HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1972-03-22, Page 13. ... • .. , . , . •• ,•••• -•• •-• • ter mysel 411 t . • . order, it only takes a secorid. Then I jot them down in my free Personal Directory, that Bell "gave me, so I won't forget them. ' Bell Canada • I NE DAYS MARCH 22nd, 1972 lit School Enrolment 140, Day School 112 THE,.11,.PCKNOW ONTARIp, posters on the battle of llasitings. Three• good models were on display - a gladiator ,.Ro , man fashions and a Rothan house. In the kitchen always one of the more interesting places in the . 'school' Mrs. Rita Irwin assisted by Mrs. fileen Carter were in the midst of prepafinglnnch, And Of, course caretaker Murdock MacDon- ald can generally be found some . place, and always at work caring for the building... PAM' TWO R1P LORA !\ IA red - - persons,atiended the Achieve-. rent program .and display ,of the night, school classes 'last Thursday evening in the Ripley 1)istrict• High Schbol; 1he anditoritim- g\ ninasium was the setting and it' was lined with the displays of • the carious Even the .-side; .arid.hac,k drapes on the stage were decorated with.larQe attractive artificial floWerS. People were present froM•Luc .know ;. WinOlant , Teeswat.cr, as we11'as Ripley and -the surrounding' toWnships of 1 in r- Public Has Night School on., .Ashfield ., Kinloss and Kincar; dine. • lr~ the •ey,,,ealrigprosram the public was given the period. from • 6 to 8.3o to view the os,. plays, First inside the auditOrihm. door were sampres, of material done by the typing class. Taking, this class were Bill BissonnettF , Jane Paquette , Wayne Armstrong, Mrs, 'Mildred Wylds,. Linda Smith Mrs, Ora .Martin „ ..Sandy Pollock, Sherry Pollock,. Bet•ty,,,.nne God-;• free, Larry.trwin, Mrs. Pearl.. . White , Connie Pollock and Mrs. Bonnie .McIntyre. .• Next along the south wall and half way along the east or back ' end of the auditorium was the greatest' collection 'of oil paintings ever seen at •one- time in Ripley. Talking to. the teacher Mrs. Ross :Shiells of tucknoW around 5 p.m, she was certainly pleased,and we are sure everyone would agree • that Annie did an excellent job With her class of 23 students'„ It . was reported that one' picture -onT display,h-ad just sold for one hund- - red doll'ars.- a fact which could vaTily be true -- considering the quality of work. The'appearance of the art disprayTwaval-n--Tos-r-the yond. description in its beauty wild varietyiot scene's and topics Those enrolled in Mrs. Annie' - Shiells'" course were Mary ;Ander-; sOn;.Betty Aekert, Bob • .;;;E: sonnette , Mrs. Althea Devitt .• Mrs. Ralph Elliott , Mrs. Frank • Fair, Mrs. Frances Godfrey., Mrs., Earl Lohnes;.Mrs: Marie Lowry ; Joan Maize Mrs. Pearl ..MacKa y , 'Mrs. Bette MacLeod; Mrs. Janet Needham , hors,: Odendahl, ;Mrs.... Mar jorie• Reid Mamie • Roulston , Margaret. Smith-:, Bev-erley Klis. Mildred, Thompson, Myra van Ste. mpvoort Marie.'Wilkins , Mrs.. Sam Fmerson, Erma Cook. Clare Courtney. They had' or.1 display .a nice variety of knitted , articles including a fghans,,,sweat- ers, cushion covers with the cush- ions And Several other things mak- ing an attractive table and wall display, . Mrs, Dorothy Needham had a wall display .next on the north wall made up of pictures and posters on her course "Physical Fitness". One of the posters of interest listed the five basic exercises - running, sit ups, push ups , touching toes ,• and deep knee bends. In this course were Carol Bell, Eileen Byers, -Marion Henry , Rita -Irwin, Glenna Farrell, Nancy;Swan, Helen Moore, Margie Pollard Janice Paquette-, Millie. Cadotte , Chris Bell,. arid Carol. Henry. • • The ,next,,display was that on interior decOrating with Miss. Marg- aret Machan, art teacher on the day staff at the Riply District High -SChool as'the instructor. She 'had ' a display of, fancy •cOloured "Swag" lamps complete with chains for ceiling hanging., The shades Of the lainps were in pink, '• green,. blue , and red eulours-amd PAGE THIRTEEN last Thursday, March it), was . ely advertised as Riplora ilia at e gipley District High School. it lassomething brand new here - a ~aywhenthe public and parents c ould visit the school any tinie (I or n 9 to 4 to see the regular `lasses in:session, About twenty roper cent of the 'parents a vail- ed themselves.of the oppOrtlIllity ;ado so. William Turvill., cipal of the school, when asked , Oid he just happened onto the name "RiPlorarria", In its two, parts it was "open house" for die day classes and achievement night for the night school. Classes which were,held on Thurs- day evenings since last fall. Inside the frOnt door and also inside the west' entrance door were tables containing literature, pert- aining to the day and attended by students in.shir'. When this re- porter went 'o the school Wayne Arnistrol. at the frOnt doorancUliSs Mar ,;.Het Anne Courtney at the west entrance; One sheet listed the navies of the. regular school staff with the it degrees2ncisubjeets taught , the different activities of the, day and the plans of the two floors of the school. These plans were drawn • by-MrsT-DorothyNeedliant-who. was also the special hostess in tlie• halls to,.greetand, help visitors for their visit .. • • Anothet pamphlet of,eleyii pagesiiesigned by Miss.' Margaret • %char], was entitled ''We're Rolling Out Red Carpet for • You and had a „drawing Odle front view.Of the school ,on its _ _ cover. A page of draWings with labels was devoted to each of these geography , French., se iencu showing;Candu, Art , librar\ , En •T • fish, Mathematics , Man in 'Soc lety and History, in the, rear part of the lower hall'Was a "hospital-. ity.table" where free cups. of • • coffee were given to; the visitors. Shifts of students handed Ott. e iers out, • , • iiistourstarted in Mr.,Reuben Burnett's room the west One at • the top of the stairs. It is the .. • geography room and in the' second period'of the morning, Mr. 'Born etthad fifth year`gebgraphy -• the topic "clirreate 'of the Prairie PrOv- inces of Canada". He had already taken Canadian literature. with level 41,r.1~a ;class, He had four more periods in geography and onC.in Despite a painful heel initiry• Burnett stuck but the day Across the hall vice principal 'Mrs. Katherine Collins was tea eh- ing-Ereirc4. Her room was lined ,with 50 Posters on •suclrtopies :as parts of a car, a hockey player , seasons of the year ,.snow HibBilos and so on: A large Model can - • with a white and -red ,la be I ''the new Campbell Chunky' Soup" -` alllabela we're in French. One otter featurint.,, a' silo ;'; IC was excellent; It was.klon c; B \ Doug klessengqr of Reids ConteN'. Mrs.. Collins uses an overhead projector tapereeorder, record player for drills, and cOmprehe ns t est.'s . • _Theiteict-gtep.was ••\1j, an's artroom which featured dif- ferent types if work p ' , coloured la nips ; iii ode Is in balsa , wood 'and other n1.1' nails , • vases, oojects Made froli; ed yarn - all very colour 110 . • . Of course before start in:, the iplorama In Two Parts, pants To -Visit Day and faa ;upp ;rch ;an ; in- ire d El s. B ger. Mrs Lima saw p as MS, ear, ,:erl ack 3rde lily. clog ning 4h ?!.; 10 ;as Al Mt 41Ia an Gor llin Rif ids Iron !re wee Across the, hallway Mr. Brian Esch was using a record player featuring ,pop music - followed, by a discussion on the poetry in this The first guests to four the school around 9.30 were Mrs. Helen•Mc•C'reath and Mrs. Lor- raine Holmes; Of the. Ripley Royal Bank. Bank. Pictures were•taken dui-- • Next along tire baCk wall, of the auditorium was, a' display of 'needlecraft by members of Mrs. _ponaid Enrolled,in it Were. Elsie' Forrester, .Alma HuY ton , Mrs.. Grace Bissonnette , Mrs. Maryc. Macponald, Florence,, MacDonald , Joan Pollard „„ Eva Freei'nan MrS, Betty Hooey and Wa lkerton secondary; School staff was a popular one. with the girls and boys .at the high schOol tak-, a ing it were. Cameron Cook", ley Dickieson , Perry. Elliott,,,Jarri- esFarrell;John Farrell, Kevin Harrison Steve Henry , .Gayle Huston Kathy .1\109re ; • Mary • Ne.cdharn , David Mac Dom'. • • CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 • of fibre material construction. She also 'had vases of beautiful artificial flowers and plaques in her display. There were fifteen in the class including Mrs. Kath- erine Collins; Eileen Greer , - • Nancy MacLennan, Delores Pol- lock, Rachel Lemoing , Mrs. Nina Silverstone , Dianne Gamble , Shirley MacDonald; Jisele Beaupres , Alice Gamble , Gladys Johnston, Anielda Murray, Lois Pollock; Wendy Pollock ; Freda - The driver educationeourse with Mr. Tim Manc.ell of the •• . • • • I can get the number If you haven't already got your pocket-sized • Personal Directory -- or would like an extra one' -= please call us, and we'll-send-you a copy, free. I3Y AB tour and interviews a visit was `- made to see Mr. Turvill, the principal antis secretary Mrs. liugliMason and a visit. to, the, staff room which was freshly dec- orated and supplied with new furniture this past year. At the bottom of the rear stairs in the science room '- our old stamping ground r Mr. "'Sara" Malhotra was featuring a discus- sion lesson on radioactivity and the Bruce Nuelear .Generating station at Douglas Point. This room has a new fume cupboaid and new chemical cupboards rec- ently installed by ,carpenter Joe Rudder. It also has an overhead Traleetor-and now hand-les all the science classes. ' ing the afternoon by Miss Pax Btir- ley of the Kincardine News Staff, and in the evening by the. editor Ted Rowcliffe-. What does One write abourthe place where one ha-spent so many years? The , entire•staff and all the students were courteous and friendly - everything was proceeding smooth- type. of mus-tc•-:-----Fr-kre-lra-1-1-.-to— esp t►tenr _nron , . the former second science lab was coming that evening and a big Doug Coultes teaching • day on Friday 'the 17th, math.. -He now takes all the .classes in mathematics here. Diagrams were on the board ex- plaining the metric' system which mitt'., be ,all Greek or French to some. • ' • , . The new-enlarged library down- stairs in the former .schobl hoard room found Mr. id Brown super- vising students doing research projects. In the g,yrnna-sium audi tOrium badminton nets , were set up for anyone wanting a ‘gaMe.. In-the cafeteria 1%.1rs.13arbara- Bur. gess •has . this room fitted out for 'history classes. • Over the front boards the students 'had 8•,special posters on Rome while on. the. side there were .1, • ,