HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-05-03, Page 6CARD OF THANKS I would like to say a very sincere thank you for cards, letters, flow- ers and candy sent to me wllile a patient in • St. Joseph's Hospital, London and for the tempting des- erts brought to our home since my return, from the hospital. I am also deeply,-appreciatiye for the visits of friends and relatives both' at the hospital anrsince coming home and for the many, many en- quiries about me. Eileen Ashton Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Green wish to thank most sincerely all who helped in any way to make their 50th wedding • anniversary such happy occasion. Special thanks to all who contrib- uted towards the beautiful wall mirror and mohair blanket, a gift from the community, and to the ladies who made the presentation; to all who sent greetings; -to the elders of Calvin United Church who called after service on Sunday morning; and to Jimmy Laidlaw. who came to sing 'on Sunday even- ing. All this brought much joy to our lives. God bless , you all. IN MEMORIA BROOKS - in loving memory of my dear husband, Stewart Brooks, who passed away one year ago, May 3rd, 1971. On the winding road of life We walked together day by day Friends and sweethearts, man and wife, And good companions all the way.. We shared our. Problems as they came, And every trouble great and small. Knowing that we had each other, Side by side we faced it all. But every marriage has its sunset. One is taken, one goes on, To make the most of what is left. Although the best' of it is gone And yet I shall not be alone For part of you will still' remain, To help me 'through the darkest hours, Until we meet again. Lovingly remembered by wife Marjorie, family and grand-child- ren. DURNIN -' in loving memory of a dear son and brother, Donald Durnin, who passed away suddenly one year ago, May 3; 1971. We would like to' thank everyone for their kindness while Paul was in Victoria Hospital, London. Paul and Joyce Caesar and boys I wish 'to thank an the Bowling Leagues of Lucknow Bowl who 'so kindly invited me to their banquets. A very special thanki to, both Lad- ies' Leagues for their lovely gifts, also belated thanks to the two Men's , Leagues for their gifts Hof last_January_These_kindnesses_ will long be' remembered. Dove 'Horton I wish to • thank all my friends and relatives, who remembered me in various ways during my re- cent illness and all those who help- ed out in any way at home. Thank you again. Jack Curran CHRYSLER - DODGE PLYMOUTH WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 357-3862 1969 PLYMOUTH Satelite 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio 1068 PLYMOUTH Filry III, 2 door hardtop, 8 automatic, power steering, brakes and radio • 1968 DODGE Coronet 500 Convertible, power steering, brakes and radio 1968 CHRYSLER 2 door hardtop • 1968 FALCON*2 door, 6 automatic with radio 1968-CHRYSLER 4 door sedan, power steering, brakes and radio ,. 1967 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 6 automatic and radio 1966 FORD, 4 door, 8automatic, power steering, radio 1966 BELVEDERE, 6 automatic • WANTED - 2 large size children's tricycles. Mrs. Doug Raynard, phone 529-7148. WANTED - a girl in• her teens would like a baby sitting job for the summer holidays. Contact by phon- ing 528-3101 or writing to. Box 56 Lucknow. • • HELP WANTED BUTCHER WANTED - full time employment for experienced but- cher in privately owned Meat Mar- ket. 'Apply Grant Irwin, Box 57, Clinton, Ontario, stating qualific- ations and salary expected. WANTED - pasture for 6 bred 2 year old heifers. Gordon Kirk- land, R.R, 3 Lucknow, phone 529- 7508. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ' REQUIRES 2 CUSTODIANS FOR F. E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL ' Written applications stating age and experience should be address- ed to: r Mr. R. McVean • Plant Superintendent Huron Co. Board of Education 97 Shipley St. Clinton Ontario Applicants will be notified if re- quired for interview. Deadline for 'applications 'is May 11, 1972. R. M. Elliott, chairman' Cochrane,director r. WORK WANTED - tile ceilings, AUCTION SALE paneling, reniodeling, all carpent- Of Farm Machinery er • work, pit silos, concrete walls I will, be held for and floors. Reasonable rates. Roy ' LLOYD WYLDS Schneller, Kinlough, phone Ripley Lot 16, Concessions 6, Huron Town- 395-2221. ship, .1st farm south of Ripley on the west side of *it Ripley road on THURSDAY, MAY 25th at 1 p.m. Other articles too numerous to • mention. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Auctioneers. Grant MacDonald Ripley, -phone 295.5353 Wallace Ballagh,.' Toilawalee, phone 392-6170 HELP WANTED - an' experienced saleslady in ladies' wear depart- ment. Please apply stating qualif- ications etc. & salary expected to Box T, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ont. WANTED TO RENT - farm house in Lucknow vicinity. Phone 528- 2391. More farmers are planting' more Funk's G-Hybrids this year than ever. beforp. See me 'today for the' best selection of high' capacity hybrids for this area. Dependable Hybrids -om-Dependable People • ROBERT EMERSON R.R. 3 RIPLEY PHONE 395.5115 Fonk's k a Brand Name . Numbert Identify VPfellei --Funk Etrov. Seed-Co-,-Bloomington, 111 61.70 Intonational Headquarters ' • WEDNESDAY, .MAY 3rd,1972 PASO six THE. ILUC:KNOW SENTINEL" .1,1.10PLOW,. ONTARIO. WANTED The family Bert IT& Whirmey• wish' to' express• their sin- cere thanks to relatives, neigh- bours- and friends 'for floral trib- utes, donations to the Cancer Soc- iety and the many acts of kind- ness shown them during their re- cent-bereavement.-Special-th We wish to express heartfelt: thanks for the many acts of kind- ness shown us since our fire. A very sincere-thanks-to --the-tuck now Lions Club, Lucknow Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, Ladies 6:30 Bowling League, Lucknow Busin- essmen, many friends and to the ones who supported our Benefit Dance. All has been so deeply ap- preciated. Cecil, Gay and Suzie Garniss regret, It brings back a day we will never forget, You fell asleep without goodbye, But our memories of you will never die. We miss you more than anyone knows, As-each-day -passes,==our--ernptines& ' grows. No one knows the grief we bear, family-meets-and -yotere not there. You 'left so suddenly, your' thoughts unkn own, But you left memories we are proud to own. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Dad, Mom, brothers, sister and families. HOMEOWNERS 'CALL TO 10 P.M. $2,000-$50,000 Obtain all the cash you need and reduce your payments. by as much as half with a 2nd or 3rd mortgage on sensible terms. Call ' to 10• p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Invest- ment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call Collect 366-9586, evenings '231-81*. CRAWFORD MOTORS AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livostock,AMnaticqhuientstry, Feed and • Some Household. Effects and will be held for THOMAS STEWART Lot 32, Concession 14, Culross Township, 8 miles north of Lucknow and 21/2 miles east or 5 miles north of Teeswater aria' 3Y2 miles west on Concession 14, Culross Township On SATURDAY, MAY 6th at 1:00 o'clack Horses . . . 1 mare, 7 year old. -H -er-efo-rd . bull, 2 year old; 16 Hereford cows, springing; 15 Hereford. cows with calves; 1 Hereford cow milking; 1 Jersey cow, milking; 2 Yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer. Pigs . . . 1 sow, bred .6 weeks; 4 pigs, 150 pounds; 6 chunks. : MaDc.Chi.ne4rCy Case t.ractor loader;" V.A. Case tractor in ood con- dition;' 2 furrow Case plow; 2 Fleury .Bissel disc; 1 - 8 ft, Cock- shutt cultivator; International 13' run seed drill; John Deere'2 row corn planter; 5 sections of diamond harrows; potato plow; 2 rubber tired wagons with rack; 2 sections of spring tooth harrows; Inter- ' • • • national mower; New. Idea side de- actiferl--hayliner baler; 24 ft. hay elevator; Hay fork and cable; John Deere Manure spreader; Cockshutt man- ure spreader; M.H. 7' bi'nder;.Geo.. White, -threshing machine'24 'x 42; 2 Pioneer .20" chain 'saws; Approk. 300 cedar posts; 40 to 15 anchor posts; large number of 'cedar . Large-quantity-6 used lumber; 6 rolls of barb wire (heavy); black wire, pig feeders. Household Effects . . . Some household effecfs,and ant- iques; other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS/ CASH, - FARM SOLD Truckload of potatoes, apples and" vegetables for sale Kinloss United Church *ill have a booth on the grounds Owner or auctioneers not respons- ible 'for accidents in any way connected with, the sale 'THOMAS STEWART, Prop. Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Phone 392-6174 'Sineerely-wish-to-thank-all- who remembered 'me with cards, visits and gifts while in hospital. Also those who were so kind and thoughtful to Orland while I was away. All was gratefully apprec- iated. Clara Richards D and D RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING,_REPAlRING_ AND RECORING for all types of vehicles and equipment Adelaide St., S. KINCARDINE PHONE 3964458 to Rev. Clarence McClenaghan, Drs. Corrin and McKim and the staff of the' Wingham and District General Hospital. . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McWhirmey and family GRAHAM -- in loving memory of a dear daughter, Madonn'a, who passed away six years ago, May 3rd, 1966. Days of sadness still come oe'r us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keeps you ever near us,• Still missed, still loved, still very dear. • Lovingly remembered,, Mom and Dad. yr- WANTED All types of fat and replacement cattle. ' PHONE IN THE EVENING 832-5865 or phone 881.463 WANTED -- bed• chesterfield, com- fortable and in good condition. Phone 528-2911 L cknow. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, consisting of 80 head of bred and open Holstein heifers will be held for DONALD PAQUETTE, Lot 18, Concession 4, Huron Town- ship, 21/2 miles north of Highway 86 and 2'A miles south of Ripley on the •Ripley Road and 1/2 mile west on Concession 4, Huron. Town- ship • on — SATURDAY, MAY 13th' at 1:30 p.m. TERMS CASH Auctioneers GRANT McDONALD Ripley 395.5353 - WALLACE BALLAGH„Teeswater 3924170 large attendance. • James Britnell, Huron County engineer, conducted-the-election of officers as follows: 'Past President, Wm. Routley, Usborne Township; 'Pres- ident, Karl Harberer, , Hay Town- ship;ri 1st, Vice President , AlIa NicholSon, Tuckersmith Tbwn- Ship; Secretary Treasurer, C. W. Hapna , East. Wawanosh Township; 0.12.S:A. Representative to O.G. R.,A , Wm. Taylor, Stanley • Township; Auditors, James Brit- nell and 'Ross Jackson. D. Stevens and Ross Jackson spoke on behalf of their Depart- ment, being 'Transpoitaiion. Roy Pattison, Reeve-of East Wawanosh, welcomed the Association and introduced his council. The ladies of the Institute pre- Traretha-sTrargrs-bord supper sponsored by Joe' Kerr,Consirk - ution'of Wingham and Ontario C vent of Waterloo. Purple Grove area girls met at. ther-honme—o Hvir&T-eecii-Sutton-on- Wednesday , April 26 , for the in- itial meeting of the garden club :series. The first item on the agenda was the installation of officers. Heather Boyle was elected pres- ident and Shirley Mackay holds Huron County Road Superintend- ent Association held their annual meeting in the Council room in 3,elga...y-ePA4pri,Lgathttilb-a Hu Elect Officers 4H GbedenClub. ' / the' office of Vice President. The girls decided on a roving secret- ary and Bonnie Boyle volunteered her services fora this particular session. :• ' After a brief discUssion "Pur- ple: Grove Golden Gals" was chosen:for the name and from here the meeting progressed smoothly through the topics of the club. These topics consisted of the benefits of vegetable and 1.10-wer gardens, t emiost a-v - able type of soil and locations and a resume of Various, seeds -available-for-:garden . - The meeting was called to a close and the leaders Mrs. Cecil Sutton and Mrs. June Elliot serv- ed- hot chocolate and doughnuts. • See !Vie For Your Extra Seed Needs