HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-19, Page 1Lucknow stores displaying the Bargain World signs and listed on the Bargain . World pages of The Sentinel each week, have been offering some real values to area shoppers In the past few weeks. In addition, they have been giving away merchandise vouchers. This week's winner was Mrs. Graydon Ritchie of Lucknow 'who received $30 when her lucky ticket was picked from thousands of others. This week is a big one for the kids. On Friday and Saturday of this week, Free Balloons will be available from each of the Bargain World stores in the community. Each store will have 100 balloons to give away. There are 18 stores participating in the community promotion so sure to bring your children into town for free bal., loons. If you find one store's supply 'exhausted, try the Other seventeen and you ,won't be disappointed. The following will have the balloons on Friday 'and Saturday. Progressive Lucknow merchants joining to present _Bargain World_include: Luck,now,Dry Cleaners, Schmid', Jewellery and China, ,Greer T.V. and Electric, John W. .Henderson Lumber Ltd., Ashton's Lucknow Ltd., W. A. (Bud) Hamilton, Johnstone and Son Furniture, Sepoy Store, CE. McTavish Fini,11.71—icknoW 'Fruit Market, Luck- now Pro Hardware and Village Shop, H. and B. Discount, Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Finlay Decorators, Johnston's Sup- ertest, Montgomery Motors, Lucknow District Co-op, Mar- ko Shoes. 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 '1 11111 111111111111 1111 1 1 1 1111 ree Balloons LUCKNOW IS A GOOD PLACE TO SHOP 3ARGAI Atlit Brother Passes Jai-ries Nixon of Lakeland ; Florida , brother of Harry Nixon of Lucknow, passed away on Mon day, April 17th. Hi-s-wiftr 'is -the-former Wilda MacLean of•Kirilough. short time at the Wettern Hospital in Toronto, Major Robinson dec.7 ided to join the Royal .Canallian CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 scoo A „Year In Adva-nce — $2.00 Extra To 1.0,S.A. 1 1111111111111 111111 I1 1 411 1 1 1111 1 WEDNESDAY, .APR. K, 19th; 1972' Wayne. Lowry Construction Successful Tender, • • Single Copy 15c 20 Pages IX• 300 young people., boys and Is of Farm Union farnilies , will ke pan in a youth exChange ogram from July 15 to August 411 , participants are *from the • ,ritimes-70nrato, Manitoba ; skatehewan, Alberta, and the eace River District. , FROM ACROSS CANADA TO PARTICIPATE woArea Young People Will Be on of National Farmers Union Exchange exc nge. This program has' been. made possible by.a grant ,from the Fed- 7-e—la Department orthe Secretary 2,t.for all 300' participants,. This is the third and largest exchange, organized b,y the Nation. al Farmers Union in .its short two-- and-one-half year history. From Region 3 (Ontario) 41 boys and 42 girls are participating; 13 of these are from District's,, and 2 of these are from Local 335. Jeannette Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Howard,, of Ashfield Township and Joe Austin, son of' Mr. and.Mrs. John Austin of Ashfield are taking part in the t Mr, and Mrs. GeOrge Newbold ,fLuelthow appeared before Luck-"w village council on Tuesday ght of last week to advise coun- lof plans for their new nursing inte in Lucknow and to make everal requests concerning their perry which will-beT-th ,,• new building bu . • Mr. and Mrs. Newbold plan to ild a new 41 bed nursing home -lath of the Lucknow Central Public School on property recent- ly acquired from William Lyons and Ronald Foister: While present plans call 'for a '41 bed facility, ;Mr. Newbold told council that they are hope- ful that this might be increased in the near future. Mr. Newbold indicatedsto council that withlhe advent of extended care 'nsurance coverage for nursing home patients , and also more stringent' regulations under the' nursing homes act , • they had applied for and received approval of the building of a new .nursing home facility with a cap- acity of 41 bedi to serve liaCknow and surrounding counties . He stated that they had assem- :‘ The contract for the develop- ment Of a new water Well in Lucknow, in the south-east corn- er of the municipality , south of the Lucknow Public School, was let on Tuesday night of last week by' Lucknow•village council. Eleven tenders were received from construction companies with a locaLfirm, Wayne Lowry Con- struction of Huron Township, • being the successful bidder. The. Lowry firm wa ithe second' bled land 'for the purpOse and for more than adequate sewage dis- posal.' They-have acquired lots 418, 419, 421, 422', 423, 42'4, 425 ,and 426 south of the public . school. Mr." Newbold stated that, with the new nursing home ,• they hop- ed 'to serve both the health needs and social needs .of the' commun- ity. He referred to the increased employment , assessment for the commimity and hoped that it CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 . low tender and was awarded the contract at a 'cost of $16,905.25. Tenders ranged from the low bid of $14,055.36 which was not 'accepted becaute of an unbalance in one 'of the items, to a high tender of $46,355. Five of the tenders were under $20,000, four were between $20 ,.000 and $30,000, 'one was in the $30,000 range and one, in the $40,000 range. Council also accepted a firm The Department pf National Defence has announced the pro- motion of Captain Shirley Robin- ?z)n to the rank of Major. :The promotion becomeS effective in' Shirley is the daughter of Mrs. Emily Robinson of Goderich , formerly aLUcknow :and the late Howard Robinson. Born at Lucknow , Miss' liobin- son attended elementary and sec-.' ondary school in this community and then entered nurses' training ' at the General and Marine Hospit- al in Owen SoUnd. Following three months work at the OntariO Hospital in London and at' Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto 'she obtained her R.N. in 1953. After working for a Graduates From Conestoga College James Martin Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webster of R. R, d Luc know , graduated on April 14th from, the' Wood Prod nets Technician two year coufse CONTINUED ON PAGE plete .. The basic, price of the machine was $1336 with an additional Cost of $289 fox a gutter brush and $175 for a water kit. . Hackett Bros. has indicated it will rent the village a tractor to operate the sweeper. On a number of.occasions, it' , has beemmentioned at .cOuncil, that the street sweeper purchased ° by council several years ago has never worked satisfactorily... The new sweeper is Manufactur• ed by a firm 'in Michigan and distributed by Duke Lawn Equip:- ment in Burlingtion. Lucknow works department drove to Burl- ington Last week to pick up the new machine. Sweeping of the Lucknow streets has been done Manually and has been a very time consum- ing chore for the' works depart- ment. • • • •. ,••••• ••• 0•• ••• 4 ••••••• vs* • • ' The youths will, travel simul- neously from East. to West ,hand om West to East. Each' will stay- itha farm union family for 10 ys, Marning about the lives eimikas_aricLthediffe•ren ethods of farming from all parts fCanada. The highlight of the pyill be a 3 day_seminar in nnipeg from July 31 to August .illitlIIR11,1111111111111,1,1i,111.11;,-4•;149,,4., International VVater To Supply Pumps, Equipment LUCKNOW WATER :WELLclINTRACT LET price on the cost of the piimp arid equipment at $5,128 from Inter- nationai Water Supply Co. plus their estimate for installation of $990. Engineer's fees on the project are 7 1/2 /o of the total cost. Burns Ross, engineer for the village and the project', sat with council during the, opening of the tenders. The Lowry firm is expected to start work on the-project at once. Vandals Damage Car Aerials.. • . _w o r-k_p day night of last week. Several car aerials were bent ,off and broken .on cars belonging to mem- bers of the Lucknow Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, who were , having their annual' ladies' night at the. Anglican Parish Hall. Constable WhitelaW of Kin- cardine Ontario Provincial Police re-oeiv-ed- a call about -the matter but when he arrived at the scene, he found that everyone had left the hall. • 4, Police remained in the, village for, some time but were unable to locate the vandals'. In the' early hours on Saturday morning, a car drove on, the lawn at the Lucknow'Centra.1 Public 'School, doing damage to The newly, sodded grounds. Police received other comp-, laints of dangerous and noisy driv- ing which occurred early Satur- day Morning, approachitifg day light. A local lady had her cosmetic, -sales--14-stolen frem-her,oar , also .L on Friday night. , Outline Plans To -Council -or, New 41...BediNiirsin6 Home 'The funeral service is'„being • ' held-on---Wed-Resday,HApri_l 1_9_in of State. , .Lakeland. ' ' . . . . , . . . In.lnionuiptiviut•muunnimivri ;•11,1,60,,,,,iiii••-•,..inio!,,- .H.T E. L.. ..,,.: II.- • '' JIM WEBS i ER- Shirley Robinson Promoted Buy-New Street Sweeper For $1800 Price . Lucknow village council, at their regular meeting on Tuesday of last week, purchased a new To Rank of Major loader mounted pickup street sweeper from Hackett Brothers in Lucknow for a price of, $1800 corn