HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 13EIDkr::AP.RIL 5th, 1972
as well as its neigh -
rsIticknow and Kincardine ,
inized winter sports made up
oart of last week end's act -
, Early Saturday morning
were lined up:in front of the
ley Curling arena where 18
were playing in the bonspiel
the Ferguson trophy. Tea ms
entered from Kincardine ,
swater and Goderich as well
local ones, On Saturday even-.
the streets.of Ripley were
d with parked cars is a record
wd packed the Ripley Diamond
Bee Arena for the All Ontario
.rile "E" hockey, game with
Wood, In fact there were so •
ny cars that .the big silver and
'thus carrying 45 from Oak-.
had tomnload at the rink
come around the • block and
Rupstreet to park. Then
y morning it was back to
hwood with Albert
heye's restaurant serving as
assembly point and' also- she 1 -
till the two buses from Kincar
arrived before 8 a . rri Once
.the sides of the uptown
ets were lined with cars parked
the day.
$ $0 41 •
• ko
d in
• • a • •
Farm sales are-more plentiful
this year compared to a year ago.
In fact right pow Elmer Courtney's
main street store window displays
bill for six different farm sales
with auctioneer's Allan Maclntyre
of Lucknow , Wallace BalLagh of •
Teeswater and Grant MacDonald
of Ripley listed in charge.
under intensive •care, His many
friends in Ripley and. HurOn hope
for his recovery:.
'14.. *
Recently a team of ladies from,
the Ripley-Huron LegionAti.Xiliaty
won the Auxiliary BOWling tOurna-
niont held in Walkerton and Mrs...
William tlen.d.erson, of Ripley had
the high individual score.
Five year Guaranteed
Investment Certificates.
Get yours now!
• s•
1971 PONTIAC Catalina 4 door hardtop, 1/8 automatic,
power equipped
1971 DODGE Charger 2 door hardtop ".
1971 FORD Galaxie 500, 4 door hardtop, V8 automatic, power
brakes and power steering
1970 DODGE Polaro Custom 2 door hardtop, V8 automatic,
power brakes, power steering
1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door hardtop, V8, power equipped
1969 CHEV 4 door, V8 automatic;power brakes, power steering
1969 DODGE Polara 4 door, V8 automatics, power steering,.
power brakes
1969 PONTIAC Laurentian 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic, power
steering,, power brakes ,
1967 FORD Custom 500 V8 automatic, power steering
1967 PONTIAC Grand Parisienne, V8, full power
MIR PHONE 523-4342
pecial,Easter services were
in the.village churches with
sound of the chimes from St.
ews and from Knox pealing
over*the citliet village on Sun-.
743 .15 a ..mr Good-Fri
morning a joint service for
Si. Paul, aria St. Andrews
held in St. Paul's Anglican
rch in Ripley. Tihere was a
attendance with St. Paul'•s
or, Rev. R, Odendahlof Luok7
m charge and .taking the . •
less. He was.assisted by Rev.
neth Rooney of Knox Preihy T
and Rev. George Ball of
Andrews United in the scrip-,
readings and, pra yer.s
Is Week In Ripley
er held a big sale for the estate
of the late Allan. Culbert at lot
30 , concession 2 in Huron Town-
ship. John A. MacDonald is' the
executor in charge. Mr, and
,Mrs. MacDonald live across the
sideroad- from the, late Allan. Cul-
bert and were his nearest neigh-
bours. On the corner intersection
south are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Mason and farther east Mr.'and
Mrs. ,Bill Danforth. The sale
inchided the farm, a full line of
farm machinery and all the house-
hold effects. •
Last Saturday evening Oakwood
came to Ripley one game down,
having lost their home opener to
Ripley.with the score 9 to 5. HPow•
ever -they-left-Saturday night with
the series tied 'taking the game
here by a score'orlO•to 7. Satur-
day evening's.game'in Ripley was
close.• :It was tied at-two each at ,
the end of the first period. In, the
second they were out in front of
Ripley-by-iw,4-goa_li-writh the_p.e.r
iod ending 7 to 5.. And in the fin.'
ai period they scored 3 more to 2 •
for Ripley. • Elliott Courtney got
two - the opening goal and the
final•one, also Bill Kirkpatrick
scored twice in the .second period
with Boyd Carruthers „
Bryan Boyle and Allan Mackay
adding singles. Assists went to
Sandy Pollock, Elliott• Courtney
(2), Bill Kirkpatrick, and Bryan
Boyle., After the game the Oak-
'wood bus load were served lunch ,
before their long trip home. Man-
ager of the Ripley team is Elmer
Courtney , Coach Terry Kummer
of the Ripley Huron•Central
School staff and transportation
manager , Nelson HOdgins.
On Edda). mdrninCLloyd Irwin
of Ripley was taken to Kincardine_
Hospital, following collapSe at his
hone-here-:—At-present Lloyd.` is
Recently visiting at GateWay ..
Haven Home. in Wiarion from'
:Ripley were 'Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Fludder , Pat and•Cathy a
week ago, Mr. and Mrs.. Ab
Wylds* last Wednesday•and on
good Friday .Mrs,. Fran' Wylds
along with Mr: and Mrs. Earl
--Peterson-o-f,Stra-tford. 1-Some--of•
those from the area, who are res-
idents there and ,were visited,
were.,Ns. Jack Bell, Miss A-46-e
Wightman, Siam .Swan , Walter
and lra Needhain , Mel Hutchison
Wes NlacIntosh, Mrs. Elizabeth.
Peterson , Jack SWan, Mrs. Ella '
The:4Ripley Midget Hockey team
cries with ListoWeratl
tied up at one apiece. Earlier •
Listowelaook the opener 7 to 6
then last week Ripley won-the
game in Listowel 5• to. 4
Lealand Hill, Manager
Elgin and Kingston
Goderich 524-7381
$•* $
n Monday afternoOn auction
Grant MacDonald of Huron
Wallace Ballagh of Teeswat -
• fitEr ,ANTI-RABIES .
FREE Anti.:Rabies clinics •conducted by the Can- ada Department of Agriculture, Health of Animals Brandt, in-co-operation with the Bruce Co Mealth
Unit and municipal governments are being held
at the following locations in this area.
APRIL 11th 9:30, a tm. to 12:00 noon
APRIL 12th 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
APRIL 12th — 9:342 a.m.--to--1200-noon
APRIL 12th — 1:30 p.m., to 4:30 p.m.
APRIL 13th .77. 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
On Monday and Tuesday of last
week the Auxiliary ladies held a
cleaning bee at the Ripley. Huron
Legion Hall, They cleaned the
dishes, cupboards, windows and
walls. They also scrubbed and
waxed the floors.. Some 'of those
taking part were Mrs. Bill Dan-
forth, Mrs, Don Paquette , Mis.
Ab Wylds, Mrs. Don Mclay
Mrs. Lloyd Wylds, Mrs. Betty
Buehlow ;Mrs. Nelson Hocigins, •
Mrs. Clarence Pollock, Mrs:
William Henderson and Mrs. Beat-
'rice Collins of Kincardine.
The, ladiescof St. Paul's Anglic-
an Church in Ripley had: the first
use of the newly spring cleaned .
Legion Hall last Tuesday as they
prepared turkey pies for their bake
sale there last Tuesday afternoon.
Some of these ladies involved in
the work were Mrs. Frank Fair,
Mrs. Herb' Farrell , Mrs.. Oraen
Rock, Mrs. Joe Scott, Mrs. Jack
(Betty.) Scott .and Mrs. Walter Cul-
411 •
On Tuesday of last Week. Larry
Nixon, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne' Nixon was able to return
home to Ripley frail] Kincardine
Hospital where he was a patient .
fof•the. past ,few weeks. .
• a a,
Honoured On
25th Anniversary
A large crowd of relatiVeS,
neighbours and .friends'attended
the twenty-fifth wedding anniver-
'sary celebration for 1\1r. and Mrs.
Henryprennen at Saltford hall
.on Saturday' evening , April 1st.
Congratulations Henry and'Bern-
ice ! •
Mr: and Mrs. Morris Dalton
and familyOf Port Elgin visited
on Sunday with Mrs, Dennis'Dal-
ton.. •
* • a a *
Among those noticed home in
this area for the Easter week end
were William Robertson of Toron-
to, Lynn, Courtney arid Miss Gail
Courtney of the University of.
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Pollock of Toronto, also Barry
Pollock of Brantford and Bob Lock.
• •
Bill Steer is back home to Rip-
ley after' a feW weeks in Kincar-
dine,and, District Hospital. Bill .
resides at the Thompson-Nursing
Horne and his many, friends are
glad to. learn about his return.
Needham and Vic Henry.'
• Dennis •Daltoir returned sailing . . .
a few weeks ago.
James Sinnett returned to his .
/boat for another season last week.•
Mrs. Joe yancSch.undcrwent
surgery at the Wingliam Hospital,
on Monday, April 3rd .. Mrs: Vitt;
cent Austin was admitted to the
Goderich hospital on Monday,
April 3rd where she is to' undergo
Su tge We Wish both-the5-c—
ladies. a speedy recover,
The community extends;their
--deepc4 synoithy to M-rs. James
O'Donnell and family ofLueknoW •
on their bereavement of James at
the Wingham Hospital early. Mon-.
day morning.
Ron llogart of Stidbury spent the
Easter Week end with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan and
Mike .
Mr ...and Mrs. Ron Mullin and
family of Guelph spent Easter,
week end with Mr. 'and N'ts.
Vincent Austin and' fa mily.
•Mrs. Joe Copperahld and•daugh-
ter of Detroit were Faster visitors -
with mr and Mrs. Mr-Ite-r-Cla
and Maly. Luanne; Also visiting
at the. Glare libino during the
holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Phil
Ryan and `family of Toronto, •
Mr..and Nli+s, Earl Premien why/)
have resided in Cfixicrich for the
,winter months, !nova back to,
their home, here on Sunday .
1970 DODGE Polaro 4 door sedan, V8 automatic, power steering
—1.97013.LcfMOUTH -Fury -1 1;-• 2 door" hardtop, V8 automatic
1969 PLYMOUTH •Road Runner, VS, standard' transmission
1970 DODGE Monaco 4 door hardtop, air conditioning