The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 14DUNGANNON NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rivett went by plane last week to Portage La Prairie , where the Forresters' 'Dominion Championship Playoffs in Curling were held. Ivan was one of the two top players from • Ontario to participate. Congrat- ulations! ,And again congratula - dons to Ivan and his daughter , * . Karen, who won several prizes and trophies in curling at Ripley on Saturday when 18 teams: played. Miss Kathy Stothers of London • -was home over Faster. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stothers and family. . Fire destroyed a barn and .24,000 chickens on the farhi of . Harry Burgsma., R. ,R. 6. Goder - ich, Friday afternoon, 'March 31. Loss was estimated at $65 ,000 , partly covered by insurance. —cause of the_fire_was not-immed.- 'lately known. Attendance at the 'United Church was good on Faster Sunday. The service was inspiring with the sermon by Rev. Clarence McClen- ,aghan on "The Sunrise. The - choir of-girls gave-three-splendid anthems. Worship service on April 9 will have a panel taking • part in the service and will dis- cuss.the topic , "Youth and the Church To-day". Menibers of, the panel are to include K. K. Daw- son (noderator),' George GibSon, ncan c ay, v s. erry Hodges and Miss. Linda Henderson. Special music is bein, planned. This is a Sunday School.project. On,Tuesday Mrs. Clarence Mc - Clenaghan , as president of Huron .Presbyterial, attended the London Conference U.C. W. at St. Thom- as. Miss Flora.Durnin, R. R.'# 2, Tottenham called :on friends on Til"esday in this. area. - Mr., and Mrs. Dwight Aidharn, John, Greg and Larissa, spent part of the winter holiday with Mrs. Mary Bere and family. This • week end Mr. and Mrs. John Bere from Sault Ste. Marie also visited his mother and family. Congratu- lations to the newly-wed couple. Steven Alton, Belfast , spent Fri- day with-Jarnie..-Bere-.- Mrs. George Errington and Betty spent the holiday week end with' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morgan, Ker- wood.. The ladies are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petrie', • Goderich, were guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. John Park and fam- ily. Recent visitors with Mrs". Cecil ,• • WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 5th, 1971 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL I.,UCKNOW, ONTARIO SASE :SIXTEEN Takes Part In "Dominion Curing At Manitoba. • An ad hoc committee compris- .ed of three. Board Members name- ly John.R. Taylor (Wingbarn and East Wawanosh)., Alex Corrigan (Howick and Turnberry) and Mrs. Marian Zinn (Ashfield and West WaWanosh) of the Huron county Board. Win meet with Ross MacRae, Leonard. Courtney and George Loucks of Bruce County Board, at .F. E. Madill.Secondary School, on April 5th to re-examine the boundaries.of the former Huron-, Bruce High School Area. *PM Two assistant superintendents were appointed on March 29th to fill the vacancies on August 31st, when F. E. Madill and Harold Knisley retire. Ralph Smith 42, Principal of. Robertson Memorial Public,School, Goderich will work in the K-6 area , while Rob- ert B. Allan 36, Principal of Har- wich Raleigh Public School in Kent County and native-of Huron 'County will be in the Grade 7'9 area and also supervise SiDecial Education.. Don. Kenwell , Super- intendent of Operations will over- see the Secondary Schools in-the County. 1 • The Board's transportation of- ficer has requested a policy so that he:would be able to arbitrate some transportation disputes with- out bringing each one, to the at- Jention of the board. The new policy-reads: Elementar students may be required to walk up to one-4narter mile from gate .to • school hiss and secondar_y_student may be required to walk up, to one-half mile from gate to children, Darrel and' Karen, of Parkhill, visited Easter Sunday with the former's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Fowler. Other week end:guests included Mrs., Fowler's•niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jenken of •• Lisle. Mr. Jenken is an instruct- or at Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrs.. Irvine Eedy and, •, Martha , and Eric Wiggins motor- ed to Toronto to spend' Easter. with Mi. and Mrs. Bob Eedy. Gerr-y-Bere---a-nd-Chtick Young spent 'a few days in Kitchener with ,Wayne Mugford last week. Mr. and'Mrs. Abe Chase of Goderich were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ydung last Sunday.on the occasioh of the 'twin sisters' birthdays (Yvonne and Donna). Others, who visited' there recent- ly, were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh .Glenn, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin visit• ed on Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Steele and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson schoOl bus and then only if after 8 a.m. except where a'turn • around or other travelling condi; tions may be considered unsafe to the school bus in the opinion of an officer of the Department of Transpd.rtation and Communica - tion. It was pointed out that no chan- ges are anticipated immediately because of the policy, nor does it,rnean that the transportation people will not do everything in their power to ensure maximum bus service for as, many students as possible. It might be, of interest to readers that the School Admin- istration' Act of the Province states that a board does not have to pro- vide bus transportation for students and that students under seven may be required to walk up to one mile; students seven to, ten may be required to walk up to two miles; and students over 10 years may be required to walk up to three miles• In many towns and cities stUdents do •walk more than a mile but when they gerto their destination, it is a school. However, a stud- ent in the country ,,walking a dist- ance-is-still only-getting to-a bus, which (1) might be One (2) could 'be stuck in the snow and (3) if stormy' does not come at all. Spending ceilings .irnposed on Boards of Educations thi's year by the-Prorinee-will-ltit-hard-on, the-- Huron County*Board of Education. In a letter to the Minister of Edu- cation,. Thomas Wells; from the Board , States that drastic cuts and elimination of some programs in both the elementary and second- ary schdol will have to , be made tc get underthe ceiling. The pro- grams offered to the children will at .best , be similar to those offer- ed before the introduction of county boards in• 1969. The hum- ber,one priority was the equality of educkional opportunity , will• only be a myth in so far as iiuron County is concerned. The root of the •board's problems 'is that 1972 ceilings are based on actual expenditures per student ,in 1971, and the board: in the past, has followed a conservative 'spending policy. This means other boards who have spent more freely than • Huron,,will have higher ceilings ,. this year. The board letter states that althbugh it doesn't oppose ceilings -in general, that it fails to see the fairness in a grant sys- tem' that allows a', no' growth area a per pupil expenditUre ceiling•ofitalTfor-e -ei ordinary operating expenses (such. as salaries, maintenance , boOks, which includes text-and iibr-ar school office supplies etc.) and allows a neighbo,ur (Bruce County) (vocal and•iristrumental) drama and art are of paramount , import- ance in the development of the whole student. The creative arts in school provides the basis for leisure time activities in later life , teaches the students to be critical and discriminating in their interests, develops a questioning mind and a' sense of confidence , aids in social and emotional growth and helps correct some of the imbalance of aims within the present school system. Marks are given for academic abilities but the persons with creative abilities do not get any recognition. With • creative arts in the schools, it should help •to -repair the. balance , was stated by members of the sub- committee. While there is vocal music taught in all the element-. ary schools of the county and some limited instrumental instruction, none of the secondary schools, has any music instruction either vocal or instrumental, except on an extra-curricular basis. The Music gpri°yegnra crriredii407 has no whic h hat s•tudent' sold in in the same way that the other ceurs ,. es have been sold to the students. Physical Education has been est sst tot ruosd ene Igneltcys t who ug sic might e drtaollnalEolip)r raerftear r:da subject. In the presentation it waF also suggested that a school needs a 'spark-plug' - someonei to ignite the spirit that is there; also persons in cha?ge of hiring should be encouraged to be on the look- out for teachers with qua lifica, tions in the Arts as well as other 4ubjects. Larne Potterer , speaking of his choir from Mitchell told the mem hers of the Board that he teaches 246 students a day in his flIUSiC course and has a waiting list of almost 100 students who would like to join the choir. I it, further added that, choral music is not very expensive - his budget is arOund'$•40. HURON COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD NEWS BY MARIAN ZINN Board Representative; A.shfield and West Wawanosh Blake and Barbara' include Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Zion; Beth • McConnell, Mrs. John Park and her mother ,Mrs -WM: Petrie, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.- Bill Blake_And Becky, Galt; Mr,. and Mrs. P. -A. Ki-lpatriekT-A-g-inedurti- Miss.Beulah Long, Benmiller; Mrs. Heber Eedy and her daughter, Mrs. •'•Ralph Henderson, Goderich. •Mrs. Blake and Barb were guests of•Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Kilpatrick, Wing- , 'ham, for dinner on Good Friday, ' when all members of their family were home. • Mrs. Minnie Jones .spent Good Friday with Miss Annie Baxter , and Mrs. Turton, near Goderich. Jane , Anne , and Catharine Ribey of Seaforth spent part of their holidays last week with their ra ndparents-, M=-.- arnd--Mrs.Win Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Carney of Windsor were home with the • latter's father, Frank Pentland, and brother, Roger, for Easter. s Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fowler and attended .a convention of Mutual a ceiling that is $140 higlier_per -Firefighters Ur er.writers Associa- pupil. The board is allowed to tion (M.F.U.. .) at the King Ed- spend S1,619. per secondary pupil Ward Hotel, Toronto, three days for operating expenses.. The cost last' week. of new buildings and equipment, John Young returned home transportation (to and from school) ,Thursday after completing his debenture charges are not included course 'in Cornputer' Programming in ordiliary operating expenses, and at Herzing Institute in I..,ondont,. therefore are not as adversely ,from which he received his cer-, affected, tificate. His parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Young, went for him and also visited Mr. and Mrs, • Harold MacIlwain in London. Mr. and :Mrs. Ivan Henderson and children, Darlene , Darryl, Briar and Cr -',.eston spent the 'Easter week end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington. The PCys thoroughly enjoyed going to sev- eral hockey games to watch their I cbuSin, David Errington', *in ac- don*. Members of the Board took a 'long - and a longing look - at the presentation on. the Arts. made up of teachers. and ,card Members. last Monday. A doncert was given Py the ccincert and stag bands from Goderich Diirrict Collegiate and a 11f voice choir frorn;Mitchell .High School. • The disCussiOn whichlollowed 'showed 'that the Art subjects.-, music, (brand of carbadox) 03‘ Mecadoic* irnproves FEED' h • IN) EFFICIENCY in swine during periods -ofstreSs-due-to weaning, castration and handling. . Mecadox *—specifically designed -for-inclusio-rrin swirie feeds to be fed only up to 75 lbs. body weight . • I r Null ronirmi It.1 • Y MecadOx prevents and controls VIBRIONIC DYSENTERY (Bloody Scouts) in, swine. Meeadok * improves WEIG HT L GAINS and-- , Come in and .get the full story on Pig Tail Curler with Mecadox" 561 Coaj teal Wee ,11 r I tin Alto on Guy 'Mrs, tndn ni on, st g he Mr. la hi On tee hi e in ills nt, re ans rve aro ON 'Co, to' 1