HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-12, Page 17(10,0007: 40-lb.— • $5•80 it BRANDED ... GliANDHARVEST .. ....... (10000 —40-1b. — CARDINAL BRAND 300 1b. T e na.. 3001b: .. $5.80 TelrlSil) (10,000-36-lb.—, 275.1b. Termin i $5.60 TOPNOTC OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED N BOOK NOW and ,SAV[ DOLLARS , For the month. of April all Topnotch Feeds Limited Branches are offering a substantial saving for 1Nrine booked and paid for in this month. TERMS — CASH, Booked in April Picked up when available. rip Id its 11 a 0 ar- il- )it Id PHONE 887-6011 BRUSSELS CIAG INSURANCE COOPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS or ourLrri up Mrs, Henry Gardner and Lane lied recently with Henry •,, who a patient at Huroavie.w Nursing rne.__Mrs,,Garclner had. return:-_, home previously after being a lent in Wingham Hospital for t three weeks; and Mrs: Ernest Bogie of Col urne visited on Sunday with Mr. d Mrs. Eldon Ritchie and fa tri- Donald Ritchie was nfirmed on Sunday as a mem- r of LtiCknow United Church. Bryan Ritchie, a student of F. Madill Secondary School in Ingham, attended Orientation ' ys at Ridgetown College on Wednesday and Thursday. -.0' resting tours were conducted' re, where sixty students from stern Ontario attended. This ssponsored by 4-H Clubs. Miss Barbara Wilkins will, enter 1ph University on May 1st to gin a four year Dietition cpArse... ERVED'85th BIRTHDAY Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wilkins family visited on 'Sunday h Mrs. Irwin and Lloyd-of loss and also present were Mr. Mrs, Calvin Irwin of awa and Mr. and Mrs. char - Riach and Chris of Woodstock. J. Irwin obsPrved-his=8,5th jay on Sunday in., Wingham pital, where members of his ly visited him. Mr...Irwin mailing • health at the present. Mr, and Mrs: Wayne Jerome Lane Gardner •are making ple syrup in Lane's sugar earnp. up making is a new experience the Jeromes. /Phyllis and ynesPent the week end at milton, where they attended ° wedding at Caledonia. ongratulations to'Oill Wilkins , ideni at F. E. Madill Second- School in Wingham who wan t prize for his Oral 'French ech hi a contest held in 'school. Bill will go"to Sea- on April 14th to enter further ant_iimiAt ily'spent almost three weeks ' a camping trip to Florida. Y visited Mrs. Taylor's 'parents Sarasota and also camped at y West, Florida returning IStil. Mile they we Helm re away assisted with theT y - barn eliores where they pridillg horses, ESPAY, APRIL 12th, 1972 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;ONTAR,10. Huron Federation Discuss Group Buying Of Fuel The directors of the Huron County Federation of .Agriculture met op Thursday ; April 6 ,~ at 8. p.m, in the Clinton Town Hall to discuss Fuel Costs of farmers. A report by the Cha.irman of the Input Committee , Vince Austin, R. R. 1 Dungannon indic ated that there will be 'a pilot project in Huron County of the purchasing power of 25 farmers to reduce the.high cost of all fuels. Mr. Austin confirmed that in Napanee, Ontaho this 'program has already been esta•blished and far..friers in that area have reduced 'the cost of gasoline by 6 cents, fuel oil.by 4 cents and furnace . Oil by 3 cents. A resolution was moved .by , Adrian Vos :, Blyth, seconded by Vince Austin whereas per Feeders received five dollars per Hog Deficiency Payment. Therefore 'be it resolved that 0.F.A. request the Stabilization Board for corn- parable_a.ssist-a-nce-f - tors. Lucknow • Guides The regular meeting of'the theknow. Girl Guides. was held April 6, • The meeting was opened with roll call followed by horse shoe formation, flag .raising and the singing of 0 Canada. It was announced. that the. Girl Guide and I3rOwnie Mother and • daughter banquet is to be held May 11. • Further information is to be sent out to .mothers later, The girls spent some time in their patrol''corners to.discuss ideas for table. arrangements forthe banquet., -Donald Johnstone came to speak. to the girls about their post- al badge. After campfire the Meeting wasi closed with taps. ., AMBERLEY The euchre party.sponsdred by the Arnberley L.O. L., was held in the hall on Thursday evening with a good crowd in attendance. Winners of'the prizes were high lady , Mrs. Ross MacKenzie;,, high gent , Jack Campbell; and lucky prize winner was Kitt Elmes. A delicious lunch was served by the Committee 9f Mr. and; Mrs. George Monerief and Mr. and 'Mrs. Cliff Ertiinerton. Mr., and Mrs. 'Bill Kempton, Tommy, Mary and Helen were week end visitors in Sar,nia with Mr ,and Mrs-:-811Wood-Inisrin-and family. • Mrs. Len Elmes is e,njoyiriga week's holiday visiting in Wind- sor with her parents and other members, of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Mopes are Visit- ing with their daughter and fam- ily Mr. and Mrs. George Messen..- ger and girls. Mrs. Wilfred JanisSe is spend- ing a few days in Windsor visit - g with her daughters and other. WHITECHURCH The community extends their sympathy to Carl Weber', 'who attended-funeral services for his brother Walter Weber on Tues- day, last at Waterloo. Mr. and • Mrs. Carl Weber, Ann, Mar- lene and Clare were in Waterloo last Monday evening at the fun- eral chapel. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw ,were Miss Doreen Wilkinson of Guelph University , David Bean and .Miss'Barbara Lyons of Bramptofi.. Guests on Friday, evening with Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber after the .bridal shower held for Mar , lene in the hall were Mr. -and Mrs. George Weber of Kitchener and Miss Dovean Chambers,. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chambers, Terry and Clark, Mrs. Robert Chamb- ers and Julie of Harriston, Mrs.' Gladys Ketchum of Palmerston; Mr. arid Mrs. Jim Mock and Bonnie of Harriston, Mrs. Harry Lindenschmidt of Mild.may .Mrs. Ron Lindenschmidt and Randy of Walkerton. Miss Mildred McClenaghan of Goderich spent a few days with her mother-Mrs. Lillian I\lcClen- :aghan. Visitors with their parents 'Mr, and Mrs. George Fisher on the Week end'were Mr. and Mrs. Bill: Fisher , Tihlrny. arid Teddy of Don Mills a.frid Mr. and Mrs. Carnian Machan of Waterloo. Don Dirsrein of Ajax spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Russel (Jaunt and on-the.return home on. Sunday he was accom- Tanied b){ his wife , Richard and Carolyn, who had visited for a week with her parenti, Mr. and Mrs. 'Russel Gaunt. Other visitors at the Gaunt home. were Mr. and, Mrs. William Harman , Richard and Stephen arid her parents Mr. -and Mrs. McLean of Windsor. Mr and• Mrs.. Harman are the recent purchasers of the Gaunt farm and obtain possession-May,lst. Op Wednesday last two big bull dozers with Shovels met in White.7 church at the railroad track. One. had started at Lucknow,, the, other at Winghain and it took ' hem all-day7t-o-r-e-Fnov.e-the-snbw which had blocked train service for sometime.,, On Thursday one Machine was going to Lucknow to open .a. 2, mile portion to the west. These outfits' charge $43 an hour: It had been-hoped spring weather would have removed the Snow: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and • PAGE sEvENTEEN • Wm. J. Kinahan R.R. 2' Lucknow , Phone Win'shani 3574987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE . COMPANY. OF CANADA Russel Ross and her parents Mr. and-MrS:TOe—MiTlen, Te-eswater. ,Ross Caslick of University , London and friend visited On Sun= day, with his.grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. EL,1 Caslick. The community welcomes home Mr., and Mrs. John Jamieson, GeOrge , Robert and Dale from a few weeks holiday at Orlando, Florida , where they Visited with Mrs. Jamieson's sister, and her huSband Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. All were enthusiastic with their visit to Disney Land. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Chapman, Mrs. Mary Chapman Sr, ,, •Mr. ,and MrS. Garry Chapman were at Grand Bend Saturday night to cede brate with Mrs. Ross. Smith her birthday and. visit with/Mr. Smith, Bradley and Cathy. 'Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Albert Coultes Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Milian Moore arid Mrs. Rus- sel 'Chapman on Sunday evening :attended the Thankoffering ser- vice of Lucknow U,C..W. The :tic ZION I e - In new businesa it was reported by Allan Turnbull of R. R. 1 Grand Bend that of a' recent de liverythis week of fuel oil 'he was bilied-an-additiona+-2•57eent-s--per 'gallon ..for road tax.. Up to now farmers h .ve not had to pay any road,,, tax on fuel•oil, however , the interpretation of the recent • legislation by Darcy appears that this•will be a future law. If this interpretation is true 0.F.A„ will oppose this movement,. • Field-Secretary Of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Bill Crawford reported Individual Service Membership has increased to 1150 in Huron CounIty. He•also -repot-ted to theADiscctors-th-a-t-th ' office in Clinton is open to mem- bers every Friday or can be con- tacted by telephoning 482-9642 any day Monday thrOugh Friday. The RED, CROSS. is PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McDon-: ald were Sunday dinner guests • with Mr. and M.rs Allan McTav• ish •and family.' Mr. and Mrs'. Harvey Steele and Mr. Robert Steele of Detroit are spending a week's holiday at -the-h-faint Mr. and Mrs. Chester, Camp- bell of I.oncJdn spent the week • end at their home, here. • Miss Shirley Reid of Kitchener and Miss Anne Ferguson of Londr. on were both home to spent the / • week end with their parents. Worshippers entering Pine River hUrch on -Stn greeted with a different sound when Glenn Boyd, Lynn Lowry and, Bob-Courtney-pla-yed a-Musical prelude of saxaphone music ac- companied by 'Mrs. Lynn Lowry 4-Mrs. Ernie_Gibson_On the organ and piano. The theme for the/ whole service was :'Family COvenant Worship". Four boy Roy Ferguson, David Coiling ; Dale Liddle and Cameron COurt- ney carried in the Ark of the Covenant followed by the Explor- er Girls, wh'o presented a skit per-! taming to the Ark. Everyone joined in the singing of "Exodus". A lovely duet was rendered by Shirley Reid and loan Ferguson. Mrs. Bill Coulbeck told the children's story. The Message -111`ha-t--Mea-n-You-Bly--the-Govenant! took the form of panel discussion with Rev. Mr. Hill, Mr. JaH‹ Campbell, Mrs. Bob Courtney and Mrs. John.Fergusan. Follow- ing the service. coffee and Pass-. over biscuits were served in the Sunday School rooms. Usliercrs for this month arc' Lyrin arid Brian Reid; Dennis and Pat Courtney. 111 EAN WHITBY end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Abell of Waterloo University: 1 can tell you why Well over 11 million people inSanada own life insurance. You should' too.. Ask your CIAG representative for helpful suggestions on this and other insurance needs. AUTOMOBILE LIFE HOME PROTECTION FARM FAMILY LIABILITY ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BUSINESS -L. SNOWMOBILE BOAT — CAMPER - TRAILER LUCKNO W