The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-26, Page 124 • CATHOLIC CHURCHES Parish of Ashfield Sunday Masses JOSEPI-I'S KINGSBRIDGE SATURDAY — 7:30 P.M, SUNDAY 10:30.A,M. ST. AUGUSTINE'S ST. AUGUST. INE SUNDAY --10t30 .A.M. . 'ST..MARY'S, • LUCICNOW • • SU-NDAY 9 A.M. LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH J. W. Van Stempvoort Pastor Sekrices: LUCKNOW UNITED ,CHURCH Rev. Robert, Nicholls, B.A: Minister APRIL 30th 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship COMING. APRIL 28th Belgrave Men's Choir. Tickets from U.C.W members. Adults 51,00, Children.50c POINT 'TO PONDER No man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. 4•64040.4.4fthrosoN44%."..M.A00%.4.•••••~W...."0.4,0* 10:00 a.m. Service 2:30 p.m. Service VISITORS WELCOME PAGE TWELVE' THE LIX,K140911- SENTINEL, .1.0tKNOW, Q.NTARID. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, -1971 LANGSIDE The Langside Y.P.S. gathered on Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bregman. The worship service was led by Helen Wiersma , who read the scripture and ed' •I Some time was spent With Mr:- Wybenga discussing a few general Aspects relating to dip Bible and its contents. Games' were played to keep the evening lively and entettaining. After the closin who offered.the prayer. Bregman served lunch. ZION NEWS A Hootin-Anny musical pro-. gram was held in Trinity Church basement last week by Trinity Youth Group ,.where over seventy. , 'an3 the benediction, and the benediction, _persons attepdecUrprn rt,dge,,_sp Mis.' St. Helens, Trinity and other eaksn-Woek Heaven by his works unless you have confessed yoUr sins, repent- ed and accepted Christ. Many people work in 'church to please • men rather than God ,. If things 'don't go ;heir way they leave the church., In every congrega- 4tion there are the mules ,. who . 'kick, billy goats butt, polecats raise a stink and bumble bees /7 sting.' May you come to' know , love and serve Him so, that He can say Enter into the Joy of Thy Lord. DON'T FORGET.,.: APRIL 721-MAY 7 • THE LIVING WATERS CRUSADE. WITH.... ait.d—the So agmasren EVERY NIGHT 8 P.M. AT THE Hut00 ,Men's : Ott*" -.Auburn EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING. Chalmers WMS WHITECHURCH' NEWS Chalmers Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held their reg- ular meeting on Wednesday, Ap- 41,19 at 2 p.m. at the home of, Mrs. Victor Wybenga. The Fait& Worshipin the Glad Tidings was used with tIte Presid- ent Mrs. Wm,. Rintoul gito\ing the call to worship and being leader. The scripture lessons•were' ead by Mrs. Frank Coulter with Mrs. Victor Emerson giving he meditations.. The offering s received and dedicated by Mrs. Wybenga. The roll call was answered by - 12 ladies with 'a verse with "Alle- ,luia!'„ She also_reid_ a_letter tell- ing of the work of a Promotion Secretary , whose duty it is to keep the members and church aware of the work being done. The topic, - The Judgment of the Christians was given by . TV T e — gan by saying to many the Judg- ment Day is a time when .God will-determine who' is going to. Heaven: and Who is not. This is a wrong idea. The decision whether you go to Heaven or Hell rests with the people. The judg- rieriedens-witIrrefWeffaTo-the daily life. No one will get to Mrs. Gordon Rintoul gave, a reading - The Bible Alphabet. Mrs. Wm. Evans gave a read- ing "Something for Nothing"' telling the story of the feeding of 3-000-trresurwitlithe 5-barrley loaves and 2 fish from the little boys basket. She told , of the .areas. 'The program' was under the direction of. Barbara Wilkins, who had attended as a delegate at the Five Oaks Youth Confer- ence.. Special guitar music was supplied by Tom Plant of Kitch7 ener , who had also attended Five Oaks. Lunch was served after'. the sing-song. -W.-anti -Mrs. Charles Wilkins visited Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Wilk- ins of .Chesley on Sunday. Miss Brenda Ritchie returned to Owen Sound on Sunday to re- sume her nurse's training ;after' spending a week of spring holi- , days at her horrie. Brenda Ritchie, Elva Ritchie . and Barbara_lalkins_altended_a Teen'Confererke at The Blue Barn, Listowel on Saturday even:- ing, , A supper was Served and questionaires took place on the subject of drugs and alcohol. Those attending the •Lucknow Agricultural concert last Friday evening were pleased with the fine entertainment., Our own 'local talent contributing to the, , program provided some fine, mus- ic and member's of the skit prow ire-d-tide -splitting humorous entertainment: All - other numbers from More distant reas-e-xcelle in their p esenta- tions as Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie visited Mrs. Mary McAuley of Milton and Mr. and Mrs. ChriS Brown, Heather and. Leanne of Brantford on the week end. Trinity Church was the scene of activity in the past week where the men 'of the community replac- ed the old floor in' the basement with a new cement floor. The ladies have also painted the walls and ceiling:, Doug Hunter of Carlton Univer- sity , Ottawa and Wendy Burton'of Waterloo University visited last Week for a few days With Doug's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hackett Jr. .Doug is the son lof Mr. and Mrs, •Allan Hunter . of I near Belleville. • The Ashfield W.M.S.. met in the Church School room on Thurs- day ,evening , with Mrs. Ewa.n MacLean in charge. She began with the call to worship and, pray- er. Mrs. Jim West read the Scrip- ture , the Easter story and Mrs. Donald Simpson gave a prayer. 'Mrs. Duncan Simpson rendered a piano selection. Mrs. Wm. Ross, in absence of Supply Secretary, Mrs. Macklur- Lc_h_y_„Asked for don&tions...tO Bale Fund, and to the Life, Mem- bership. ' Margaret Helen and Mary' Lilian Simpson sang a duet. Mrs. MacLean Welcorned the 25 ladies from the Catholic/ Women's League of Kingsbridge. • Mrs. Rooney. -introduced the g es spea er Miss 'Jessie MacPher- son who was Superintendent of a Women's betentiOn Prison in Man- itoba 'for 21 years. Miss MacPher- son said these women aged frOrri 18 years to 76 , had harmed them- selv P'S--11:10re-thall-riOeiety Depri ed of their homes and freedom, they need no fUrther punishment, but instead loving concerri to build them into stronger persOn- glides, 'able to cope with life when they went back., They were taught creative work in weaving and sewing. Along with their own entertainment they took part .in religious services. Many of them after they left wrote often to,the.dedicated members of the staff. Miss MadPhelsoRiesid cardine. • Mri. Wrn. Ross thanked Miss MacPherson, and presented her with a token Of appreciation from the W. NI. S Mrs. Joe• Courtney thanked the W. M. S. for their hospitality. Lunch was served, Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Glenn Noble, B.A., B.D. Minister ' Phone 528-2740 APRIL 30th 10 a.m. Sunday School %.11\•4%;"...".0%••••••••.".".".."."...N.rt,".."..".." ANGLICAN • CHURCH 'Ammo! AREA 'PARISH Thel Rev. R. Odendahl ReCtOr APRIL 30th EASTER .4 St.. Paul's Ripley — 9:15 a.m. Ascension Kinlough 10:30 a.m. St. PeterS LuCknow 11:45. a.m. Church School — 10:30 a.m. St. Paul's, Dungannon 2-- 3:00 p.m • 2nd and 4th •Sundays Christ Church, Port Albert 3 p.m. 1st, 3rd and 5th' Sundays Whitechqrch YP$ Whitechurch Y.P.S. held their meeting Sunday evening at the Boer: The president opened the pme-o-f7the pre-side-nth' 4•' meeting giving the tall to wor- ship. ' Murray Simpson read the scripture. Janet Adams in giving the meditation gave a poem - A True Friend. The Lord's Prar er was repeated in unison. The topic , Bible Quizzes was given by Jim de Boer and Judy Jamieson. Mrs.. de Boer served lunch. ---AMBERLEY The Explorer girls formed the, 'choir Sunday,rnorning at Pine River United Church and sane the anthem "Let the MOIL 1tiorld know". Mrs. Lynn Lowr!, a rid Mrs. Ernie Gibson were at the organ and piano: Service Al. Conrruthers Home LANGSIDE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. .Wybenga and Philip Steer spent a little time with the residents pf Carruthers Home, on Sunday afternoon recent ly: They all gathered in the front room where Mr. Wybenga led in prayer , scripture reading•and med • itation. Mrs. Wybenga present- ed a short reading stressing trust in the Lord's faithfulnesS. The singing together of, some beauti- ful old time hymns .of faith and inspiration established an atmos- phere of joy, thankfulneSs, and Christian fellowship. Calvin Brick UCW Ca lvin ,Bric k U. C. W.' held their April meeting on Wednesday with 14 members and one' child present. • Mrs. John L. Currie had charge of the worship service. The scrip ture was .read, by Mrs., Richard 'Moore. The meditation "Finding Joy" was given-by Mrs. John L. Currie. Mrs. Moore spoke on _April and the Resurrec- tion. Prayer was given by Mrs. Roy Pattison. -Mrs. Gordon McBurney gay.e 'th-e-Mission Study on Afiica , her topic being the Zulu People. She also conducted a contest on Afric- an countries using maps. Her group served an African lunch consisting of yellow rice stew with peanut butter and cocoa nut cookies._ The lunch was made according to recipes given. Mrs. Richard Moore conducted the business. A special meeting is being planned for late May. storm on the Sea of Galilee ,and of Peter trying •to walk on the, Wat- er to meet Jesus. Easier hymns were sung with Mrs. Robert Ross accompanying On the chord organ. Mrs. Wm. Rintoul gave the closing Prayer. Grace was sung and Mrs. Wyb- enga served lunCh. Mrs. Coulter and Mrs. Emerson thanked those who assisted with the meeting. Mrs. Wm. Evans thanked Mrs. Wybenga for having the meeting and for her. refreshments. REMEMOER HELP YOUR RED CROSS Trinity Group Hold Youth Program • In-Women-s' Prison ASHFIELD NEWS ANNIVERSARY' SERVICES 11 a.m. Morning Worship Guest Speaker 'Mr. Vic Wybenga • zebarnterrn wratm G DmPX the on I Our add ecti Vice ald and N why our Hun shoe cuss and lak the• ald foil Ban con mat was sam 41,