The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-26, Page 8WEDNESDAY., APRIL 26th, 1912
Retirement Income
From flats to new tires, we're prepared
to fully serve youi•every tire need
1 -
4 '
After a very successful season,
Lucknow Intermediates went
down to defeat in. the Western
Ontario Athletic Association
grand championship semi finals
against Milverton.
Lucknow won the first two
-games in the best-of-five series
with Milverton and then lost the
next three,in a row. .Several of
the Wallow playoff games,
went into overtime.
The first three games of the
series were reported 'in last
week's issue.
The fourth game was played in
Milverton on Wednesday of last
week and Milveiton was victor-
ious in overtime.
Lucknow opened the scoring
in the first on a goal by Glenn "•
Morningstar from John Emberlid
and David MacKinnon. Milver
ton replied and then Lucknow
stored another to take a 2-1 lead
at the end of the first on the sec-
ond goal by Glenn Morningstar
from Paul Frayne.
With the series tied at two
games each, Ludknow again went
to Milverton on Friday of last
Milverton won the game 4-1.
They took an early' one goal
lead in the first period, with the
In the "B" group: Zebras 26,
Lions 24, Chipmunks 17, Pole
Cats 17, Kangaroos 12,.Gophers
On April 22, the annual
banquet was held at the Legion
Hall. 'A lovely supper, was served
by the Anglican ladies. • '
Gerald Priestap was master of
ceremonies and Bill Stewart pres-
ented trophies to the following
game remaining 1-0 until' the
third period, when Milvetton went
ahead 3-0 before Luc/know scored
their first and only goal, Art
Stanley from Paul Frayne and
Mike Courtney. Milverton, added
another late in the third to win
4-1. •
They are now playing Arthur
in the W.O.A.A. grand champ-
ionship finals.
The Management and personnel
of the' Lucknow Intermediate
Hockey .Club would like to sincer-
ely thank the fans from Lucknow
and surrounding area for the ter-
rific support given to the club 'in
their first year of operation in
some time. The team developed
into a real contender for the
W.O.A.A. Grand Championship
which was beyond expectations.
They say, "'.Thanks: and we will
see you all next year."
people. Jack Caesar 818 for,the
season's high triple, Bill Button
758 for the high playoff triple ,
Men's high single for the year,
Keith Blake 275; Ladies' high
triple for the season Marie Stew-
art-777-rtadiee -ehigh-fri.ple for th-e-
playoffs Marion MacKinnon 791;
Gwen Caesar 346. Most improv-
ed bowlers for the year were Jirri
Gibson and Shirley Bolt, both
whO improved 9 points each,. . ,
Dancing fdllowed with music
by the country Toys from Goder7.
ich. .
A good time was had by all.
Congratulations to all the win'
ners, and see you all back at the
alleys in September.
Present Awards At
Bowling Banquet,
ladies 9.00 p.m. Bowling
League turned out for the wind
up banquet on Monday, April
Eileen Ashton , the 'President ,
was in charge and assisted. b _her
executive gave each member a
small gift of remembrance.
Seyeral musical numbers 'by
laorfilda Scat and Jean Conley
were enjoyed. Anna Johnstone
favoured with a.,
-4911-ve-Warre-n-arid Fancy.--rson
step danced.
Trophies were presented .to
the following: High Season's
trophy to the Chestnuts by donor
Eunice Cunningham, High Sea-
son's individual trophies were
presented to the Chestnuts by Tena
Gardner. 'Rena Forster replied
High Season's average went to
Marie Stewart,, 15 nights for an
of 196, presented by Mary
Cleland. High Season's single
was won by Eileen Ashton with a
_323-rpresented by Marie Stewart:
High 'Season's triple to Dianne
Carter with 'a '771. presented by •
Marie' Stewart: •
• In the absence of'Mrs. Varrish ;
Dove Horton presented the Silver-
wOOds trophy' to the Hazelnuts, •
Winners of the playoffs. Individ7
tials trophies were then presented
to the Hazelnuts. Captain Tillie
yilsou_s_eptied fittingly„
Playoffs High Single was pres-
ented to Marie Stewart with a.
were Anne AndersOn, amide
Cunningham and Lois. Walden.
Its, all 'over for another season
ladies, see you all next fall.
with Mrs. Fred Taylor and her
daughter krs; -
Ben Park is also, a daughter of Mrs,
Patti Park , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Park, fell frol!: her bi-
cycle last Tuesday and suffered
cuts to her mouth.
Mr. and,Mrs; Joe Dauphin and .
family moved April .1`2 to their
farm at .the west.of Dun annon,
Mark has 'gone sailing for.the
summer months , and (lar. is 'em-
ployed at Hensall with the Cook
or W. J. Thompson elevator
company. Susan is, at hoin'e with •
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs.-Jack Eedy, Mich:
ael and Laurel, of Strathroy,
visited this week end with Mr:.
• Mrs. Irvine' Eedy went to Lon-
don due to the 'death of her broth-.
er.7i.r0aw , Mr. •Jim Blair, 'She
visited fora few days with her
sister, Mrs. Blair. .
Recent visitors with Mrs. Cecil
BlaWe-and-Bar ara included Mrs.
T. C. 'Anderson,. Totonto and
Goderich, Mr. and.Mrs, Gordon_
Anderson and. Nts . Ha rye. Webb ,
Lucknow and Mr. and ,Mrs.
Blake , Toronto.
Rev. Clarence l\lcClenahan
attended a Serriinar on "The Role
of the Minister in Family Counsel
ling" ,, at Stratford on April 23t1-1.
In the Sports Items tic notice
the names of many local enthus-
iasts , who have been winning
trophies. Congratulations tá each:
The faMily Of Mr. and N
Hugh McWhinney were all honie
together for Sunday dinner.
They are Mr: and NIrs. Rob MC-
Whinney , Goderich; Mr. and. Mrs.
en Murch , Clinton; kirl_AneL.Mrs
Harry Charnbers„Goderich; Jim
Mc Whinney ,. Zurich and Nliss
Julie Henderson, London. 'On
Thursday, Mrs.: Russel Thompson
of. Clinton visited, there also.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finnigan,
GoderiCh, visited their foriner .
neighbours, Mrs. Minnie Jones
. Plans fOr the Webster picnic,
Underway with Harvey • Webster ,
Lucknow, the president , and. Mrs.
aOrston_Kir_klanid.,__Zion sec
children of Sea forth spa",t Sunday
Mr. and. Mrs. Georgt„. iRibeY and .
with .Mr. and Mrs. 13111
Milverton Series Goes Five Games,
Intermediates Lose Out In Semi-Finals
through Life Insurance?
R.R.. 2 LuckillIW Ph9MWIngham. 17.1987.
• j 1
e •
tied for first place, so arernatCh
was arranged, with the Cubs win-
ning-by a hair. The -Zebras-von
the "B" group, and the Beavers
were the season's winners. •
The standings were as follows
Cub's 26, Beavers,25, Tigers 20,
Coons 18, Wolverines 14, Squirrels
The final night_of theLu,ckno,
Dungannon Bowling League was
held April 12-13. This was the
---night-that told the-tale.. Fern
MacDonald came up with a lovely
.327 angle. Marie Stewart was.
giving her a Close chase and her
295 single helped her gain a 679'
triple. Other 'women .over 225 ,
were Gwen . Caesar 273, Jan Flud-
der 252, Mary Fisher 237 , Deanna'
R.eavie 234, Dean Agnew , two '
games both 227 and Pearl Jamie-
son 227.
Donald MacKinnon starred the
men off with a 29.6 single. Harold
Errington rolled a 718 triple.
• Over 250 were Harold Errington
289, Orville Elliott 289, Keith
Blake 278 and Mel Dickson 263.
When the games were coinplet-
See Us...
Lucknow scored twice in the
second period to take a 4-1 lead.
John Emberlin scored from. David
MacKinnon and Harvey Living-
stone. John scored again from
David MacKinnoh and,Glenn
Morningstar. ,Milverton answered
with, two in the second to end
the period
In the third.; Milverton tied it
up and Lucknow again took the'
lead 5-4 at the' half way mark of
the period on a goal by Glen,n
Morningstar from Mike Courtney.
Milverton tied the game,with less
than two minutes to play, and went
into overtime, scoring two goals
without an answer from Lucknow.
Final score was Milverton 7 ,
'LuchnoW 5.
Lucknow Dungannon Bowling League
Ends Season With Banquet and Awards
Mr. and Mrs. harry chambers,
(nee Claire Mc Whinney) spent
their honeymoon at Ingleside and
Kemptville visiting. with Mr. and .
Mrs. Win. Blair and Mr. and. Mrs.
Cecil Gogo, relatives v of Claire's.
Jim Mc Whinney attended a
Seminar for ambulance personnel
recently at Fanshawe College ,
'London. He received a' certificate
on Resuscitation.
The sympathy Of friends in this
community is extended to Mr.
and 'Mrs. Hugh McWhinney and
family in the death April 19th, of
the fOrmer's father , Mr. Bert Mc-
Whinney , Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Park ac
companied by Mrs.. Ben Park an
Janice and 'Mrs. Thos. Park ,
visited last Sunday at Granton
Ladies' high single for the year, -298-presented-by Kay Crawford:—
24 at the Anglican, Parish Hall. (vice-president) and Mary Lou •
A deliciOus .roast beef dinner was Bagger (treasurer) for the dapable
served by the 'Anglican ladies, job they had, done.
which was enjoyed by all. The treasurer gave her yearly
report followed by the election
of officemas-follo rWs1-4anne-tie
Fludder, President; Barbara Whit-
by, Vice-President; Shirley Bolt,
__Secretary; Mary Lott_Barger.„
Treasurer. It.wai decided to
start bowling September 11,:1972.
Winners for cards that followed
.Playoffs High Triple to Marie
Stewart with 809 presented by
Trudy Nelson. .MOst iuyiproved
bowler was Marianna Porter, 'who
improved 23 .pins, presented by
Grace Hog.
A trophy was presented to Trudy
Nelson in recognition of her 301 -
game by Mary Lou Barger. Mrs,
Horton was presented with a gift
by. Eileen Ashton. Mrs. Horton
thanked the ladies and invited
them to visit her when she moves
into her new home next week.
Maudie Fisher thankechthe
ladies for a lovely supper and .Mrs,
Gaunt replied. Irene Nelson ex-
pressed appreciation to Eileen
--A'shrollidrtlirerceellent job she
had done as President. Shirley
Bolt presented floral arrangements
,to• Eileen Ashton, Rena Forster
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and Melvin on Sunday..