HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 8WEDNESDAY, APRIL Sth, 1972
Defeat Smithville in Final Series Three Games: To One
Defeat Moncton Monday
ham, each series played being
the beSt.2 out Of 3. The first
game against Wingham was play-
ed on Sunday, March 26th..Luck-
now edged thetn out 5-4 in their
home arena. The second game
was a -real thriller and was held,
on Tuesday , March '28th in Luck-
now . Wingham had the local
boys down 5-3`at the 14.45 min
'The Lucknowluvenile hockey •
team was pictured following
their' winning of the Ontario
Minor Hockey Association Juven-
ile "D" Championship Saturday
Games During
llockey Season
Lucknow and Goderich Fleas
tied 3-3 in an exhibition game in
Lucknow on April 1st.
Goal scorers for Lucknow were.
John Hopf from Brian Murray,
Donnie Greer from Kent Alton,
Larry MacPhersan from Arthur
Lucknow opened , the scoring in '
Fronvrow , left to right , Doug
Stevenson, Jim Farrish, Peter
Chisholm, Greg Hunter, ian
Montgomery, Wayne Pritchard.
the first. Goderich scored twice
in the second and took a 3-1 lead
early in the third; only to have
_lacknovLcome_back and score
twice to tie the game.
The Fleas played thirty hockey "
games this season and had 19 wins,
3 ties and 8 losses,, They attend-
ed four tournaments. Harold
Greer, Tom Pritchard and Ron
Alton would like to thank the '-
boys for their co-aperation and
also to.-the parents who supplied
cars and helped other ways When
asked, also for the gifts they re-
ceived at the end of the sea son.
Second row , Bob Ritchie, assis-
ta,nt coach, 'Steven Hackett , Rus-
sel Moncrief, Dave Black, Don-
ald Mann, Dale Hunter, Paul
The Lucknow Bantam Hodkey
team: brought_ home the Brussels
Motors trophy to Lucknow on
Monday 'night. They. defeated
Moncton 3-2 in the final game to
become this year's Zone 2 chariy•
ions. The trophy was preSented
after the game to Stuart Mann,.
captain of the Lucknow team.'
Lucknow previously. eliminated.
Ripley in 3 games and followed
up with a 2 ,game win over Wing-,
Lucknow Juvenile hockey team
won the Ori!ario Minor Hockey
Association Juvenile "D" champ-
ionship on Saturday night before a crowd of 64.9 paid attendance, a
record for recent years in Lucknovi
They defeated Smithville 9.2
and won the best•-of-five champ-
ionship series three games to one.
Lucknow won the first two games
and lost the third.
Smitliville was never a serious
threat on Saturday as Lucknow-ha
the game well in hand throughout,
, Lucknow started slowly and led
1-0 at the end of the first period
on'a goal by Allan Andrew from
Doug Stevenson and Graham
Hamilton. • , .
Two quick goals early in the
second period, with Lucknow
shorthanded for both, gave them
a 3-0 lead. Paul Frayne scored,
.from Jim Farrish„and Jim 'Farrish
scored from Graham Ha 11111t011—
Luc know went ahead 4-0 at.ahout
the six, minute mark of the second,
on a goal by 'Graham ilainilton.
Smithville entered the :scoring
sheet on a goal by Terry Schwoob
from Blair 'Burns and 'scored aggil
before the period. warour, 14:1
Merritt from Burns. Lucknow
added a goal in between; Russ
Moncrief froni Jim iMlurrati. The
Period ended , Lucknow ,., , Smith-
yille 2. ,
Lucknow seored four -times in
the third eriod without a'1-p,
from Smithville , Paul Fra ne ,
unassisted; Allan Andrew from
Graham Hamilton-and- 4-Ziss .`s3on----
crief; Jim Murray , unassisted;
Ian Montgomery from iii:; Mum)
and Ken Hamilton. '
Peter Chisholm played the first
two periods in. the" Luc know goal
and Greg Hunter played the-final
Frayne , Graham Hamilton, Allan
Andrew, Ken Hamilton, Jirn
Murray, Keith Kilpatrick; Man-
ager and coach.
Lucknow Bantams Win
Zone 2 Championship
R‘Si IOUR era
UNE min
• • LucknoW 'had a' good record at.
hpme.dtiring the year , losing one
exhibition game and winning
their league home. games.
The JuVeniles have .sevy-al
times been;runner-up for the Ont-•
ario Championship but this is the
first championship tear;. Infor-.
MationprOvided tO-us indicates
that there. was 'an Ontario Bantam
Champ iOnship-tea.i.144f.i and
a Midget ebampipii.in Li: .
Wes Oswald', of Forest ; presid-
ent of the Ontario Minor hockey
Association ,:wras in attendance • .,
and presented the.rumer-up'
trophy to the Smithvilic cppitain
Dave McCallUnt and 't ( mr.;
io.nship trophy to Lucknow Caraiu
PaUl Fra ne. • Pau 1, spo,,F a few
words on .belialf of the
did the manager and ( ca Ch.,
Ke ith Kilpatrick. . •
I IILMLAMIL II. ff. Am or'
Drive in! Let us check your' tires for maximum
stopping power, full traction, even. wear. We'll'
rotate and balance expertly ,for. smoother
Tiding Safety.
SmithVille Are Runners Up
L. Christie trophy, pres.;: ented to the runners-up in Q.M.
Lucknow's lineup
Peter ChiSholrir, dvfc'21,t L , \\/a.ne
'Pritchard' Graham I la'H,i1t.en;
centre , 'Allan A ndrew;
Doug Stevenson, Riise.11:loricri .g;
alternates, Dave black l'atil.
Frayne , Jim Niurra , Jil;;
Donild Mann , Ken ilawilton,
Ian Montgomery , StevLn liacket(i
Kilpatrick is coach .and
and is assisted by Bob Ritchi6,
H.A. Juvenile '','D"
is accepted by Smithy illy team
captain Dave McCillti::;,
ce_sentation was made 111 Wes
Oswald 'of Forest , pri'siLient of the
Ontario Minor. floc kt y Association.
Speeial mention ,was ;:iade by Pr.
osiWteal:I thoef the fact that Smith vl
einvgenf..ahcaivlietiaesn:rana of their own
and play their ganis surround-