HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL 1,14.KNOW, ONTARIO 0 Si up Sc ph ca pa er Sc an 30.1, CI be Lt; no • 0i -be 1 en vi; Lo Bo $4, Ju ki WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1972 4 if • %P. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- used Moffat electric dryer, in good condition. Greer T.V. and Elctric, Lucknow, phone 528- 3112. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- laity, wood and metal.' Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham, James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed. -and manure "fondling equip- ment, stabling) and 'pressuresys-. tems. Contact Beatty Farm. Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 482-9561. - - WOOD FOR SALE -- hardwood or softwood slabs, in ten cord loads, we, deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, phone Teeswater 392-6895. , FOR SALE Allied loader;. 1963 Chev 3/4 ton truck with flat rack; 1961 Volkswagen; 2 milker units.' Phone 529-7619. S1 LO-N D-R 00 F-EXTE-NS-I OUST Anyone wishing to have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please call or. write. This can be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erich. Phones • Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. PICK-UP CAPS FOR SAL - call 395-5581, Silverstone Enterprises. R.R. 1 Ripley. _ • FOR SALE - white, Samoyed Husky pups. Call G. Glenn, Dun- gannon, phone 529-7924. THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The Lucknow Sentinel, 10c' per copy. If you are interested in the news of Teeswater and Dis- trict, pick up a copy. FOR SALE - feed cart, 'heavy duty wagon with a hoist and rack; 6 foot snow blower; 8 foot double auger snow blower; pasture clip- per. Bud Hamilton, phone 528-3006 or 528-3616. COW-CALF • OPERATORS , Try our cross-bred • recorded bulls, • 50% Limousin, the breed noted for calving 'ease. Recently off home test with"A.D.G. to 3.75. All gains 'sufficient to qualify for Ontario Bull premium grant. Ex- cellent • breeding condition. Price $450. More off Guelph test July third. John Howard, R.R. 7 Luck- -now-Ontarior-phone-529;-7-348----- BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston', R.R. 3' Holyrood, phone 395-5390. Roy-Emberlin, your-local-dealer.-- SILi VER LAKri GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, ONTARIO: .1/2 gallon ice Cream - 85C With $5.00 purchase - 75c • RESTAURANT NOW OPEN phone 5297134. ' LOT FOR'SALE - corner of Can- ning and Place Streets, good.drain- age. Apply_to_Albert_Gannie, Ross Street, Lucknow, phone 528-3104. FO t SALE - pure bred French Poodle, no papers, $35.00. Phone after 1'o'clock 529-7519. -- FOR SALE quantity of 'barn F-OR SALE - dressed roosters. Do old- /drray. phone a22,51-0r FOR SALE - portable Singer el- ectric sewing marbine Miss C. phone 528-3105.. THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE • Norman iloberison s 'History of Bruce - first pubLis&ea in` 1911C . second priming . 4 ,196t+ PRIC E „Add vi for Shipping aril e ' als( hal e the w,'itter b2, 'Normal 1.60:f.L.,efi.:- segue; of this hoot The Pint*. ry of The count;.' .of .7-2.ruce pr -ce THE LUCK WC)* SENTINEL FAi.R..44 TAXATION . SERVICE 'CE A with several r:',.:..tent4 in this area. 8.(1):1: 442 WATERLOO. ‘‘CNTARIO TELEPHONE, '57P 1696 FOR SALE FOR SALE ' - strawberries. A. Juba, R.R. Lucknow, phone 529- 7695, - EXCAVAtING AND TRUCKING sand and gravel. Phone Symes Bros.; Loclmow 528-3047 or 528-2608, HAVE THE CLEANEST rugs in town; total cost lc cq. ft. We show you how. Mat cleaned Free. Please 'nail reply by June 23 if interested. Send to Post Office Box 249,, Dur- ham, Ontario. PREGNANT ANIMALS - Supple- ment feed with Nixon Calcium Phosphate. Special , advantage - contains Vitami D to•assist in the 11/41 assimilation of • alcium and phos- phorus. Elmer • mbach Discount Pharmacy, Lucknow. COMING EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow,. every, Thursday, 82.45 p.m. Pot of GOld game -- winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, '$10 each. 2 Share the Wealth'games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot'Game for $115.00 on 59 calls or DANCE SATURDAY The Lucknow Legion are spon- soring a.dance in the Ilan on Sat- urday, June 24th. Music by "The .Country Musiemen". Admission $1.00 per person. Persons 18 and over welcome. RECEPTION A Reception will be held on Fri- day, June 16th', in the Whitedhurch Hall in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rutledge. (Brenda Webster), p ro ram. picnic at Lansdown Park, K incar- dine on Sunday, June 25, 1972. Come and bring your lunch, bev- erage will be supplied. - • WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion. Bingo at'.the -. Legion Hall, Wingham, Wednes day,, June 21st at • 8-:30 p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize each game; 2 share-the-wealth games; $50 special must go; Jackpot game $540 on 6 calls with a $35 consol- ation. Admission $1.00. Extra and al-eards--3-fo 50effier -7 : for ATTENTION WEBSTERS It's a long Way to Tipperary but not so far Ito Lucknow arena to meet the •Websters. on the anniver- sary of their fiftieth picnic being held Sunday, afternoon • June 18th. Picnic lunch - dishes supplied. IF_ Friday, June 16 at 8:30 •p.m. I Continuing Fridays June 30, July, 14,• 28, Aug. 11, 25 and Sept. '8 3,200, Cash rizes 15 Regular - $40 1. Regular $199 1 Special - $400 1 NOvelty- $1,000 1 Special $1,000 • 1 • Share-the-Wealth A Draw Each Night For 19-IN. COLOR TV and a 1972 AMERICAN MOTORS GREMLIN on the Final Evening Admission: $1.00 DURHAM ARENA `Serving the Community's Greatest Need' V. BARN EQUIPMENT. •-,-• complete line of Acorn 'Equipment and Clay ; Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; Weststeel-Rosco• Granaries Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; Lowry. Barn'Supply,Amberl phone 395-5286. . . _ nurses shoes, size 81/2 , triple ' A: all nearly new.' Phone 528-3205., I . _ . ., • FURN-ITURE---purchase-from-a- large stock on hand during the • June Sale at the G. E. Schuett showrooms, 'Mildmay; Kroehler. and Sklar chesterfields, 'Carpets, stereos, pianos, organs, gift items . THELUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Umbaeh's. Pharmacy. H. and. B Discount and Johnston's Supertest in Lucknow. ' HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid' for dead and disabled cows and horses. Call collect 881-345 Walkerton. Graf Stock P.emor Ru RON • B R_UC_E_ MASONRY Fireplaces a specit:i black. stone. fr-asorn rem -s. Phone 395-2483 FOR SALE —1772 Jtol...a.tex • Horse 4 H.P.60:tioortd newhc tank included, never us.eri rarity card enclesed. litra 'Kai tl: Cranston, R.R. 2 LucknoW 'phoie M9-7528' beferre 12 noon FOR SALE ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- HAY FOR SALE - 25 acres of dows, doors. For free estimate 'call standing hay, to be let on 'shore. se.- Contact Orland Richards, phone 528-2470. AUCTIONEER SERVICE 1 New 'Life Feed Dealer Grant McDonald, Ripley I , Open Daily 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Closed Tuesday Evening Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types FOR SALE - 75 ton 'of mixed feed Phone Ripley 395-5353 grain of oats, barley and wheat. Teeswater 392-6170 Fred'Crawford, R.R. 3 Goderich, Isemearemem—L FOR SALE - one safe' 600 - 800 PAPERING - PAINTING lbs..in good condition. Contact Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- South ICinloss Cemetery. Corpor- ing. Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- ation. now. redcoats, limited quantity. Harold Greer, phone 528-3810. FOR SALE J'A Y C 0 CAMPER TRAILERS, travel• trailers, truck campers; Koplun •camper trailers; used tent trailers; camping accessories; fin- ancing; rentals. 'Open Friday night till nine. BUMSTEADMETAL FABRICATING Josephine St. -WinghamT-Phone_357-22172 timbers and boards, phone 528- church. ' . 2672. _ _ . •••• FOR SALE - seed buckwheat. _ FOR SALE -- Ford harvester No. Ira Pickle, R.R. 5 Lucknow, 395- 612 with corn and hay head and Deloi , • • • • pickup,-3-years old; Dion-blower. ' - - i 3 years old; 2 Dion self unloading . • , PATZ FOR SALE - 2' white uniforms, foot swather. •3 years old. Donald Silo Unloaders, Cattle Feeders size 12 or.. 14 ; also one pair white IFarrish, R.R. Lucknow. .phone Andrew • Berg 395-5283. • Highway 8 1 MILE EAST OF CLA NT-0-147-13-H WE-4824481 GOOD DEALS Good deals. on 'all models of new • David brown tractors, In used. tractors: model 1200 David Brown; model 990 David Brown-with er: model 990 David Brown power Steering: Model '.G' John Deere; super W6 International 2 Fox one row corn harvesters with hay pick ups all checked over and ready tf) go too work:. one New Holland 2 VA' corn harvester with hay pick up. model 818: „3 'used forage boxes amid wagons; used grain bin with vfwer take off auger; 2 used model &s Allis Chalmers rombines_with pick up and reels; model 35 Self- propelled • combine; model. L100 501-propelled Allis Chalmers com- bine; model A2 Gleaner combine; 69 olkswagon automatic; 69 podge Coronet; 70 Chev :ton pick up V8 automatic, MAITLAND FARM EQUIPMENT ' 357-2744 one mile north east of Wingham , • ' TABLE PAPER Table Paper is now availrble in' checked patterns of yellow, green or red -36" wide .by 100' length, priced $3.50 a roll. Also availablP as before in white at $2.25 a roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. _._____ _________ - $25 consolation prize. _. , ,. __—__The,_,Bruce_Couirity. Eiodrd-of CUSTOM SPRAYING ---. Clete Dal % 'ANNIVERSARY •SERVICES ton, phone 529-7124. WhiteChurch United Church wilt . hold Anniversary Services this Durham. Iiinsmen boxes and wagons; Cockshutt 12 Farm Autornation, Stable Cleaners MONSTER FOR SALE 66 Ford 4 door, • 8 cylinder; 66 Volkswagen station- , wagon; 65 Ford V8, 2 door; 65 Ford 6 cylinder, standard transmission; eyli 5-Ch--6-nder-outomatie-;-64--speer .Valiant 4 door, automatic; 62. Val- iant 2 door, 6 cylinder; 66 Chev 1 ton, stake truck; 63 Chev 4 door, standard transmission; 45 gallon barrels. Wilkens Garage, White- TENDERS' WANTS FUEL OIL TENDERS Plainly marked Sealed Tenders will be received UP TO 12 O'CLOCK NOON FRIDAY, JUNE 30th, 1972- for the supply of fuel oil 'to Hun County Schools. Specifications and tender form may be obtained at the offices of the Huron County Board of Education, 97 Shipley Street; Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept. ed. • R. M. Wright Manager of Purchasing The Huron County Board of EducatiOn TENDER FOR SCHOOL •BUSES The Huron County Board of Ed. ucation will receive sealed tenders up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, June 30, 1972 for the supply of 5 school busses. Specifications and tender form's are available at the Board Office, 97 Shipley St„ Clinton, pinl Th-e-lowe4The-aTly-7-in-der riot trik TENDERS . SCHOOL MAINTENANCE, AND REHABILITATION 01 C FOR SALE - flock 24 ewes and 6 music by Alley .Cats. Lunch served. ewe lambs, mostly Montadale; 2 Everyone Welcome. , rams; lambing equipment; 2 year- -- • ling Brown Swiss , x heifers, one HORTICULTURAL MEETING oiN---1—ronts1c4- -phone=392:6391,-=Lucknow Horticultural—Society after 9 p.m. will meet on Monday, , Jtme 19 ate cessarily accepted. 8 p.m. at the Lucknow Legion HELP WANTED - requir- Hall. Miscellaneous auction sale R. B. Dunlop ed for nursing' home. Please apply d g Supt. of BusincSs Affairs an to Box M, Sentinel. . -FOR SALET=TSferei;::::, $500; Zen- Sunday,: June .18th faha 41-1.ii. alci .Education ith colour T.'V., - $500; Regent 8 p.m. ,with Rev. George D. Watt Tenders for alterations to Walk. wringer - washer -- $40.. Phone i of St. Paul'i United Church, Oak- erton District -coe Walkerton, *Chesley Public and 395-5487, ' 1 vine, as guest . minister. Special 1 music 'by Choir and Whitechurch High Schools, Chesley and G C. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE - • YOung People. Everyone welcome. Huston Public School, Southampton • - OSBORNE PICNIC / will be received' until 3:00 p.m. Thursday, June 22nd, 1972,. The descendants of the late Wil- Liam Osborne will hold their annualby Kyles, Kyles and Gantt, . . Architects, 165 Huron Street, Strat• ford, 'Ontario or by Mr.!J. L. Bowers, Director of Education and Secretary of the Board, The Bruce County Board of Education„ QheSley, Ontario Drawings and Specifications nay be obtained from the office of the Architect or from The Bruce County'- Board-of-TEducation-onAl posit of cheque in the amount of $25.00 per set. The deposit wil be refunded on return of the com plete set of drawings and specifi cations in, good condition. `Lowest or any tender • not nee essarily accepted.' TENDERS 'SCHOOL MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION The Bruce County Board of Education Tenders for alterations to Bruce Central School, R.R. 3, Tiverton W. E Thompson Public School Kincardine and Lucknow Centre Public School, Lucknow will be receivedune 22ndu, iw23 until p.m. Thursday j r oy Salter and Allison, Architects Clapperton Street, Barrie, Oct or y r. J7L. tor of Educatio'n •and Secretary 0 the Board of Education, 'Chesley, Onl aeio Board, The Bruce ColliltY tirawings and Specifications may be obtained -fiTirri-the office-of the Architect or from The Bruce Corinty Board of Education on de ' posit of a cheque in the amount,o $25.00 per set, The deposit will be refunded on return of the coin plete set of drawings an eci( ications in good condition. es1;aorwileystacocrep-atendy tender not nee. SAKO.FILASTING DEMOLITION WORK. . SPRAY' PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHER PHONE i29.7403 FOli ESTIMATES maima iratiregasest.ammies