HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-12, Page 18WEDNESDAY, APRIL iltki PAGE EIGHTEEN his Week In Ripley BY A.13. WYLDS ARIETY HT I Thursday and Friday, April 20th, 21st MUSICAL- .PRESENTATIONS AND' THE HILLBILLY PLAY "FEUD-IN -OVER -YONDER" 4als....4111111107 14111111111w ..4810111!- .,1111111110. _1011111181i. FACTORY SECOND DOORS INSIDE DOORS From $230 and up ..„ TIDE LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO On Monday, April'3 •Roy Don- ald MacKenzie passed away in Kincardine and District Hospital where he had been a patient.for • several months. Roy was born in Ashfield on December 22, 1895. Funeral service was held, on Wed- nesday , April 5 , 1972 at 2 p.m. at Mctennan-McCreath Home in Ripley with Rev. George Ball of St. Andrews United Church in charge , with burial at Ripley Cem- etery. Roy is' survived by his wife , the former Violet MacLen- . nail of Ashfield , four sons Kenneth of Listowel , Donald'. of Peterbor- ° Ough, Lorne of Stratford and David of Kincardine, one sister Mary Hannah - Mrs. Roderick Martyn and one brother Henry of Ashfield. To these and all family members' sympathy,is extended. Roy was.well known and respect- ed over a wide ar'ea herelor his • many activities and interests. He was a pitcher on that famous :Loch- alsh baseball team lolloWing World War One and later in the .1950's he coached a bo 's team For everyone there comes sad- ness and gladness, so it was with the Ripley district this past week. First there, was the passing, of a highly esteemed resident in the person of Roy MacKenzie and then the boys winning All-Ontario hon- ' ours in hockey. `herein Ripley. Sons Kenneth an MICAFIL THE FAMOUS VERMICULITE INSULATION MICAFIL INSULATION FIREPROOF. IT CAN BE .POURED BETWEEN THE JOISTS IN THE ATTIC AND BETWEEN THE STUDS IN. THE SIDE 'WALLS, AND YOUR HOME 'IS SEALED' ---------01‘7-Y-E4R-ROUND-COMFORT; PHONE 528-3118 LUMBER 44111110. 4411111110, A01110. 410.11. 40111111W 401111116. 4141111,W Insulate Your WITH JOHN-WA * * 0 * HOME rthiCulite. LTD. LAJCKNOW tre-f!ZilrleY Midgets, directed by manager Wallace Pollock and coach John Loomis, lost to Listowei - score 5 to 2. Thus Listowel won the Series 2 games to. one for Ripley. - Five of these midget players, had to play juvenile the next night against Oakwood. In case you are confused by the terms - the older boys are Juveniles, then Midgets, followed by 13antarris., For Elmer Coutney there seems to be no rest. On Friday evening his team had .jiist won in hockey. In Saturday morning's mail he got a lette-r---advising-him.to atte-i-nd this Wednesday evening a' softball meeting to plan for next summer. Also about two weeks ago Wal- ter , ,Collins of Purple Grove, in - Huron Township arrived back .from an extended winter tour taking inSouthern Texas, into Mexico ' and then north to Si. 'Louis, Mis- souri. Walter flew from Toronto in south Texas., He. returned ' from St. Louis by bus. Mr. and Mrs. Melville POI-lock arrived home Friday eyening after spending'the winter in Arizona. Mel reports mid day temperatures' at the 100 mark - quite a differ- ' ence to the 10 to 30 range of this area.' which 216 miles has been com- pleted taking together Dungannon and Ripley centres. The new. 1972 telephone' directory books were personally delivered except in the village of Ripley where people picked. them up at the central office staffed by Mrs. Irene Liddle and assistant Miss Christena Robertson.. • * .* '0 .•0 • WORK WONDERS 0 • • 0 • a a 0 • * • 0 • ••• STRICT HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL Lorne later became-equal skilled ball pitchers in'their home com- munities. For many years Roy was a choir member in St. And- rews.. His orchestra furnishing music, for dances Was known over a wide area. Of course he will be long remembered as.a piper in the Lucknow ,Lochalsh Scottish Pipe Band and in. later years when he Was unfortunately confined to his home on the main street. south `visfting pipe bands at the Ripley- Huron"fall fair such as The Kin , cardine Scottish and the 48th Highlanders of Toronto wolil down and play for Roy. Fora while Roy operated a garage where Ripley's livery barn once stood. Then he operated a bee keeping business,. Later when he purchased the present large red brick residence he moved his honey extracting equipment there and continued to operate his bee yards till crippling:arthritis prev- ented it. And yet despite the ill- ness which so cruelly afflicted him, Roy kept an interest in these many things.' • * * On Tuesday evening of la-St week all the groups of St. Andrews United Church' Women held a joint meeting in the church hall., President Mrs. Wm. J. Arnold and secretary Mrs: Donald A. MacDonald were in charge , _ith attendance exceeding seven- ty ladies. Mrs; Rooney, wife of Rev. Kenneth Rooney of Knox Presbyterian Church, gave the main address, and Mrs, Jim Need- ham's group took the devotional service. Mrs. Rooney was intro - duced by Mrs. Don McCosh and thanked by the president Mrs. Arnold. Lu.ndh was, served by a committee, convened by Mrs. Audrey MacDonald and Mrs. Kath- erine Collins.. a a a a 0. a a *• a • On the:thainpion LncknoW Int- ermediate Hockey Club are Ed Brown of the Ripley Distriet High School staff whose home is in Lucknow and JOhn Fludder, form- erly of Riple'y',-Who also reside; in Lucknow. 'Congratulations to the team on their win in Wingliam • arena over Kurtzville. 'Goalie Ga.ry_.S.uttoniaf...Kinle.ugh...played for Ripley a few years ago. : 0, 0 * * On Wednesday evening of laSt week the annual meeting, of the Huron and Kinloss,Telephon'e sys- tern was held in the Huron Town- ship hall in Ripley, Chairrnan.of die meeting was. CommWioner Stewart Need.ham assisted by secretary Mrs. Douglas Liddle. The -other two commissioners Were J. S. Robb and 'Oliver Smith. Oliver was filling this position 'on a. tempor--afrbasis-for-Mel Poi who winters in Arizona due to a health problem,. Mel.has resigned and Jim, MacDonald of Clarks in Huron Township Was elected the new commissioner. All com- missioners zave reports on the year 1971. Manager of tire system Cla .:ton Nicholson gave a lengthy report and .answered questions per taininz to 'future operations. i-_)ct, Stewart and Clayton discus- sec,' financial operations in 1971 an: future work to be done. Hur- cn Tov.r.thii- reeve ,. Russ Staple !: ..i.,..,, tree boar about the :CL:";:...-7 of cleaning up the old ..:e:, arid 7e:r.ovl of old poles. .!..::.-..:...:* :!-,e attendance was not - ..n -.:re on to the meeting E:'E. i:-.te:-eite.1 in it. Thii Was :-,e e: _..+ ;ea..:',. o: the installa- ..-.f ..:-..e...,:round cable of Seven Safeguard Will Save Lives .A.CcCtrding to the Canadian • Cancer Society., an Ostimated 64,000 . Canadians', will contract cancer for the first k' „Lin this yea But because of new know.ledge gainc&-frotri-ea-not-m---es,ftr.ellta of these pepole will be alive an well five years. front now ; The t .is..tha that somewhere - between'i,Ki and 80% of these cases'could be prevented. One of the foals of the Cance Society is,,terg`pread this word.; about prevention,- and to make' awarepublic of: the S'evon 'Safe- gUards against cancer. The SeVen fetiards.are! ' Don't smoke.: la.vt...a. medical check-up yearly. .:\y your dent ist..to report any new conditi.ons. Avoid , excessive titili4ht, Ar- range with ,your doctor fOr a bow ,examination. And, tor Women:.• regularPractiSe, east self-eia ination.L•Have a r (.261a r Pap•Te prevention is 'everyone's best- personal weapon against cancer it's not the only ,Weapon.- Through donations to the appe of the Canadian Cancer, SOciety, the.gdCiety supports Vital wdrk • teseark into. c a no.er's cause, th search for a c*, and.better • - • patients.. Ca nccr,Society'volrin teers are active year 'round in oil co rnmu.nity_w ssrvice to cane patients, There will he many volunteer canvassing in' this community- for the Canadian Cancer Sem during the month of Luc know 'and District canP aign chairman is iS NIrs. J. C. cam p• Kim. Cdrd.Porty • There were II td bles in play at the card pa rt ;„it. the St. AtigOt Parish Ilan sre,.o:cd 1.).; the C.. W.. L. :on 1.,i(1,1 . It g. SAL Sympathy if expressed to Mrs, Lorraine Holmes of the Ripley Royal Bank staff on the passing of her mother, Mrs. (3eorge Bere pf Ivallarton, last Wednesday. Mrs. Bere , in. her 83rd year, had been a patient' in Kincardine and Dist- rict Hospital for the past few months. The funeral was held at the Ross MacLennan Home in Kincardine. last Saturday after- noon. . * * a * a -Seed cleaning and treating of the seed is in full swing at the Harold Courtney plant in Ripley. Assisting Bert Irwin on the big cleaner is Leonard Tout. a * * a 'knew_ way-of clea-ring the snow banks from the railway tracks was witnessed for the' first time here last Thursday afternoon. The Reeves Construction Company of Mount Forest used a front end bucket shovel on a big tractor unit. It dug the banks off the track and piled the-snow aril'ieaps-±- six feet high to the sides of the track. This was carried out a- cross the farms Of John C. Mac DOnald, over the first arch and up the grade back-of Alan Mc, Lean's and Doag MacDonald'is and around the curve north of Ripley on the way to Kincardine. Prizes for .;-Pores wen bliss Catlit ii..111.1n.and Leo Fora Second j'rt,,i winners were. Kathleen Id.. ,ind Jerry Heffernan; Door pri Nen.,