HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-19, Page 4THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,PAGE WEDNESDAY, ApRIL 19th, TRIED BARN EQUIPMENTomple line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farm- ing; * Veststeel-Rosco Granaries ,Chore =Boy--Milking Parlours; Lowry Barn Supply, Amberley, phone 395-5286. feed and manure handling equip- FOR SALE - 1500 bales of first ment, stabling and pressure sys- cut conditioned mixed hay; 200 lbs. tems. Contact Beatty 'Farm Ser- trefoil; Vernal Alfalfa seed; Clim- ' vice Centre, Clinton, 482-9561. ax Timothy seed. Alex Hackett, R. R, 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7267. FOR SALE mixed grain, barley an corn. d Contact Donald Curran 529-7459 or Jack Curran 529-7559. available at The Lucknow Sentinel, , 10c per copy. If ,you are interested in the news of Teeswater and Dis , trict; pick up a copy. - PLAYING-CARDS Plastic coated single deeks from $1.19 up as, well as double decks and .euchre decks (euchre cards only). Drop in at The Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE FOR SALE- a 1964 Dodge, 8 cylinder, automatic, safety check- ed, excellent condition, $500 or best offer. C.' J. Marshall, Point Clark, Phone 395-5419. PICTURE FRAMING - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo 'Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. FOR SALE - Beatty automatic STABLE CLEANING, sand and. gravel. Phone Symes Brothers, .Lucknow, 528-5203 or 528-2608. THE TEESWATER NEWS is With $5.00 purchase 7Sc FOR SALE - one I.H.C.. grain and FOR SALE used Frigidaire, 30" , Donald, Ripley,, Phone 395-29n. fertilizer drill in good condition, electric range. Priced for quick I also quantity of red clover seed. J. Austin, phone 529-7328. sale. Greer T.V. and Electric, I FOR RENT - house, Havelock St. We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County. of Bruce 1907 - 1968 written ' by NorMan McLeod same price. , LOST - Avon case and products., THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL Anyone knowing of its whereabouts FOR SALE -- choice. young York please phone 528-2328., Reward of- hog from high scoring strain. Gor- FOR SALE - 1965 Chev Impala iered. don Kirkland, R.R. 3 Lucknow, convertibre,• power steering. power / phone 529,77508. • brakes, in fair condition:- P,hone ° Donald Curran THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is 5294459.. for sale at Mel Stanley's Sunoco, FOR SALE - 2 Polled Hertford Umbach's Pharmacy. H. and B. registered balls. Rim de Boer. Discount and Johnston's Supertest it,R. 1 Lucknow. phone 528-5554, in Lucknow. FQ11 SALE a garden, tractor HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICESincluding_plough„mItitatorand PATZ paid for dead and disabled tows .lawn roller. Phone Wingham 357- and , horses. Call *collect 881-3459 3097., Walkerton. 'Graf Stock Removal. FARM AUT('-MATION HORSES.FOR SALP: . 10 year old STABLE CLEANERS FOR SALE - John Deere 81-2 foot ' registered 'standard bred mare is CATTLE FEEDERS SILO UNLOADERS c4itivator; New Idea manure foal to Van .D-yke Hanover: her 2' spreader, ground driven: Cock year old &cud '03,1t out of Glenford. Andrew Berg simstt s,ide rAe: VA Case gas trac- yearlihg stud colt by SeawAirthy RA.: 4 CLINTON, PHONE 402.7282 tot. Ca Cook. Lnow., Grant Ctarrazi.. RR. 1 Dtiegatinofi. pillow 52$-VAI pbrone 5 735. .. ' FOR SALE - 1966 G.M.C. 3 ton truck with hoist. Apply Everett Whitehead, 392-6847.' FOR SALE ---girl's summer dress- es, size 3 - 6 years. MrS. Betty Kirkland, phone 528-2134. phone 528-3112 Luelmow. north; roomy; lately, remodelled, THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman Robertson's History' of APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- one p.m. Everyone welconie. Bruee County, -first-- published in fourroom_apartment;--unfuroished, . electric'heating; one small apart- 19°6, second printing in 196°. ment ,'furnished, electric heating. PRICE $7.00 _ _ Lloyd Ashton, phone 528-2176 or dd_n_lor_shipping-and-handling---528.21-26, church shed . hitechurch. $8.00 for .the summer Apply to Bill. Rintoul, phone 357,-3648. - New Life Feed Dealer land. for crop, lot 27, Concession There will be open bowling on hibgorledodls occfhaatAtrlalebeetoreptraerlfeaWfteiiorfenen"ccieorisoktfl,loehreP Reduced prices on rubber bootS FOR RENT'- 75 acres of plowed OPEN BOWLING 10 Huron Towns hi Ken MaC- all lanes at .'Lucknow Bowl Friday keeper --- "guest house"; husb and. Saturday nights. • SPRING CONCERT Brookside School will Irs-Sfirmg Concert at the Sebni-if on Thursday, April . 27th at .8:15 RESTAURANT NOW • OPEN 1 2 gallon ice cream - 85c, immediate.- possession- Phone':-529- 7350. LOST Male, dark grey, medium size dpg with white tip on tail. and chest. two round, brown spots over each eye. Reward. Name Tippy.• , Wendy MacPherson, 392-6310, Tees- water, HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD BLYTH BINGO Come to Myth Lions Club Bicgo, HELP WANTED • The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try our Fresh every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. yotts=tionwithlabbouujirdiern,g_expr -Hoine-Made-Sausage,CustomAil-_,In_Blyth_MemoriaUlalL_Admis simience wanting employment in ling by appointment. : $1.00; 12 regular games of $10 each; 2 share - the - wealth College or University summer v Phone 528-2132 games: $25 Special; door prize. ation periods. Clarke Peeps NOTICE $125.00 jackpot on 60 calls or Building Contractor, Point Cl RE SERVICE OFFICER under; if not taken $10 added each' Phone 395-5454 evenings. Anyone wishing information,' ad- week. TABLE PAPER , EUCHRE PARTY Table Paper is now availrble in checked. patterns, of yellow, green, Dungannon L.O.L. will hold their or red 36/7 wide by 100' length, last Card Party on Thursday, April priced p.50• a ' roll. Also available 2w0etlhcoarrt,eth.,e Orange Hall. Everyone as, before in .white at $2.25 a roll. The Lucknow Sentinel. LEGION SUPPER MEETING All members of Lucknow Royal Canadian Legion and Legion Auxil- iary are requested to attend a pot luck supper at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 25th. Regular meetings., to follow supper. , FOR SALE '- Case 2.furrow .3 point hitch plow in good condition. Phone 357-1108. , . RUMMAGE SALE .' FOR SALE --'75 bushel of Herta barley cleaned and treated, ready A Rummage 'Sale will be held to _sow.- Jim Martin,-5297139. ion Silverwood'S Building, LticinlOw - on Satnrday; May"-20th,: sponsored NOTICE, by Olivet 'Unit of Ripley -1.J.C.W. Any donations welcome. Phone 395-2827 or 395-2791. . vice or 'assistance, regarding War WANTED TO RENT -, eon disability pensions, treatment, al- : STOCKER SALE would like house to rent by May . . . lowances, etc.,is requested to con- Consignment.' Stocker Sale, Mon- 'in Lucknow or vicinity, Phone tact Irvine edy, Dungannon not day, May 1st at 1 p.m. Aecoino: later than April 24th, to arrange ' dation for 400 head 'Lucknow Com- an interview ,with the Provincial ' mUnity Sale. Phone'Ripley 395-5230 Service -Officer, Mr: Moyer. ' ' or Lucknow 528-9912. _ _ OPEN NOTICE -I HOUSE Marie's Beauty Salon, Conces- OPEN I Plan to attend the Open HouSe at sion 4, Kinloss Township,: is now Brookside Public School on Thurs-' Open for business and welcomes day; .April20th from 7 - 10 p.m. your patronage. Phone 395-5462. . ' Everyone welcome. FOR RENT . BENEFIT DANCE The Lucknow'Intermediate Hoc- Ex pediter pedi iteuro .PersonneliAstreet lril‘tN.atio Bus.:, '276-7552 - Res. 276-7405 Calgary. Alberta T2M 2V3 -Mrs-Vitg'inia Pangburir Mgr FOR RENT' - snowmobile and trailer space available'in, former armagaisimeerapsistrinsi tt LOST • key Team are holding a ,,Benefit Dance for their injured players on -Sattirday;-Mar--6-in-the L'ucknovr Legion Hall. Music by The Country Gentlemen. • . • • ..4•••••••• • I. resent ,WORK WANTED - tile cell' paneling, remodeling', all car , er work, pit silos, concrete w and floors. Reasonable rates, Schneller, Kinlough, phone RI 395,2221. . HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER - Accurate Typist - Shorthand Essential Duties to commence first w of May. Direct applications J. J. Lane, Business Administr . Huron-Perth County R.C.S.S. Bo . • Box, 100 Seaforth, Ontario WANTED TO GRASS - 35 head cattle, 700, - 800 pound steers, the month. Intone 528-2582. HELP WANTED Man .'to work full 'time in p department in a farm supply 'nets. Apply by letter or in per to., Ron Stanley Farm Supp Bernie 395-2434. • -- - HELP WANTED housekeePe -baby -sitter in---country- home: - 'conveniences; 5 day , week, live child ..welcome; non 'smoker. p ferred. Phone .395-2337. WE WILL BE GIVING lawn vice again this year. Spring cl up. now our specialty. Lo Brothers 528-3615. 'WANTED 111111•1111•111* 2198. COUPLE - childless, tempera hired hand, work under farm m ager. Top wages. COOK - HOUSEKEEPER -- house-, -same 1---'5-th----31c„ aelt*--tv convenience,. excellent wor conditions. Top wages. COUPLE - could have 'two more children, for' ranch, tooth south-west of Calgary,' Comforta !Mule, all-conv en ieneesi-nost-ha own transportation. HOliday pay. Most. Weekend's free. wages and bonus. CHEFS, COOKS and SHO ORDER COOKS - • $750 a up, ' OPPORTUNITY HELP WANTED. ell it IhOt uel ex tie Nit UI SI 401 or Shop 524-6511. FOR SALE -- 90 acre farm, lot 14, 10th concessioff-cif ICinloss, a' Mile off paved road.- Apply Maurice ,Hodgins, 53 Adelaide St. South, London 42, phone -433-1305. POWR-PAK - effective against most ,mastitis causing organisms. Contains four different antibiotics. Potent, powerful mastitis, treat- ment. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharmacy, Lucknow. AUCTIONEER SERVICE , .arant McDonald,-Ririley - Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales , of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 TIME•NOWto inject for' the prevention - of Blackleg and Mal- ignant Edema in cattle. Available in 50 c.,c. or 250 c.c. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharmacy. FOR SALE -- set of racks for 3/4 ton truck; tarp rod and a,' fit- ted tarp. Glen Walden, phone 528- ' 3205- , . SILO AND ROOF EXTENSIONS- Anyone wishing to' have exten- sions on their silos or roofs, please °call or write. This can' be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- •erich. Phones Residence 524-7002 Farm Supplies, ;Bernie 395-243t FOR _SALE _ used_ farm__ equip- ment, 7 'wheel discs, 22 - 40 plate and 3 trail discs 32 - 36 plate. 3 Viking electric hainmer mills, re- built at $175 each. Ron Stanley ANDY'S. REfRIGERATION 'and APPLIAINCE_SERVICE Guaranteed 'repairs to all refrigeration and air. condition appliances 24 hour emergency service PHONE WINGHAM 357-3484 WOOD FOR SALE. - hardwood slabs, truckload lots, 6 cord $24.00. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn 526-7220. PAPERING - PAINTING Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred-- Emberlin, -Phone Luck- now. FOR SALE - three `steel culverts: two new ones - size 10 inch dia- meter, one 18 ft. long and one 14 ft. long; one used -- 2 ft. diameter and -16 ft. long. Phone 395-5280. Robert Gilchrist, R.R. 5 Lucknow. SILVER LAKE GENERAL' STORE KINLOSS; ONTARIO. FOR SALE FOR: SALE - a quantity of red clover seed. Carman Hayden, R. R. 3 Goderich, telephone 529-7313. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact. Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. .For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, your local dealer. FOR SALE ,FARM TAXATION SERVICE ' A reliable service with several clients in this area. BOX 442, WATERLOO, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE 578-1696 COMING. EVENTS SUPER. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 P.m. Pot of Gold game - winner take all. 14 reg- ular games, $10 each. 2 Share the - Wealth games. A $30 Special. Jack- pot Games for $100.00 on 56 calls or $25 consolation prize. CARD PARTY St. Augustine 'Youth Club are sponsoring a card party 'in the St. Augustine Parish' -Hall-on-Friday; April 21st at 8:30 p.m. Lunch pro- vided. Prizes will be maple syrup. Yam. VARIETY CONCERT Lucknow. Agricultural Society will' hold a Variety Concert on Fri- day, April 21st at 8 p.m.. sharp in the Lucknow Central Public School, featuring a one act play by Tees- water Junior Farmers.'. BUSINESS MEETING • A meeting of the Lucknow Bits- iness Men's Association will be held, in the town hall on Monday, April 24th at 8 pm, BARN DANCE A Barn Dance will be held at the Saltford Valley Hall Saturday, April 22nd. Music by Ross Mann and the CKNX Ranch Boys. Danc- ing from 10 1. Sponsored by the Xingsbridge YOuth Club. Everyone welcome. Tickets' available,at the door. $1,50 per person,' $2.50 per couple. WANT ADS OP immummome", SANDBLAST! DEMOLITION , WORK SPRAY PAINTING ARNOLD STOTHER PHONE 5294403 FOR ESTIMATES CI 51