HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-17, Page 12Laity Hds A Vital.Roll In Reunion BY REV. HENRY CASSANO. S.S.P. Cardinal Gibbons years-ago said: "The Unity of Christians is the great ..desire of my heart. For it; I prayed, worked and suffered.. Gladly would I give my life for its devout consummation, Sep- aration is enstrangenaent; union is love." :-On-Supday-we -celebrate.. in_thels Christian Church' - Pentecost Sunday the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The disc- iples were together in one place - one mind and one heart. Are today's Christians of one mind and one heart?., The. Vatican Council has asked for a spiritual mobilization of all the faithful. Each has a special function in .the Church -' a role to fulfill. A task for all = the task of unity. Religious unity is not a kind- of dream --it is avocation, the task of the entire Christian Church today. • LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev, Robert Nicholls, B.A. Minliter MAY 21st Pentecost 10 a.m, Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning. Worship Those wishing transportation to church contact Wm. G. Hunter 528-2741 POINT TO PONDER -There- ere- only-two -forces- in - the- world. They are the spirit and the sword; and the spirit always conquers' the sword. • Napoleon PAGE TWELVE. THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, IA/COWIN, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY. MAY 11th, 1972 pN1 Churches Observe, .Faniily. Day. WHITECHURCH NEWS , On Sunday at Chalmers Presby- terian Church Family Day Service the sermon was given by Mr. Victor Wybenga. The choir assist- ed with, special musit-atirthe - anthem was. My-Mothers Prayers Have Followed Me. Prayers were given by Cecil de Boer-and- Mrs. Victor Emerson. The call to worship was given by Ruth. Elliott and the offertory pray - er by Kathy Wybenga. Sunday School awards pins were presented by the Sunday school superintendent Walter Elliott to 1st year, John Wybenga , Mary Moore , Cora Blom ,'Clar- ence Wybenga , .Kathy Wybenga , Gregory Gibson, Billie Gibson, Rhonda Gibson; second, year pins with a ,wreath Were received by Wray Forster , Donald Irwin, Faye Irwin, Stephen Irwin,.and Nancy England; the third year pin has bar and went to Kendra Purdon, Eddie de Boer, Kathy England.. Those receiving 4th year bars were David Ross, Donald de • boer , David Elliott, Bob Ross, Lori airdon,Barry-Elliott , Kathy-Pur - don-, Jean Simpson. the Sun day School was the choir and sang a number.; Those taking part in the Family Day service were Linda Moore a poem, Pray- ers by Richard Moore, Karen Quipp , reading Earl Thompson , scripture Clare Weber , leading responsive reading Janet Adams. Karl De Koeijer gave the mes- sage. e held. A discussiOn,centied on' stair treads for the rnanse. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Grace " The hostess Mrs. Wallace Conn served refreshments'. Trin qty U.C.W. The regular meeting' of Trinity United Church Women was held. May 11 in the basement of the church. The meeting opened with a hyrnri followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Allan Hackett was in charge of the Devotions which was about "Hannah the Praying Mother". Mrs. George Henry read the Scripture and Mrs. Allan Hackett closed the devotional part of the meeting with prayer. It was decided to move our , regular meeting for June on to June--1.5 and. this -will be the...Gran:LI mother's meeting.. The roll call-was answered by a plant or -flower in the Bible. Mrs. Reg Broome reported on the Supply Work and Mrs. 'Donald Hackett re - ported on the redecorating of the basement. Mrs. Chester Hackett gave the Study Book on Africa and we found it very interesting. Mrs. Charles Wilkins had a contest which provided a laugh for everYone. The meeting Was clos- ed with prayer by Mrs. Jim Hunt- er. Following the meeting the- annual spring plant arid baking sale was held. A dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge. During lunch Mrs. Ken Alton read the Trinity Tattler, which everyone enjoyed. CALVIN-BRICK U.C.W. vaiirrEeHURCH-NE WS CalVin .-Brick U.C. W. held their May meeting:Wednesday at the home of Mrs. John Jarnieson with 16 present. Mrs. Alex Rob- ertson had charge of the worship service: Mrs. Ronald Jamieson read the scripture. Mrs. Sidney Thompson gave a reading and . Mrs. Peter'Chandler gave a poem Touch A Hand. LA Mother's Day" poem was given by Mr's. Roy Daw- son.. Mrs. Henry Pattison spoke on Stewardship. Mrs. Richard Moore presided for,. the business when arrangements were Made for-a special meeting to be held Mon- day , June 5 at 8.15 at Calvin- Brick Church with guest speaker Morley Hanimond , school teach- Dialogues, meetings, confer- . ,ences must be continued and ex- panded. This must remind us of prayer always and in every aspect. (a) 'Prayer must rise from a heart longing for Unity and ' -Suffering sorrow , because of-the divisions in the Christian Family. (b) Prayer for Unity is the task. Of all - of everyone, who glories in the name of Christ. (c) Prayer is the _Primary Meani to effect the Unity which our Lord desires. . (d) If Catholics pray for Unity at every Mass, and 'if other Christ ians do at their Conimunion Ser- vices; surely the blessing 'of Unity Would be closer to achieVement than it has been for centuries. Therefore, every layman can ' help-the cause of Christian Unity: First and foremost, by Prayer per- severingly and reading of Sacred Scripture; by desiring Unity, seaich of truth with sincerity; by says: "Those who lead evil lives, while calling themselVes Christ- ians, do Christ an injury: It is said of such - the Lord's Name is blasphemed - through the good: His name is praised-." By Opposi- tion to evil; (a); Shocking exploita- tion of sex. Sexual degradation ception; (ii) Pointed, out that the majority, of people today , believ ed the meaning of human life was to be found in -prosperity and pleas ure seeking; (iii) 'Lamented that abortion had become a plague; (iv) Condemned the exploitation" of female body and of sexual allurements for advertising purpos- es, and for all kinds of unscrupul- ous profit , in business , the theatre films, T. V. , Magaz,nes, books, etc. (v) Drawn attention to the ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW AREA PARISH The Rev. R Odendahl Rector MAY 21st Whitsunday St. Paul's Ripley - 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kinlough 10:30 a.m St. Peteis Lucknow 11:45 `Church School - 10:30 a.m. St. Pimi-VDungannon - 3:00 p.m 2nd and 4th Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert 3 p.m. : 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays lucknow Presbyterian (hiliCh Rev. Glenn.Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister Phone 528-2740 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship ,cHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van-Stempvoort— Pastor Services: 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 Jim. Service 'VISITORS WELCOME lic relation's and 'public life. 'Constant and. mutual charity' - An indispensable Means ifortrue fellowmen' We ri-i4st respect their sincerity and tolerate their inability to understand our viewpoints. Dis- cord ainong thoie who believe in Christ , is a scandal. Therefore, every layman can mike a contri - bution toward reunion, and he • • 4 Craig in charge. A thank you card was received from Mrs. Dorothy McKague, a patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. A letter was ,read re Ladle's Camp at Kintail with this group _ in charge of, a specific room clean Chalmers W.M.S. WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmers Women's Missionary Society held their May meeting ' on the 10th a week earlier due to the Presbyterial,meeting held the next week, The president Mrs. Bill Rintoul presided , welcomed all and gave a poem, Mothers -Love. Miss AnnieLaidlaw read the scripture. Prayer was given by Miss Lila Emerson. • Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw gave the meditation. The Law of Human Kindness. When the thought comes to do kindness, do it at once. Kindness brings health and joy to the giver and the receiver. Gods command was Be Kind to One another. There isn't enough kindness in the world, so go head give kindness as soon as you can, because you never know when it may be too late. A discussion was held on flowers for the Anhiversary. It was decided to have potted plants and, cut flower arrangements with Mrs-w-Rossi--Mrs---C-oulter7and Mrs up. The roll call was answered by fifteen-members-with a Bible verse telling of a tree of the Bible. The, pine rne,eting will be held at the home of Mrs. Russel ROss. The treasurer Mis. Johnston Conn gave her report stressing how rmich was needed by end of June. The topic Summertime Hymns, prepared.by Mrs. Walter Elliott, was given by Mrs. Victdr Emer- son.. These summer hymns such as "This is my Father's World" are ones we should have in our hearts and on our lips in these sunlit months. The crowning glory of the people of God is the place of the power of spiritual song in their worship and life. The closing Prayer was given by Mrs. Elroy w. LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid meeting was , Plan to attend 'the John: Vrovihouse Crusade Clinton - May.18 &.:1'9 South Huron Secondary School, Clinton, VVingharn -.May 20 •to 27 F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham Goderich - May 28 June Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich everyone welcome "Evil prevails when pad Nu de, Wk.*" Sunday, Mai June 4 NO SERVICE 01.110ro0. Men's Cha of Missionary. A birthday tea was held'. Baz- aar articles-of plants, flowers, tomato plants , dahlia bulbs, violets, geraniums and foliages were sold. - Olivet 'UCW ' OLIVET NEWS The President , Mrs. Melvin Coi- ling presided for the business part of the meeting. Thirteen mem- bers answered the roll call, with two visitors present. Mrs-. Walter Black read •a let- ter from our adopted child Lee Young Scion. Mrs. Ray Hamilton' gave the treasurer's report. Mrs., John MacCharles led the worship part of the meeting. A play entitled "TheOpPortun- ity" was wellacted by Mrs. Ger- ald Coiling , Mrs. Robert Osborne -de-a----• II ' I , - , I - Spiritual life and consequently in The May meeting of the Olivet Church Unity. (b) 400 German physicians had signed a _memoian- Unit of St. Andrew's United Church Women was held at the dum to the Federal German Min- home of Mrs. John MacCharles istry of Health: The doctors' had: on -Monday evening_, Ma_y_fith (i) Expressed concern over the groWing propaganda for contra- ..us. John Niacchardes_and blic ridicule of_cha_stity„in___ Sandy !‘,1acCharles followed by a most so-called cultural products question period. of , the theatre, press, T. V. The courtesy remarks were,/ given by Mrs. Walter Black. A Moral degradation and ecumen-, successful sale of baking and ism cannot be partners. All men other articles was held , followed of good will must strive for Unity by a delicious lunch of turkey in a. chiistian way in cleansing and 'r,.'ur2ers and jello. keeping clean and Wholesome pub -(should make it. OR i~n C4 erb0 Se ,e rot ;ge l% Mrs. the SI riptu teas gswe A ti ble" cPh and The Afb Mil th pi nald Mrs. rge ents An , are die, e car Gr ive. Ther le. oye Lunc one S.