HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 7Thu . 6 Frl. Set. THE MIRISCH PRODUCTION COWAN) press "me onaanizarnon" $iar,,n9 BARBARA McNAIR 6ERALDS.O.LOUGHON INV t1 TI COLOR Fri. .& Sat. 2 SHOWS 7.30 & 9.15 SHOW TIME 1.30 3.30 Sun. 9 M..10 r...11 "Tile best comedy X . of the year .%1 I ' kigi the . E best love stogy:' (4K3Nok v.4444 (.0.0R E, OC lUst•, Seturiur Aldine* organ EUE rieuratcoLom• ERROL FLYNN PEAN STOCKIIILL 'PAUL LUKAS ROBERT DOUGLAS imA Af/ Th0.1 3 Fri. 14 SAS RREct-13€111TY strews n •OOLDIE-HALLM. • PI in "7— "/... GODERICH, ONT. 524-7811 tt F'3 sonev POMBR A WALTER MIRISCH PRODUCTION Made For Each Other J • nt n et 72 .The sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore and Mr'. and Mrs.. Henry ttison-served Norman Co/iltes and Mr.and. Mrs, Jim Coultes will be super- visors for the next party: Mr. and Mrs'', Archie Purdon, Kathy.; Lori and Kendra'were, Sunday visitors with her t-iiother .Mrs, Eva Jacklin•of ..LiStoWel. '7 . Mr. and, gilts, Robert. 'roman and and ions Michael and Steverr of Kitchener spent the week end • with her patents *Mr. 'and Mrs. . TornMetcalfe. . Mrs. Percy Gray spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Roy McArthur. • • Mrs. Gprdon Rintoul and Gayle' Were Sunday visitors with the former's mother Mrs.. Robert Per- dar-M) Belgrave.. .Mrs, Bill Rintoul returned.home on Sunday after'a week's visit with Mr.• and Mrs. Harry Gutoski and baby Michelle\ of Windsor, .Whitechurch Women's Institute will be held Tuesday, April '11 • in Whi;techurch Community' Mern- ____orial Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Noels of Huron Park, were Saturday visit- ors with heriarents . and Mrs; Elgin Sleightholm. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Joan, Shirley, Joe and Mrs. Orville, Tiffin were Sunday visitors with Mr, and. Mrs. Torte' McInnes of We are sorry to report that Joey Tiffin has been home from school for three weeks with pneumonia. CARD PARTY Curries Club held their party on Thursday evening, in the v e-Are naa-ssembly- room with 8 tables in play. Those., „ winning prizes were Mrs. Jim Currie, Mrs. John L. Currie; Mrs. Arbuckle, Mrs. Norman •Coultes, Ronald Coultes, Bob Arbuckle Lloyd Montgomery. Howard eL-won_the RIP ABATTOIR Curing and Smoking, curemed Wrapping--Sols4ge — Fast freezing HOGS AND CATTLE ON MONDAYS CATTLE ONLY ON FRIDAYS Have cattle in on Thursday for Friday's kill 41111. 41.1. 41111V. 4.1.1P 4111ri 41.P lel" 461.1. 441IP 41111111...1110. .timp. With Two Big Coalers, WO Are. Able To Hang .Your Beef From 1 To 3 Weeks— Whatever. Your ReqUiremenfs Are For Home Freezers We Sell Choice Home Killed 'Bed, Pork 'and Lamb In MY Quantity At Lowest Marketing Prices P ALL MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FOR YOUR CHAS. HOOISMA, PROP. STORE 395=2961 ABATTOIR 395-2905 isio.w.weesirk 'Auxiliary. Motto - Stud son hostess. Roll call - each member is to write her life history from birth to the present for the History Book. Payment of Fees. Donation' of Candy for Hospital ast if y the eam.. WHITECHURCH MARY . R. NEWBOLD, REG. N. GEORGE A. NEWBOLD, ADMINISTRATOR• Drawer 220 Phone 528-2186 ILUCi<NOW, ONTARIO -Pined-est Manor Nursing,' Home Professional Nursing Care 24 hours daily Dining Room and Tray Service Member: Associated Nursing Homes Inc. Ontario. Associate Member:— Ontario Hospital Association Municipally Licensed icensed-by-Ontario--Department of Health you would divine the f uture, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sanderson Iv.,APRIL 5th, 1972 Topic' - curator. Mrs. Emerson and committee Mrs. R. Ross and Mrs. Bill Evans. Election of officers Mrs. Garnet Farrier.'Contest - Mrs. Robt..Ross. Music•- Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Lunch - Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, Mrs. 'Russel Ross, Mrs. Victor Emerson. Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Ross and Nark of. Kitchener spent the week ...crid-with his parents Mr. and Mrs_ 'Russel Ross and her parents Mr. and Mrs: Joe Millen, 'ileeswater. Mr.. and Mrs. John' Willis of spent the week end with her parents Mr. and- Mri. Bill Caslick of Culross and his mother Mrs. Doris Willis. M r.'and Mrs. George Miller of Hamilton spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,Caslick of Culross and his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller of Wing ham. Mr. an&Mrs.. Jim Taylor.of East Wa,wanosh Were Saturday visit ors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Russel 'Ross' and with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ross and Mark Visiting there. Mrs. Don Dirstein, Richard and Carolyn of.Ajax visited last week with her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Rtissel Gaunt: . Robert Johnston of Weserrn Uni- versity, London, spent the. holiday with his phrentS Mr. and Mrs. - Elgin Johnston of Turnberry Town- Mr: and Mrs. Irwin McClenag- han, Nancy and her friend Lynn Gall of St. ThOmas spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan and his brother Carl McClenaghan and Mrs. McCienaghan. Miss 'Darlene Simpson of Toron- to-±spenvrhe=haliday with her par- ents Mr.and 'Mrs. Hugh Simpson and family. Mr. and Mrs. GordonI SCOtt of were, Monday Visitors with 1,er sister, Mrs. Earl Caslick and Mr. Caslick. ship. ' — Mi . -a-i-rd- Ivir----Eric-Elliotr of -- Ottawa were week end holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt;--Miss-ixah-eurrie , Mr. .and Mrs. Jim. Currie, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Currie and family of Wing THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, klicKNOWi ONTARIO OLIVET Mr. and Mrs. Michael LeBlonde and ViCtor Nanoff of Toronto visit ed at the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, David Rigg and Adon. Mrs. Oscar White spent tb week end at her home and returned to. London on Monday for further treatment. • The community extends symp7 attiSi to the Roulston families in the passing of Mr. W. T. Roulston of Lucknow and formerly of this community. • and Mrs. David Rigg enjoy- ed a few days. holiday visiting 'friends and relatives in Toronto. Joanne Hamilton of Kitchener spent the week end with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton. Mr. and Ronnie Nicholson 'and farriily of Preston visited with Mr.. and Mrs. Gerald Coiling and family on Sunday. Sharon Coiling is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and' Mrs. Paul Hamilion of Hanover visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and Mrs. W.R. Hamilton on Sunday. I~I r. e_M andrnlairn and Karen of Seaforth visited 'with Mr. and Mrs.. Oscar White and May on the week end., ' Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton and werr. and Mrs. David King of Goderich. F.W.I.O. Urges . Health Week Aid 'of London were hOliday visitors with her parents Mr. and .Mrs;' Kenneth Currie and Joan•and 15aTe'ffts IVe."-allt Mrs, Yin'Sa-nder - son of Wroxeter.. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Leader of Mono Road were week end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs..Jim Currie, Home for the week end were Miss Irene de Boer from Stratford; Miss Alma Conn from Gnelph.,-.. _Miss Janette Johnst on. from .London. • Chalmers Presbyterian C.O.C. 'are to hold. their meeting next Sunday.in the Sunday School room during church service.. Mrs. Edith Brown of LondOn . spent the, holiday week end with... -he-r--parent-s--Mr'. and-Mrs. Hill Evans.. / GOOD FRIDAY •SERVICE Good Friday Service was .held on Friday at 11 a. m. in the United -Church enhanced With.baskets_of spring flowers. A choir of sing- ers from the .United Church choir, Chalmers Presbyterian Choir'and Liiigside Presbyterian Choir gave the song message "The Old . Rugged Crqss".with Mrs. Garnet Farrier organist and John Cribb pianist. They also acCompanied for all the Easter hymns. Mr. ' Karl De Ko.eijet Opened the serv- ice and Mr. Victor Wybenga 'read the scripture , led in prayer and gave the announcements: The offering was received by Earl 'Thompson and Garry Chapman. The Faster Message was given ,by Mr's. Karl De Koeijer. Says Farmer Better Fighting Than Moonlighting PAGE SEVEN. • •, Local, 335 of the National Farm- er's Union held their regular March meeting at Brookside School on Thursday , March .23; Guest speaker was Bob King, District 6 Director, near, Rodney. •top is was 'Why the Farmer Isn'tGet- ring More Money'. .lie stated that if the farmer would apply more 'common sense' and 'srand 'up arid fight' for better farm'prices instead .of ,taking 'off the farm' jobs, he'd be better off. • • Bev McNay and Jack Verhulst - were nominated to attend the Huron County DevelopMent mittee meeting in Goderich on Maich 27. •Boblienty, Blyth. discussed the marketing plan presented at ttie Wheat Board meeting in Toronto. Jack Verhulst also attended this meeting and explained the *- posed plan to the local. . Lorne Luther , District-5 Direc, tor , asked for a 'good attendance at .a DiStrict meeting in Mitchell on April 6; when Hubert .Earl, from the N.F..U. National Dairy COmMittee,.will. be the speaker. • ASHFiELD (Too late for last week) Miss Sadie Johnston is home er--t- ee--mont sin eorg- ia. Miss Audrey Ross of Weston spent the week end with 'her par-: ents 1v1r.• and Mrs. Wm. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson were in Toronto for the'Christen- ing,of their granddaughter, Jen- nifer Davies. Mrs, David MacMurchy, who, spent the winter in Florida; is in Waterloo Hospital where she underwent surgery. ' A slow run of sap last Week is reported by 'those .ma iiing maple syrup. The Health League of Canada asks for support of 'the National and 'Provincial units of the Feder,' ated Worrien's Institutes of Ontar- io for the'28th Annual Nati.onal Health Week, This year the Health League ist, deeply concerned with regard to the fact that venereal disease is •being spread so rapidly amongst the young people of the country.. The Health League considers that peOple should be 'educated about venereal disease. The fact that promiscuous love-Making can . result . in tragedy for themselves and their descendants, particular ly if symptornS are not reported right away, , should be stressed to-young:people. according to F. W.I.O. Symptoms of vener- -eal disease should 'be, publicized in the same Way as . symptoms of cancer have been made public knoWledge states the Mrs. 'E. V.. Fulton, President of Federated Women's Institutes' of Canada , announced the resigna- tion of Mrs. Betty Flowers as Na- tional Secretary. THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 357-16r SHOW TIMES Fridays and Saturdays at 7;15 and 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. *************. THURS., FRI., SAT., APRIL 6, 7, 8 nit Organization" V t Kr Mrs. Ruth V. Jamieson, who joined the staff in June ., 1963 as Treasurer , andhas capably car=7 ried on the, work during the ab- sence of the Natioal Secretary, will be in charge of the' Office. • BROWNIE'S :DRIVE-IN THEATRE': • CLINTON ONTARIO DUE TO ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITIONS OPENING POSTPONED UNTIL .. Friday, April 14 Watch. Next Week's ". Paper For Details ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Colour - Starring Sidney Poifier and Barbara McNair Sidney Pottier hits harder than ever as a rebel cop. ****-*-k***-**** SPECIAL° SAT. MATINEE APRIL 8 "Kim" All Seats 50c •