HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-03, Page 171972 FORD F100 hardtop H.P. 1972 VALIANT 4 door 6 cylinder automatic . 1971 PONTIAC Catalina .4 door hardtop, 'V8 automatic, power equipped 197.1 DODGE Charge r 2 door hardtop 1970 CHEV Impala '2 door hardtop,. V8 'automatic, power brakes and power steering 1970 CHEVELLE 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic, power steering 1970 OLDS,Cutlass Supreme 2 door hardtop, V8, power steering', power brakes,., power windows 1970 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power "steering, power brakes, vinyl roof 1969 CHEV 4 door, V8 automatic, power brakes, power steering 1969 DODGE Polara 4 door, V8 automatic, power steering power brakes 1968 CHEV 4 door, V8 1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, V8, full power 1966 DODGE Coronet, 2 door 1965 FORD ' 1964 METEOR ***************** r _r Debenture. Investment Certificates You earn highest interest on all of The Municipal's Debenture Investment Certificates. Interest,Payable semi-annually or left to accumulate. Terms: One to Five Years ___L_Amounts:-11-00-10—$20,00 For further information: The Municipal Savings and Loan Corporation P.O. Box 147, 88 Dunlop Street East, Barrie, Ontario. (705) 726-7200. 9S CAR -SAL-E3-LTD. . THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE 1111VOINTOSIPI WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 1972 •-lionoured On 151h--Anniversary wHITEcHuRc.H. NEWS, Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Wilken.s. On Saturday at supper time they were surprised When Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilkens, Sharon and Michelle, Mr. and Mrs: Bill Wilkens and Kimberley,, all of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkens, Marjorie and John of GowanstOwn; Mr. and mrs, Jim Scott, Bob; Betty Jane and Valerie of Listowel; Mr. and Mrs. T. Kloostra; and their own family Bruce , Kay and Glen- na, gathered to celebrate with them their 25th wedding anniver- sary. They received china plates , cup and saucer with 25th anniver- sary on them as well as other gifts. They recall their wedding day April 26, 1947 at Ethel United Church was colder than the weath- er at present. WEDDING RECEPTION A wedding reception was held in Whitechurch Community Me m • orial Hall on Saturday night , April 29 in honor, of newly weds Mr, and Mrs. Gary Jamieson (nee Marlene Weber). Music for claw: cing was supplied by "The Alley ' Cats", A large crowd .gathered to contribute to the gift for :the newly weds which was presented after lunch. Gary and Marlene were called to the platform and given seats. . of honor while Jim Robertson read / ryaddress and -Lloyd W-hytoe k— presented them with a gift of money. Gary and Marlene both replied thanking the folks for coming , the sponsors for the evening enter- tainment and for their gift. Mr. and -Mrs. Gary Willis, Carolyn, Robin and Jaret of Newry spent the week end with his moth- er Mrs. Doris Willis, BAPTISMAL SERVICE Communion services were held. on Sunday, April 30 at Chalmers Presbyterian Church with Rev. Glenn Noble in charge. At the service Linda Joann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Versteeg, was christened, • Mrs. Agnes Elliott of Wingham spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family. We are sorry to report that Mrs. John de Boer was admitted Satur- day to Wingham and District Hospital. • Mrs. Angus Falconer.and Kevin .of Strathroy and Mr. and M6. Lloyd MOntgomery of4ingham we're Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray and Mrs. A. E. Purdon. The Maitland River on the River sideroad and Dickies Creek on Saturday were minus a few fish when the following boys Clarence Wybenga , Shane and Murray Hickey, Billie Gibson, Earl Thompson and Murray Gibb strolled along the banks' with their fishing tackle. Mr. and Mrs. Victor EmersOn were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Bill Porteous of Lucknow. Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Evans, Ellen, Nancy and Sandra of Hamilton visited Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans. Miss Alma Conn of Guelph University. spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn.. Miss Sandra Lex ...of-Toronto-a-Lso---spe-nt-the-wee-k end-with them. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Conites, Debbie ;Kevin and Blaine of — Oakville were week end visitors • with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Coultes and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe •of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs.-Ivan Laidlaw Janet, Kimberley and his father Herb Laidlaw spent the week end camping at Ipperwash and on Sat- urday visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crowston and family of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Bin McIntyre , Allen, Linda, Heather and Mary Beth of Sudbury spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and her brother Cail and Mrs., McClenaghan. On Saturday night all attended the 45th wedding anniversary of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc- Intyre of Wingham. The celebra- tion was held at Saltford Hall. ,Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan also attended the celebratiOn. The community will be sorry to learn that last week Jamieson Pettipiece suffered a stroke at Wingham and District Hospital where he has been a patient for some time. Mi. and Mrs. Bill Craig of Scarborough are spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Robert Ross and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Ross and Cheryl of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Russel RoSt and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and family also visited with her. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kalishand family of Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore and family. Some frorn here on Saturday evening attended the Swinger Square Dance graduatiob exercises held for the junior club at the Lucknow Public School. Miss Janette Johnston of London spent the week end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston, Joe Tiffin wassat a musicians -business--meeting-Marys-O Thursday evening. This community extends their syffipathyfo Mrs. TkiiireDonald-; son in the tragedy which struck her home when her husband DOnnie died from a gun shot and their son'Stephen is in Wingham Hospital suffering from shot wound in the abdoMen. Visitors on-Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire and Biian were Mr: and Mrs. Kenneth Teed. Mr. and M6. Jerry Teed and Gary Teed of Duncan;.Mr. and. Mrs. Larry. McGuire, Merril and Cameron Martin of Elmira and Elmer McGuire of Toronto. Wilfred and John Clipperton and Fred Tiffin on Monday after- noon attended the funeral,of Henry Cousins of R, Thorn- dale , a. brother-in-law of Mrs. Bessie Millis whO had gone to be with her sister Mrs. Cousins earl- ier in the week. Mr. and Mrs. ,Johri L. Currie spent Saturday-evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Currie of Wing- ham to celebrate their little son David's second birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sproule df Kimberley. Week etid-visitors with-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul were Doris RintOul of London, Mr: and Mrs.. -Dave---Oberholrzer of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie and Michelle of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Campbell of Listowel. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs,. Ewart MacPherson of Lucknow also visited with them. To celebrate Stephen Tiffin's first. birthday, his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin and Stephen Visited with his grandparents. Mr. and. Mrs. Dan Tiffin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Eunice 'Gillespie were at Sea forth Sunday afternoon '• where they visited with Rev, and Mrs. Ure Stewart, it being, the occasion" of his 65th anniversary since his induction as a minister. This cominunity extends their congratulations to Rev. Mr. Stew!. art; who ministered at Chalmers Whitechurch and Langside in 1914, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Duncan. of Port Credit spent the week end Take Trip To . California, West Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McChar- les of Lochalsh and Mrs. Bert Mason 'of Kincardine have return- ed from a trip which included California and the Canadian west coast. By Marion Mc Charles After a most enjoyable trip that took us to Las Vegas where 'w-e"Vilited-WItlilVIiii Patti Mc - livray, we went on to Los Angeles' and a visit with Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Tushingham, then .'to Red- wood City and a, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Avery Eppler and to San. Jose'where another stop was made with Neil McGillivray, 899-yeaf- 11 with hoparents Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore. The Wingham Fire Department was called to a fire on Saturday at the farm of Miles St. Marie where straw , left from combin- ing operation on the fields, was getting out .of control. • Whitechurch Worneri's Institute will be held in Whitechurch Community Memorial. Hail on • Monday- evening , May 8 at 8.30. Hostess Mrs. Fred Tiffin. Roll call - What qualities should a Homemaker have? Motto - Find your joy in what you do, not what you intend to do by Mrs.' V. Em- erson. Demonstration - 4-H girls. Reading, Mrs. Russel Mc- Guire. Lunch Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Ed Walker, Mrs. Wallace -Conn , Mrs'. Bn-MoCle-TF- aghan. • Langside cemetery annual meet- ing will be held May 11 at 8,15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. All interested people are invited to attend as a representative of cemeteries will be, present from the office at Toronto to answer gueitions.p 'old uncle , and son Alvin. We went on again to Vancouv- er to see Rev, and Mrs. Allistair 'MacLeod and in Victoria to visit Rev. and Mrs . Charles McGilliv- ray , 85 -year -old uncle . We enjoyed the-gay night life of Las Vegas,. Beverly Hills and H lywood areas; Knotts Berry m, Disheyland and tours around Los Angeles. A Parlour car tour took us along. the California coast to Hearst castle , where the land , 85,000 acres surrounding the Castle; is used.a,s-a-cattle-ranch-------and -6000 hereford cattle graze the year round.' We had an overnight stay at Santa, Maria , and sights such as.. Sea Lions, seals and fish were plentiful. "Old Carmel by the sea was the next overnight stay, where old market places still exist to the travellers delight.. A_tour of_the •PauLMasson_win- ery was in Santa Cruz and on to San Francisco, where the trolley cars are busy carrying the passeng- ers up and down this city 'full of hills. It was ftin to see the pas- sengers help turn the trolley by and at the turns. In San Jose we were•close • neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner and Mrs.. Martha Lilly where Mrs. Bert Mason of Kincar7 dine was visiting. The Fisherman's Wharf'and Alcatraz Island were also high- lights in San Francisco. ; We left from San Francisco by Western air lines for Vancouver where we toured this beautiful city, took the Ferry to. Victoria , the Paradise Island area , and Butchart Gardens. The weather was perfect, warm, pleasant and delightful. On Monday we .boarded an Air Canada 747 for a four hour trip to Toronto. All in all, we were on five .airways three, bus trips and hundreds of miles by car. Memories which we shall always Cherish. Thanks to good ,friends, all was well at borne too. 11 • ers 'FRANK THOMPSON DUNGANNON, ONTARIO 41.11,44Nemilumarior he innunici I savings.& loan corporation MEMBER: CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AVAILABLE `I HIS AREA THROUGH MILLER, 1VIcKENZIE LIMITED INSURANCE AGENCY -- RIPLEY AND, LUCKNOW INVEST NOW LY-TH-- —PHONE 523-4342