HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-04-05, Page 4WE 'WEDNESDAY,: APRIL5tho, PAWN rOuot. THE .LUCKNOW BALED HAY' AND STRAW for 0. sale, good quality. Call 395-231 after 7 p.m. , AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswatei- . 'Licensed Auctioneers Sales of:all types • Phone Ripley 395-5353 • Teeswater 392-6170 • • TIME NOW - to inject for the, prevention of Blackleg and Mal- ' ignant Edema in cattle. Available . in •50 c.c. or 250 c.c. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharmacy. THE TEESWATER NEWS - is available at The • Lucknow Sentinel, 1.0e per copy. If 'you are interested in the news of Teeswater and Dis- - trict, pick .up a copy. --- FOR SALE boy's suit, size 16; girl's-all-weather-eo-a t--size 8=-10: Phone 395-5314. . • - BARN EQUIPMENT complete line of Acorn Equipment and Clay Equipment for pushbutton farM- ing; Weststeel-Rosco Granaries Chore - Boy Milking Parlours; Lowry 'Barn Supply, Amberley, • phone 395-5286. PLAYING CARDS Plastic coated single decks from $1.19 up as well as double decks and euchre decks (euchre cards only)-Drop- inat_The_Lucknow_ Sentinel. FOR SALE - wheel, rim and tire lors1970___GMC__pirkupAruck. Alex McIntosh, Lucknow, phone 528- 3105. - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - is for 'sale at'Mel Stanley's Sunoco, Umbaeh's Pharmacy, K and B. Discount. and Johnston's Stipertest . in Lucknow. , HIGHEST PREVAILING PRICES paid for, dead and disabled cows and horses.. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. Graf Stock Removal. FOR SALE -.lots' on Ross, Street, Lucknow, 1 1/2 blocks from'main street. ,,Apply Oliver Glenn, .528- ' 3723. . • FOR SALE 'FOR SALE *- a large quantity of red eloVer seed, Sinall amount' of Climax timothy -seed. Fred Craw- ford, Olt: 3 Goderich, phone 529- 7134. PICTURE FRAMING. - our spec- ialty, wood and metal. Snyder Photo Studio, Wingham. James Snyder, proprietor, phone 357-1851. .m.r....1101110•••••• ' FOR SALE - Beatty automatic feed • and manure handling equip- ment, stabling and pressure sys- tems. Contact Beatty Farm Ser- vice Centre, Clinton 4824561. FOR SALE SORE UDDERS -- apply Nixon Udder Rub. Soothing, antiseptic ointment for sore, inflamed or chapped udders and teats. Elmer Umbach Discount Pharmacy, Lock- now. BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Contact Lloyd Johnston, R.R. 3 Holyrood,' phone 395-5390. ROY'S ALUMINUM SALES' AND SERVICE, win- dows, doors. For free estimate call Roy Emberlin, • your local dealer. STABLE CLEANING, sand and FOR SALE - 50 ton Herta barley; gravel. Phone Symes Brothers, 50 ton mixed grain. Frank van Lucknow, 528-5203.or 528-2608, Diepenbeek, R.R.. 7 Lucknow, phone 395-7477. FOR SALE - quantity of Herta and Brock barley, suitable for seed. Don Alton, phone 529-7356. FOR SALE - Just 'arrived. A ship- ment of saddles. Take 'advantage of special pre,season prices. Every- thing for the horse, even the horse, 28-to -pick-from: CUNNINGHAM'S- IACK HOUSE, 20 Brown Street, Walkerton. '881-1153, phone and we will be home. I I / SILO •AND ROOF EXTENSIONS Anyone-- wishing, to- have- exten sions on their silos or roofs, please call 'or write. This can be done now. George Wraith, Box 95, God- erich. Phones Residence 524-7002 or Shop 524-6511. FOR SALE approximately 2000 bales of mixed hay. Contact John „,-MowbrayrelilL.Ripley_.39 rx5, LIMITED SUPPLY of Atrazine available $2.00 a ,pound. First come, first served. Vincent Austin, 37:1 R 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7240. FOR. SALE -- used 21" Phileo table model T.V., reconditioned with-new picture tube. Gree and Electric, •phone 528-3112.. LOT AlaOR SALE --- in Village of Luckilow, .lot. No. 309 on Statiffer St. Contact Elden Lowry, R.R. 1,' phone 295-5016. SHORTEN YOUR 'cleaning hours with an ELECTRO-HYGIENE UP- RIGHT CLEANER; attachments available made especially for all types of rugs, can also be ad- justed for smooth floors. Canmster and cylinder type, hand vacuums also available. We carry supplies for Electre-Hygiene and Electro- lux cleaners. If interested in alree demonstration, please contact: Gordon Maize, Lucknow, phone 528-2423. PA FER-114-0-7--- Floor Sanding and Spray Paint- ing, Fred Emberlin, Phone Luck- now. / SILVER LAKE GENERAL STORE KINLOSS, .ONTARIO 1/2 gallon ice cream - '85c With $5.00 purchase' - 75c RESTAURANT NOW OPEN • Reduced prices on rubber boots New Life Feed. Dealer THIRD PRINTING NOW AVAILABLE Norman ,'Robertson's History of Bruce-Bountyr-first-publishethirr 1906, second printing 'in. 1960. PRICE' '$7.00 Add $1 for shipping and handling We also have available the sequel of this book, The History of The County of Bruce 1967 1968 written by Norman McLeod - same price. THE -LUCKNOW SENTINEL TABLE PAPER Table Paper -is now _available in checked patterns of yellow, green or red 36" wide by 100' length, priced $3.50 a roll. Also available as before in, white at $2.25 a roll. 'The Lucknow -Sentinel. FARM TAXATION- FOR SALE COMP ,,EVENTS SUPER CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday, 8:45 p.M. Pot of Gold - game winner take all. 14 reg; filar games, $10 each. 2 Share the- Wealth games. A $30 Special'. Jack- pot Games for $115.00 on 59 calls or $25 consolation prize. PANEL DISCUSSION A Panel Discussion wil take place in Dungannon United Church on Sunday, April 11th at 11 a.m. K. K. Dawson, moderator with panel members Duncan MacKay, George Gibson, Mrs. Terry Hodge and • Miss Linda Henderson. The subject "Youth and the Church cater to the producer who has -a.Today". A- special-invitation_is - special market for his eggs. Pul- lets are available for, all of May. Phone 519-527-1106, R.R. 4, Sea- forth, Ontario. . NOTICE 411111•1111 HILRAY FARMS LTD.. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best' in Home Grown, Dry Fed, Drug Free Beef. Try, our Fresh Home Made Sausage.. Custom kil- ling by appointment. Phone 528-2132 NOTICE HOG PRODUCERS. A contest for the highest average ,index in 1972 production. $350.00 in' prize money. Two categories: 50 - 200; „and over 200. To enter simply send your name and address to Bruce County. Pork Producers, Box 59, Elmwood, Ontario. Deadline 'for entries June- 1st. ° NEARLY NEW STORE The Nearly New Store, Wingham will open on Wednesday; April 12th from 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. in the Curling, Rink on. Josephine Street and every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons until further notice. AGRICULTURAL MEETING FOR REN T iety will hold their next regular The Lucknow Agricultural Soc- m-etting on Thursday, April--13th---at 8:30 p.m. in , the Lucknow Town Hall. • FOR SALE - lot at corner ' of Canning and Place Sts. Apply Al- bert Gammie, phone 528-3104. FOR SALE -• mixed grain, barley and corn. Contact Donald Curran 529-7459 or Jack Curran 529-7559. FOR SALE R. J. Andrews & Son READY-TO-LAY PULLETS. K. 137 Kimber Leghorn Pullets- have Early egg size, hard shells, they hold together, Fry, Poach, and Boil to absolute perfection. Dub- bed, Debeaked, Dewormed. Pro- perly Vaccinated for Newcastle, Bronchitis and Marek's disease. We tended to 011 young people. NOTICE FIELD CROP COMPETITION The Lucknow --AWicTilturar-S-oc- iety and the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food are- joint- ly sponsoring five field 'crep com- petitions in this area: This year we are promoting grain corn, en- silage corn, barley, hay and mix- ed grain. For further particulars or anyone wishing to enter one or more• of these competitions please, notify the secretary, Mrs. -Ross Er- rington, 528-6693. . . . . • . . . • ' SPRING DANCE Reserve Friday, May 12th for the Spring Dance at Brookside School sponsored by the. Lucknow •Agricul- Antal Society. Music supplied by Ae. Lionel Thornton orchestra. Dancing 9:30 to 1. Tickets avail- able from the directors, secretary or at the Sentinel office. $4.00 a couple or $5.00 at the door. U.C.W. THANKOFFERING The Lucknow United' Church Springy Thankoffering on Sunday, ' April 9th 'at 7:30 'p.m. in the Church Aud- 4torium-Guest-Speaker-will be-Dr. Helen Abell of Waterloo University. Her theme will be "What makes a family." Everyone welcome. BLYTH BINGO Come to Blyth Lions Club Bii:go, every Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. in Blyth' Memorial' Hall. Admission $1.00 12 regular games of $10 each; .2 "share - the - wealth games; $25 special; door prize.. $125.00 jackpot on 60 calls or under; if not taken $10 added each week., -•• STOCKER SALE Consignment Stocker Sale, Mon.: day, May 1st at 1 p.m. Accomo- dation for '400 head Lucknow Com- munity Sale. Phone Ripley 395-5230 or I acknoiaL.52&9912 FEDERATION MEETING The monthly meeting of the Ash- field Federation of Agriculture will be held Tuesday, April 11th, at 8:30 p.m. at Brookside Public School. Guest speaker will be Bill Crawford, Secretary Fieldman for the Huron. County Federation of Agriculture. FOR RENT - heated apartment available. Apply Albert Gaminie, phone 528-3104. ' FOR RENT - 300 acres plowed crop land and 100 acres hay 'in Bruce and Kincardine Townships. John Loney 368-7144, R.R. 1 Tiver- ton. FOR RENT - 35 acres for •grain. Jack Farrish, phone 529-7361. FOR RENT - house, Havelock St. north; roomy; lately remcdelled; immediate possession. Phone 529- 7350. PATZ FARM 'AUTOMATION STABLE-CLEANERS SILO UNLOADERS CATTLE FEEDERS Andrew Berg R.R. 4 CLINTON, PHONE 482.7282 onolowoommolioompommiiroomionnoolleomio CARD. PARTY A Card Party will be held in St Augustine. Parish Hall, sponsor- ed by St. Augustine' C.W.L. on Friday,. ' April 7th at 8:30 p.m. prizes and lunch. LEGION DANCE Lucia:1w Legion are sponsoring a dance in the hall-, Saturday; April 15th. Music by "The Twylites." AdmisSion $1.00 per person. Per- sons 18 and 'over welcome, EUCHRE. PARTY Dungannon L.O.L. will hold a Euchre Party .on • Thursday, April- 6th at the Orange Hall. Everyone welcome. VARIETY CONCERT Lucknow Agrieultural Society will hold a Variety Coneert on Fri- day, April 21st at 8 .p.m. in' the I,!acknow• Central Public School, featuring a one act play 'by Tees- water Junior Farmers. TELEPHONE 5764096 SERVICE A reliable service with several clients in this area. from Ripley. Good terms. Phone BOX 442, WATERLOO ONTARIO 395-5156. FOR SALE farm with 1471/2 workable 'acres, 9 room brick house, 5 bedrOoms, 3 pc. bath, hard and soft water, good drilled well, built-in cupboards, new roof on houSe. Large L shaped'barn and lean. Good clay loam, 2 miles . COMING. EVENT amemem, WINGHAM BINGO Wingham Legion Bingo at Legion Hall, Wingham,• Wed , day, April 12th at 8:30 pan. regular . games, $10 prize e game; 2 share-the-Wealth gam $50 special must go; Jackpot ga $820 on 6 calls with a $35 co ation. Admission $1.00. , Extra special cards 3 for 50c or 7 $1.00. WANTED WORK WANTED - tile cello paneling, i emodeling, all carpe er work, pit silos, concrete w and-floors,Reasonable-rates.-11 Schneller, -Kinlough, 'phone Ri I 395-2221. A Ipi BLACKSMITH'S ANVIL Wanted by John Wray, R.R. Wingham, phone 35772609 after p.m. Also interested In-other bla smith tools such -as forge and 1 vise. HELP WANTED' - part time keeper, state, wages required. ply BOX G. % The :Lucknow Se law]. • --W- ou June 30th in' 20 mile radius Wingham, 3 bedroom, reasona condition, good_water__supplyi-sin acreage preferably , on strea Can put. $2500 down: Send part ulars and location to. Box S Lucknow Sentinel. HOMEMAKERS WANTED . Homemakers urgently want for Huron County Home Care P gram; .‘ For further informal phone 527-0440 or write" Box Seaforth. WANTED --. school buS drhle Apply RuSsell Chapman, 'Whi church, phone 357-3899. WANTED TO RENT.-,2 or ,3 roo apartmeat_ young couple, bo working. Phone 528-2345. F till,EWANTED LIU OPPORTUNITY Expediter Personnel Internatio 1420 - IA Street N.W. Calgary, Alberta t2M 2V3 Bus.: 276-7552 '- Res. 276-7405 Mrs. Virginia Pangburn, Mgr. COUPLE - childless, tempera •-igno-c-hanieter references, MLR_ bred cattle operation, in the f hills of Alberta. Wife cook, holt keeper - "guest house",husba "hired--hand, work • underfarm-ma ager. Top wages. COOK - HOUSEKEEPER m house,, same ranch, 3 adults, eve convenience, excellent work conditions. Top wages... 'COUPLE - could have two more children, for ranch, foothil south-west of Calgary, cothfortab home, all conveniences, must ha Own transportation. Holiday wi ORDER COOKS - $400 - $750 a weekends free. 1' pwalies Manodst bonus. CHEFS, COOKS :and SHO up. SANDPLASTIN DEMOLITION ' WORK SPRAY PAINTING 'ARNOLD STOTHERS 'PHONE S29-11103° FoitEsiimAtes thi ingh 'Drs IA We so ii k til •tb ply • SIC Opt CI •