HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-17, Page 18WEDNEiDAY, MAY 17th, 1172 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LIKKNow„.ONTARIo HINGLES NO: 1 210 LB. SEALED SHINGLES 10 Colours From Which To Choose • — ALSO -- jle... Ablita ,, 4Ne ' APIPrisztt., co Oltse•.- 40.19 010:4,ose ---4r4hr NO, IS BLACK ASPHALT. FELT ' ROOF CEMENT ' EAVE STARTER GALVANIZED RIDGE • ROOFING NAILS, ETC. We have a wide selection of styles 'of sandals for ivomen, 'men. and hoys. If it's a casual shoe you need see our selection OPEN NEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 county. On hand was Ray Bennett 'of the CKNX radio station in e-hands red Mobile sound truck and he himself was attired in a red jack- et to match. In fact 'there were so' many finely dressed men and women seen moving into the building that it resembled a minia- ture Atlantic City Easter parade. Another thing which aided to the pleasantness of the occasion w - - ..P-•-• CI DaYe Moore, works department ; superintendent and his ;Men Joe Hodgins, John .MacDonaki George Dicke on had, their bright . 11-aw_ro 111 • PAGE. EIGHTEEN ED 4 .r • ,MARHAN 5110.E$ • • • Is a' Satitiall ASPHALT SHINGLES ADD BEAUTY AND COLOUR TO YOUR ROOF , 4110' '6101' '41.111' '001" "ow 'am' .111.; '41100 411•11. •0101*. raw .4111. •dmi. 4sor• Aliftaufr oursermigaavas • - tivr...iitifigatcreen... Fibre Glass Screening SIZES UP TO 48" IN STOCK WILL NEVER STAIN OR RUST CAN BE CUT WITH SCISSORS NO SHARP EDGES Now Is Tim Time To,Have Old Screens_ (Wood Or Aluminum) RepairecLWitlt Vistascreen -11101.1i 40IEIBP Analaw :WSW JOHN Yi. HENDERSON LUMBER LTD. lonvide cemetery Officers. Meet... WHITECHURCH NEWS The spring meeting for Lang- side Cemetery was held Thurs- day evening at the home of Victor Emerson with an attend - ance of thirteen,. The minutes of the 1971 meeting were read by the secretary Mrs. Victor Emer-, son. The treasurer Jamieson Petty- piece is a patient in Wingham , Hospital and from the books the amount•on hand was estimated at around $225. Work done in 1971 was grass seed and fertilizer sown, grounds levelled , raked stones on • roadside put there by snow plough each winter, front fence steel posts Were painted aluminum, ground hogs were taken care of and weeds were sprayed by George Young. It was decided to prepare to build a new east fence and to get a load of top soil. The trustee board, Bob Orr, • George and William Young are to inspect the Cemetery as soon as possible and if need be call a work bee. Mr. Don. Kruger, Department of Financia.1 and :'Commercial Affairs, Cemeteries Branch, was introduced by Presid ent Bill Evans, Mrs. einerson read the questions from a prey- ^ ious, letter she had received and Mr. Kruger dealt with each one. The first question was Perpet- ual Care of Cefneteries, * became mandatory„April 1St 1955. The minimum of 35'cents for every scolatejnor of surface 1 area is required., If not enough is charged for perpetual care the owner makes up•the deficiency. All funds for perpetual care are paid to a trust registered company or The Public Trustee. yhen a be made out trust company is used an agree- ment must be drawn uf by them and the cemetery officers. A register shall be kept of names and addresses of all lot owners, name of deceased persons, loca- tions in cemetery, date of burial. In managing a cemetery three copies of plans Of ceniefery must on_pa?er and sent to Department. The President Bill Evans thank- ed Mr. Kruger for his clear ex- planation of the situation. It waS decided to .draw tip a set of , By-Laws in the near'future. The election of offiCers were -Presidenr;Bill-Evans-;7Secreia .Mrs. Victor Emerson; Treasurer ; Mrs: Fred Tiffin; Trustees, Bob__ Orr', George and William Young. The 1673 meeting will be held 4:,,t the home Of Victor Emerson, Whitechurch , May 1st or 2nd. The adjournment was moved:by Victor Emerson. ' • Observed 92nd Birthday May 15 ASHFIEW '\EM Mrs. .George Collinson of Kin tail observed her .)2nd birthday on Thursda_y_,-Nlay_.11th; VISITING IN WA1Z Rev. Kenneth Rooney left on Tuesday to spend two weehs wi hiSaunt in Wales. Mr. ,and Mrs. Stuart Macf,en• nan and Mr. Wm, Johnson were Sunday. visitors.with N:1r. and. -r-do-n—mr-Na .r—d-rin-uri-,-St-- pro William in .Kitc boner. . 'Mr. 'and Mrs; Jas. ,V.acIntvre and Mr. and Mrs. Fr,nk YOung Goderich visited ith relativ here oh Sunday • Many parents a.ttc:nded the , music' Festival :at ':orih ,As,hfield School last Wedn'eda.:,.. LUCKNOW PHONE 528-3117 FOR SUMMER 19( 191 191 191 191 19 The olyt 'oh as h ay, Th plecig meet call% mem woulc Diggc PHONE 528-3118 . 'yellow and black truck out at the front of the parldng lot for all to see and also the space in. the build ing was neelved for chairs which they moved in place earlier in the day. The bUilding present ed a clean and handsome appear- ance painted in Pastel shades of yellow and ligft bine. In fact •the Wilson Pairtirig COM6'aMT of Gtelph was here re-tbuchin: earl- ier in the week -. , h Seer.2E qcjae awhile .a ?.-7a 10.-hen . drivint his fazher 10.1-4:::F.ree. • . zer h-oke the sod :a, level the. site and Welcon'Cam:-...a.c1 cf Guelph. -lobe were 'the 'Loa: 11v...se .reath.cal Cotton's ha"ZSe. Se" i kr-a: Z worked cr.; .ate . .1.. ..• • • . served from the kitchen,in the Huron Township hall; a'grFarcredi-t-to the -people of the township that they now have two fine huildings - the Huron • - . Dis* trim High SchOol 'and Knox Church and the new Huron Township Municipal Worl build- ing. Members of Huron's couneil Reeve ittss Stanley are ;Deputy Reeve Bob Emerson , Coun- )tillors Don MacTavish, Eimer I Smelrzer and Bert Elliott aldng with Clerk Treasszer Earl Tout of Pine Rivel who keeps ev.ery- T'-ling nada: account. And for Fd'pky which it still Huron's Hub, , tad council is Reeve Clayton olson , Councillors a_,'13. :ranter , Dr. ?ene-acssonnee--,,,e-. 73-award Hodge and Pock' y I4acDoth' ld with McCrea:tit Clerk and Ar.--Lbrose lillage works fore-T..a.n.' Dost,-=.2 Ladie", of the Pcitle- Fire 1)ep.at=ezu alonz with .al•mersibi= az.rezdet: „:Aif I prOok7. Zrt ' with 4 effective sanitizers SHUR• GAIN Germ 'Kill for Dairying - The ideal iodine germitide sanitizer for dairying operations. SH11-13—GAIN-Milltstonellemoverand-Acid-C lea net For the removal of.milkstone, rust and mineral film.in pipelines and milking equipment. SHUR•GIUN Chlorinated Cleaner Controls disease causing bacteria in milk handling equipment and bulk tanks. SHUR•GAIN Germ Kill for Hog and Pouliry Sanitation For sanitizing and disinfecting buildings and equipment. Ideal for footbaths. SHUR•GAIN LUCKNOW Some of these were. Bob Love , :Joe Fludder, Wes Smith and Ron Far- rell. It is to the credit of all these Worlunen and their foreman. that the building was roofed and c osed just as the heaVy snows of last winter came down. Dave Moore and .his men made the . move from the old building, which was formerly the ' fall fair hall and skating and curling rink, built in 1881, to the new building on January 31, 1972. After.the opening tererrionies •