HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-14, Page 1A Retirement Tea, held in
honour of Miss Ruby M. Webb of
tIC held Thursday
afternoon to honour Miss Webb
he LUCK 9.
$6.00. A Year In Advance •-• $2.00 Extra To U,S.A. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14th, 1972
Single Copy 15c 24 Pages
estern Graduate
Bevetly,MacDonald, daughter
of Mr. and MrS. J. E. MacDon-
ald,LuCknow graduated from the
She received her. Bachelor of
Science degree majoring in Math-
ematics. Convocation, at Alum-
ni Hall, was attended by her par7
ents and other relatives.
Beverlyisplanhing to attend_
London Teachers' College to
specialize in teaching eXception-
Named Manager
Of Bank In
Eastern Ontario
Stirling Zeran, account manag-
er at the Bank of Montreal in
Lucknow for the past two years.
and---twermonth-s-, -has been named—
manager of the Lancaster Branch
of the Bank.
Lancaster is east of. Cornwall,
close to the Quebec border.
Zek, as he is known to most
everyone, will be returning to his
native Eastern Ontario where he
calls home and where all his bank,
ing career has been centred with
the exception of his time at Luck-
*He started in the bank at Ingle-
side 8 1/2 years ago and has serv-
ed.at Lancaster , where he is
returning as Manager, Kingston ,
Peterboro and Lucknow. •
His wife Wendy is a 'native of
Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Zeran
Friday. ,
He will be succeeded in Luck-
now by Al Beange of Goderich,
BerfAlton Naniet
Thursday, June 1, Jo are moving to Lancaster this
Honour Miss Ruby Webb. On Retirement
after 46 years of teaching in
Bruce County. Miss•Webb is
pictured in the centre._ On the
left-is Stuart ‘Collyer principal
of the LucknoW schOol for the
past 21 years. On the right is
Miss Helen Thompson, now retir-
ed , w-ho;-tattght _ for :L7 year-swith
Miss Webb.
Receive Petition Opposing Ashfield Dum
Site, Dogs A Problem With Livestock
Dies At Age :60
Mrs.. Bert Moffat of Teeswater,
the former Emma Wall of Kinloss,
passed away at Wingham and "0"
General Hospital' on Sunday ,
June. 11 in her 61st year.
Funeranervice will be 'held on
Wednesday at,2.30 p.m. from
MacPherson Funeral HOme, Tees-
water withinterment in Teesw'ater
Donna Ritchie, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie., R. R.
Lucknow, was a recent graduate
of the University of Western Ont.-
ado, London on Thursday, June 1.
She received her Bachelor of
Arts Degree najoring--LtrE
--Economies., Convocation. Exercis-
es were held at Alurnni Hall and .
attended by her parents.
Donna is presently completing
the last two phases of her Diet-
etic Internship at Victoria Hospit-
al. London, having commenced
the program last year in Toronto.
The County Orange Lodge of
West Bruce held their •
semi-county meeting on.Tueaday
evening, June 6 in the Amberley
Orange Hill.
Moved Recently
To New Home
Mr. and Mrs. 'Torn Stewar• ,
who, recently sold their Culross
Township farm and held an auc-
tion sale, have bought a residen-
ce an• two acres o , an• on t e
South Line,, Kincardine Township,
where they. are now .residirig.
Mt. and Mrs. Stewart's new
home is next to the farm
formerly owned and cleared by
his grandfather , the, late fames
125 years ago James Stewart,
_ a .
walked from Goderich.and took
up this farm from the
CrOwn, which at that time was
solid bush.
ASiralliarn And
contents 'Destroyed
By Fire. Sunday
A small barn on the property of
`Harold Howald , just north of
Lucknow on the road to South kin-
loss Church, was completely de-
stroyed by fire after supper on
Sunday evening.
Mr. Howald stated that he lost
eight pigs, chickens, 500 bales of
hay as- well as tools-and equip-
ment which were stored in the
building. The cattle were out, on
grass at the time. He hopes to
rebuild the structure,
The property is known to many
former residents as the "Emerson
Irwin place" where the Irwin fam-
ily resided for many years..
Dale Gilchrist
InjOred On Bike
Dale. Gilchrist, age 1, R. R. 5
Luckriow son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Gilchrist, was learning to
tide a bicycle on his oWmpremis-
es nn the 4th of Kinloss. when
he turned into The path or a- honda
driven by Murray Mackinnon of
Kinloss, who ;was coming into the
lane.' Dale received concussion
and'contusions to the skull, He
was admitted to Wingham Hospit-
[ be
Douglas I. Dickie, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Dickie, R. R. 5
Lucknow, received his degree -CT
Master of Science at the sprihg
convocation of the University of
Guelph, May 25.
Douglas completed his degree
requirements in January of this
year. freld of researah for'
the Master's degree was ruminant
Ashfield Township, council
met on June 6th with all mem-
bers present.
A, delegation.opposing the
dump site which council intends
to open'on the Township Farm,
lot 10, concession 6, E.D. wait -
ed on council and presented a
petition. They were told that
this would be supervised and .
covered every day it would be..
open to the public and should
not be a problem in the neigh-
bourhood. A motion was passed
instructing the clerk'to make
-application- to the DePartment- of
Environment for permission to
establish' a disposal site.
David Blue , 11-year-old son of.
' Mr. and Mts. Jim Blue of Windsor
has been 'making a name for him- Receives -Degree.
self in the field of athletics.
He recently won the individual
AtoM championship at the South
Windsor Knights of Columbus --
annual' track and field, day for the
second consecutive year.
David was named the Meet's
most outstanding male athlete.
Children, ages 9 to 17, from
, Separate. and High SChools
in South Windsor area participate
in the competition and it takes
irFaseto=lq-=,--',--1-1e-is a-student
at Glenwood Public. School.
David set records in the 200
and 400' meter dash and also won
the 100'meter. He was a member
the 400 mete,x_relay_team
Receives BA In
Home -Economics
Dianne Whitmore, daughter of
Whitmore, London, received a
Bachelor of Arts degree, 'Dean's
Honours, in Home Economics
from the' University of Western
Ontario on Thursday, June 1. '
She is presently completing
her Dietetic Internship at Victor-
ia Hospital, London. •
Sandra Collins', daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins of
R 3 Ripley , graduated from
Waterloo Lutheran University on
May 21. ,
She received her Bachelor of
Arts degree, majoring in French.
The convocation was held at the
Kitchener Memorial Auditorium,
On lune 13, _Sandra was Married to
Edwin. McGillivray of Kincardine.