The Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 14, . PAGE FOURTEEN "Bud" Hamilton AGENT FOR Bp. OIL LTD GASOLINE — DIESEL — HEATING FUEL AND • OTHER FARM PRODUCTS 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE— PARTS INSURANCE ' TRUCKS -RADIO EQUIPPED FOR SERVICE WHOLESALE — RETAIL *. : DIAL 528.3006 QR .S2g-3616 . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ockNow; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY MARCH 2nd,' 1 97 . ▪ * .0' PreQiclent John Gamble of the Huron township Federation of Agriculture would like to remind the people of the area that the federation is going ahead with a meeting to which the public is invited to gain information on such new things as farm evalua-: tion and estate taxes. The meet- ing is to be held in the Ripley Huron Central School. Men with knowledge in this field, such as Alan Mill of Wingharti.arid Jim Powers , will be hete on April 3. • 4' • • •• -Miss Myrtle Emmerton is stay- ing with her sister Mrs. Blanche Robertson in Guelph. • • • * • Another tragedy occurred atithe corner of the intersection of con- cession , Huron Township with Hi `,! way 21, Shortly before noon last Saturday. It claimed the life of a 60 year old Sarnia lady Mrs. James Fraser , who was pronounced dead at the scene by Bruce Coron- er Dr, McKim of Lucknow. Mr. James Fraser is a :patient in a Sarnia hospital suffering leg frac- ures--a-ncl-other infurfes. • Their Mr. and Mrs. Courtney and family live right at the south west corner of the crossing, Their home was a busy place as'phone calls• were placed to secure help. .The Kincardine and .District bulance , the O.P.P. Cruisers, and wreckers were summoned. Since there was great danger of , an explosion from fuel- spilled on the highway , Ripley 'Fire Department were called. •, In the truck were the' driver 21 year old Jack Aitchison ,,his wife Annabelle , and his sister Verna.' After:Jack got Out of the truck he helped Annabelle and Verna out of.the window of the truck laying on its side and then went to the "Par to render aid. All were taken to Kincardine and • District Hospital then'Mr. Fraser was transferred 'back to Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. AitchisOn and Miss Verna Aitchison were treated for shock, cuts and bruises then releas- ed. The_wreoker from the Geiz About 5 p.m. on Friday after, noon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pol- lock were back Ripley from a. two week motor vacation tour in Florida. ESpe.cialirglad•to wel- come their return was their daugh- ter Connie and son Keith'. One of the oranges which 'they broucht baek measured 16 inches in cir- cumference - the size of a grape— fruit. They report an enjoyable time: * * * Of local interest in Saturday's hockey games were the following- Doug tiddle• and John D. Mac- Kay's team of poys took part in . the Murray Grant Memorial Tourn- ament in Paisley. They extended a good Paisley team 6 to 5 for . Ripley. paisley , later in the fin- als 'for the trophy, Most to Port Elgin 2 to 1 so the Ripley 'boys did real well; • . The-n-Paul -Henderson of-the----- Lea fs 'scored two goals for'Toron - tO to equal the two goals scored by Bobby and Dennis Hull. Fur7 ther it was announced that"Dick Berirand's Cornell team. were playing Boston from the American University Championship in Sat- urday's tournament. * * * *, * One can easily see that spring * * 9 10 • This week is the time of the winter vacation which somehow has 'replaced the old fashioned Easter holidays. -Now it is "fly away" time for a winter break. Last Friday the following p-eoplellew-ourpf-Toronto-aii- port for Paris, France then to London, England and other centres --Mrs.' MarRin Emerson, and Mrs. Marjorie Thompson of Purple Grove, Bill BisSonnette of Ripley , Sandra McNay , Dianne and Sandra Kempton of Amberley, Mrs. Rose Robb of Ashfield,.Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henderson and daughter of tucknow, On another trip to Rome , Italy is Jim Scott, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott 'of Ripley-. * 0 * * , * • Speaking of air, flights Mrs. ,Eud: ora Owens .of.1130 - 2nd Avenue. . • WeSt in Owen Sound . 'was the'lucky winner .of a round, trip for two , people to Los Angeles 'for' one week and. three, hundred dollars ex pense money. 'This was the 4th . annUal. Happy Holiday, Contest sponsored by the Owen Sound Chainberof.Cemmerce. Draw- ing the lucky ticketwas president. Kris Morris, assisted by business- men Jim VamPlew and -Abe :r Comets=o btu irr==T ticket at Wray's Lady Wear Store in Owen Sound, .On this trip with Mrs. Owens is her sister Mrs.., ,Alma . GillieS , concession IQ , Hur- on Township , block north of, Ripley. Donald Dillies drove his wife Alma. and Mrs. Owens to Toronto on Saturday afternoon and they flew out of Toronto airport at 9 SUnday.while Donald motored back home. In Los :Angeles a:ex:the two sisters will be met by Mrs,'ean Ilrvans , • '• daughter of the fate Hattie Hend- erson -.'then they will visit their aunt Mrs, Harry Johnston and dauz.hter Dorothy - Mrs. Andrew Mizu-elez , also with Mrs. Roy Lane. Mrs. Eudora Owens and'. ?,t-s. Donald Dillies ate sisters of . ,H.enderson of Ripley and kno‘,..r, Toronto Maple Leaf . hocke Tia..er'PaLl'Henderson is. their nephe;,,.. * * • latic'nstc Census of Merchandis.tnig and Service Businesses,1971 ...., .... .t............• •:•:.•••o.•••;::•\'' .›..\ 0. .,.• •••• •!.... • ..••• •••.;.` ••:•:•••.;. \,..S•.• .' t:. . .., '..,..:,•.•".,,,,.. 1 13i•gt:i*VP.:••it «t fec.r.cbV900.0•, •'i\,..,. N,'•• • '•': \'.. \`‘!•N:t• ''•:.:':: ''•:•:lit••• . •• 'z:tZ. v.:;.. lox* ,•••,.....* *.410 ..,'v.o to.zek<sho. •*m.ikiit0''''' .: ••••••.....• ; ..,'., .....s.f., ••••:« •sU • . • .sp.ox Give your 1971 ..census, data will show you how your performance compares with others Of similar size, nationally, provincially, or irryour own county or census district. Sales, pay'rolls and number of employees are among the Vari- ables you can measure. / • Your—individual- in formationwill-con_ to be held in strictest confidence, as required by law. We won't publish figures in cases where there are fe,wer than: three 'firms in a given category, so no one will be able 'to identify-your-specifrc-resul The Merchandising and Service Division of Statistics Canada is taking* this census to produce accurate, up-to-date' information to help in yotir business planning. To -do this, it,needs your up-to-date results. The breadth and thoroughness of the census is what makes it so important to so many people in business and gOvernm.en alike. ALI Statistics Statistique ' 111-11'r Canada. • Canada - This Week In Ripley • A By AB WyLDS Last. Thursday evening was the first time gut for Mrs. Kelvin. Henderson in a. couple of weeks. Recently Evelyn suffered an ankle fracture in a fall at her home in Ripley and Dr. J. B. Tindall had it •set and placed in a cast at Kin- cardine Hospital where she is on the .nursing staff. On Thursday evening Mrs: Henderson attended the Achievement night program to receive her certificate in Roy . Ball's, upholstering class at the Ripley District High School. • Lori-and-C-indrErnmerton-of-----: Kincardine spent a week end rec- ently with their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Oraeri Rock and farbily , in Ripley, Also Mr. Lorne Emnierton visited with the' Rocklamily a week/ago last • Sunday. • • • $ • • car was travelling north on High- way 21 when the Lucknow- Co-op • gas and oil truck travelling west on the second concession came to the intersection. The brake's on the truck failed and the driver was helpless to stop his vehicle. • In the resulting collision the truck tumbled several times • landing on its side past the inter- section and On the =north west corner beside the Henry farm. The •car , according tolreporti , had one , side smashed to pieces. • It is also reported that Leonard Cour y .was qu his farm rive- . way , earning to\ the road , and witnessed the entire accident happen in a few brief 'seconds. Garage towed the smashed car to Kincardine. The big wrecker, from Lankin's Garage Was able to get the truck back, on its wheels and take it to Lucknow, The Ripley firemen 'were then able to -was way•with-thei-r fire hose using the fire truck. Two cruisers and three Ontario Provin- cial Police officers were on duty at theo scene. ' . In recent years three other deaths occurred at or near this same corner. _Ronnie Brown, returning from a 'dance in Riple.y, crashed into the cement bridge just to the south of Leonard's house on the Bluewater and was killed. Jim MacDonald, veteran of the .First World War and well known farmer on concession six„ died:near 'Melvin Henry's gate when crashed by another car and then a young boy died when he fell from a truck at the corner. Besides, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Courtney arid family aie rio strangers to sudden tragedy as two of their sons died from that train crash on Monday, evening, February 20, 1967 in Ripley. For Canada it was Centennial year and .Expo 67 in l\,10ntreal. 'For. Ripley and Huron it was the year of. the most tragic deaths in its hist- ry With Fire Chief Doug Liddle in. Paisley, and deputy chief Jack MacLean trying to recover from eye surgery recently, interim Chiefs George MacLean and. Johnny Dodds, Ted Rouse; Oraen ROck, Lloyd Wylds and Clarence Pollock; just back 'from Florida , were the Ripley firemen at the scene from a quarter to 12 to a quarter to 3 in the afternoon. is almost hereThylooking at Elmer Courtney's feed store. The bills advertising up Coming farm We'll putyou. in, mainstreet window is coated with sales. ,-the picture. Marie Stanley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stanley of Clark, Concession 12 in Huron To‘",trihi'p I on 'beinc. named the best actress in the drama festiv 3 n Port Elgin on Friday afternoon. The festival was adjusted 1)% a lady CONTINUED ON FAC,F e • 0. 'dive larQ1 1001 -Al Pa atPe Coast 1964 Plan ,apes e0nv Oler 1100 Mrs. betel S,S exte his 1 God Lucy CMS aglu wife SOL J( mar .hou ass() C .o- ut Ac] Ael day the and tel act v4] and Lon Mis Me for 'Mrs Mrs and Ke' Merchandising and service businesses make a $50-billion contribution to the Canadian economy every year. They employ _more people and produce more revenue than any erindustrTgrwpt _ Now, in the final phase of the 1971 Census of Canada, -we're measuring, the precise share, of that activity generated by each business in these categories. The. figures , - relating to your' operation are vital to th)s. _measuring process. If you •are a. wholesaler, retailer, or sup- plier of .services, -you will have received 'a census questionnaire to complete. Please' fill it in and •mail it back-promptly. When the Census of Merchandising and Service Businesses has been taken, we' will be able to produce a clear picture of national trends in these fields, 'so you can see exactly where you fit in. • " Whatever youn-sales_volume_ma_y