HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-31, Page 10WEDNESDAY; MAY list; 1912 WEI PAGE TEN. Chalmers COC , WHITECHLIRCH NEWS. Chalmer's Children of the Church held their May meeting on Sunday in the Sunday School Room during church service.• Clarence Wybenga.gave the call to worship and the' C.O.C. -hymn-was repeated in unison. -The scripture lesson was read by Bob Ross followed by prayer by Lori Pardon. Barry Elliott read the minutes Ind called the roll answered by 15 members naming a Bird of the Bible. Donald de Boer had his name put on the birthday list for the month of May. T,he offer- ing was received by Gregory. Gib- son and the offering prayer was given by Rhonda Gibson. Mrs:Simpson-gave-a readingg7-- Five Fingers. Kathy Purdon gave the Juniors a story, 'A Long Wint- er Nap and Mrs. Simpson gave the senior story. All sang the clOsing prayer. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONT ARIO Whitechurch Messengers • 101011••• ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCHNOW AREA ,PARISH The Rev. R. Odendahl Rector 'Trinity' .Sunday One service at 11 a.m. St. Peter's, Lucknow 4,0040.60. 07•04.00.4"0.14,0%."4":0:ear!";,:"0.11,04,~0. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORAED CHURCH J. W. Van Stem oort WHITECHURCH 'NEWS The United Church Messen ers- held their May meeting on Sun - day in the Sunday School room during church service with an attendance of 9. The meeting opened with iiichard Moore giving the.call Ito worship. Alf sang 'God Sees „the Little Sparrow Fall".. Kenneth Quipp read the scrip- ture and prayer was given by Cal- vin Quipp, The offering was received by. Cindy Moore and the •offering prayer was given by Mur- ray GM. All were reminded to bring the Mite Boxes to the next meet- ing. No minutes nor, roll call were given because the secretary Kay. Wilkens was absent., Mrs. Qiiipp leader gave the Senidr story of Congo, Africa. The leader Mrs. Laidlaw gave the Jun- 'ors a story AV! gang jpciis . e5 Me. Linda Moore gave the clos- • ing prayer, Langside COC LANGSIDE NEWS, The regular meeting of the. Langside C.O.C. was 'held Sunday with Marty Young acting as pres- ident and Jamie Young as secret- ary. Eighteen children answered the roll call with their favourite bible character, Seals were placed' on their charts. , Mrs. Young conducted a sing- song. The call to worship was. Proverbs 22:6. The scripture lesson, Ephesians 6: 1-4 was read by Karen Young. Paulus, the puppet, showed.us that the happy homes are the ones that `have obedient children, The. offering was received by Debbie Huffman. Mrs. Wybenga continued the flannel-graph story on "The Lord's Prayer". The-minutes of-the-Last meeting were read and Sandra Gardner. was nominated' treasurer for the year. Games were enjoy- ed outdoors. Some work was done on a musical bible play the children are going to perform. Ashfield .WMS ASHFIELD NEWS The May meeting of the Ash- field-Presbyteria-n Women's Mis- sionary Society was held at the home of Miss Sadie Johnston with an attendance of 11,members and 14 visitors. Mrs. Ewan MacLean presided. The program was prepared by Mrs. Kenneth Rooney and Mrs. Alan MacDonald. Mrs. Rooney gave a meditation on "Love". A panel on. Africa was compos- ed of Mrs, Earl MacDonald as a ' Canadian, Mrs. Rooney as an older African, and Mrs. Alan MacDonald as :a young African, telling' of problems and_the___ achievements in' resolving them. Mrs,. MacDonald presented a list of questions on' statistics of Africa. Mrs. Fail MacDonald gave the offertory prayer. Roll call was answered by ".a verse on Hope., Mrs. MacLean reminded the members of the work bee at Kin- tail Camp on June 5 at 10 a.m, Mrs. Wm. Ross gave the treasur- er's report . Mrs__IWylds and Mrs. MacLean gave summaries of the synodical meeting'. Mrs. A. MacDOnald read a poem for Mothers Day. The hostess and committee served lunch. LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minister JUNE 4th KINCARDINE' ° On March 22, Constable Poland investigated• a single car accident on #9 highway just west of. Kin- loss. A car driven by Eugene Kuntz of R. R. if 4, ,Walkerton went out of control on the icy road and struck a snowbank caus- ing approximately $300.00 dam- age. . On March 23, Constable Ren- wick investigated a two car accid- ent 'on #7 County Road approxim- ately 2 miles south of Ripley. Cars driven by Kenneth Barger of Lucknow and William Powell of KitChener collided causing ap- _proximately $500.00 damage. Three people were, injured as a result of a car and truck collision on March 23, 1972 on #9 highway in the storm causing an estimated $1.700:0'0 damage.. Both drivers and a passenger in the Lindsay vehicle Craig Lindsay, age 13 of R. R.# 3, Walkerton, suffered . minor injuries in, the collision. The accident was investigated by Constable Poland. On .March 30 , Constable Burg-. on Bruce County Road # 1, 1 mile north of Lucluiow. A motor ve- hicle operaied by Leslie Sutcliffe , Goderich, and southbound struck two parked cars on the west shoulder ,facing south. Total damage to the three vehicles' was estimated at $1,000.00. • On Saturday, April 1 on #86 Highway , east of Jct., Teeswater Rd. (Lots 30-31) Harry Brooks, R. R. # 2, ,Wingham Was involved in a single car accident resulting_ in damage to his vehicle. Brooki received injuries. On Saturday , April 1 on #86 Highway , west 'of Jct. Huron Rd. .22Ykuhurn Rd.,) David Me R. R.'.# 2, Wingharp was involved in a single car accident resulting in minor damage to his vehicle. ,.On Sunday , April 1 on #21 Highway north of Dunlop , Scott ,Ivlabon, R. R. # 6,. Goderich, Dennis Little , 115 Picton St. East, Goderich, and. James Doh- erty, R., R. # 3, Goderich were involved 'in a three" caraccident resulting in damage , to all three vehicles•. Little and passenger Shirley-FT6Ot-, 131 -Picton "St . ;East, Goderich, received injuries. On Friday,, April 7 Provincial Constiate Poland investigated a single car accident on the 12th Cone:. Huron Twp. 1 mile east of the 15th,. The vehicle , eastbound on Conc. 12, operated, by David Lucknow' Presbyterian Church Rev.' Glenn -Noble, B.A., D. Minister • ,-JUNE .4th- The Sunday Schciol Anniversary and Congregational Picnic will be held at Silver Lake Camp. Outdoor Worship at 11 a.m. and picnic, to follow Those wishing transpor_tation_to_ church contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER I believe because God believes in me. D. T. Niles JUNE '4th , Communion Sunday 10 a.m. Sunday School 11' a.m. Morning Worship nig JOHN WOODHOUSE CRUSADE HOW DOES IF YOUR MAILING LABEL STARTS WITH FEBRUARY AND ENDS WITH 2 YOU WILL ---T-HISAS--THE-L-Ag-T—WEEK RECEIVE YOUR PAPER IF YOUR MAILING LABEL STARTS WITH MARCH AND ENDS WITH 2 STARTS WITH APRIL AND ENDS WITH 2 STARTS WITH MAY AND ENDS WITH 2 YOUR PAPER. IS DUE NOW PLEASE CHECK THE LABEL ON THE FRONT OF YOUR . PAPER. To qualify for Post Office mailing privileges, all subScrip- tkins must be no further than 3 months in arrears . In order , that your paper will continue please mail,your subsciptiOnArsirop_into_our office to pay. $6.00 for Canada $8.00 for U.S.A. and Foreign e , THE LucKNow . sENTINEI BOX 38 LUCIC.l....aVV„.....,, May 28 June 4. Knox Presbyterian Church Goderich Sponsored by'Huron Christian "Men's Association with Dey-erne Mullen 8 P.M. side the building. This theft is still under ,investigation. On Saturday.; April 22, Con-. stable Burgess was investigating the theft of a tire and, rim stolen from Albert Verhe.ye's pick-up truckliftrarottre Royal Inn in Ripley. Later a :further investiga- tion was conducted in Glammis where it was learned a Similar rirriand tire were stolen frOm a pick-up truck owned by Bruce Smith, Glair kris. Late Saturday afternoon it was learned ,that Constable Riedl. , Walkerton. detachment was investigating the theft Of two tires and rims from pick-up trucks parked in the Village of Paisley. These mat-. ters are under investigation. Qn 'Friday , May 19, Constable Wiwczaryk investigated' a Ongle CONTINUED:ON"PAGE 11 Butter /Co-operative where it was Parnell someone_had_s. soft drink dispenser located out- cal of op R. ear it in ca U Ro bo ov ve Mi ac a da A w A a two miles west of Kinloss. Cars driven by Bruce White of Picker- ing and William Lindsay of R. R, Houston, R. R. # 1, Kincardine .-Nalkettonitlec6h -s k anowbanit-Aante,rda entered the south ditch and rolled over. The damage to the Vehicle was approximately $600.00. On Monday , April lO, Constable Poland investigated a single cars accident on '#86 "highway , 11/2 , ides ea-srof-Luclulow-:—A vehicle' operated by Andrew. Mason, 29 lyndburst Drive , Kitchener', Ont- ario waswestbound on the highway and travelling to work at Bruce Generating. Mr. Mason lost con- trol of his vehicle while attempt- ing to avoid another westbound vehicle. Tleavement was slip- pery at this .' ime. , Mr. Mason's vehicle overturned in the north ditch. Mr. Mason suffered 'a fractured neck as a result of the collision./ On Wednesday morning, April 19, Constable Burgess received a call to the Pine River Cheese and