HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-17, Page 61,6 WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1972 YflENUR Why Let Old Jewell), Hang Around? Let us make it look like new. Then --- wear it and enjoy it. We repair, clean; new, antique jewelry. th.11•00,11110•11•1111111.4611111•01111111.1.01111.... HEIrsKr•Mirii W. JOS. AGNEW WATCHMAKER --JiAVEtER DIAMOND SETTER SCHMIDS. JEWELRY . AND CHINA LUCKNOW FUELS • HEATING OILS • SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS , LUCKNOW I.A BAILEY Real Estate CLINTON I wish to express my apprecia- tion and thanks to my many friends for the cards, letters and flowers while a patient in Wingham Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Corrin and Dr. McKim and nurses. Mrs. J. Wesley Joynt We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends in Luck- now and Kinhiss. The wedding gift 'will be extremely, useful. We appreciate your generosity and special thanks to those who 'made this possible.' 'Carole and Ian MacKenzie s. A MANN MX 167 —11-716 KURE h ,e), • , 1 It 150_ a(re_fanii_with modernized house and nearly new barn on paved road in Morris Township, 130 acres workable. Maitland River crossw property. 139 pa acres, 8 miles from Blyth on ved road with brick, home in excellent condition and barm eqUipped for bogs or cattle. 3 bedroom brick home :n Blyth with all modern conveniences, Close to up town. FOOD FOR THOUGHT , Ontario Farm land acreage has decreased by 10% since 1%7 CONTACT MASON BAILEY 4824371 • CARD-- OF THANKS. Emerson Howell would like to thank everyone who sent him cards and letters and visited him while in Victoria Hospital. Special thanks to the London people. We wish to thank friends, neigh- bours, the Institute and Carruthers Nursing Home and staff for being so-kihd-to ustalso-for presentations and good wishes. It was all very much appreciated. Mabel and Harvey Welsh, /171 i:14474 PAW! six USE AUCTION SALE ti AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery will be held for LLOYD WYLDS Lot 16, Concession 6, Huron Twp., First Farm South of Ripley on the West Side of the• Ripley Road On THURSDAY, MAY 25th at 1:00 o'clock Machinery . . . • 65 M:F. diesel tractor, high arch; 35 M.F. diesel tractor with loader and hydraulic bucket; M.F. 3 fur- row plow, 16" bottoms; M.F. 2 furrow plow; M,F. 28 plate 3 point hitch disc; 1 drag__ disc; 4 11 ft. Kongskilde cultivator; 6 ft. 'chain harrows; New Idea No. 210 power take off manure spreader with tail gate; 2 semi liquid 900 gal. P.T.O. manure spreaders; Inter- national 7 ft. P.T.O. mower; Side delivery rake; No. 230 Case baler; Quantity of cedar poles and posts; 40 ft. George „White bale elevator; 20,000 watt stand by generator on 2 wheel trailer with 35 ft. cable; chain saw; cattle oiler; sub pump; 2 electric fencers; loading chute for 1/2 ton truck; 1 electric instant heater. Hay and Grain . . . Approximately 800 to 900 bales of hay; approximately 500 bales of straw; approximately' 7 ton of mix- ed grain; other articles too num- erous to mention. TERMS CASH —, FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneersii-to respoMible for any accidents or injuries on property day of sale LLOYD WYLDS, Prop. Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, • Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh Phone 392-6170 ' CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE to be held in the TEESWATER ARENA on MONDAY,' MAY 22 AT 1 P.M. —A great-variety-of-furniture-and antiques has already been con- signed. If you wish to sell articles please have them at the Arena no later than 11:00 am. the morning of the sale. Not responsible for accidents day of sale Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh, I and Grant McDonald. REMEMBER TO HELP USED CARS 70 DODGE _poLARA - CUSTOM 70 CHEV 2 DOOR HARDTOP 68 FORD CUSTOM 67 DODGE SEDAN TRUCKS ive drainage tile. If even partial blockage remains' for any length of time, the resulting' decrease in• speed-of water-flow-ean-,lead-to tile lines filling up with sand, and silt. Replacing tile lines may then be the only remedy. • Of' course, 'niaintehance of the outlet for lines of field drainage tile will only be fully effective if -the—main_outlet_system, (open, ditch or closed tile) is also fund-/, toning properly. , If not, then this becomes the' • problem of major importance. that must be attended to. If the drain is a, Municipal Drain, the municipality should be notified ,of the situation. If a not, and the drain involves other land owners, you may pro- ceed under one of the three.sec- tions of,the Drainage Act: a "neighbors". agreement" type of drain; a "petition" drain; or a, "requisition" drain. The local Township clerk can be of assist- ance here. , - - J3eIlinan, P. Eng. AgricUlturai Engineer ACHIEVEMENT DAYS Come visit our Spring FasIdOn Show — "Get Together", Walker ton. District Secondary School, May 20th — 1:15 p.m. Judi Reasbeck Home Economist and McKim, Mary Ann and. Suzanne. kenny Ritchie would like to thank all his friends for cards and remembrances after his accident. A special thanks to Mr. Liddle, his teacher for his help with school work-and-to his- classmates for let- ters and cards. MacLENNAN — I would like to take this opportunity to express Our deepest appreciation for all the expressions of sympathy and the kindness shown us at the time of our deep sorrow in the loss of a beloved husband and father. Eldon J. MacLennan. Wife Beth, Sons Rod, Shawn,. Tim and Daughter Cindy Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton wishes to sincerely thank her friends and neighbours for remembering her with cards, flowers, letters and visits, while' a ...patient in Victoria Hospital,' London and since coming home. All was very much apprec- -latak-TIranks also-to-Drs-.--Corrin- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,' ONTARIO AUCTION, SALE - of Antiques and Household Effects will be -held for the estate, of the late MR. LIONEL MAHOOD, Antique Dealer at his residence on the westerly' outskirts, of Lower Town, Wingham, on SATURDAY, MAY 20 commencing at 1:00 p.m. , Chesterfield" and 2 chairs; china cabinets, 1 with rounded glass front; several rocking chairs; large number of antique tables; antique dressers and washstands; 6 flat back cupboards; chests of drawers and bureaus; press back chairs; wooden kitchen chairs and d r o p-1 e a f tables; wardrobes; trunks; iron kettles; crockery jugs; oil lamps; mantle clock; moust- ache cups; •number of antique dishes; antique jars including 2 amber. Beaver jars, 1 green Beav- er and 1 clear Beaver, also Mason,„ Crown, Gem and Lightning ja—ri-; and many more items of interest as this is only a partial list. TERMS CASH Executrix and Auctioneers not res • - ponsible for accidents in any way conected with the 'sale EXECUTRIX, Mrs. Lionel AAahood Auctioneers: Wallace Ballagh Teesviater ,392-6170 _Grant McDonald Ripley 395-5353 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF Livestock, Farm Implementi, Hay,, Grain and Some Household Effects will be held for CARL LONGMAN Lot 31, Con. 12, Mullet Twp., 11/4 miles north and PA miles west of -LondeilioFo or 41/i miles south and 11/4 miles west of Blyth On TUESDAY, MAY 30 at 1:30 TERMS CASH -- FARM SOLD Geo. Powell, Clerk Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer Lucknow AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION SALE OF • Farm Machinery will be held for ALLAN McLEAN Lot 18, Concession 8, Huron Township ON THURSDAY, MAY 25th At Lot 16, Concession 6, Huron Township First .farm south of Ripley on the west side of the Ripley Road. Selling immediately following the L sale for-Lloyd-Wylds---- Massey Fergu. 50• gas tractor c-w Malco loader with hydraulic buc- ket; Massey Harris 22 tractor c-w mounted crop sprayer, 27' boom; Cockshutt semi mounted . 6' PTO mower; IHC 3 bar side delivery rake on steel; McKee Harvester; McKee wagon ,with Massey under- carriage; 80' -- 10"-blower pipes; 11' Kongskilde cultivator, new con- dition; IHC 3 furrow 3 pt. hitch prow, ace bottom; IHC . 3 furrow trailer plow, ace bottom; IHC 28 plate double disc; 6 sections har- rows and 2 poles; Dearborn 3 point hitch, one way disc, 8 plate.; 1 Cock- shutt grain drill; 13 run on• wooden wheels; 1 Holland single row trans- planter, like new; 1 IHC single 'row potato planter, good working order.; 1 IHC single row potato digger; 1 Graham snyder potato picker; quantity of poOto bags and 6 qt. baskets; 1 woods grinder,. 3 h.p. motor; 1 — 3" grain auger, 10' long; 1' Homelite model C91 chain saw. • TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accidents which may occur day of sale ALLAN McLEAN, Proprietor Auctioneers: RANT-MCDONALD, phone 395.5353 WALLACE BALLAGH • phone 392-6170 • AUCTION SALE MORTGA S UNDER and b G y E virtue of the powers of sale contained in a cer- tain mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be, offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the 27th day of May, 1972, at one o'clock in the afternoon at the Legion Hall, at Ripley, Ontario, Huron Street, in the County of Bruce, by 'Grant. Mac- Donald, Auctioneer, the following property: In the Township of Kincardine, in the County of Bruce, and being composed of Lots 57 and 58,, in the 3rd Concession, South of the Dur- tam -Road-in-the Township-of Kirk. cardine, containing by admeasure- ment 100 acres, be the 'same more or less. On the said property is said .to be erected a seven room one and one-half storey house with bath. The said house has hydro facilities & a well. There is a large barn with stone and concrete walls. measu- ing 55' feet by 95 feet, with steel roof and good cement floor in stable. The farm has recently been tile drained .and soil is clay-loam. Terms are 10 per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within 30 days there- after. Further' particulars and condit- ions of the sale will be read at the time of sale or may be had upon -application-to -the _undersigned, DATED at Wingham, Ontario, the 8th day of May, A.D. 1972. CRAWFORD & MILL Barristers, etc. Wingham, Ontario 357-3530, Solicitors for the Mortgagee • 'Bruce Farm Report _SEEDLINGBURN Seedling Burn is usually an in- visible loss in small grains and corn. , . , - Occasionally an entire field gets burned and then the farmer won- ders :why. The following guidelines • for safe use of fertilizer have been published by the Department of Land Resource Science (soils), University of Guelph:, Spring Grain not over -40 lbs. of Nitrogen per acre or a total of 60 lbs. of Nitrogen plus Potash. Corn — banded, not over '50 lbs. of Nitrogen or a total of 80 lbs. of Nitrogen plus Potash. Urea, Dianmonium 'Phosphate and Muriate of Potash are toxic materials that might burn' seeds lings. • lidf-more than 10-lbs. orUrea Nitrogen should be applied with small grains and not more than 25 lbs. banded with corn. • There is no danger if the fert- ilizer is broadcast. M. R. Bolton, • Agricultural Representative Spring seeding time, is probably the time of .year when farmers are nibs t conscious-01 land drain- age. Poor drainage conditions are certainly most obvious; thus this is the time of year to do . some- thing about it. If lines of tile are required, contact should bemade with a tile -drainage-contractor-nowrso-that- he can plan to include your job in his work for this season. While you are talking to the con tractor, check to see whether a survey and plan are required. If so, we in the Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food will try to assist. In some cases; areas of land are missed in an Original tiling job, and. it shows up wet in the spring of the -year. Areas such as these should be carefully noted, possibly with a few well-placed stakes, so that extra lines of tile can be added when a tiling mach- ine becomes available later in the season. On occasion, tile lines that have been in for a few years seem to slow down in their effectiveness. When this happens, one Of the first things to do is to look at the condition of the outlet. Too frequently, keeping the outlet clear is a chore that is ignored. This can soon ,result in ineffect- 68 FARGO HALF TON 68 FARGO TRANSIDAN 68 INTERNATIONAL 1ti TON 67. DODGE 14 TON, CUSTOM CAB 64 'GMC ONE TON 66 HONDA 150 9N FORD TRACiOR T AUBURN AUTO SALES Phone 526-7244 Phone 529-7524 or'. 524-7 1 FREE BURNER SERVICE Products Far Farm, Home and Industry