HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 16RIPLEY- SCHOOL HI 1 NTS PAWN. SIXTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .1,L4.K.NO.W.i. ONTARIO.. . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1972 RIPLORAMA CONTINV.4),: FROM PAGE. 13 John Peet,. Richard RoOney, Mark Smith, Roy -ThOrneycroft, TOM, 1004, John Huston and Brian Dew ar, • 'At the font of the north wall. . . 'ngXt to. the stage was the table and•-Wall diSplay of articles with. designs' in liquid embroidery. The lady instructing this course was Mrs. Patricia Gamble of Teesw.at- er, In her display were quilts, velvet paintings, pillow cases,. Wall hangings,. serviettes , table cloths , 'calendars , luncheon cloths and bath room sets. In this course' were Xan Eonnett Mrs..- Don- Pererbaugh, Debbie Peterbaugn,•' • Ruby Bo.nnett ,. Shirley -BleeveS Elizabeth Bonnett , Mrs. 'Bell Mole Mrs. Russell.Phillips, Mrs. John 7:'erguson, Nancy McInneS, Dorothy Eckensweiler , Marion • . Ruttan, Mrs. Robert ,Bonnett, Mrs.' Marion Johnson and Jean Schurn- • acher. Across the back of the hall was, a line of chairs and settees which 'were-upholseted7by_rnembers_of— the .class instructed in, upholstering by Mr. Roy Ball. . of Kincardine. • There were at • least 17 pieces on display Mr. ° and Mrs. GeOrge MacDonald. of • Ripley with seven, Mrs. Evelyn Henderson with fiVe,MerVyn . Hooey with two', Helen Irwin 3, Mrs'. L Gilmore. g and Miss Joan McIntyre. with.one. . • RipleS7has the distinction of being the one school where the nighfenrolment exceeds that, of . . • ...Situation has always prevailed. Even back in the days when a • 'committee-'was-im charge-d-the night'School - the nearest they ' . came tc being equal was the year. the day- enrolment:reached,' 135. This shows the keen.,19.Cal• . interest in education and that peOple keep on learning after • their regular school days are long'd past. With help caretaker Murdock.. MacDonald 'got the chairs artang- . ed on the floor of the•auditorin.rn and Mrs. Rita Irwin had the cof=• fee maker going. Mr ;.,..Doug • • . CoUltes*.ofthe'staffattended the, • controls :of the public address • syStem.:. Principal Williarn.Turvill of • went ,on stage at 8.,30. to welcome• all who were present ,to view: the displays and extended his thanks. • to the instructors. and members of', the courses. He' remained at the. mike announcing the courses and the . names of those receiving certificatei- while the instructors,. handed out these certificates to Course. Each one came forward as they were.. named by :Mr.., Tutv- - ill.. Mr.' Rqy F,allys upholstering • dais led the way. followed by Mrs.: Margaret Blue and her need- . lecraft class-,44r-s, Patr-icia--Ga ble with those in the liquid em -• . • hroidery course and so doWn the list. .Mrs, Katherine. Collins .presented the ,certificate in typ- in g g for her sister-in-Law, Mrs.; kuthe. Patterson who'is'a ,patient. in Kincardine hospital. 'Credit jot designing this year's diplomas. goes' to Miss•:Gayle Huston - student at the .Ripley : District • High School. and for the 'typing oh them to the school secretar Pat - Mrs. Hugh Mason. Mrs. Francis,.L'L:rer.r.rhell took the .• and it her usual capable • and. gracious mariner. acted as' master ofceremonies f the FaiMon'show. In this. sbo-v.. bets of Margaret's cis kr:•.sev,•=•.. ing modelled their work on the ..stage - articles such as tressel... ..separates, pant dresser ,..SOv's I suits!, spits, sports; "wear and knit- ted wear. Modelling white and candy pink hot pant suit was little MisS Deanna McIntyre, daughter of Mrs. Bonnie McIntyre to start the show. She was followed by a number of other young folk. - Paul and Debbie Gamble, Rosemary and Tommy Gilmore, Mrs. Betty !/ Paquette and. Angela , Mrs. Barb- ara Gamble , Mrs. Reta Gilmore, Mrs. Alice Drzazga and• Anne , Mrs. Nancy MacIrines and'Anne, Mrs. Harriett looney.' and Lois, Arlene Tranter , Carcil and Dianne MacKay, Margie Collins, Mrs, Claire Shiells„ Patti. MacDonald:, Mrs. Irene van der Veen, Mrs.. van der Veen Sr. , Anne, June and Mary Farrell, members of the sewing class were Mrs. Allan Gamble, Mrs. Kenneth Rooney, Miss Patti MacDonald , Mrs. Reta Gilmore, Mrs. Stewart Shiells, Dianne MacKay, Carol Mat Kay Mrs. Irene van der Veen, Mrs. Anne McInnes of Holyrood , Mrs. Alice Drzazga, Mrs. Betty Paqu- ette_;__Mis—Allan_Fatrell and Debbie Tranter. The drapes of the stage were decorated with large colorful flowers made by the art teacher, Miss Margaret Machan. Pianist for the fashion show was Miss Margaret MacKay. Mrs. Margaret -Gemme-11--wore-k--- red rose corsage'which was presented to her by her clasz. At the conclusion Mr. Turvill invited everyone 'to visit Mrs. Rita Irwin's table for coffee ,and cook- ies. Everyone seemed real pleas-7 "ed-With-the-shccesi-Of-the-even ug.= OPEN HOUSE By Paili;,/na , Carol, Helen, There- sa, Patti, Mary Margaret , Gail, and Darlene. / Last Monday, March 6 our school held its annual "Open House". The, next morning all classes enjoyed a tour of the rooms and viewed the displays. We enjoyed trying on the ear- pbodes and listening to the tape ' recorder in Grade One. Of part- icular interest were the Grade Two stories •HAbout Me." We decided that "Get Smart" must be the most popular television program. In Grade Three there was .a map of our county, Bruce , and the book- lets on Space were interesting. The Desert Sane in Grade Four was most attractive. The Kinder- garten display is always colourful and we wanted to look at every- thing in all the Junior Rooms. In our Grade Five roorrrw tried to describe the highlights of Capt. James Cook's Noyages. Our erupting volcano .and Hawai- ian dolls were fun to get ready. We noticed the flowers in ' „Grad really _looked like Spring; The crystals, magic rocks and other projects looked difficult to us in Grade Seven. The book - lets on Favourite Hobbies, the (salt and flour) relief maps and the other work done by, the Senior Grades looked quite interesting. • - REACH. FOR THE TOP By Heather Boyle On. Monday night after Open House, the _Oracle Eight's challeng- ed the Grade Seven's to a game of "Reach for the Top" such as occurs on CKNX on Saturday even- ings. There were two periods of questions and then short-snappers. Representing the Grade Eight's were Karen Janisse, Ian Farrell, Johnny Elliott and Ken MacKay. On the challenging team were- Mark Stanley, Donald Bissonnette , Connie Irwin and Jeff Rouse.,Pur judge was Mr'. Burnett , a teacher from Ripley District High School. Our questioner was Mr. Kummer , the Grade Six teacher at our school. The game came to a close after the given time periods. Grade Seven came up on top with a scOre of 550 and the Grade Eight's accumulated 360 points. B tter luck next time A CLOSE GAME , By Cheryl McGarvey On March 7, 197.1 the' C3rade Five's of Ripley.School Played floor hockey against Pine River Central School. ECIL Ripley _the_ scorers were,Jamie Liddle - two goals, konnie Elliott - three goals, Brian Reid - one, goal, and Brian Huston - one goal. For Pine River the scorers were Robbie Lowry - two.goals, Johnny Draz- azga - two goals, Christine• LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs ! Frank Maceen- nan were. recent visitors" With Mr. .and, Mrs: Don Ainsley and family in Toronto. 'mr. and Mrs. Ain-Ian Fowler and family . moved from the Brad ley faun 911 the week end to the Chatham area ,wereh they Will be Working on the Kerr Farms, ' Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradley were in, Torohto for a da) last week, recent visitors with, Mr. and Mrs, Olivvi:esirtiMngcCmlira.rlaesn.d mis and family of Brantford were Mr. and Mrs. Don McS,Tharles (.:ordon Finlayson were Rod Finla son'and DaVid Hall of Petrolia. There were several from the area who attended the' Feder a.: tion of Agriculture Card Party an on Friday March 17th at Brookside school, • Miss Donna Wylds , nurse-in- training in London, dauOter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Domreto.rs-a-c-anot Mr s.: WyIds, has been under the s. Graham arid fatn• ily of Deep River spent a few days at the Mathewman honl(: during the holidays. Jim Ainsley of Toronto is, spending a' few of the holida.)s, With•his ,grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacLennan. s-ohool .-s-Playecka---great,...ft_----- ney - two goals and. Robert Janis- - one goal. •With six ,:.inutes of overtime• the score ,e lid ed 'nine seven for Pine.River. Both ' fro Ole Ali Rip me Wi Ry Di sot at Bo Me by Pa.] -sta Gri hay de, Cu] Co lat Tric Co bo do ati 'Mr Gn wo ev of dir at1 all th, Co Pe for wa. Mc gro lug the fes ley De the Bo inl ide ref of inf thE Pr( liv we hi int sic hi] Mi ca inl art Ar Ah lal att in In( -da THE NEW LINE OF GOLDEN ARROW SPRAYERS Talk With Respre_sentatives • , a. MONTGOMERYmoToRs Tractor Division - Likknow MARCH .28th AT .8 P.M. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM STAUFFER CHEMICALS 'Will Be On Hand To Discuss Your Chemical Applications For Your Crop Yeas .11••••-•-•