HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-17, Page 11912
$6.00 A .year In Advance $2.00 Extra To U.SA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th, 1972 Single Copy 15c 20' Pages
o Open New Parish
Centralia Grad Council Will D4cuss
,H.fring. Dog Cakhei
"Something Has To Be Done"
--May 12th graduated frOm the Two
.Year Agricultural Business Man-
agement course at Centralia Col-
lege of Agricultural TeChnology.
ten rig t e gra nation cere-
of London.
Fred received good, news on
graduation day. He won the $500
priZe• for the LOndon Kinsmen
'hockey lottery. He has returned
home to farm and will continue tc
be employed by Girvin Reed. '
The final draw in the. Bargain World , contest, sponsored by
18 Lucknow business places, was held on Monday morning of
this week: •
Mrs. Jim McNaughton's name was pulled from a box of
tickets, the biggest entry yet in the eight week Span of the con-
reward for shopping at the Lucknow Pro Hardware where she
received her winning entry. Reg Jones, proprietor of Lucknow
Pro Hardware and The Village Shop, is seen .making the pre-
This draw ends,, the Bargain World promotion. During the
eight week period;-the promotion created a high interest among
the shopping public. This is very much in evidence by the thou-
sands of entry tickets which were signed each week by shoppers
were atte-mptirrg to-awakerr-them,
They found their pig barn a
crass of -flames.,
Luc know Fire Department re
spOnded to the call. but the 'build-
ing was 4 loss before they got
there. They succeeded in saving
a small shed at the end of the barn
containing a .water pump and
other farm equipment. There
Reeve George Joynt at the '
May meeting of Lucknow village
Council indicated that a.speeial
meeting of council would be cal-
led in a few days to deal with the'
dog problem which presently ex-
ists in the village. .COnsideration
will be given to engaging a dog
catcher from another municipal.
ity who might include Lucknow on
his list of "calls". Council; in
general., agreed that dogs running
at large were a problem in town
and some members indicated
FRED PHILLIPS that complaints had been receiv-
• ed from-village residentt about
Frederick George Phillips, the the nu.isance,of the animals.
eldest so•n of Mr. and Mrs. Russel "Something has to be' done" com-
Otani-pi-of Belfast , on Friday , me--fited Reive Jo_y
Kathy Treleaven Received All Round monies from, here were his par-
ents, his sister Mrs. Herb Barger
« • * •
The operational committee of
the Lucknow arena is to be invit-
ed to the next regular:meeting
when the :representatives from the
village insurance company will
be •resent to discuss existing in-
surance coverage.
• 4. • • •
The, 11th division court was
again granted perrhissiOn to use
the municipal hall on a rental
basis of $168 yearly $14 monthly-
The rate is set by the Department
of Justice.
Susan McNaughton Wins Final Draw
Loss Is Heavy In Pig Barn Are
Lost in the blase were 103 full'
grown sows, 19 young gilts, 6
boars and a few small pigs.
The Van Oenen farm is located
in Ashfield on a sideroad between
the 2nd concession and the Col-
borne boundary, about three
Miles east of Highway 21.
The big event of the week for
HatOR Township was the official
opening of the new Township .
Municipal puilding lait Friday
.evening. Shortly after eight
o'cloCk cars streamed into the
northeast section, of Ripley as
people gathered for the cerem-
ony. In fact, earlier in the day .
Harry Coning brought several
truck loads of gravel to surface
the parking area. This overflOw-
ed with extra' cars so--route-403 '' -
"or Maleolin Street was lined for
some distance.
Huron Township Reeve.Russ Stanley Was master of ceremonies
and the 'ribbon was cut by Murray
Gaunt, member Of the Ontario Ilarliament in Toronto for this
area to mark the official open-
•Father Henry Cassano, who has'
ministered to the Parish of Ash-
field since 1968, has been issued
a new challenge and will assume
new duties with the Missionary
Fathers of St. Paul in Sao Paulo,
Brazil, South America. The
Fathers of St'. Paul are opening a
new parish in Brazil and Father
Cassano has been appointed to
assume this responsibility. The
Parish of Ashfield includes 'Kings-
bridge , St. Augustine and Luck-
Father Cassano is a member of a
religious Congregation -• The Mis-
sionaryrFathers of St. Paul (Malta)
He was ordained priest on March
17, 1956. After his ordination his
Division Commissioner, Of Han-
over; Mrs: Angus MacLennan,
District Commissioner of Lucknow:
Mrs.. Dan Webster, Teeiwter
Brown, Owl; Mrs. Gerry 'Gibson,
Teeswater Guide Captain; Jane
Netzke of the Teeswater Guide
Company. 'Mary MacMillan of
Goderich who is Area Commissiorr
er sent regrets that she could not
Mrs; Angus MacLennan -, Corn -
missioner for Lticknow and ,Tees-
water- District thanked the. Local
Association, executive , Lucknow,
and. Teeswater Guiders, Badge.
Secretary and Cookie Convener
Mrs.. Don Thompson, for their
assistance and co-operation. She
ii an --A
would be changed the end of May
LucknOw Guiders Mrs. Eyans
.Heim, Guide Captain; Mrs. Brian
Johnston, Guide Lieutenant; Mrs.
Harold Greer Brown Owl; MrS.
A barn on the faTiri' of TOtin-Van
Oenen of Ashfield Township was
cOmpletely destroyed by fire
about 3.30 Saturday morning.
The Van Oenen family were
awakened by an alarm bell they
hay.e in the house to indicate any
hydro problems. ,At the same
time, several passing motorists
A donation of $25 was made to
the Salvation Army.
* • • • •
An earlier. motion has set the
salary of the new village clerk at
$8500, broken down as follows:
$7600 basic , $500 highway ac-
count auditing and $400 for arena
bookkeeping. The clerk also re-
ceives 7/0 on the collection of tax
arrears. A recommendation from
council was that annual increm-
ents would bring the salary up to
$10,000 in three years.
• • • * •
An invitation was received by
council and their ladies to attend
the official opening-of -the new
II 1
• • • • •
The Reeve indicated that
approval would be sought from the
municipal board to purchase a
tractor which could be' used„.for
street work, village work and for
the pew well.. A 50. horse power
Several Farm
Deals In
Ripley Area
Several farm deals were made
this past week. One was a- three
party affair.
Bob Emerson-of Purple Grove
bought the John C. MacDonald
homestead on Concession12 .
(actually Huron , the farm
west, of Burton Collins.
John C..in turn bought the
the one known,as the Lame Sandy
MacDonald Folly on the sixth
concession west in. Huron, just
past the former Murray farm.
Also, sold signs are now posted
on the Maus farm on the eighth
concession, about' two miles east
of Ripley. This is the former
AOkert farm with the big barn.,
Jacob Rohrer and family helped
a lot with the work at this farm
during last year. It is also the
location of one of the
early drilled wells 'in this area.
Sold Village Home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bogues have
sold their Lucknow residence,
Havelock Street , North,. to Ger-
ald and Susan McRae of Scarbor-,
ough. Mr. McRae is employed
at Douglas Point. They obtain
possession the last of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Boguei, who
came to Lucknow from Windsor
two yearstago, moved last week
to London.
The Liicknow Local Association
—Of the Girl Guides of Canada held
its annual Mother' and Daughter
Banquet on Thursday , 'May 11 at
6.30 p.m. in the basement of the'
Lucknow United ChurCh. Guides,
and Brownies, their mothers, and
special guests attended.
.Mrs. Jack McKim led in grace
before the banquet.. Brownies and
Guides made the centre piece's
for the tables.
Following the meal Mrs. John
Warren was chairlady ,for the
evening's programme. Mrs. War-
ren thanked the mothers for corn-
ing. .She also thanked those who
helped in the kitchen. 'All moth-
ers• were, able to be seated for
the meal
Debbie Wilkins; Patti Warren,
Ruth Brooks, Mrs: Eldon Miller,
Mrs. Alvin Alton, SuSan
Lynn Evans in the kitChen:
Mrs. Warren introduced spec-
ial guests Mrs. A. E. McKim of
Luclmow; Mrs. J. E. Peppier,
pen New Huron
ownship Building
ing. Present for the happy
occasion were such dignitaries as
Ross Whicher of W iarton Bruce
Member at Ottawa; Mr. Davis of
Elderslie , Warden of Bruce and
a record four past wardens of the
fariil just west ofirirhome farm
on concession eight from Alan
:McLean. Mr. and Mrs. McLean
retained the farm home and two
acres of land. This is the former
Ham MacKinnon, farm until "
Ham and his wife Annie retired
to their Ripley house. .
Recently Ham sold his second
_farm to Gordon_Shan
-was no danger mother buildings.