other interested persons are casional Teachers in our' schools asked to attend. MUST resubmit an application to WINGH- MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING. ---REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Pb. 3S7.1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 toresiiiiirsismassarimmr and tWe have several agric. ultural:, n ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES :acreages priced from $12000.n • Hydro Financing Available Lucknow — Phone 528-5802 R. BRAY DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC• ServiceS conducted according to your wishes at, your Home, your Church, or at, our Mem- orial Chapel at no' additional , 'charge. Lucknow, Phone 528.3432 Day or Night - • MacKENZIE MEMORIAL CHAPEL INVESTMENT — -THE STERLING • TRUST CORP. -----197—JOSEPHINE--STREET WINGHAM, PHONE )574224 a n n REALTOR n 1., n ie n O OFFICE . 11:1 Wilfred Mcintee 111 • a a • • 1 le Ripley, Ontario iii 1 •• •• FUNERAL SERVICE , • ____393-2634_-- ---61 ' ' 8c---00 LIMIT-0 -T-1-: - - - R. M. Elliott, Chairman ATTE NT LON_LA D I ES on—th•• e____ Anyone interested in forming a ladies' softball team in Lucknow, come to the Ball Park on Monday, June 19 and Thursday, June 22nd at 7 p.m. or if unable to be, present on either night Contact Anne Wis- ser. •nnnn ••nn ••••nn ssmussi , • • .------15--,-000---DOW • of excel ent farm land, -balance a n Modern commercial building, 2• . bush and pasture; new barn, 52' I , , lso . bank barn 55 x 70', 1 apartments, store/ and office. a , large,2 storey red brick home 'fully i TIviving Bruce County village . !modernized that you' haVe to see to 0.. near Kincardine. Priced realis- a ' . believe. Located 11 miles west 'of i tically at $25,000. Excellent re-. i Listowel just off Highway 86. Pric- • turn. Call now for additional. • information. n i w ' ed at 49,000, half down. • • , s w CHANCE OF A LIFETIME — 40_ HILRAY FARMS LTD. AUCTION SALE ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD RITCHIE —e in loving memory of AN AUCTION SALE of farm im- a dear wife Margaret Ritchie, who The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, plements, household furniture and passed away June 15, 1967. Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh antique's will• be held for Roy Cob- 'A,cluster of precious memories, Home Made Sausage. Custom kil- Lentz, lot 26, concession 4, Kinloss. 'Sprayed with a million tears. ling by appointment. . Phone 528-2132 TOwnship ( at Langside store) 33/4 ' Wishing God could have spared you If only a few more years You left a beautiful memory NOTICE -_-DOG- OWNERS IN — ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP Dogs are a problem in Ashfleld Township and owners are reminded of regulations concerning dogs run- ning • at large. 1.. They may be killed if found running • loose. 2. The owner of dog may be held responsible for any injury caused to livestock. Township -of *Ashfield NOTICE CHILD HEALTH CLINIC, The child health clinic of the Bruce County Health. Unit for pre- school children. arid infants will be held in the Legion Rooms, *Luck- now on ,Tuesday, June 20th, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. its : 1 large modernized home that any la roomy kitchen, expansive liv- : home. near Lucknow with n 1 woman would be proud to Hire in, • ' barn and land in 'excellent con- : frig room and -spacious grounds. n I ex.: dition. Priced at $35,000. Try your •This home has undergone • terins. •• t.ensive renovations. The interior n is impressive and unique. Priced: at: 516;000. Terms at 7";,. • . a • Try'us for any special needs. • El. We are well stocked with properties n n •_See our current retreat parcels. w in a wide price range ; Many with water, hills, hard-: • wood. Priced from $6,600. • sr 10 a a - a a • a • : "For Best Results List • ./). • Your Property With Hoist" N • m CONTACT al NI : -. WALKiRTON • II ,. P El • . : Rosalind. Ho gins 1: Member of the Grey and Bruce 0 • :, Multiple Listings Service . is n R.R. 2 HOLYROOD : I List M.L.S. --Over 60 Salesmen is 34 11 -2337 0 Working For Your I it . )3 au Lissaiiisssissiossosiesaine: •••••••••••••••••••••••.? n n acre farm situated on Highwa 9 LARGEEAMILY: Just 12 miles from Kincardm)-T •• You need this 4 bedroom, brick° NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of South TRY YOUR OFFER • • m • • n „ n • ; n • • n n •• • ism -- RIVER FARM 200 acres with a river running full width. 145 acres AUCTION SALE EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE of Machinery and. Equipment for the estate of the late DONALD DONALDSON At '13-orialdson Sales and Services Teeswater on SATURDAY, JUNE 24 nt 10 a.m. Executrix, Mrs. Shirley Donaldson Owner or auctioneers not responsi- ble for accidents. Wallace Ballagh 392.6170 Grant McDonald 395-5353 - • RED POWER HEMLOCK CITY DUROCS R.R. 3 LUCKNOW PRODUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 24th 12:30 p.m. (sharp) LISTOWEL DAIRY SALE BARN, LISTOWEL, ONT. Selling Reg., Weight and Probe Figures:. 30 Duroc Boars, ready for heavy service, 25 -Duroc bred • _ gilts, 25 roo_bred—York,, 20—Duroe—o gilts. This is a healthy, strong offering of pigs ready to make money for the progressive swine man. For catalogue write or call Jack : MacKenzie, •R.R. 3 Lucknow, ,Orit- ' ariO, phone (519) 395-5276. Murray' McTaggart, Sales Mgr. London -455-1439 Jackson and Jackson Listowel, Auctioneer ,miles east and 2',2 miles north of LucknowLuckno on Saturday, June 24 at 12 noon. See bills for list. Terms cash. Farm sold. Lunch booth.. Roy Coblentz, Prop., Allan Macln tyre, Auctioneer. . .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALLEN McARTHUR AT FISHERMAN'S COVE CLAM LAKE PHONE .395-2757 FOR SALE AGENT FOR three bedroom, electric: : :heated honie ori 43/4 acres nears Specializing In n Lucknow. Full basernent., Luck-: • now river, pike,' brown trout,• • • ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTRIC • swimming. •111 WIRING AND REPAIRS • ELECTRiCAL CONTRACTOR !Cosy ,e4mileemell4,4141.60.6110.114 ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM HOME, well located on Highway'21 'at Kin- tail within driving distance of God- ric-ouglas----PairittR-eeent renovated, 'this hoine has modern "cupboards and• 4 piece bath, forced air oil furnace,`panelled walls and broadloom on floors. Taxes are only $88. There is 3 2 acre of land. Immediate possession. You' must see this home to appreciate it. Your offer will be considered, call to- day fof 'arraPPoi MODERN 2 bedroom brick home, -37pEeti-e---balt—tile and broadlooin floors, electric heat, full basement; plus approximately 40 acres of land and a barn. Well located in, the' Dungannon area. This is an ideal retirement or hobby farm. A num- ber of registered building hits are an extra bonuS on this property. Possession can be arranged. APPROXIMATELY 20 , acres on the 9 mile river, recreation,, scenic acreage, •hills, maple, pine, cedar bush, excellent camping area. possession,' conditional to Severance. WARREN ZINN Phone 529-7350 Wilfred Mcintee -& -Co: Lintited WALKERTON ,/ Member of the Grey and Bruce Multiple Listings Service I.ist — Over 60 ,Salesmen Working For You • • THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUIRES OCCASIONAL. TEACHERS (Supply Teachers) to do supply work in- the ele- mentary and secondary ' schools beans.Contact Jack.Hayes, R.R. 3—during-- 197-2— 73.