The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-12, Page 6BRAD WILLIAMS IN THE AFTERNOCY CKNX RADIO 920 .11011M111111 11111111111111.111mmim Talking... Look ti's Wingham • On SATURDAY, APRIL 15 at I:30 p.m, Livestock . . . , 4 yr. -old Jersey cow, rebred Angus; 6 yr. :old black white face cow, rebred Hereford; 2 Hereford heifers, bred; 8 Holstein x Hereford' heifers; 4 Holstein steers; 1 Here- ford steer; several nanny goats, 1 billy goat; .3 Shetland ponies, broke to ride or drive; 2 ducks; 1 drake. Machinery . . . Case D high arch tractor; Allis Chalmers B tractor with loader; Minneapolis' B.F. tractor, row crop; 10 ft. Cock.shutt cultivator; 2 furrow International plow; manure spreader; International No. 45 bal- er; 30 ft. bale elevator; Cockshutt 4 bar side rake; '2 wagons with racks; 2 section drag harrows; 7 ft. mower; International thresher 36 x 48 with drive belt; chain saw; scrap iron; cream separator; pony cart;. 'cutter; harness. Real Estate . . Property constists of 100 acres with 65 workable, balance bush and pasture. Barn 30 x 40 with cement floor and wood stabling. House 5 rooms, cupboards; water on pres- sure. Sells subject to a reserve bid. TERMS CASH Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Brian Rintoul, auctioneer 357-2349 AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Livestock, Machinery and Some. Household Effects will be held for RUSSEL GAUNT Lot 29; Con. 2, Kinloss Township 1 block north and 1% blocks west , of Whitechurch ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22 at 12 noon TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, grain, farm implements and house- hold effects will be held for Rod Bogie, north half lot 9, Con. 10,, Colborne Township; 2 miles west• & one mile south of Nile or 6 miles north of Goderich on Saturday, April 22 at 1:30 Terms Cash, Farm Sold. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of livestock, farm implements, hay and grain will be held for William George, Lot 12, Con. 14, Hullett Township, • 3 miles east of Blyth on Huron County Road 25 on Thursday, April 13 at 1:30. Terms Cash, Farm Sold. Allan- Maebityrei-Auctioneer, Luck- now. a ix AUCTION SALE AUCTION 'SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery and some furniture will be held for Mrs. joan Purdon, lot 29, concession 13, East Wawanosh Township, 11/2 miles south of Whitechurch on Tuesday,. ' May .2 at 1:30. Terms Cash — Farm Sold. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of Heavy Equipment, Crawler Loaders, Backhoe and Dump Trucks Several Farm Trucks with hoists Plus several farm tractors and Machinery "'" Will be held for MEL JERMYN at the No. 4 Highway farm 31/2 miles south of Wingham or 1 1/4 miles north of Belgrave \on SATURDAY, APRIL 29 at 12:30 TERMS CASH Mel Jermyn, Proprietor phone 887-9493 Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer IN' MEMORIAM CRANSTO.N -- in memory of Issac Cranston, 'who passed away April 13, 1959. Gone from us but leaving memories, Death can never take away, Membries that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay. Always remembered by his wife, families and, grandchildren. HALDENBY — in loving memory of a dear- wife, mother—and grand- mother Violet Haldenby who pass- ed away 'two years ago, April 16, 1970. A tribute of love and remembrance To our Mother, one of the best The joys that she missed in life's journey Ma she find in God's garden of rest We miss-her because we love her, She was dearer than silver or gold. No treasure On earth can -replace her. Her memory 'will never grow old. True was her heart, her actions so kind, Her life was a pattern to us left behind. A wonderful mother gone to rest. The saying is true "God chooses the best": . Sadly missed and lovingly rem- embered by her husband Geordie and Harold and 'Ethel and their fanillies. • SEED GRAIN — GRASS SEEDS '- SEED .CORN CLEANING AND TREATING TRUCKING' * * * ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PHONE 528-3500 D and .D 'RADIATOR • SERVICE . CLEANING, REPAIRING AND RECORING for all 'types of vehicles and equipment • Adelaide St. S. KINCARDINE' PHONE 396.2658 PAGE SIX WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13th,, 1972 . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1:30 p.m: 700 HEAD Consisting of of Steers, Heifers and Calves FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT THE MANAGEMENT Victor Hargreaves — 482-7511 (Clinton) Doug Riddell — 237-3576 (DashwOod) Jack Riddell — 237-3431 (Dashwood) 'Auctioneers Hector McNeil and Larry Gardiner BARLEY CONTRACTS AUCTION SALE OF Property, Livestock and Machinery will be held for DAVE WHARTON Lot 8, Concession 10, Turnberry Township, 5 mile north east of Kool Knits Knifty Knits Whitechurch Knifty Knit 4-H club' held their 7th meeting on Saturddy foreno'on at the' home Of present. The president Janene Purdon opened the meeting with all repeating the 4-H pledge., . The minutes were read by Janet• Adams. The group were taught to make mitered corners and hand made button holes.° They decided to set up an Exhibit at Achievement Day. The next meeting is in two weeks, April 22 at the hOme of Ruth Elliott, when all are to have :heir Record Books up to date for inspection. Knit-Wits On Thursday, April 6'at 7.0,0. p.m. 'in the Lucknow Public . . SChOol,. the Knit. Wits met for -their eighth meeting. Seven girls answered' the roll call which was tell how you are herriming your garment. re peating Opened ... Ole meeting by repeating the 4--H, Pledge'. Coralyn Henderson read the minutes of the last meeting and then the treasurer gave her • repOrt. • Mrs, Boyle gave out some • [Pamphlets for our retold .We will hold a meeting ..ot in the .I We 1 to go over olr d:es: re- vue . ' Each girl. did -Sarnr.sles 'or i wori,,ed o l'ier ', .- ...ar..".ett for the 'remainder of the time, • . • ',,.e elot.ed the m'ett :',., re- ypeating the 4-'!-'. r...reet.. Named President ,,The first meeting of the Holy- rood Garden Club was held at Mrs. Rhody's on Thursday, April 6, after school. Eight members were present. Mrs. Gerald Rhody is the leader while Mrs: Delbert Hedley is the assistant leader. The following officers were elected: Marilyn Murray, Presid- ent; Roving Secretary; Mary Eidie , Press ;Reporter; Marilyn Rhody Telephone Girl., The leaders outlined the course and we discussed Achievement Day. Each girl must have.seeds for ten different vegetables and four different flowers to. bring to- the next meeting., Each girl was then liven ten minutes to list a• blast vegetables as possible. The next meeting will be held" m either Lite April or early AUCTION SALE Of Beef Cattle, Farm Implemenfs, and Some Household Effects will bey, held for LORNE. WALL South Half Lots 27 - 28, Concession 1, Kinloss Township, 4% miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86 ' ON SATURDAY, APRIL 15 1:30 p.m. Livestock . . . 24 western 2nd calf heifers, pas- ture bred; 2 heifers, springing; Ayrshire cow, rebred; Angus 'cow, rebred; Hereford bull; 6 young calves; 14 steer and heifer calves, 500 lbs. Implements . . . John Deere 420 tractor with pul- ley; International 250 tractor diesel with loader; Ferguson ..2 furrow plough; International disc; Spring tooth harrows; Case 12 run seed drill; 4 sections harrows; John Deere 14T baler, like new; Case side rake; John Deere 7 ft. mower i. M.H. wagon and rack; Allis Chal- mers . 60 P.T.O. combine; Sohn Deere hammer mill and belt; 2 wheel trailer; tractor driven 200 amp, welder; hay fork and rope; grain aerator; cement mixer and motor; snowblower; burdjzzors; dehorners; cattle clippers; lumber and wood; cook stove; heater; kit- chen cabinet; extension table; pool table;.. end tables; numerous small AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of houshold fur- niture and appliances will be held for Mrs. Thos. Carman Anderson, 204 Regent St., Goderich on Wed- nesday, April 26, at 1:30. Full list in next week's paper. Terms Cash. Property sold. Allan MacIntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow. articles. TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD LORNE WALL, Prop. ALLAN 'MacINTYRE,—Auctioneer Box 209, Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3519 a conventional zipper applied in a seam '. She also discussed but- tons and_buttonholes,. Mrs. Young demonstrated hoW to sew cuffs, how to put in elastic and/different herns and hem fin- ishes. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Young's on Saturday , April 29 at 9.1:5. ? AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Feed, Farm Implements and Some Household Effects will be held for ALBERT HERTZLER Lot 19, Concession 11, Kinloss Twp.,' 71 miles north of Ilucknow and 2 miles•east of Kinlougli'on THURSDAY, APRIL 20 at 1:00 p.m. Livestock . . . 2 Holstein cows due sale time; Holstein cow milking; Holstein cow, 4 yr. old, fresh; Holstein year- ling bull; Holstein 3 year old bull; 5 yearling Holstein heifers; 4 Hol stein bull calves. Horses . . . Percheron mare, 7 yr. old, bred to Reg. • Morgan horse; Belgiurh mare 11 yr. old, bred to* Reg. Mor- gan horse; Belgium horse, 1 year old. Hogs. . . Hamp sow bred 8 weeks; 2• York sows, bred 8 weeks; York x Land- race breeder boar; sow rebred; 5 chunks. Implements . . . Leroy power gas unit; Inter- national corn binder; .Gehl ham- mer mill and belt; M. 14 7ft. bind- er; M ,14 seed drill; Double disc, Case 2' furrow drag plough.; John. Deere riding plough; Cockshutt riding plough, cultivator; Inter- national N. 9 horse mower; M.H. 32 horse mower; International 'side rake;-wagon_and rack;.. New Idea all steel hayloader; M.H. cutting box and. pipes; Gehl 16" cutting box and pipes; One horse wagon with staggered spokes; wagon; 2 wheel cart; buggy; wagon wheels; cutter; Briggs and Stratton -gas engine;, buzz saw; horse shoes; sleighs; 400 ft: plastic hose; 3 far- rowing crates; 20 steel-stanchions; Water trough; hog trough; page wire fence; scales; harness and COllarst-several-cedar --fence-and anchor posts; tables; chairs; cup- boards, etc.; numerous small art- icles. Grain. . . 5 ton Garry oats; quantity cob corn; grass seed. No TERMS CASH — FARM RENTED ALBERT HERTZLER, Prop. R.R. 1. Holyrood ' ALLAN MacINTYRE, 'Auctioneer, Box 209, Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3519 The sixth Meeting of the Kair- shea Kbol Knits was held at Brenda Ritchie's on, Sattirday , April 8, at' 9.15. The meeting was opened with the 4-H Pledge. leaderrs.TJ~htr~Gaunwith all The.rninutes for the fourth and fifth meetings were read. The roll call, a dress revue , was, answered by thirteen girls. Mrs. Young discussed :samples .we should have ins our record books. She handed us our "Check Sheet" ; Score youL own Garment', and our programme for Achieve- ment Davy.—She -explained t ese sheets to us.. ' Mrs. Keith demonstrated how -to-put—in an--invisible ripper and Zippy Trine rtes The Zippy Trinettess held their seventh meeting, in the basement of the' Church on April 7 with a full attendance. The meeting was called to order with the Four H pledge and'the roll call. Leone •• STOCKER 'FE DER. SALE HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALES Saturday Afternoon, April' 22nd Cranston read the . minutes of the last meeting. Achievement Day pla-ns-were-diseussed. . Mrs. D. A. Hackett discussed how to judge material and Mrs. Donald Hackett discussed hoW to judge pyjamas. Then we had to try to judge some material, We are'to have a Rehearsal for Achievement Day on Friday, April 21', at Trinity Church Office will be open Monday to Friday Phone 395.2633 --.111•1=1111 1111.11% CHANGE OF OFFICE HOURS CRAWFQRD & MILL Barristers Wingham, Ontario ,announce_effectiv, April 6, 1972 A SOLICITOR `WILL BE AT THE RIPLEY OFFICE THURSDAY AFTERNOONS The' Lucknow Office Open Wednesdays 10 • 12 a.m.