HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-19, Page 17GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES
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)n be
a. the
The 19'12 Easter Seal Fund is
short of objective by $89...00 .
Lioris Club officials advise , dona-
tions will continue to be received
for-another week or two in hopes
of reaching the $950.00 mark.
Please send your donation today.
Pearl Caldwell, Chas. Fowler ,
Berk Logtenberg, D. NlacInnes,
Fred Young, Beth McConnell,.
Lorne Eadie, Bob McIntosh, Ger-.
aid Rhody, Stuart Collyer, , Donald
Nicholson, John Cameron, John
I% Howard, A. Brown, Mrs. A.
Van Diepenbeek , Lloyd E. -Ash- ,
ton, Frank MacLennan, Geert
Guikema, Jas. Smith.
Frank MacKenzie, Rena Mc-
Nabb, Wm. A. Schmid, Alex
Andrew, H. Carr, Grant Gollan,
Martha Sutherland , Bryce' Elliott ,
J. A., McDonagh , 0. Finlayson,
T. W. Pritchard, Mrs. C. Blake ,
C. Carrick, Etta Campbell, John
Nicholson, G. W. Barger Sr. ,
J.D.H. Curran, Lloyd MacDoug-
all, R. D. Ross, Betty Flanagan.
Walter Arnold, Gordon Mont-
gomery, Virdin Mowbray, Stuart
ale-Jas.. R. Henderson, Ruth_
Montgomery, Roy Emberlin,
Cliffjohnston; Donald Thomp-
son, Mark Johnston., H. E.. Kil-
patrick, Donald MacKinnon,
Robt.Damsma, Wilbur Brown.
that air pressure can help force
the sap through the line.
Although sap was running we
.noted that it was frozen in the
pails. 'We were told. that nearly
a hundred buckets had burst with'
frozen sap in them the day before.
These chunks' orfrozen sap were
heaped up and waiting for a thaw.
Our disappointment in not see-.
ing the evaporator'in use was
soon forgotten when we tasted the
delicious maple syrup. An added
treat was enjoyed by some Child-
ren. who were allowed to sit on the
Lucknow Central School...
back of a huge Belgian workhorse
Our trip to the sugar bush
was a happy occasion and we learn•
ed a good deal.
Nio).- we are busy making a spec-
ial bulletin board to illustrate our
field trip. Two groups are making
booklets with free-hand illustra-
tions andi captions.
Prizes went to Mrs. Ernie Roe ,
Cliff Johnston, Mrs. Jack Scott
Don Thompson, Marilyn/Rliody
and Don ,Th • pson wori the' Scav-
enger hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Allan and
Joyce of Listowel, Mr. 'arid Mrs.
George Young of Bervie visited
on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Some from here attended. the
supper at St., Matthews Church,
Kingarf, on Friday evening.
Mr. Joe Wall, of Lucknow
visited with SpenceN1cFarlan for
a few days.
f: Mr. and Mrs.-Lloyd Percy o
St. Catharines were recent viSit-
ors-with relatives here .
Mrs. Torn MacDonald , Mrs.
Jack Barr , Mrs. Alex Percy Mrs.
Lyman Sutton, Mrs. Weir Ecken-
swiller", Miss Winnifred Percy
attended a, farewell party for
Mrs. Mabel Welsh whO is ieavin
Bank of Montreal
The First Canadian Bank
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You want fast action on a car
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Our life-insured loans can
help you. get that new car. We
want yOu-to get-your moneyls.
Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. Hagedorn
andl-Stephanie-w-ere-recelit Visit--
ors with Mrs. Hagedbrn's mother,
Mrs. Alvin Schmidt.
Mr. and. Mrs. Clair MacDoug-
all, while efiroute home to Flesh ,
erton from Florida, visited• thurs;
day With Mr. and Mrs.' Lloyd
Visitors on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie were
Walter 'Dickie of Toronto arid
,Douglas Pickle and Barry ,Callag-
han 9f Guelph.
Ken Jackson and Bob Smith of
Galt visited on Sunday with /\,1r.
and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie
and. Heather.
Rennie Graham of TOronto was
a week end guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham.
Mr. and -Mrs. Don Bell,' Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Fred WOodley (Marg•
aret Steer) and, family of London.
The Woodleys are leaving 'soon for'
a trip 'to England.
Mrs. Harvey Houston, P.R.O..
for F. W.I.O. , attended the spring
meeting of the Junior Women's
Institutes of Ontario on Saturday.
This' meeting was hosted by the
Norwell Jr. Women's Institute arid
held at the Master Feed Research
entreat Georgetown. 'Mrs. Allis
ter Hughes and Mrs. Frank Mauld-
en .accompanied 'Mrs. Houston and
visitedwith re-latives-lir-that area.
Mts. Harvey Houiton had a
new experience on Sunday when
she talked micr
Wallace, who
called by microwave froin a .bush ,
area out from Matagami, Quebec.
John MacKinnon spent the week
end in Toronto.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. and
Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall were Mr.
and Mrs.,Jack Beaton of Kincar-,
dine, Mrs. Wilfred Parrish of
Lucknow and Barbara and Janet
Mr. and Mrs. Ted White and
Allan visited-fecently with Mr:
and' Mrs. Alex Morton and family,
Of Thorold.
Mrs. Robert Engel of Dublin
and Mrs. Henry Howe of Listowel
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Black and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack McGuire and family
last Thursday. -
Visiting with Mrs. J. B. Tind-
all of Kincardine last Friday were
Mrs.. Melvin Coiling and. Sharon.
They, also called on Mr., Jim
Gardner in Kincardine Hospital..
Mr. Gardner is an uncle of Mrs.
Sunday callers with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family'
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hamil-
ton-)of Hanover.
' Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Mrs.
iety Concert last Friday evening'
in Kincardine , sponsored by ,the
Agricultural Society.
HOme from London for the
week end Nsere Bill and David
Miss Sharon Coiling returned
to her work in London on Sunday!
She has been convalescing at her
home following her stay 'in Hospit-
al in London. ' .
Visiting withN.r. and Mrs. Dav-
id Rigg and' AdOn and' Mr ..Mie-kle
Meade on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. 'George Rigg of Toronto and
oie-and Bi-ffie
On April 10 the Grade 4 and
Special Education classes visited
the sugar bush at Narva , Green-
ock Township. At least one little
girl was pleased to point out the
little country schoolhouse where
her mOthef had attended school.
We turned right at the schbol.
house and soon arrived at Anst-
ett's Farm.
Kindly employees of the Saug-
een, Valley Conservation Author-
ity conducted our classes in three
groups. First , •we were shown how
to tap a tree using a brace arid
bit (with 'muscle) and then we'saw
a drill (with a gasoline motor)
which did the job in a few sec-
On level ground the old-fash-
ioned method of using spiles and
buckets is employed to collect
^,ap. On sloping land pretty
mauve hoses are used to collect
the sap and conductht to acent-
rally located barrel, Mauve-is a
good colour because squirrels,
won't chew 'on it. The-force of
gravity is used here in-a double
'capacity. As well as using a
down--grade'for the hoses, the
end of each hose .is left open $o
Horne the Carruthers Nursing Hoe to
make her new-home in Tar-a.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, Miss-
es Edna and May Boyle spent the
week end in Detroit with Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Sieroff and family.
Thefinal card party for this
season at the Holyrood. Hall, spon•
sored by the Women's Institute ,
wa-s- held on. Wednesday-evening,
Miller MacKenzie Ltd.
Breckles Bldg., Tel. 528-2320
Alex T. MacNay, Box125
-and-Beverley-visited Sunday with= eAjoyed_the var
Home for the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Sandy McCharles were'
Pat McCharles and friend Les Rose
of London.
The sympathy of this commun-
ity is extended to the family of
the late William John Irwin
•who recently passed away.
was home for the week end with
'her parents, Mr. and .Mri. •Hunt-
" Sunday school mothers met .
Thursday morning for a Coffee
Party 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Colin i3rooking bringing shower.
ins to° Mrs. Brodking ,. a recent
Miss ( inda Dawson of Listowel
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Clark
and familyvited Sunday with
relatives at bublin.
Mr. and Mts. Ira Dickie visited
Friday evening with Mrs. Sohn
Dickie in Wiarton Hospital, and
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Dickie'at Hope Bay.