HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-06-07, Page 10WEDNESDAY, JUNE7th, 1972 SENT INEL,UCKNOW, ONTARIO _ _-- -- rse ‘n I..— ;.--,- r . Learn Of Life 124th ANNIVERSARY . - - . .....,..,...: .: .: . _ In India From , ASHFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , . SUNDAY JUNE 18th : war ..,::qiiw,, . Marjorie MacKay TWO, SERVICES 11 A.M. AND, 8 P.M. - • , .. So here hath been dawning an- ' . Dungannon -UCW . . Meeting for - ' other blue day; QUEST SPEAKER— Rey. .J. Charles Hay, Ph.D. TRH cburc. childrenh:. ga!ntdt iyz.ng reports pe op,. lne on nf t ime of Knox College Toronto - . Think wilt thou let it-'$11p use- • ily ,, Held ladies' Day tbiangelism Thrust less away? ---7- Thos. Carlyle. ___ ker. •C • . For the one hundred and thirty slums, heat and.cold, wet or dry, Rip DUNGANNON NEWS On the evening of Friday, May bea utiful flowering trees or drab brown of dry, crack-. bearing, witness in our own coin- was On Thursday ; June 1, ,Dungan- 26 . a meeting, chaired by Rev.- ladies who attended the. annual May meeting of the Maitland lush green of ed earth. The food, climate. rnunities , the segistration fee of • sa MI United Church ..Women had a J. Van Sternpvoort was held in 'Presbyterial Society of the W. M. 1 I even the stirs is different there, two dollars for C.G.I.T / . mem- our successful Ladies' Day. Mrs. 1 the Lucknow Christian.Refornied S .. of•the Presbyterian Church in • interest ing insight b Or slid es gave ers, the advantages o f having i Her Graham McNee ,. president , an- Church to acquaint the congrega- Canada ,, at Knox Church, Blue- d life of into the every. ay. many as meetings in the homes, help fini • flounced the -various activities., -j -I.tion with. •Ev.angelisM., Thrust. : _ vale-,-May -17 ,did. mot `sliphselest. • • crowds assembled - - - -needed in -ps-ychiatilie-hospitat— we' Saw crow . , . . d . . - Secs which had been planned .and ar- I Evangelism Thrust is part of a away'. It was a day of Christian - atbazaars-, cooking outside (like an children s wards, educating sec ranged by Mrs. Lloyd Hodges, lirger program known as Key'73 , fellowship-and happy communion • '• - • our barbecues); we ighing cotton studentS from other lands so they pla Mrs. Jack Alton, and Mrs. Wilf- which-has-as its theme "Calling in an enthusiastic service dedic- fOr sale; using rivers for bathing, can go back and carry on. . girl red Pentland and helpers.. the Continent. to Christ". The ated to .the advancement of the IN laundry, watering animals; men, Some catchy mottoes sprang out In the forenoon beginning at program is designed to reach all Kingdoni of God. and women too, at work building. from words spoken, such as: Less. dad . 10.00 a.m. floral arrangethents , people in North ,America and to - Themes for the afternoon and ho memade beds of bamboo concern for ourselves, and more roads; , sec Were demonstrated by Mrs. Ewan make known to-them God's plan evening sessions were , ."Joy in the corn; solid homes of mud and for others. , and , I • MacLean with flowers, from her of salvation which is made freely Lord ,. •and "Hope in His ••Word". or .,, ,,t, cow dung with minimal furnishings Worry is an insult to God, The Hig own garden. She gave plants at available to all through his Son, Mrs: Alvin Mundell', Belrriore, perhaps only a small stove and bed Lord gives. the Lord's people en- Chit' the conclusion of her talk to .. • Jesus Christ: Some 115 denomin- presided over both gatherings. G •• mone y.'to do the Lord's rolls, fenced around.and having ough work. • those having birthdays or anniver- ations and religious groiips have •' Organ preludes were capably rend- Iasi a room reserved for the aniinals • Witnessing is taking a. long look series in. June. agreed to co-operate in this pro- eyed by Mrs. 0. Moffatt, Wrox- . was as a protection from thieves, at Jesus and then, telling what you • • Hair styling was demonstrated gram , ' - eter and Mri. Ross Iloggart , , Nan They make bricks, cement blocks ; see.• .Expenses are constant and . • at 11.00 .4:M. by. Mrs. Terry. 1 A film was shown depicting the Bluevale. Welcome was extended . iwork b • being done by churches of.. . tiles. and play horses to which borrowing is to be avoided. How Hig (Penny) Hodges; with Mrs. Thos, by Mrs. Glen Golley and Mr. Webster and Mrs.. Donald Curran 'various d eno mina tions in. the Dennis Freeman, both of Bluevalespiri ts go . • A - evil o donkey cart . do we avoid criticism? --Just pla T United States. 'These churches may provide ambulance service. don't do anything. • • - as her models, Before noon Mrs. Rev .. Glenn Noble of LucknOw • ' known as pilot churches be-are kno The Tai Mahal tomb built in - Yes, it was a great day. Hig Lorne (Dorothy) McKenzie spoke brought greetings from Presbytery..Jam cause they have tried and experi- twenty years of solid marble and Though Carlyle goes on to say: about her p.intin. 18•dis la ed Encoura:in: treasurers' re 'arts , .preciowstories .1s=4,-ones -.-is _Bah. orld7),La _ .. i - there) and about her art course Then ?d- 1-4-11d in-re-4) indicated increased givings in. trai in Mexico, . followed by churches to be in- nearly all areas, in spite of .a tectural fete. Canada, HOuse is • ever did; • „ . lved in Evangelism Thrust , attractively landscaped with , pict-, So soon it forever from all • • Following the noon dinner a lyo Evangelism . iteadily declining membership.I' .Thrust consists of uresque shrubber y, freshly-clipped eyes is hid. — lively -"Let's Sing" period Was Ff , .. ,:. (Mrs.) Betty Feagan, Wingham ,Gir ,• our stages or phases. In the first lawns, •and'Showy flower gardens, But not so with this day. It conducted by Mrt. Leonard Warr graciously and humbly accepted ,tea • • stage the church is engaged in a m b ti • • with the Maple Leaf flag flutter- will live long in the .memories of ' and Mrs: Leonard 'Re...!. anI Honourar y Life ern ers ip,. sit biblical study of who it is as .a loft .• ing . . all who attended. ; By being number( .. .:ito six 1 bertificate from: Mrs. J. 'W. .• Ma iGod's redeemed people and why . . The Indian people seem to be -7----. groups the large attendance of - -- - - - - - - ,' - -- - - . -1-Engliih-i -also- of---Wingham.-. -Mrs. • God has placed the church where a patient , happy, superstititous, over 160 ladies were able to tOur • Evan .Keith, South Kinloss, very , - . . i is' i i . . e secon p ase invo ves , clean, 'well-dressed, healthr - ' six booths Of exhibits dow nst airs fittingly expressed' an In Menior-OLIVET .,„ 1 the setting oispecific wait for__ • • ' i - • and kept moving by-alarm c-ToZit It • ' - - • Lam to honour all W.M.S-.-work- °° I - • the local congregations . Phase , •. .fe charm radiating. from the inside. Mts. Harry Calling was able to' • control, These booths were era who have departed this.li • . three 'is the action phase in -They. are creators of immense , return home recently following i, • y Crafts (twine mats) by 'Mrs. Bert . ,. 'during the. year. A duet by Paul, .• .E which the congregation puts its beauty in crafts such as weaving surgery at Victoria Hospital. Alton; Quilts by Mrs. Jack Mc-I Moffatt and 'Larry Elliott , was en- is e plans into action. Phase four and .carving, capable of delight - - Sympathy is extended to the Gee and Mrs. •Thos.. Webster; . ' toyed, Adding greatly to e arse Crafts (several) by 'Mrs. Lorne . consists of review'andsevaluation 'pleasure of the day was a elici- ful musical performances, and , relatives of Mrs. Jennie Mills, lac .1-lasty; Pottery, Mrs , Merle Gun- of the program. , ous dinner served by the•Bluevale dedicated to the cause very . who passed away at the Pinecrest bee ' • Women. wear saris, many bangles, .by;. Cake Decorating and Display 'The program was capably ex- I,grOup.. Mrs. Johnston Conn grac Nursing Home on Sunday,morning. sev . by Mrs. Ross Eedy;;„and Crafts plained by Mr. B. Haverkarrip of I 1 iously ext ended courtesy remarks necklaces, and ,earrings. Tur- . Miss Wendy Hamilton was a 1 - (more varieties) by Mrs.: Gordon' Clinton who attended a three- , Ito all who in any Way helped to ' bans on .men may indicate they guest of 'Miss Debbie 'McFadden' • .Mr. • Smyth- and her daughter Mrs: ' . day meeting held to explain the; ;„ I Make the day a Success: are non-Christian. The. pace of ofRipley for the week end. 'tee • • Herb (Marie) Wilkins. aiMs .and mechanics of Evangel-' •I The guest speaker forthisocca• -hying is much slower there. They mr . and Mrs. Robert. Engel; •suri tiO have lots of patience to wait for • Marilyn and ,Robbie.of Dublin • Enthusiasm was very. evident ism Thrust. He answered a num- ' siOn was,Miss Marjorie MacKay, •Tht . and those. in charge of.the day'S • bet of questions from, the audience who was introduced by' Mrs; "Don things ,7-verhaps a whole day for visited, with Mr:. and Mrs, *Jack activities -appaCiated th-e.:' --.--..---- - and-conveyed-his convictions-and Robertson., KinlOugh as a' grad.- heap:injections-- They-take . -- Mc-Gu-ire-and4-amily- -.1 0 d -Mr ,..arld.- ' - Coc splendid co-operation given. enthusiasm to thoie present , uate of York College , Toronto, along a bed roll and if the train . Mrs; Walter Black and family on are • . . In his closing prayer Mr. A. presently a deaconess atKnok doesn't go until tomorrow they lie 5aturday. • . . .this KuyVenhoven expressed the desire Church; Gtielph. Miss .MacKay : . ' down and wait. It is possible to Friends of Mrs, W; T, ROul ,• T that our conviction and enthusiasm has spent fourteen years in W. M.: haye to step over or around three ston will be. glad to know that stir, , visi LUCKNOW . mig .increase so t at in we . wor , some o ‘f-17h=fias. een ui-pe le-t-cryet • . o-be-back-at-the-Pinee-Fe and . . may be a vital forCe in "Calling : served in Home Missions in From Miss MacKay we Mining Home following a few . UNITED CHURCH l our Co t" Ch ' " 1 . .. n mem to rist . Western Canada , and Most recent learned much about .and the weeks stay in ,Vingham Hospital. ily. Rev. Robert Nicholls,. B.A. I ".".."".""......,.~..."~„.. ly a short period in Christian .part played by the, Western Mits Joanne Hamilton is enjoy- M Land Minister ° .• . Education work in India. -She churchet in that land. . ing a yisit with. friends in Kiteh- :..a Cl is a . • ANGLICAN brought greetings from the church Something to ponder from the ener for a couple. of days, . • JUNE 11th • CHURCH of Northern India , -and thanked . syriOdical re its at this meeting Mr. and Mrs. David kigg and Sella '• are; the decline of membership Michael Meade spent the week - 10 .a.m. Sunday'school •all Canadians for their great help Su • the use of the Glad. Tidings ,..the end in Philadelphia.. • LUCKNOW AREA PARISH over so many )ears , the results of and 11 a.m. Motning_VVorship . Which-ase-now-evident-in-view-of---- The Rev. R. Odesidahl were . 'Those wishing transpo" rtation to • Rector . the* nurriber Of schools, hospitals, , . . . . • Mrs. . chUrch 'contact and churChes -which have.been SOUTH. KINLOSS . .m vim. a liunter.5287i741 JUNE 11th erected ,, and t he, fact that„the :spen work of the' Christian:church is PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH er Di ' POINT TO PONDER • •Trinity 2. spreading .put to so many areas; Mts. - Faith is not snAntich_a_leap.- . . .• ., _. that agricultural skills in planting, • • • •• StA i` the dark -as it is a leap . from One service at 11 a.m. harvesting ; and use of westein- the light. . . ', • . Christ Chure.h type firth equipment. are practised; • .......-.............................,,..Port Albert , and most encouraging of all that , / . .........., p......., Indians,. for the most part, now. . ' • . • carry on thework themselves as SUndaY, June 11 . ,......,,,.........„,„„, , - - - independent , reliable , useful . . . • .Lucknow ---"-......".......... citizens. The doctors and nurses . . - . ' LUCKNOW • in the hoSpitals are nearly all . • REV. GLENN' NOBLE, B.A., B.D.BA). MINISTER Presbyterian Church In , there are no Canadian' MRS.-. LORNE SPARKS, ORGANIST . CHRISTIAN ministers in India today, no new i • • missionaries are being appointed, MIS LYNDA SPARKS, PIANIST Rev. Glenn Nobler B.A., B.D. • REFORMED - they have their own schools for PIANIST t • CHURCH- training teachers and nurses. MORNING SERVICE 11 A.M. i Whereas money for books, clothes, .........__L____Eba5.28- '4, 1 J. W. Van Sterapvoort EVENING SERVICE 700 P.M. cod4-travel;etc . used, i-o--berov JUNE-11th ' ided 1?y the Western churches, this Beginning with one half hour of special music . Sera condition n6 longer exists'. NOW 10 a.m. Sunday School . they 'pay their own way'. Stand- . • 10:00 am. Service . . . N•o Service 2'..b0 p.m. Service ard Of work is yery high and good disci line has been observed,- SPEAKER , Rev, G. L. Royal, B.A. of Goderico . • SOtith KinlOts . , , Miss MacKay spoke of India as . • - Minitt—ertali Services , VISITORS WELCOME , • a land of contrasts —wealth vs. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR ......:4,......7."f,;.........:1..........„-...,......„,.....,.. ......0.0..........",""0„,"A"..,„..,""."."..., ecivert Y ' mountains and plains, . endowdy