The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-26, Page 19THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN EDNEso.Ay, .A.FRI.E,..209N, 1912
• Variety Concert
On, Friday Night
The' annual variety concert of
the Lucknow Agricultural
Society, held on Friday at the
,Lucknow Public Sehool, was not
largely attended and this was un-
fortunate because of the excellent
program provided.
• President Bob Gilchrist welcom-
ed those in attendance before
turning the prograM over to the'
master of ceremonies for the ev -
wing Jim Swan of Wirigham:
The Snell sisters of Myth, Barb
and 'Betty', provided several vocal,
'numbers. The Teeswater Junior
Farniers presented a one act play '
'followed by a; vocal trio by the
Alton sisters of Luc know, Nancy,
Ruth and Grace. •
Teeswat'er's prize winning sing-
ing group, The Good. Intentions ,
sang a number of songs and Carol
Martin of St. Helens played an
accordian solo.
A skit , "The Operation" , feat-
ured Gordon Kirkland, Glen Wal-
den, Bob Campbell and Bob Stru-
Mary ,Anne Alton of Belfast
sang and Carol Wheeler of Brussels
did several dance numbers.
Startt-----Siinday, April :00 a.m.
'Net Lopps• .Through C urch Window,
Die$. After :EffOrts. To. Save Its Life.
A year-old deer leaped through
a double pane window' on the norti:
side of the Lucknow Christian Re:
formed Church on Wednesday
afternoon of last week and made
quite a mess of the church base -
me nt before beingdiscovered ,
subdued,, treated by a veterinarian
- and dying, ,
.Rev. John Van Stempvoort of'
the Christian-Reformed Church-was-
advised by Mrs. William Searle,
w ho resides across from the church,
that a window pane on the north
side was broken. Rev. Van Sternly
yoga investigated and was greet.;
• ed by the deer in the auditorium
of the basement.
The deer, had leaped through
the upper frame of the double
pane window, landed on some
worktables in the nursery of the
church, upset some chairs in the
room, put a hole in the wall of
the room, before making its way
into the carpeted play area for
'small children and out into t
auditorium of the Sunday School.
Orrleg-w-a-s-badshe'd-com -
ing through.the jagged small
opening in the Window, as was
the lip of the animal. It bled
profusely all' over the basement
area of the church including the
carpet in the children's play
Rev. Van Sternpvoort called
for a veterinarian and unable 0.±
get Dr, Brock Cleland in Lucknow,
was able to summon Dr, Alex"
Strong in Wingharn. He also
called Harry Burgsma, a friend
and member of the churCli, whO •
came to assist bringing with hirn
an Ontario Provine,,ial POlice of-
_. fiver whom he pasted on the way.'
Harry and the police officer,
with some difficulty., were able
to subdue the wild animal in a
corner room of the basement.
They tied the feet and with• both
• men holding the deer on the floor,
waited .for the veterinarian to
Dr. Strong attended the deer ,
tranquilizing it so its wounds,
could be attended to.
-TWO Men TeoM the Ontario Dep-
artment of Lands and Forests,
Ken Henry. and Blake 'Evans of
Wirigham, arrived at the scene.
The deer was, removed ,by these
men with the intention of releas- in the woods, however it
died. before 'this was carried out.
The deer lost a lot of, blood
and suffered from the shock of the-
MI •
17 Day, Trip
To • California'
• and Other Points
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McChar-
les of Lochalsh and Mrs. -Bert
Mason of Kincardine returned
Monday from a 17 day holiday
which took them to .,various points
in United, States and Canada
They left by air , flying to Las
Vegas, Nevada , 'then on by air
• -County uouncirto consider the
It was 5 below zero when they
left Locha'lsh and 91 degrees when
they arrived in Las Vegas. •
to 'Los Angeles. From there they 'sider a by-law regulating size of
took a parlour car tour to ,San motors and motorboats on Clain
Francisco , Redwodd City , San Lake.
Jose , then flying' on to Vancouver A request for a repair on the
and taking the ferry to Victoria .. Second Concession Drain from
They.came home from. Victoria Allan Maclntyre was accepted.
by air. AA)etition was sent to Bruce
Their trip' got off to an unnerv- condition of County. Road No. '1
ing start , landing and taking off from Lucknow to Highway No.'9
three times at Toronto because as to
of bad weather before they fianlly The following accounts were
made" it to Chicago where they ordered paid: General, $1529.56,.
circled for over an hour before Highways, $6142, 77 .
'been spending the winter months
with her family has returned to her
'borne in Kingsbridge.
Approximately nineteen ladies
of the St. Joseph C. W..L.„were
guests of the Ashfield Women's
Missionary Society on'Thursday
evening at the Ashfield Presbr
terian Church Hall when Miss
guest speaker. Her topic wa
Reform Schools., ••
A'large crowd, adults and teen-
a4ers alike , attended the dance at.
Saltford Valley Hall on Saturday
evening and danced to Don Robert
son and the Ranch Boys.: The
dance was sponsored by the Kings-,
brid e Youth Club who should
certainly be commended on mak- •
ing: the evening a great success !
Dennis'Dalton who suffered a
badly injured: leg aboard:his boat •
on which he sails is recuperating at home after being hospitalized
in Goderich. He was near Hamil-
ton when the accident happeried.
Mrs. Clifton AUstin who had
Suffered Badly \
Injured Leg session OnApril 3rd, the Reeve
and all Council present.
After the minutes of regular
meeting March 6th and special
meetings March 20th and M.itch
29th were adopted , the following
business was dealt, with. •
It was decided to make a dona -
tion of $100 to the Boy Scout
group committee to aid- in in-
st-alling a -new-roof -on the Scout
The clerk was instructed to con-
tact .Greenock 'Township to con-
Kinloss Council met in regular
Petition County
Re North Road
. • t
The- meeting' was 'adjourned to
meet on Monday, May lst at'
Ends — Sunday, October 29, 1972 at 2:00