HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 13.
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•. I • 41—: ,
insula District High School and
Ripley District High School held
their' second annual combined
track and field day.
The overall Midget girl winnei-
was Smoky Robins of loons Head
with the Ripley winner Joan, Court-
ney, Susan Carter was the Ripley
runner-up. •
• Gwen Schultz of B. P, D. H.S. -
won the Basketball throw with, a . •
fifty seven foot distance, Second .1
and third were Linda Meseriger
and Barbara Grubb of RDHS. The
former discus record of 64'.5" was
completely shattered by Beth.Mc-
lAy, Lions Head as she winged it
75' 1.1/2". •Second was Joan
Hellyer also. of BPDHS while thitd.
and fourth were captured by -Rip-
ley's Joan Courtney and Barb -
.Grubb. . • . .
Lions Head captured-another '
first as•SMOky•Robins jumped
6' 8 3/4" in the Standing Long
Jump: Susan Carter ,• Carol Mac-
Kay and. Mary. Coiling of RDHS
took 'care .of •second , third, and
fourth respectively. Smoky' Rob-
ins was again successful in the
-torrg-NnTp-but-Susan Carver a
'RDHS was very close behind•her. •
'Third went to Patti MacDonald
while Joan Courtney jumped to
fourth. spot.. . . '
'Tani MacDonald.of Ripley. .. '
broke_ the ighjumpre,cotcLashe_
jumped•4' 4". • Lions Head took
second , third and fourth. The.: •
shot put red ribbon' went-to Joan '
Hellyer of BPDHS with a distance
Of 2.2' 8".loan Courtney and
'KiM' Farrell were only incheS be-
hind to...take second and third spot. . .
7Ire-fh• c. y o ions ea • was
,fourth. . . . . .
• •Winning the final heat of .
midget girIs .100„yeatd dash• Was
Smoky Robins of Lions Head
while Susan Carter sa-ved second .
with a time. of 13 seconds flat ,
while Joan CourtneY..andbebbie
Beard 'in w that . order , ere' right . .
behind her... • . • '. .' . • •
Sthoky Robinsagain took. the
220 yard dash, -while. breaking '
the track record. and running the .
distance' in 30.6 .seconds: Little ..
separated Debbie Beard, Joan .
,Courtney :and .Linda Messenger:.
•__,Debbie. Beard400k an early .. •
. lead•inthe 440 -yard dash ,.but sue-
. . . • cumbed to Joan Courtney's final. .:
c al ia r g e
: thejionan.s cliaLtekring stages s o1:ft3f..i76e.
144 le-:-DelAie-finislat d-se_concLF
.Kerry, Boyle caught third and . .
Margie CollirisTased•in for fourth.
Smoky Robbins of Lions Head -
again 'showed her .superiority in
sprint's as she easily .. • .
Captured the 80-.meter hurdles in
17. 7..seconds,; another new track •
redbrd, . ' . - ' ' . • - ..• • - ' •
The grade seven and eight ath-
tes from the Ripley-Huron Cent-.
1Schodilmet RDHS ,level one
udents on May 24 in a field day
mpetition at'Ripley's quarter-
ile track, The public school
feated level ,One-By-arnassIng----:
nytwo points, compared to
HS's twenty-four. Girl part it
hnts from level one were Linda
ssenger, Arlene Tranter, Nancy
Guire, Kerry Boyle , Susan,
rter, Patti MacDonald , Mary . .
oiling., Car_dAac Ka and, an ,„, • __,,, __ L _ _
e Reeves., while Barry Marshall,,. .RIRLEY.-BRUCE TRACK AND •• . .
ourtney tiddle, •Petet Mac Don".. .FIELD•MEET ' • • ' '
oberttoldiuhoutti Doug • ' 'On Frid ay , i„dar26-, Bruce--Pen---
on May 26, students of the
vet two history class , were
companied by Mrs. Barbara Bur
is, head of the history depart -
ent at RDHS and her husband
, Andy Burgess, who is a con-
ble of the Kincardine detach -
nrof. the Ontario FroV,incial
lice, as they attended the
)unty Courts at Walkerton.. 'A
s, carrying the history class whc
e studying the judicial system
their course of the government
Canada, left at nine o'clock.'
Besides seeing several cases
ing judged by the .court, the
dents toured 'the Land Registry
lice, and the County Council
When. you come
to see the'. ••
Science _
Margie Collins, Debbie Beard •
and Kim Farrell took the 440
yard relay in 1:03.4 while Snsan,
Carter, Patti MacDonald Mary
Coiling and Arlene Tranter were
second with Nancy. McGuire,
"Carol MacKay, Janice Reeves
and Kerry Boyle third.
Joan Courtney ran the 880 yards
in 3:11 while edging' Debbie Beard
for second'.. Margie Collins was
third, , ' :
Smoky Robins of BPDHS thus
captured the overall midget
chartipiOnship while Joan Court-
ney was the leading point earner •
for Runner.up for Ripley
.was Susan Carter. '
Sally Elliott captured the Jun-
ior girl's 100 yard dash in .12.7
cords with Sall Harrison just
a tick behind her iti'second place.
Jane Meppelder Was fourth for
Ripley. ally again returned to
with the t 20, leading by.a good,
margin all the way while the,
stopwatch caught her in a record
breaking 30.9 seconds, Sally
Harrison was second in 31.5 sec-
Only three contested the Junior
girls 880 yard run, and they all
ran neck in neck most ot the way.
Elizabeth MacKay gained the 'lead
near the last .to win in 3:53 with
Ellen Elliott right behind her in
second. • Kathy 'Farrell was third,
Sally Elliott captured both the
overall Junior Girls Champion-
ship as well as the Ripley Junior
Girls Championship while Kathy
13 seconds was the time requir
EDITOR Beverley Smith
ASSISTANTS — Bryan Boyle, Sherry pollock
13.arry MacDonald, Mary MacCharles
Bissonnette • Doug Messenger,
Wray Thompson ,, Mike De Giov-
anni and Bob Campbell were the
boys. Events contested were the
one hundred yard dash, the 440
Yards, and the 440 yard relay. •
Fourteen senior students gather-
ed to hear Mr.• Au-Sitar of the
University of Waterloo speak on
business courses that are offered at
that university. The University
of Waterloo started as an engineer.
ing school, and now has top rat-
ings in the country as a school of
mathematics. A chartered ac-
countant's degree was the one
specifically mentioned. Univer-
sity of Waterloo offers an honours
degree in mathematics and with
chartered accountant 4 can receive
practical experience at an accred-
ited firm for a semester and re-
turn to school for the next one.
The student also has the adVant-
age- of going to, nearby Wate'rlOo
1:TittitrairUfaversityltit-their- us-
iness and Economics prOgrain, ,
which University of Waterloo does'
pot presently have. Mr., Cusitar
then answered the questions of
those who were specifidally interr„
ested in the course.
third in 32.
onds, while. Jane Meppelder was
ary 'ee' arri, a last-minute ..the final.heat of the
. Senior. girls
ed. for .Mary MacCharles'to win
axd-Ustr.----Donna -.Elliott of
BPDHS was second, .follOwed•.by .• entry, led the Junior field to win
the 440 yards in 1:27, while Jane Beverley Smith and Sherry Pol- ..•
Meppelder was a close second/. -lock: •
Elizabeth MacKay was third and
Donna Elliott. returned to.take
Kathy Farrell was foiirth. the- no yards by virtue of her,
The BPDHS team' won the 440 clocking of.31.1. Beverley Smith .
yard relay' while the, was second in 31:55, with. Gayle •
cOrnbination Of Elizabeth MacKay, Huston.third at 31.8 seconds:
Kathy, Farrell , Sal/1y Harrison and
The' 440'yard run saw 'only two
Sally Elliott were a close second. participants, Chris Meppelder and
Jane Meppeldet finished the 80 BeVersleySmith'and they finished .
meter htirdles in 18 seconds to win in. that order as:Chris', -running a
a red ribbon while Bonnie Boyle fine race and leading -all. the way,
handled the course in 22.2 .sec- • bibke the track record. with her
•onds to earn a fourth, behind two. 1:13.5 Clocking. • • •
Lions Head girls, Chris also cameback to' win . •
the 80 meter hurdles in 18.4 sec-
onds with Siinnie,.-arder of
BPDHS second and Beverley Smith'
third. •
The senior girls 440 yard relay /
had to be run• twice because of
several unfortunate infractions,
and mishaps. The team of Susan .
Bradley, Margaret Courtney
Chris Meppelder and Mary Mac-
Charles finally came'through with